2023年8月 6日 (日)




9 Authorship of work.


(3) In the case of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work which is computer-generated, the author shall be taken to be the person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work are undertaken.


12 Duration of copyright in literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works.


(7) If the work is computer-generated the above provisions do not apply and copyright expires at the end of the period of 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was made.


79 Exceptions to right.

(1) The right conferred by section 77 (right to be identified as author or director) is subject to the following exceptions.

(2) The right does not apply in relation to the following descriptions of work -
(a) a computer program;
(b) the design of a typeface;
(c) any computer-generated work.


81 Exceptions to right.

(1) The right conferred by section 80 (right to object to derogatory treatment of work) is subject to the following exceptions.

(2) The right does not apply to a computer program or to any computer-generated work.


178 Minor definitions.

In this Part -


"computer-generated", in relation to a work, means that the work is generated by computer in circumstances such that there is no human author of the work;


第9条 著作物の著作者


第3項 コンピュータ生成された、文学、劇、音楽又は芸術の著作物の場合、著作物の作成に必要な仕組みを整えた者が著作者とされる。


第12条 文学、劇、音楽又は芸術の著作物の著作権の期間


第7項 著作物がコンピュータ生成されたものであるとき、前の規定は適用されず、著作権は著作物が作成された暦年の終わりから五十年の期間の終わりに終了する。


第79条 権利の例外

第1項 第77条(著作者又は監督として特定される権利)により付与される権利は以下の例外に服する。

第2項 当該権利は以下の著作物の種類については適用されない-


第81条 権利の例外

第1項 第80条(著作物の名誉毀損的な取扱いに反対する権利)により付与される権利は以下の例外に服する。

第2項 当該権利はコンピュータプログラム又はコンピュータ生成著作物には適用されない。


第178条 細かな定義







105. In so far as each composite frame is a computer generated work then the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work were undertaken by Mr Jones because he devised the appearance of the various elements of the game and the rules and logic by which each frame is generated and he wrote the relevant computer program. In these circumstances I am satisfied that Mr Jones is the person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the works were undertaken and therefore is deemed to be the author by virtue of s.9(3).

106. Before leaving this topic there is one further complexity I must consider and that is the effect of player input. The appearance of any particular screen depends to some extent on the way the game is being played. For example, when the rotary knob is turned the cue rotates around the cue ball. Similarly, the power of the shot is affected by the precise moment the player chooses to press the play button. The player is not, however, an author of any of the artistic works created in the successive frame images. His input is not artistic in nature and he has contributed no skill or labour of an artistic kind. Nor has he undertaken any of the arrangements necessary for the creation of the frame images. All he has done is to play the game.








Executive summary


6. For computer-generated works, we plan no changes to the law. There is no evidence at present that protection for CGWs is harmful, and the use of AI is still in its early stages. As such, a proper evaluation of the options is not possible, and any changes could have unintended consequences. We will keep the law under review and could amend, replace or remove protection in future if the evidence supports it.

7. For text and data mining, we plan to introduce a new copyright and database exception which allows TDM for any purpose. Rights holders will still have safeguards to protect their content, including a requirement for lawful access.


Copyright in computer-generated works


19. Computer-generated works (CGWs) are copyright works without a human author. They are currently protected in UK copyright law. As part of our consultation, we asked whether they should continue to be protected and, if so, how. We also asked about related issues: the impacts of similar provisions in designs law, and risks of false attribution.

20. 61 written responses expressed a view on one or more of these issues. The majority favoured no change to the law (Option 0). Fewer respondents supported either of the other two options. Many, on all sides, said that there is little evidence of protection for CGWs having significant impacts at present.

21. We have decided to adopt Option 0: make no changes to the law. There is no evidence at present that protection for CGWs is harmful, and the use of AI is still in its early stages. As such, a proper evaluation of the options is not possible, and any changes could have unintended consequences. But we will keep the law under review and could amend, replace or remove protection in future if the evidence supports it.


Text and Data Mining


31. Text and data mining (TDM) means using computational techniques to analyse large amounts of information to identify patterns, trends and other useful information. TDM is used for training AI systems, amongst other uses. It also has uses in research, journalism, marketing, business analytics and by cultural heritage organisations. The consultation outlined options in relation to text and data mining, which developers of AI and other copyright users had identified in the call for views.

32. Although factual data, trends and concepts are not protected by copyright, they are often embedded in copyright works. Data mining systems copy works to extract and analyse the data they contain. Unless permitted under licence or an exception, making such copies will constitute copyright infringement.

33. Some rights holders license their works to allow TDM, but others do not. This has financial costs for people using data mining software. To reduce these costs for researchers, an exception to copyright for TDM was introduced in 2014. This is set out in section 29A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. It is limited to non-commercial research, following EU rules which were in place at its creation.

34. Several other countries have introduced copyright exceptions for TDM. These encourage AI development and other services to locate there. Territories with exceptions include the EU, Japan and Singapore. TDM may also be fair use under US law, depending on the facts.

34. Several other countries have introduced copyright exceptions for TDM. These encourage AI development and other services to locate there. Territories with exceptions include the EU, Japan and Singapore. TDM may also be fair use under US law, depending on the facts.

36. 65 respondents expressed a preference, with a spread of views across the responses. Almost no quantitative evidence was provided on the licensing environment or other questions.

37. Rights holders favoured no change or licensing solutions to help make more material available for TDM. Users of copyright and database material favoured a wider exception. They highlighted the costs of licensing and difficulties in obtaining licences, especially when many rights holders are involved.

38. The Government has decided to introduce a new copyright and database exception which allows TDM for any purpose, along the lines of Option 4. This option is the most supportive of AI and wider innovation.
























  • イギリス著作権法のコンピュータ生成著作物に関する規定とAI生成物との関係は明確ではないが、人の著作者が存在しないと評価される場合に、元のAIサービスの開発者・提供者が著作権を有する可能性があり、AI生成物の生成と利用の両方において、比較的高い著作権侵害のリスクがあり得る。
  • さらに、イギリス著作権法には、AI学習のために利用できるEUと同レベルの一般目的のテキスト及びデータマイニングに関する権利制限がなく、AIの学習のための著作物の利用そのものが原則違法と考えられ得る。そのため、政府は一般目的のテキスト及びデータマイニングの権利制限を導入すると一旦決定した。しかし、著作権団体のロビーによって頓挫し、行動規範に関する検討に移ったが、これは権利制限の代わりになるものではない。





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2018年11月11日 (日)





Over half of the responses were supportive of making a change to the current legislative framework. It is argued that changes are required to provide the necessary tools to take action against those who sell and distribute illicit streaming devices or produce apps that facilitate access to infringing material.

Other responses however disagree and argue that the current framework is already flexible enough to deal with the threat posed by illicit devices and apps as evidenced by the successful use of a wide range of offences to prosecute offenders.




Given the polarised opinions received in response to this Call for Views, the Government sought independent legal advice regarding a range of potential amendments to legislation in this area. Counsel advised that in their view the existing legislative framework is sufficient to capture the supply and use of ISDs. In particular, section 11 of the Fraud Act 2006 and section 44 of the Serious Crime Act 2007 in combination cover the criminality that arises in relation to ISDs, and these Acts also provide sufficient sentencing powers for those offences.

Counsel further commented that the number of successful prosecutions to date supports the view that the existing legal framework is sufficient at this time.

Following this advice, and in light of the successful prosecutions subsequently secured through the Courts, the Government is not proposing to make legislative changes at this time.

The Government does however continue to believe that the infringement of IP rights through illicit TV streaming is a significant and pressing threat in the UK. In light of this we have continued to push forward with a range of work to tackle this criminality.






In addition to this ongoing work, we plan to:
・ As outlined in the Creative Industries Sector Deal, we will consider the evidence for and potential impact of administrative site blocking (as opposed to requiring a High Court injunction in every case), as well as identifying the mechanisms through which administrative site blocking could be introduced.
・ Work to identify disruptions that may be applied at other points in the supply chain, for example App developers, and further develop our understanding of the effect of new generation smart TVs on how this infringement occurs.
・ Undertake research into consumer attitudes/motivations towards use of ISDs in order to develop more effective strategies for reducing levels of use.
・ Deliver up to date training to Trading Standards officers via the established IP in Practice courses.
・ The Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) will continue to prioritise resources in this area, taking appropriate action against those traders who seek to encourage copyright infringement through the sale of IPTV boxes.








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2018年10月 8日 (月)





97A Injunctions against service providers

(1)The High Court (in Scotland, the Court of Session) shall have power to grant an injunction against a service provider, where that service provider has actual knowledge of another person using their service to infringe copyright.

(2)In determining whether a service provider has actual knowledge for the purpose of this section, a court shall take into account all matters which appear to it in the particular circumstances to be relevant and, amongst other things, shall have regard to-
(a)whether a service provider has received a notice through a means of contact made available in accordance with regulation 6(1)(c) of the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/2013); and

(b)the extent to which any notice includes-
(i)the full name and address of the sender of the notice;
(ii)details of the infringement in question.

(3) In this section "service provider" has the meaning given to it by regulation 2 of the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002.

第97A条 サービスプロバイダーに対する差し止め

第1項 高等裁判所(スコットランドにおいては、控訴院)は、サービスプロバイダーが他の者がそのサービスを著作権を侵害する事に使っている事を実際に知った場合、サービスプロバイダーに対する差し止めを認める権限を有する。

第2項 本条の目的のためにサービスプロバイダーが実際に知ったかどうかを決めるにあたり、裁判所は関係する個別の状況においてそこに現れるあらゆる事を考慮に入れなければならず、特に次の事に注意しなければならない-
(a)サービスプロバイダーが、電子商取引(EC指令)規則2002(SI 2002/2013)の規則6(1)(c)に沿って提供する連絡手段を通じて通知を受け取っているかどうか;そして


(c)本条において「サービスプロバイダー」は、電子商取引(EC指令)規則2002(SI 2002/2013)の規則2によって与えられる意味である。

 この著作権法第97A条に基づいて最初にブロッキングを認容したのは、イギリス高裁の2011年7月28日の20世紀フォックス対ブリティッシュテレコム(「Newzbin2」)事件の判決だが、このNewzbin2事件は、その前の2010年3月29日の20世紀フォックス対Newzbin(「Newzbin1」)事件の判決でNewzbinの運営者に対して差し止めが認められ(この最初の事件自体特にテイクダウンのための通知もなくいきなり裁判で差し止めを認めており全く問題がないとは思えないが)、このサイトの提供が止まった後に、未知の者によって同様のサイトの提供が始まった事から起こされたものである。(ここで、イギリスの「High Court」の訳に「高裁」を当てたがこれらは第一審判決である。以下全て同じ。)





 2012年から2017年の著作権ブロッキング裁判事件には、ドラマティコ他対ブリティシュテレコム他(「The Pirate Bay」)事件(2012年2月20日の判決、同年5月2日の判決)、EMI他対ブリティシュスカイ他(「KAT」)事件(2013年2月28日の判決)、フットボール連盟対ブリティシュスカイ他(「FirstRow」)事件(2013年7月16日の判決)、パラマウント他対ブリティシュスカイ他(「SolarMovie」)事件(2013年11月13日の判決)、同(「Viooz」)事件(2014年2月18日の判決)、1967他対ブリティシュスカイ他(「bittorrent.am」)事件(2014年10月23日の判決)、20世紀フォックス他対スカイUK他(「Afdah」)事件(2015年4月28日の判決)、フットボール連盟対ブリティシュテレコム他事件(2017年3月13日の判決)などがあるが、これらの事件はほぼ全て最初のNewzbin2事件と同じアーノルド判事が判決を書いているので自分の判例をそのまま適用してブロッキングを認めているに過ぎない。(2014年5月16日にはNewzbinの関係者と見られる人物に対する判決も出されているが、ブロッキングとは直接関係ないのでここではおく。)

(なお、アイルランドの裁判所は、最初比較的妥当な判断をしてブロッキングを認めていなかったのが、上の判決の影響からブロッキング認容に転じ、似たような状況になっている(アイルランド高裁のEMI他対EIRCOM(「Pirate Bay」)事件(2009年7月24日の判決、2010年4月16日の判決)、EMI他対UPC(「Pirate Bay」)事件(2010年10月11日の判決))、EMI対UPC(「Pirate Bay」)事件(2013年5月3日の判決)、EMI他対UPC他(「Pirate Bay」)事件(2013年6月12日の判決)。)


37 Powers of High Court with respect to injunctions and receivers

(1) The High Court may by order (whether interlocutory or final) grant an injunction or appoint a receiver in all cases in which it appears to the court to be just and convenient to do so.

第37条 差し止めと管財人に関する高等裁判所の権限

第1項 高等裁判所は、裁判所にとって正しいと思え、そうする事が適切と思える場合、あらゆるケースにおいて(中間的にであれ最終的にであれ)差し止め又は管財人の指定を認める事ができる。



33. In English law, the starting point is the intermediary's legal innocence. An ISP would not incur liability for trade mark infringement under English law, even in the absence of the safe harbour provisions of the E-Commerce Directive. National law could not attach liability to the intermediary's involvement consistently with those provisions. An ISP serving as a "mere conduit" has no means of knowing what use is being made of his network by third parties to distribute illegal content. Even when it is informed of this, it does not have the limited duty to take proactive steps to stop access to illegal content which is implicit in the conditions governing the immunities for caching and hosting. Its only duty is to comply with an order of the Court. There is no legal basis for requiring a party to shoulder the burden of remedying an injustice if he has no legal responsibility for the infringement and is not a volunteer but is acting under the compulsion of an order of the court.

33 イギリス法においては、出発点は仲介者は法的に無実だという事である。ISPは、電子商取引指令のセーフハーバー規定の欠如にかかわらず、イギリス法の下で著作権侵害の責任を負う事はない。国内法は、その規定と合致するように仲介者の関与に責任を付与することはできない。「単なる導管」として機能するISPは第三者がそのネットワークをどう使用して違法なコンテンツを頒布しているかを知る手段を持たない。その事を知らされた場合であっても、キャッシングやホスティングについての免責を規律する条件に暗黙に含まれる、違法なコンテンツへのアクセスを止めるという積極的な措置を取る限定的な義務を負う事はない。その唯一の義務は裁判所の命令に従う事である。ある者が権利侵害について法的責任を負わず、自主的にではなく裁判所の命令によって強制されて行動する場合に、不正を救済するための負担を負う事をその者に求める法的根拠はない。





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2014年4月15日 (火)





28B Personal copies for private use
The making of a copy of a work, other than a computer program, by an individual does not infringe copyright in the work provided that the copy-
(a)is a copy of-
(i)the individual's own copy of the work, or
(ii)a personal copy of the work made by the individual,
(b)is made for the individual's private use, and
(c)is made for ends which are neither directly nor indirectly commercial.

(2) In this section "the individual's own copy" is a copy which-
(a)has been lawfully acquired by the individual on a permanent basis,
(b)is not an infringing copy, and
(c)has not been made under any provision of this Chapter which permits the making of a copy without infringing copyright.

(3) In this section a "personal copy" means a copy made under this section.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (2)(a), a copy "lawfully acquired on a permanent basis"-
(a)includes a copy which has been purchased, obtained by way of a gift, or acquired by means of a download resulting from a purchase or a gift (other than a download of a kind mentioned in paragraph (b)); and
(b)does not include a copy which has been borrowed, rented, broadcast or streamed, or a copy which has been obtained by means of a download enabling no more than temporary access to the copy.

(5) In subsection (1)(b) "private use" includes private use facilitated by the making of a copy-
(a)as a back up copy,
(b)for the purposes of format-shifting, or
(c)for the purposes of storage, including in an electronic storage area accessed by means of the internet or similar means which is accessible only by the individual (and the person responsible for the storage area).

(6) Copyright in a work is infringed if an individual transfers a personal copy of the work to another person (otherwise than on a private and temporary basis), except where the transfer is authorised by the copyright owner.

(7) If copyright is infringed as set out in subsection (6), a personal copy which has been transferred is for all purposes subsequently treated as an infringing copy.

(8) Copyright in a work is also infringed if an individual, having made a personal copy of the work, transfers the individual's own copy of the work to another person (otherwise than on a private and temporary basis) and, after that transfer and without the licence of the copyright owner, retains any personal copy.

(9) If copyright is infringed as set out in subsection (8), any retained personal copy is for all purposes subsequently treated as an infringing copy.

(10) To the extent that a term of a contract purports to prevent or restrict the making of a copy which, by virtue of this section, would not infringe copyright, that term is unenforceable.

第28B条 私的利用のための個人的複製

第2項 本条において「個人所有のコピー」とは、そのコピーが以下である場合である-

第3項 本条において「個人的コピー」は本条の下で作成されたコピーを意味する。

第4項 第2項(a)の目的において、「持続する形で合法的に入手され」たコピーとは-

第5項 第1項(b)において、「私的利用」はコピーの作成が以下として簡単にできるようにされている場合の私的利用を含む-

第6項 著作物における著作権は、著作権者によりその譲渡が許諾されていない限り、(私的かつ一時的な形でなされる場合を除き)個人が著作物の個人的コピーを他の者に譲渡した場合に侵害される。

第7項 第6項で規定される著作権侵害の場合に、譲渡された個人的コピーはあらゆる目的において以後違法なコピーとして扱われる。

第8項 著作物における著作権は、(私的かつ一時的な形でなされる場合を除き)著作物の個人的コピーを作成した個人が著作物の個人所有のコピーを他の者に譲渡し、かつ、その譲渡後に著作権者のライセンスなく個人的コピーを保持した場合にも侵害される。

第9項 第8項に規定される著作権侵害の場合に、保持された個人的コピーはあらゆる目的において以後違法なコピーとして扱われる。

第10項 本条により著作権を侵害しないとされる行為を抑止又は制限しようとする契約条項はその限りにおいて実施できない。




Remedy where restrictive measures prevent or restrict personal copying
296ZEA. (1)
  This section applies where an individual is prevented from making a personal copy of a copyright work, or is restricted in the number of personal copies of it which may be made, because of a restrictive measure applied by or on behalf of the copyright owner.

(2) That individual, or a person being a representative of a class of such individuals, may issue a notice of complaint to the Secretary of State.

(3) Following receipt of a notice of complaint, the Secretary of State may give to the owner of that copyright work or an exclusive licensee such directions as appear to the Secretary of State to be requisite or expedient for the purpose of-
(a)establishing whether any voluntary measure or agreement relevant to the copyright work subsists, or
(b)(where it is established there is no subsisting voluntary measure or agreement) ensuring that the owner or exclusive licensee of that copyright work makes available to the complainant or the class of individuals represented by the complainant the means of benefiting from section 28B to the extent necessary to benefit from that section.

(4) In deciding whether to give such directions, the Secretary of State must consider whether the restrictive measure unreasonably prevents or restricts the making of personal copies, in particular having regard to-
(a)the right of the copyright owner to adopt adequate measures limiting the number of personal copies which may be made, and
(b)whether other copies of the work are commercially available on reasonable terms by or with the authority of the copyright owner in a form which does not prevent or unreasonably restrict the making of personal copies.

(5) The Secretary of State may also give directions-
(a)as to the form and manner in which a notice of complaint in subsection (2) may be delivered,
(b)as to the form and manner in which evidence of any voluntary measure or agreement may be delivered, and
(c)generally as to the procedure to be followed in relation to a complaint made under this section,
and shall publish directions given under this subsection in such manner as the Secretary of State thinks will secure adequate publicity for them.

(6) Subsections (5) to (8) of section 296ZE-
(a)apply to directions under subsection (3)(a) or (b) as they apply to directions under section 296ZE(3)(a) or (b), and
(b)apply to directions under subsection (5) as they apply to directions under section 296ZE(4).

(7) This section does not apply to copyright works made available to the public on agreed contractual terms in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.

(8) In this section-
"restrictive measure" means any technology, device or component designed, in the normal course of its operation, to protect the rights of copyright owners, which has the effect of preventing a copyright work from being copied (in whole or in part) or restricting the number of copies which may be made;
"personal copy" means a copy of a copyright work which may be made under section 28B;
"voluntary measure or agreement" has the same meaning as in section 296ZE, except that the reference to carrying out a permitted act is to be read as a reference to making a personal copy.

(9) Subsections (1) to (8) apply with any necessary adaptations to-
(a)rights in performances, and in this context "personal copy" refers to a copy of a recording of a performance which may be made under paragraph 1B of Schedule 2 without infringing the rights conferred by Chapter 2 of Part II (rights in performances), and
(b)publication right.

第296ZA条 第1項

第2項 その個人又はそのような個人のクラスを代表する者は、国務大臣に申し立てをすることができる。

第3項 申し立ての受理後、国務大臣は以下の目的のため必要又は適切と思われる指示をその著作物の著作権者又は排他的ライセンスを受けた者に出すことができる-

第4項 そのような指示を出すかどうかを決めるにあたって、国務大臣はその制限手段が、特に以下の点に照らして個人的コピーを不合理に抑止又は制限するものであるかどうかを考慮しなければならない-

第5項 国務大臣は以下に関する指示を与えることもできる-

第6項 第286ZE条第5項から第8項は-

第7項 本条は、公衆の各員が任意の時間において任意の場所からに著作物へアクセスできるとする合意契約条項によって公衆に入手可能とされている著作物には適用されない。

第8項 本条において-

第9項 第1項から第8項は、以下に準用される-




30A Caricature, parody or pastiche
Fair dealing with a work for the purposes of caricature, parody or pastiche does not infringe copyright in the work.

(2) To the extent that a term of a contract purports to prevent or restrict the doing of any act which, by virtue of this section, would not infringe copyright, that term is unenforceable.

第30A条 カリカチュア、パロディ又はパスティーシュ
第1項 著作物のカリカチュア、パロディ又はパスティーシュのためのフェアディーリング利用は著作権を侵害しない。

第2項 本条により著作権を侵害しないとされる行為抑止又は制限しようとする契約条項はその限りにおいて実施できない。













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2013年2月18日 (月)





  • Private copying - to permit people to copy digital content they have bought onto any medium or device that they own, but strictly for their own personal use such as transferring their music collection or eBooks to their tablet, phone or to a private cloud;
  • Education - to simplify copyright licensing for the education sector and make it easier for teachers to use copyright materials on interactive whiteboards and similar technology in classrooms and provide access to copyright works over secure networks to support the growing demand for distance learning handouts for students;
  • Quotation and news reporting - to create a more general permission for quotation of copyright works for any purpose, as long as the use of a particular quotation is “fair dealing” and its source is acknowledged;
  • Parody, caricature and pastiche - to allow limited copying on a fair dealing basis which would allow genuine parody, but prohibit copying disguised as parody;
  • Research and private study - to allow sound recordings, films and broadcasts to be copied for non-commercial research and private study purposes without permission from the copyright holder. This includes both user copying and library copying;
  • Data analytics for non-commercial research - to allow non-commercial researchers to use computers to study published research results and other data without copyright law interfering;
  • Access for people with disabilities - to allow people with disabilities the right to obtain copyright works in accessible formats where a suitable one is not already on the market;
  • Archiving and preservation - to allow museums, galleries, libraries and archives to preserve any type of copyright work that is in their permanent collection which cannot readily be replaced; and
  • Public administration - to widen existing exceptions to enable more public bodies to share proactively third party information online, which would reflect the existing position in relation to the use of paper copies.
  • 私的複製−何かしらの所有媒体又は機器向けに買ったデジタルコンテンツを複製することを人々に許すこと、ただし、音楽コレクション又は電子書籍を自らのタブレット、携帯電話又はプライベートクラウドに移すような自身の私的利用目的のみに限る;
  • 教育−教育分野における著作権ライセンスを容易化し、教室でインタラクティブなホワイトボードや類似の技術を用いて著作権素材を教師が使用することを容易にし、生徒のため遠隔教育教材に関する増大する要求に応えるべくセキュアなネットワーク上で著作物へのアクセスを可能とする;
  • 引用及び時事報道−どのような目的であれ、特定の引用が「フェアディーリング」でその引用元が分かる限り、より広く著作物の引用を認めることとする;
  • パロディ、カリカチュア、パスティーシュ−フェアディーリングの考えに基づき限定的複製を認める、これは真性のパロディを認めるがパロディと偽った複製を禁止するものである;
  • 研究と私的学習−非商業的研究及び私的研究目的の録音、映像及び放送の無許諾複製を認める。これは利用者の複製と図書館の複製の両方を含む;
  • 非商業的研究のためのデータ分析−非商業的研究者に著作権法の干渉を受けることなくコンピュータを使って公表された研究結果や他のデータを研究することを認める:
  • 障害者のためのアクセス−障害のある人々に、適した形式のものが既に市場にない場合にアクセス可能な形式での著作物を入手する権利を認める;
  • アーカイブと保存−博物館、美術館、図書館及び文書館にその永久コレクションにあり、簡単に取り替えがきかないあらゆる種類の著作物の保存を認める;そして
  • 公的行政−既存の例外を拡大し、紙の複製の使用に関して、その立場を反映する、第三者の情報を積極的にオンラインで共有することをより多くの公的機関に可能とする。




1) Immediate issues for action: launch of stakeholder dialogue
A structured stakeholder dialogue will be launched at the start of 2013 to work to address six issues where rapid progress is needed: cross-border portability of content, user-generated content, data- and text-mining, private copy levies, access to audiovisual works and cultural heritage. The discussions will explore the potential and limits of innovative licensing and technological solutions in making EU copyright law and practice fit for the digital age.
This process will be jointly led by Michel Barnier, Neelie Kroes and Androulla Vassiliou. By December 2013 the College will take stock of the outcome of this dialogue which is intended to deliver effective market-led solutions to the issues identified, but does not prejudge the possible need for public policy action, including legislative reform.

2) Medium term issues for decision-making in 2014
This track will include the completion of the relevant market studies, impact assessment and legal drafting work with a view to a decision in 2014 whether to table legislative reform proposals. The following four issues will be addressed together: mitigating the effects of territoriality in the Internal Market; agreeing appropriate levels of harmonisation, limitations and exceptions to copyright in the digital age; how best to reduce the fragmentation of the EU copyright market; and how to improve the legitimacy of enforcement in the context of wider copyright reform. Based on the outcomes of this process the Commission will decide on the next steps necessary to complete its review of the EU copyright framework.








i.  La liberte d'expression constitue l'un des fondements essentiels d'une societe democratique, l'une des conditions primordiales de son progres et de l'epanouissement de chacun. Sous reserve du paragraphe 2 de l'article 10, elle vaut non seulement pour les « informations » ou « idees » accueillies avec faveur ou considerees comme inoffensives ou indifferentes, mais aussi pour celles qui heurtent, choquent ou inquietent : ainsi le veulent le pluralisme, la tolerance et l'esprit d'ouverture sans lesquels il n'est pas de « societe democratique ». Telle que la consacre l'article 10, elle est assortie d'exceptions qui appellent toutefois une interpretation etroite, et le besoin de la restreindre doit se trouver etabli de maniere convaincante.
ii.  L'adjectif « necessaire », au sens de l'article 10 § 2, implique un « besoin social imperieux ». Les Etats contractants jouissent d'une certaine marge d'appreciation pour juger de l'existence d'un tel besoin, mais elle se double d'un controle europeen portant a la fois sur la loi et sur les decisions qui l'appliquent, meme quand elles emanent d'une juridiction independante. La Cour a donc competence pour statuer en dernier lieu sur le point de savoir si une « restriction » se concilie avec la liberte d'expression que protege l'article 10.
iii. La Cour n'a point pour tâche, lorsqu'elle exerce son controle, de se substituer aux juridictions internes competentes, mais de verifier sous l'angle de l'article 10 les decisions qu'elles ont rendues en vertu de leur pouvoir d'appreciation. Il ne s'ensuit pas qu'elle doive se borner a rechercher si l'Etat defendeur a use de ce pouvoir de bonne foi, avec soin et de façon raisonnable : il lui faut considerer l'ingerence litigieuse a la lumiere de l'ensemble de l'affaire pour determiner si elle etait « proportionnee au but legitime poursuivi » et si les motifs invoques par les autorites nationales pour la justifier apparaissent « pertinents et suffisants ». Ce faisant, la Cour doit se convaincre que les autorites nationales ont applique des regles conformes aux principes consacres a l'article 10 et ce, de surcroit, en se fondant sur une appreciation acceptable des faits pertinents.







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2012年6月10日 (日)


 この6月8日に衆議院文部科学委員会で内閣提出の著作権法改正案(内容については第266回参照)の主旨説明が再度行われ、来週(定例日とすると最も早くて6月13日(水)だろうか)には採決が見込まれている(internet watchの記事も参照)目下この内閣提出の著作権法改正案に対し自公がダウンロード犯罪化のための修正提案を行うことはまず間違いない情勢で、与党の民主党がこれにどう対応するのか私も本当に不安である。




第506条 著作権侵害罪












第122−5条 公開された著作物について、著作権者は以下のことを禁止できない:
第2項 複製を行う者の私的利用に厳密に当てられ、集団的な利用を目的としない、合法ソースからなされる複製又はコピー、ただし、オリジナルの著作物と同じ目的のための利用を意図した美術の著作物のコピー、第122−6−1条第2項に規定されている条件でなされたバックアップコピー以外のプログラムのコピー並びに電子的なデータベースのコピー又は複製を除く。;

第221−3条 本編の権利者(訳注:隣接権者)は以下のことを禁止できない:













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2011年12月25日 (日)




Government plans to improve UK's copyright laws

Proposals to modernise the copyright system and remove unnecessary barriers to growth were unveiled by the Government today.

The consultation, which follows up the recommendations in the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property and Growth, is part of a wider programme of work from government that includes action to tackle online infringement of copyright and to make sure the copyright system best encourages the creation and use of music, books, video and other copyright material.

The proposals include:

Creating an exception to allow limited acts of private copying - for example making it legal to copy a CD to an MP3 player. This move will bring copyright law into line with modern technology and the reasonable expectations of consumers.

Widening the exception for non-commercial research to allow data mining, enabling researchers to achieve new medical and scientific advances from existing research. Currently researchers cannot use some new computer techniques to read data from journal articles which they have already paid to access without specific permission from the copyright owners of each article.

Introducing an exception for parody and pastiche, to give comedians and other people the creative freedom to parody someone else's work without seeking permission from the copyright holder.

Establishing licensing and clearance procedures for `orphan works' (material with unknown copyright owners). This would open up a range of works that are currently locked away in libraries and museums and unavailable for consumer or research purposes.

Introducing provision for voluntary extended collective licensing schemes, which would make it simpler to get permission to use copyrighted works and help ensure rights owners are paid. These schemes would allow authorised collecting societies to license on behalf of all rights holders in a sector (except for those who choose to opt out).

Modernising other exceptions to copyright including those for education, quotation, and people with disabilities.

Minister for Intellectual Property Baroness Wilcox said:

"The Government is focused on boosting growth and some freeing up of existing copyright legislation can deliver real value to the UK economy without risking our excellent creative industries. We are encouraging businesses to come forward with thoughts and evidence on our proposals to help us achieve this.

"It's an exciting time for the development of intellectual property in the UK. We have already appointed Richard Hooper to run a feasibility study into a Digital Copyright Exchange and this consultation is the next step to ensure copyright legislation in the UK keeps up to date with emerging technologies and consumer demand."

The Government is encouraging responses to the consultation which will close on 21 March.
















  • 十分な調査をした後、権利者団体あるいは著作権裁判所などの公的機関の許可により、孤児作品を使えるようにすること。
  • 特定の条件を満たす時、著作権団体が、オプトアウト方式で、その所属メンバーだけでなく、あるジャンル全体の代表としてライセンスを与えられるとすること。
  • 著作権団体の規約の最低基準を設定し、遵守しなかった場合に罰を科せるようにすること。
  • 個人利用のための私的複製の例外の導入。
  • 映像や音楽作品も含め複数の保存用コピーが作れるようにし、図書館だけでなく博物館などでも保存用のコピーを作れるようにする、図書館などのための例外の拡充。
  • 全てのメディアをカバーするよう、研究及び私的勉強のための例外の拡充。また、同施設内での研究及び私的勉強のための著作物の電気通信のための例外の導入。
  • 非商業的な研究のためのデータマイニングを目的とした、著作物全体の複製の可能化。
  • パロディ、カリカチュア及びパスティーシュのための例外の導入。
  • 映像や音楽作品も含め、より広い技術で複製が作れるようにし、複製可能な部分の割合を増やし、遠隔教育もカバーできるようにし、教育機関の定義も広げる、教育のための例外の拡充。
  • 障害者の定義を広げ、映像なども含めるようにする、障害者のための例外の拡充。
  • EU指令に合わせる形で、批評以外の目的での引用もカバーできるようにする、批評のための例外の拡充。
  • 関係資料をオンラインで公開できるようにする、行政のための例外の拡充。



Private copying levies

EU law permits exceptions for private copying, but requires that if such an exception causes economic harm to copyright owners, then compensation should be provided to them. With this in mind, many EU countries that have wide private copying exceptions have introduced levy systems - charges on certain digital media and devices that enable copying, such as blank DVDs, scanners and computers.

Levies vary considerably between EU states. They are applied to different media and devices at different rates, and appear to bear little relation to the actual harm caused by private copying. In Sweden, a 64GB iPod attracts a 19 euro levy compared with a 1.42 levy in Latvia. There is also inconsistency in the application of levies to different copying devices. For example, only four EU states extend a levy to personal computers and twelve states extend a levy to printers, whereas most apply levies to blank CDs. Most of the cost of levies is borne by consumers through higher prices.

There is evidence that levies are inefficient and inexact methods of compensating copyright owners, and that they distort markets. They also mean that consumers can end up having to pay twice for the right to copy content - once through the price of content when they buy it, and again via a levy when they buy a copying device. Consumers also have to pay levies if they intend to only store content they have generated themselves - for example copying home videos to blank DVDs.
In view of these problems, the Government does not intend to in troduce a private copying levy. To avoid having to implement a system of compensation, we will therefore need to ensure that any harm caused to copyright owners as a result of a private copying exception is kept to a bare minimum .







Technological protection measures

7.53 As noted above, the Government is able to intervene in cases where an individual cannot use an existing exception due to Digital Rights Management (DRM) or other technological protection measures, to ensure that they are able to exercise the exception. These powers could be extended to apply to the private copying exception.

7.54 The EU Copyright Directive permits us to extend these provisions to allow the Government to intervene when an individual is unable to copy a work for private use, but only in certain circumstances. Such provisions cannot apply to ondemand services, and cannot prevent copyright owners restricting the number of copies that can be made by users of a private copying exception.

7.55 Extending these powers to cover a private copying exception is likely to deliver greater benefits to consumers. Reasonable technological measures that allow consumers to access services at a time and place chosen by them will be unaffected, but individuals will be able to challenge measures that are unduly restrictive and prevent them realising the full benefits of a private copying exception. In view of these potential benefits, we propose to extend these provisions to cover a private copying exception when it is introduced.


7.53 上記のように、著作権保護技術(DRM)あるいは他の技術的保護手段のお陰で個人が存在している例外を利用することができない場合に、例外を行使することができるようにするため、政府が介入することはあって良い。この権限は、私的複製にも適用され得るものである。

7.54 個人が著作物を私的利用のためにコピーできない場合に政府が介入することが許されるよう、このような定めを押し進めることは、EU著作権指令上も許されているが、条件もある。これらのような規定は、オンデマンドサービスには提起用され得ず、利用者が私的複製の例外から作ることができるコピーの数を著作権者が制限することを排除することもできない。

7.55 このような権限を私的複製の例外までカバーするように押し進めることは、より大きな利便性を消費者に与えるように思われる。消費者が自ら選んだ時と場所においてサービスにアクセスできるようにする合理的な技術的手段に影響を与えることはなく、私的複製の例外から全ての利便性を引きだそうとすることを阻害する、不当に制限的な手段に対抗することを個人に可能とすることであろう。このような潜在的な利便性の向上のために、私たちはこのような定めを、それが導入された場合に私的複製の例外まで及ぼすことを提案する。



7.248 Consistent with its commitment to better regulation, the Government is exploring whether a non-regulatory approach could deliver its policy objectives in this area. However, given the wide range of users and owners of copyright works affected by contracts, it appears unlikely at present that cross-sectoral agreement to preserve the full operation of copyright exceptions will be either achievable or sufficient.

7.249 The Government is, therefore, proposing to introduce a clause, applying to every exception provided by the Copyright Act, which would make clear that any contract term purporting to prohibit or restrict the use of an exception is unenforceable.

7.250 Some exceptions, including those for education and disabled people, explicitly permit licensing of the acts covered by them. The Government will separately consider the merits of these licensed exceptions. To the extent that they are preserved, any licensing scheme explicitly authorised by an exception will not be affected by the contract override clause.

7.248 規制をより良いものとするという責務に従い、政府は、この分野において非規制アプローチでその政策目的が達成されるかどうかについて検討している。しかしながら、契約によって広い範囲の利用者と著作物の権利者が影響を受けており、今のところ、著作権法上の例外を完全に実施可能なものとして維持する部門間の合意が、達成可能かあるいは十分であるようには見えない。

7.249 したがって、政府は、例外の利用を禁止又は制限することを目的とする契約条項が法的強制力を有さないことを明確にする条項を、著作権法によって規定される全ての例外に適用される条項として、導入することを提案する。

7.250 教育や障害者のためのものも含め、いくつかの例外は明示的にそれによってカバーされる行為のライセンスとなっている。政府は、これらのライセンス例外の利点について別々に検討する予定である。それらが維持される限りにおいて、例外によって認められる全てのライセンススキームは、契約によるオーバーライド条項によって影響を受けるべきではない。





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2010年4月20日 (火)


 第206回で提出時の法案の抄訳を載せたイギリスのデジタル経済法が、反対の声を押し切ってこの4月7日にイギリスの下院を通過し4月8日に成立した(下院における賛成189票対反対47票。ip- watch.orgの記事telegraph.co.ukの記事zdnet.co.ukの記事cnetの記事参照)。フランスでも3ストライク法はいまだに細部が詰め切れておらず今なお実質未施行であることを考えても(PC INpactの記事(フランス語)Numeramaの記事(フランス語)参照)、このイギリス版ストライク法もまだ揉め、実施されたとしても混乱するだけに終わると思うが、念のため、今回は、その通過時点の条文を翻訳しておきたいと思う。


Online infringement of copyright: obligations of internet service providers
124A Obligation to notify subscribers of copyright infringement reports

(1) This section applies if it appears to a copyright owner that—
(a) a subscriber to an internet access service has infringed the owner's copyright by means of the service; or
(b) a subscriber to an internet access service has allowed another person to use the service, and that other person has infringed the owner's copyright by means of the service.

(2) The owner may make a copyright infringement report to the internet service provider who provided the internet access service if a code in force under section 124C or 124D (an "initial obligations code") allows the owner to do so.

(3) A "copyright infringement report" is a report that—
(a) states that there appears to have been an infringement of the owner's copyright;
(b) includes a description of the apparent infringement;
(c) includes evidence of the apparent infringement that shows the subscriber's IP address and the time at which the evidence was gathered;
(d) is sent to the internet service provider within the period of 1 month beginning with the day on which the evidence was gathered; and
(e) complies with any other requirement of the initial obligations code.

(4) An internet service provider who receives a copyright infringement report must notify the subscriber of the report if the initial obligations code requires the provider to do so.

(5) A notification under subsection (4) must be sent to the subscriber within the period of 1 month beginning with the day on which the provider receives the report.

(6) A notification under subsection (4) must include—
(a) a statement that the notification is sent under this section in response to a copyright infringement report;
(b) the name of the copyright owner who made the report;
(c) a description of the apparent infringement;
(d) evidence of the apparent infringement that shows the subscriber's IP address and the time at which the evidence was gathered;
(e) information about subscriber appeals and the grounds on which they may be made;
(f) information about copyright and its purpose;
(g) advice, or information enabling the subscriber to obtain advice, about how to obtain lawful access to copyright works;
(h) advice, or information enabling the subscriber to obtain advice, about steps that a subscriber can take to protect an internet access service from unauthorised use; and
(i) anything else that the initial obligations code requires the notification to include.

(7) For the purposes of subsection (6)(h) the internet service provider must take into account the suitability of different protection for subscribers in different circumstances.

(8) The things that may be required under subsection (6)(i), whether in general or in a particular case, include in particular—
(a) a statement that information about the apparent infringement may be kept by the internet service provider;
(b) a statement that the copyright owner may require the provider to disclose which copyright infringement reports made by the owner to the provider relate to the subscriber;
(c) a statement that, following such a disclosure, the copyright owner may apply to a court to learn the subscriber's identity and may bring proceedings against the subscriber for copyright infringement; and
(d) where the requirement for the provider to send the notification arises partly because of a report that has already been the subject of a notification under subsection (4), a statement that the number of copyright infringement reports relating to the subscriber may be taken into account for the purposes of any technical measures.

(9) In this section "notify", in relation to a subscriber, means send a notification to the electronic or postal address held by the internet service provider for the subscriber (and sections 394 to 396 do not apply).

124B Obligation to provide copyright infringement lists to copyright owners
An internet service provider must provide a copyright owner with a copyright infringement list for a period if—
(a) the owner requests the list for that period; and
(b) an initial obligations code requires the internet service provider to provide it.

(2) A "copyright infringement list" is a list that—
(a) sets out, in relation to each relevant subscriber, which of the copyright infringement reports made by the owner to the provider relate to the subscriber, but
(b) does not enable any subscriber to be identified.

(3) A subscriber is a "relevant subscriber" in relation to a copyright owner and an internet service provider if copyright infringement reports made by the owner to the provider in relation to the subscriber have reached the threshold set in the initial obligations code.

124C Approval of code about the initial obligations
The obligations of internet service providers under sections 124A and 124B are the "initial obligations".

(2) If it appears to OFCOM—
(a) that a code has been made by any person for the purpose of regulating the initial obligations; and
(b) that it would be appropriate for them to approve the code for that purpose, they may by order approve it, with effect from the date given in the order.

(3) The provision that may be contained in a code and approved under this section includes provision that—
(a) specifies conditions that must be met for rights and obligations under the copyright infringement provisions or the code to apply in a particular case;
(b) requires copyright owners or internet service providers to provide any information or assistance that is reasonably required to determine whether a condition under paragraph (a) is met.

(4) The provision mentioned in subsection (3)(a) may, in particular, specify that a right or obligation does not apply in relation to a copyright owner unless the owner has made arrangements with an internet service provider regarding—
(a) the number of copyright infringement reports that the owner may make to the provider within a particular period; and
(b) payment in advance of a contribution towards meeting costs incurred by the provider.

(5) The provision mentioned in subsection (3)(a) may also, in particular, provide that—
(a) except as provided by the code, rights and obligations do not apply in relation to an internet service provider unless the number of copyright infringement reports the provider receives within a particular period reaches a threshold set in the code; and
(b) if the threshold is reached, rights or obligations apply with effect from the date when it is reached or from a later time.

(6) OFCOM must not approve a code under this section unless satisfied that it meets the criteria set out in section 124E.

(7) Not more than one approved code may have effect at a time.

(8) OFCOM must keep an approved code under review.

(9) OFCOM may by order, at any time, for the purpose mentioned in subsection (2)—
(a) approve modifications that have been made to an approved code; or
(b) withdraw their approval from an approved code, with effect from the date given in the order, and must do so if the code ceases to meet the criteria set out in section 124E.

(10) The consent of the Secretary of State is required for the approval of a code or the modification of an approved code.

(11) An order made by OFCOM under this section approving a code or modification must set out the code or modification.

(12) Section 403 applies to the power of OFCOM to make an order under this section.

(13) A statutory instrument containing an order made by OFCOM under this section is subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

124D Initial obligations code by OFCOM in the absence of an approved code
For any period when sections 124A and 124B are in force but for which there is no approved initial obligations code under section 124C, OFCOM must by order make a code for the purpose of regulating the initial obligations.

(2) OFCOM may but need not make a code under subsection (1) for a time before the end of—
(a) the period of six months beginning with the day on which sections 124A and 124B come into force, or
(b) such longer period as the Secretary of State may specify by notice to OFCOM.

(3) The Secretary of State may give a notice under subsection (2)(b) only if it appears to the Secretary of State that it is not practicable for OFCOM to make a code with effect from the end of the period mentioned in subsection (2)(a) or any longer period for the time being specified under subsection (2)(b).

(4) A code under this section may do any of the things mentioned in section 124C(3) to (5).

(5) A code under this section may also—
(a) confer jurisdiction with respect to any matter (other than jurisdiction to determine appeals by subscribers) on OFCOM themselves;
(b) provide for OFCOM, in exercising such jurisdiction, to make awards of compensation, to direct the reimbursement of costs, or to do both;
(c) provide for OFCOM to enforce, or to participate in the enforcement of, any awards or directions made under the code;
(d) make other provision for the enforcement of such awards and directions;
(e) establish a body corporate, with the capacity to make its own rules and establish its own procedures, for the purpose of determining subscriber appeals;
(f) provide for a person with the function of determining subscriber appeals to enforce, or to participate in the enforcement of, any awards or directions made by the person;
(g) make other provision for the enforcement of such awards and directions; and
(h) make other provision for the purpose of regulating the initial obligations.

(6) OFCOM must not make a code under this section unless they are satisfied that it meets the criteria set out in section 124E.

(7) OFCOM must—
(a) keep a code under this section under review; and
(b) by order make any amendment of it that is necessary to ensure that while it is in force it continues to meet the criteria set out in section 124E.

(8) The consent of the Secretary of State is required for the making or amendment by OFCOM of a code under this section.

(9) Section 403 applies to the power of OFCOM to make an order under this section.

(10) A statutory instrument containing an order made by OFCOM under this section is subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

124E Contents of initial obligations code
The criteria referred to in sections 124C(6) and 124D(6) are—
(a) that the code makes the required provision about copyright infringement reports (see subsection (2));
(b) that it makes the required provision about the notification of subscribers (see subsections (3) and (4));
(c) that it sets the threshold applying for the purposes of determining who is a relevant subscriber within the meaning of section 124B(3) (see subsections (5) and (6));
(d) that it makes provision about how internet service providers are to keep information about subscribers;
(e) that it limits the time for which they may keep that information;
(f) that it makes any provision about contributions towards meeting costs that is required to be included by an order under section 124M;
(g) that the requirements concerning administration and enforcement are met in relation to the code (see subsections (7) and (8));
(h) that the requirements concerning subscriber appeals are met in relation to the code (see section 124K);
(i) that the provisions of the code are objectively justifiable in relation to the matters to which it relates;
(j) that those provisions are not such as to discriminate unduly against particular persons or against a particular description of persons;
(k) that those provisions are proportionate to what they are intended to achieve; and
(l) that, in relation to what those provisions are intended to achieve, they are transparent.

(2) The required provision about copyright infringement reports is provision that specifies—
(a) requirements as to the means of obtaining evidence of infringement of copyright for inclusion in a report;
(b) the standard of evidence that must be included; and
(c) the required form of the report.

(3) The required provision about the notification of subscribers is provision that specifies, in relation to a subscriber in relation to whom an internet service provider receives one or more copyright infringement reports—
(a) requirements as to the means by which the provider identifies the subscriber;
(b) which of the reports the provider must notify the subscriber of; and
(c) requirements as to the form, contents and means of the notification in each case.

(4) The provision mentioned in subsection (3) must not permit any copyright infringement report received by an internet service provider more than 12 months before the date of a notification of a subscriber to be taken into account for the purposes of the notification.

(5) The threshold applying in accordance with subsection (1)(c) may, subject to subsection (6), be set by reference to any matter, including in particular one or more of—
(a) the number of copyright infringement reports;
(b) the time within which the reports are made; and
(c) the time of the apparent infringements to which they relate.

(6) The threshold applying in accordance with subsection (1)(c) must operate in such a way that a copyright infringement report received by an internet service provider more than 12 months before a particular date does not affect whether the threshold is met on that date; and a copyright infringement list provided under section 124B must not take into account any such report.

(7) The requirements concerning administration and enforcement are—
(a) that OFCOM have, under the code, the functions of administering and enforcing it, including the function of resolving owner-provider disputes;
(b) that there are adequate arrangements under the code for OFCOM to obtain any information or assistance from internet service providers or copyright owners that OFCOM reasonably require for the purposes of administering and enforcing the code; and
(c) that there are adequate arrangements under the code for the costs incurred by OFCOM in administering and enforcing the code to be met by internet service providers and copyright owners.

(8) The provision mentioned in subsection (7) may include, in particular—
(a) provision for the payment, to a person specified in the code, of a penalty not exceeding the maximum penalty for the time being specified in section 124L(2);
(b) provision requiring a copyright owner to indemnify an internet service provider for any loss or damage resulting from the owner's failure to comply with the code or the copyright infringement provisions.

124G Obligations to limit internet access: assessment and preparation
The Secretary of State may direct OFCOM to—
(a) assess whether one or more technical obligations should be imposed on internet service providers;
(b) take steps to prepare for the obligations;
(c) provide a report on the assessment or steps to the Secretary of State.

(2) A "technical obligation", in relation to an internet service provider, is an obligation for the provider to take a technical measure against some or all relevant subscribers to its service for the purpose of preventing or reducing infringement of copyright by means of the internet.

(3) A "technical measure" is a measure that—
(a) limits the speed or other capacity of the service provided to a subscriber;
(b) prevents a subscriber from using the service to gain access to particular material, or limits such use;
(c) suspends the service provided to a subscriber; or
(d) limits the service provided to a subscriber in another way.

(4) A subscriber to an internet access service is "relevant" if the subscriber is a relevant subscriber, within the meaning of section 124B(3), in relation to the provider of the service and one or more copyright owners.

(5) The assessment and steps that the Secretary of State may direct OFCOM to carry out or take under subsection (1) include, in particular—
(a) consultation of copyright owners, internet service providers, subscribers or any other person;
(b) an assessment of the likely efficacy of a technical measure in relation to a particular type of internet access service; and
(c) steps to prepare a proposed technical obligations code.

(6) Internet service providers and copyright owners must give OFCOM any assistance that OFCOM reasonably require for the purposes of complying with any direction under this section.

(7) The Secretary of State must lay before Parliament any direction under this section.

(8) OFCOM must publish every report under this section—
(a) as soon as practicable after they send it to the Secretary of State, and
(b) in such manner as they consider appropriate for bringing it to the attention of persons who, in their opinion, are likely to have an interest in it.

(9) OFCOM may exclude information from a report when it is published under subsection (8) if they consider that it is information that they could refuse to discloInformation Act 2000.

24H Obligations to limit internet access
The Secretary of State may by order impose a technical obligation on internet service providers if—
(a) OFCOM have assessed whether one or more technical obligations should be imposed on internet service providers; and
(b) taking into account that assessment, reports prepared by OFCOM under section 124F, and any other matter that appears to the Secretary of State to be relevant, the Secretary of State considers it appropriate to make the order.

(2) No order may be made under this section within the period of 12 months beginning with the first day on which there is an initial obligations code in force.

(3) An order under this section must specify the date from which the technical obligation is to have effect, or provide for it to be specified.

(4) The order may also specify—
(a) the criteria for taking the technical measure concerned against a subscriber;
(b) the steps to be taken as part of the measure and when they are to be taken.

(5) No order is to be made under this section unless—
(a) the Secretary of State has complied with subsections (6) to (10), and
(b) a draft of the order has been laid before Parliament and approved by a resolution of each House.

(6) If the Secretary of State proposes to make an order under this section, the Secretary of State must lay before Parliament a document that—
(a) explains the proposal, and
(b) sets it out in the form of a draft order.

(7) During the period of 60 days beginning with the day on which the document was laid under subsection (6) ("the 60-day period"), the Secretary of State may not lay before Parliament a draft order to give effect to the proposal (with or without modifications).

(8) In preparing a draft order under this section to give effect to the proposal, the Secretary of State must have regard to any of the following that are made with regard to the draft order during the 60-day period—
(a) any representations, and
(b) any recommendations of a committee of either House of Parliament charged with reporting on the draft order.

(9) When laying before Parliament a draft order to give effect to the proposal (with or without modifications), the Secretary of State must also lay a document that explains any changes made to the proposal contained in the document laid before Parliament under subsection (6).

(10) In calculating the 60-day period, no account is to be taken of any time during which Parliament is dissolved or prorogued either House is adjourned for more than 4 days.

124I Code by OFCOM about obligations to limit internet access
For any period during which there are one or more technical obligations in force under section 124H, OFCOM must by order make a technical obligations code for the purpose of regulating those obligations.

(2) The code may be made separately from, or in combination with, any initial obligations code under section 124D.

(3) A code under this section may—
(a) do any of the things mentioned in section 124C(3) to (5) or section 124D(5)(a) to (g); and
(b) make other provision for the purpose of regulating the technical obligations.

(4) OFCOM must not make a code under this section unless they are satisfied that it meets the criteria set out in section 124J.

(5) OFCOM must—
(a) keep a code under this section under review; and
(b) by order make any amendment of it that is necessary to ensure that while it is in force it continues to meet the criteria set out in section 124J.

(6) The consent of the Secretary of State is required for the making or amendment by OFCOM of a code under this section.

(7) Section 403 applies to the power of OFCOM to make an order under this section.

(8) A statutory instrument containing an order made by OFCOM under this section is subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

124J Contents of code about obligations to limit internet access
The criteria referred to in section 124I(4) are—
(a) that the requirements concerning enforcement and related matters are met in relation to the code (see subsections (2) and (3));
(b) that the requirements concerning subscriber appeals are met in relation to the code (see section 124K);
(c) that it makes any provision about contributions towards meeting costs that is required to be included by an order under section 124M;
(d) that it makes any other provision that the Secretary of State requires it to make;
(e) that the provisions of the code are objectively justifiable in relation to the matters to which it relates;
(f) that those provisions are not such as to discriminate unduly against particular persons or against a particular description of persons;
(g) that those provisions are proportionate to what they are intended to achieve; and
(h) that, in relation to what those provisions are intended to achieve, they are transparent.

(2) The requirements concerning enforcement and related matters are—
(a) that OFCOM have, under the code, the functions of administering and enforcing it, including the function of resolving owner-provider disputes;
(b) that there are adequate arrangements under the code for OFCOM to obtain any information or assistance from internet service providers or copyright owners that OFCOM reasonably require for the purposes of administering and enforcing the code; and
(c) that there are adequate arrangements under the code for the costs incurred by OFCOM in administering and enforcing the code to be met by internet service providers and copyright owners.

(3) The provision made concerning enforcement and related matters may also (unless the Secretary of State requires otherwise) include, in particular—
(a) provision for the payment, to a person specified in the code, of a penalty not exceeding the maximum penalty for the time being specified in section 124L(2);
(b) provision requiring a copyright owner to indemnify an internet service provider for any loss or damage resulting from the owner's infringement or error in relation to the code or the copyright infringement provisions.

124K Subscriber appeals
The requirements concerning subscriber appeals are—
(a) for the purposes of section 124E(1)(h), the requirements of subsections (2) to (8); and
(b) for the purposes of section 124J(1)(b), the requirements of subsections (2) to (11).

(2) The requirements of this subsection are—
(a) that the code confers on subscribers the right to bring a subscriber appeal and, in the case of a technical obligations code, a further right of appeal to the First-tier Tribunal;
(b) that there is a person who, under the code, has the function of determining subscriber appeals;
(c) that that person is for practical purposes independent (so far as determining subscriber appeals is concerned) of internet service providers, copyright owners and OFCOM; and
(d) that there are adequate arrangements under the code for the costs incurred by that person in determining subscriber appeals to be met by internet service providers, copyright owners and the subscriber concerned.

(3) The code must provide for the grounds of appeal (so far as an appeal relates to, or to anything done by reference to, a copyright infringement report) to include the following—
(a) that the apparent infringement to which the report relates was not an infringement of copyright;
(b) that the report does not relate to the subscriber's IP address at the time of the apparent infringement.

(4) The code must provide for the grounds of appeal to include contravention by the copyright owner or internet service provider of the code or of an obligation regulated by the code.

(5) The code must provide that an appeal on any grounds must be determined in favour of the subscriber unless the copyright owner or internet service provider shows that, as respects any copyright infringement report to which the appeal relates or by reference to which anything to which the appeal relates was done (or, if there is more than one such report, as respects each of them)—
(a) the apparent infringement was an infringement of copyright, and
(b) the report relates to the subscriber's IP address at the time of that infringement.

(6) The code must provide that, where a ground mentioned in subsection (3) is relied on, the appeal must be determined in favour of the subscriber if the subscriber shows that—
(a) the act constituting the apparent infringement to which the report relates was not done by the subscriber, and
(b) the subscriber took reasonable steps to prevent other persons infringing copyright by means of the internet access service.

(7) The powers of the person determining subscriber appeals must include power—
(a) to secure so far as practicable that a subscriber is not prejudiced for the purposes of the copyright infringement provisions by an act or omission in respect of which an appeal is determined in favour of the subscriber;
(b) to make an award of compensation to be paid by a copyright owner or internet service provider to a subscriber affected by such an act or omission; and
(c) where the appeal is determined in favour of the subscriber, to direct the copyright owner or internet service provider to reimburse the reasonable costs of the subscriber.

(8) The code must provide that the power to direct the reimbursement of costs under subsection (7)(c) is to be exercised to award reasonable costs to a subscriber whose appeal is successful, unless the person deciding the appeal is satisfied that it would be unjust to give such a direction having regard to all the circumstances including the conduct of the parties before and during the proceedings.

(9) In the case of a technical obligations code, the powers of the person determining subscriber appeals must include power—
(a) on an appeal in relation to a technical measure or proposed technical measure—
(i) to confirm the measure;
(ii) to require the measure not to be taken or to be withdrawn;
(iii) to substitute any other technical measure that the internet service provider has power to take;
(b) to exercise the power mentioned in paragraph (a)(ii) or (iii) where an appeal is not upheld but the person determining it is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances that justify the exercise of the power;
(c) to take any steps that OFCOM could take in relation to the act or omission giving rise to the technical measure; and
(d) to remit the decision whether to confirm the technical measure, or any matter relating to that decision, to OFCOM.

(10) In the case of a technical obligations code, the code must make provision—
(a) enabling a determination of a subscriber appeal to be appealed to the First-tier Tribunal, including on grounds that it was based on an error of fact, wrong in law or unreasonable;
(b) giving the First-tier Tribunal, in relation to an appeal to it, the powers mentioned in subsections (7) and (9); and
(c) in relation to recovery of costs awarded by the Tribunal.

(11) In the case of a technical obligations code, the code must include provision to secure that a technical measure is not taken against a subscriber until—
(a) the period for bringing a subscriber appeal, or any further appeal to the First-tier Tribunal, in relation to the proposed measure has ended (or the subscriber has waived the right to appeal); and
(b) any such subscriber appeal or further appeal has been determined, abandoned or otherwise disposed of.

124L Enforcement of obligations
Sections 94 to 96 apply in relation to a contravention of an initial obligation or a technical obligation, or a contravention of an obligation under section 124G(6), as they apply in relation to a contravention of a
condition set out under section 45.

(2) The amount of the penalty imposed under section 96 as applied by this section is to be such amount not exceeding £250,000 as OFCOM determine to be—
(a) appropriate; and
(b) proportionate to the contravention in respect of which it is imposed.

(3) In making that determination OFCOM must have regard to—
(a) any representations made to them by the internet service provider or copyright owner on whom the penalty is imposed;
(b) any steps taken by the provider or owner towards complying with the obligations contraventions of which have been notified to the provider or owner under section 94 (as applied); and
(c) any steps taken by the provider or owner for remedying the consequences of those contraventions.

(4) The Secretary of State may by order amend this section so as to substitute a different maximum penalty for the maximum penalty for the time being specified in subsection (2).

(5) No order is to be made containing provision authorised by subsection (4) unless a draft of the order has been laid before Parliament and approved by a resolution of each House.

124M Sharing of costs
The Secretary of State may by order specify provision that must be included in an initial obligations code or a technical obligations code about payment of contributions towards costs incurred under the copyright infringement provisions.

(2) Any provision specified under subsection (1) must relate to payment of contributions by one or more of the following only—
(a) copyright owners;
(b) internet service providers;
(c) in relation to a subscriber appeal or a further appeal by a subscriber to the First-tier Tribunal, the subscriber.

(3) Provision specified under subsection (1) may relate to, in particular—
(a) payment by a copyright owner of a contribution towards the costs that an internet service provider incurs;
(b) payment by a copyright owner or internet service provider of a contribution towards the costs that OFCOM incur.

(4) Provision specified under subsection (1) may include, in particular—
(a) provision about costs incurred before the provision is included in an initial obligations code or a technical obligations code;
(b) provision for payment in advance of expected costs (and for reimbursement of overpayments where the costs incurred are less than expected);
(c) provision about how costs, expected costs or contributions must be calculated;
(d) other provision about when and how contributions must be paid.

(5) No order is to be made under this section unless a draft of the order has been laid before Parliament and approved by a resolution of each House.

第124A条 著作権侵害報告を契約者に通知する義務

第2項 著作権者は、第124C条あるいは第124D条により効力を有する規約(「当初義務規約」)によってそうすることが可能とされていれば、インターネット・アクセス・サービスを提供するインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーに対し、著作権侵害報告を作ることができる。

第3項 「著作権侵害報告」は、

第4項 著作権侵害報告を受け取ったインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーは、当初義務規約がプロバイダーにそうすることを求めている場合は、その報告を契約者に通知しなくてはならない。

第5項 第4項の通知は、プロバイダーが報告を受け取った日から1ヶ月以内に契約者に送られなければならない。

第6項 第4項の通知は、次の事項を含まなければならないー

第7項 第6項(h)の目的について、インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーは、様々な状況における契約者の適切な保護を考慮に入れなければならない。

第8項 第6項(i)により求められている事項は、一般的なことを目的とするものであれ特定のことを目的とするものであれ、特に次の事項を含むー

第9項 本条において、契約者に関する、「通知」とは、インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーが契約者について保持している電子あるいは郵便のアドレスに通知を送ることを意味する(ここで、第394条から第396条(訳注:正式な通知に関する条項)は適用されない)。

第124B条 著作権者への著作権侵害リストの提供義務

第2項 「著作権侵害リスト」は、

第3項 著作権者が、その契約者について作成した著作権侵害報告が当初義務規約に規定されているしきい値を超えた場合、契約者は、著作権者に対し「関係する契約者」とされる。

第124C条 当初義務規約の承認

第2項 情報通信庁が、

第3項 本条において承認される規約の規定は、次の規定を含み得るー

第4項 第3項(a)に記載されている規定は、次のことに関して特に取り決めをインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーと作っていない限り、著作権者に関して権利あるいは義務は適用されないことを明確に記載し得るー

第5項 第3項(a)に記載されている規定は、特に、次のことを規定することができるー

第6項 第124E条に決められているクライテリアを満たさない限り、情報通信庁は本条に規定されている規約を承認してはならない。

第7項 2つ以上の承認規約が同時に効力を持つことは無い。

第8項 情報通信庁は、承認した規約について確認をし続けなければならない。

第9項 情報通信庁は、第2項に記載されている目的で、以下のことができるー

第10項 規約の承認あるいは承認した規約の修正には、大臣の同意を必要とする。

第11項 本条に基づき情報通信庁によって出される承認を与えるか取り消す命令により、その承認あるいは取り消しが有効になる。

第12項 第403条(訳注:情報通信庁によって作られる規則と命令に関する条項)は本条の情報通信庁が命令を出す権限に適用される。

第13項 本条に基づき情報通信庁によって出される命令を含む法的手段は、各議会の決定による取り消しの対象となる。

第124D条 承認規約が無い場合に情報通信庁によって作られる当初義務規約

第2項 情報通信庁は、以下の期間が終わる前に第1項の規約を作る必要は無い。

第3項 第2項(a)に記載されている期間か、第2項(b)で特定されていた、より長期間の終わりに発効する規約を情報通信庁が作ることができないと大臣が考える場合のみ、大臣は第2項(b)の通知を与え得る。

第4項 本条に基づく規約にも、第124C条第3項から第5項が適用される。

第5項 本条に基づく規約は、以下のことを含み得るー

第6項 第124E条に定められているクライテリアを満たさない限り、情報通信庁は、本条に基づく規約を定めてはならない。

第7項 情報通信庁は、

第8項 本条に基づく規約の情報通信庁による作成あるいは修正には、大臣の同意を必要とする。

第9項 第403条が、本条に基づく命令の作成に関する情報通信庁の権限にも適用される。

第10項 本条に基づき情報通信庁によって出される命令を含む法的手段は、各議会の決定による取り消しの対象となる。

第124E条 当初義務規約の内容

第2項 著作権侵害報告についての規定は、次のことを定めなければならないー

第3項 インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーが1つあるいはそれ以上の著作権侵害を受け取った契約者への通知についての規定は、次のことを定めなければならないー

第4項 第3項に記載されている規定は、通知の目的に照らして、契約者への通知の日より12ヶ月以上前にインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーが受け取った著作権侵害報告を考慮に入れることを認めてはならない。

第5項 第1項(c)に従い適用されるしきい値は、第6項に従い、特に次の1つあるいは複数の事項を含む形で決められ得るー

第6項 第1項(c)に従い適用されるしきい値は、特定の日より12ヶ月以上前にインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーにより受け取られた著作権侵害報告が、その日にしきい値に達したかどうかに影響を与えるように運用されてはならない;そして、第124B条で規定されている著作権侵害リストは、この報告において考慮に入れられてはならない。

第7項 管理とエンフォースメントに関して、以下のことが必要とされるー

第8項 第4項に記載されている規定は、特に、次の事項を含むことができるー

(略:第9項 「著作権者・プロバイダー間の紛争」という用語の解釈・定義規定。)

(略:第124F条 進展報告書に関する規定。インターネットにおける著作権侵害の状況について、情報通信庁が定期的に大臣に報告することと規定。)

第124G条 インターネットアクセスを制限する義務:評価と準備

第2項 インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーに関する「技術的義務」とは、そのサービスの特定の契約者に対して技術的手段を取るプロバイダーの義務である。

第3項 「技術的手段」とは、

第4項 1人あるいは複数人の著作権者とそのサービス・プロバイダーに関し、第124B条第3項の意味で、契約者が関係する契約者である場合に、インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーの契約者は「関係する」とされる。

第5項 第1項に基づいて、大臣が情報通信庁に実行するあるいは取ることを指示する評価と措置は、特に、次のことを含むー

第6項 本条に基づいて出される指示の目的に照らして、情報通信庁が合理的に求められる補助を、インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーは情報通信庁に与えなければならない。

第7項 大臣は、本条に基づく指示について全て国会に報告しなければならない。

第8項 情報通信庁は、本条に基づいて、以下の通り報告書を公表するー

第9項 第8項に基づいて公表する時、2000年の情報公開法により拒絶することができると考える場合、情報通信庁は、報告書からその情報を除くことができる。

第124H条 インターネット・アクセスを制限する義務

第2項 当初義務規約が発効した最初の日から12ヶ月以内に、本条に基づく命令が出されることは無い。

第3項 本条に基づく命令は、その技術的手段が取られる日を特定するか、それが特定されるべきことを規定する。 

第4項 命令はまた、次のことを定めることができるー

第5項 以下のことがない限り、本条に基づく命令は出され得ないー

第6項 大臣が本条に基づく命令を提案する場合、大臣は国会に次のことを含む文書を提出しなければならないー

第7項 第6項に基づく文書が提出された日から60日以内(「60日の期間」)に、大臣は、その提案に効果を与える命令案を(修正のあり無しにかかわらず)国会に報告してはならない。

第8項 提案に効果を与える本条の命令案を用意するに当たり、大臣は、60日の期間の命令案についてなされる次の事項に配慮しなければならないー

第9項 その提案に効果を与える命令案を国会に報告する時(修正のあり無しにかかわらず)、大臣は、第6項に基づき国会に提出される文書に含まれた提案の変更を説明する文書をさらに提出しなければならない。

第10項 60日の期間を計算する際、国会の閉会あるいは各院の4日以上の延長の期間は計算に入れられない。

第124I条 インターネット・アクセスを制限する義務について情報通信庁が作る規約
第1項 第124H条により効力を有する1つあるいはそれ以上の義務があるとされる期間に、情報通信庁は、その義務を規定する目的で、技術的義務規約を命令により作らなければならない。

第2項 この規約は、第124D条に基づき作られる当初義務規約と別にあるいはともに、作られることができる。

第3項 本条に基づく規約はー

第4項 情報通信庁は、第124J条で定められているクラリテリアを満たさない限り、本条に基づく規約を作ってはならない。

第5項 情報通信庁は、

第6項 本条に基づく規約の情報通信庁による作成あるいは修正には、大臣の同意を必要とする。

第7項 第403条が、本条に基づく命令の作成に関する情報通信庁の権限にも適用される。

第8項 本条に基づいて情報通信庁によって作られる命令を含む規則等は、各議会の決定による取り消しの対象になる。

第124J条 インターネット・アクセスを制限する義務についての規約の内容

第2項 エンフォースメントと関連事項に関して、以下のことが必要とされるー

第3項 エンフォースメントと関連事項に関して作られる規定は、(大臣がそうでないことを求めない限り)特に、次の事項を含むことができるー

(略:第4項 「著作権侵害紛争」と「契約者による上訴」という用語の解釈・定義規定。)

第124K条 契約者の上訴

第2項 本条により、以下のことが必要とされるー

第3項 規約は、(上訴が、著作権侵害報告に関係しているか、これを参照して行われたことに関係している限り)、次の事項を上訴の理由に含め定められなければならないー

第4項 著作権者あるいはインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーによる規約に定められている義務違反を上訴の理由に含め、規約は定めらなければならない。

第5項 著作権者あるいはインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーが、その上訴が関係しているか、その上訴がそれを参照して行われたことに関係している、著作権侵害報告(複数の報告がある場合はそのそれぞれ)について、以下のことを示さない限り、いかなる理由に基づくにせよ上訴は契約者の有利となるように決定されることが規約で定めなければならないー

第6項 第3項に記載されている理由に基づく場合、契約者が以下のことを示した場合、上訴は契約者に有利となるように決定されることが規約で定めなければならないー

第7項 契約者の上訴を決定する者の権限は、以下の権限を含むー

第8項 上訴を決定する者が、手続きの前と間における当事者の振る舞いを含むあらゆる状況を考慮してそのような指導を行うことが不当であると考えない限り、第7項(c)の費用の償還の指導権限により、その上訴に成功した契約者に対する合理的な費用の補償がなされることを規約で定めなければならない。

第9項 技術的義務規約の場合に、契約者の上訴を決定する者の権限は以下の権限を含まなければならないー

第10項 技術的義務規約の場合に、規約は次の規定を含まなければならないー

第11項 技術的義務規約の場合に、規約は、以下の時まで契約者に対して技術的手段が取られることがないことを保証する規定を含まなければならないー

第124L条 義務のエンフォース

第2項 第96条に基づいて、本条によって課される罰金は、25万ポンドを超えず、情報通信庁が、

第3項 この決定をする際には、情報通信庁は、次の事項を考慮に入れなければならないー

第4項 大臣は、第2項で規定されている時点における最大の罰金の額の変更に関して本条を命令によって修正することができる。

第5項 命令案が国会に報告され、両院に承認されない限り、第4項により許される規定を含む命令は作られ得ない。

第124M条 費用の配分

第2項 第1項に基づいて定められる規定は、次の者による負担分の支払いのみに関係するー

第3項 第1項に基づいて定められる規定は、特に、次の事項に関係し得るー

第4項 第1項で定められる規定は、特に、次の規定を含み得るー

第5項 命令案が国会に報告され、両院に承認されない限り、本条に基づく命令は出され得ない。








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2009年12月23日 (水)



 3月末までの意見募集にかかっているイギリス知的財産庁の報告書(pdf)イギリス知的財産庁のHP参照)は、「知的財産権に関するガワーズ・レビューの実現に向けた一歩:著作権の権利制限に関する第2意見募集」と題されていることからも分かるように、2006年のガワーズ・レビュー(イギリス知的財産庁のHP参照)の提案を受け、2008年1月に行われた意見募集の結果(結果概要(pdf)前回の意見募集ペーパー(pdf) )を踏まえて、さらに検討して条文案まで含めて案を具体化したという体裁を取っている。




We propose to:
・Extend the educational exceptions to permit certain broadcasts and study material (for example handouts of excerpts from copyright works) to be transmitted outside the institutional campus for the purposes of distance learning but only via secure networks.
・Extend the exception relating to small excerpts so that it covers film and sound recordings but this will not cover artistic works.

We also propose to retain existing provisos so that:
・The exception will apply only to the extent that licensing schemes are not in place.

We propose:
・to extend the current exception to allow libraries, archives, museums and galleries  to copy for preservation purposes films, sound recordings and certain  artistic works not already provided for, to enable the transfer of works to different formats and to enable more than one preservation copy to be
・to ensure that legal deposit libraries are put in the same position as other libraries when it comes to copying for preservation purposes.

We further propose retaining for the amended exception existing features of the current exception, namely that:
・the exception continues to apply for preservation purposes;
・the scope of the exception retains current limits so it does not extend to e.g. performance or communication to the public;
・copying relates only to items within permanent collections;
・copies should only be made where it is not reasonably practicable to purchase another copy.







6. Recognising the divergence between the current law, which does not permit private copying of legitimately owned content such as music, and what happens in practice, the Gowers Review recommended a limited form of private copying (format shifting). The first stage of the consultation followed this with a proposal to allow consumers to make a copy in another format of a work they
legally owned for playback on a device in their lawful possession. It was proposed that the exception would only apply to personal or private use and the owner would not be permitted to sell, loan or give away the copy or share it more widely.

7. Although the overall majority were in favour of the principle of introducing this exception, there was little consensus as to how the proposal could be implemented. The main points of contention surrounded the circumstances under which copies could be made (some suggesting only when there was an absolute technical requirement), the types of content that should be covered (some would
only accept copying of music, others wanted all types of content covered), and whether content holders would suffer significant harm as a result, and therefore require the introduction of a scheme for fair compensation (usually implemented
in other Member States through a system of “levies”).

8. The polarised nature of the responses to this proposal, in particular in relation to the issue of fair compensation, has highlighted the difficulty
of meeting the needs and expectations of both consumers and rights holders in the digital age. The narrow, UK-only format shifting measure considered in the first stage of the consultation does not appear to meet those needs. The recent
BIS/IPO Copyright Strategy concluded that discussions at EU level might be a possible way forward, and should include consideration of a broad exception to copyright for non-commercial use together with any requirement for fair

16. The first stage of the consultation considered whether a new exception for parody, caricature and pastiche should be introduced. A fair dealing style exception was proposed.

17. Most respondents expressed no interest in this exception, and of those who commented opinions were quite polarised. Those in favour cited various reasons including promoting freedom of speech, and protecting the valuable cultural asset that parody represents. A minority incorporated caveats intended to restrict the extent of the exception in recognition of the potential negative
consequences for rights holders.

18. Rights holders were generally against the introduction of an exception.  Their objections included the vibrancy of the current parody scene in the UK, lack of evidence supporting change, and the potential financial and reputational

19. Overall, we do not believe that there is sufficient justification to introduce a new exception for parody in the UK now.There is scope for further
debate within an EU context about the potential for a non-commercial use exception which if implemented could cover some parody.














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2009年12月21日 (月)







Online infringement of copyright: obligations of internet service providers
124A Obligation to notify subscribers of copyright infringement reports

(1) This section applies if it appears to a copyright owner that—
(a) a subscriber to an internet access service has infringed the owner’s copyright by means of the service; or
(b) a subscriber to an internet access service has allowed another person to use the service, and that other person has infringed the owner’s copyright by means of the service.

(2) The owner may make a copyright infringement report to the internet service provider who provided the internet access service if a code in force under section 124C or 124D (an “initial obligations code”) allows the owner to do so.

(3) A “copyright infringement report” is a report that—
(a) states that there appears to have been an infringement of the owner’s copyright;
(b) includes a description of the apparent infringement;
(c) includes evidence of the apparent infringement that shows the subscriber’s IP address and the time at which the evidence was gathered; and
(d) complies with any other requirement of the initial obligations code.

(4) An internet service provider who receives a copyright infringement report must notify the subscriber of the report if the initial obligations code requires the provider to do so.

(5) A notification under subsection (4) must include—
(a) a statement that it is sent under this section in response to a copyright infringement report made by a copyright owner;
(b) a description of the apparent infringement;
(c) evidence of the apparent infringement;
(d) information about copyright and its purpose;
(e) advice about how to obtain lawful access to copyright works;
(f) advice about the protection of electronic communications networks that use wireless telegraphy; and
(g) anything else that the initial obligations code requires it to include.

(6) The things that may be required under subsection (5)(g), whether in general or in a particular case, include in particular statements that—
(a) information about the apparent infringement may be kept by the internet service provider;
(b) the copyright owner may require the provider to disclose which copyright infringement reports made by the owner to the provider relate to the subscriber;
(c) following such a disclosure, the copyright owner may apply to a court to learn the subscriber’s identity and may bring proceedings against the subscriber for copyright infringement;
(d) the number and nature of copyright infringement reports relating to the subscriber may be taken into account for the purposes of any technical measures.

(7) In this section “notify”, in relation to a subscriber, means send a notification to the electronic or postal address held by the internet service provider for the subscriber (and sections 394 to 396 do not apply).

124B Obligation to provide copyright infringement lists to copyright owners
An internet service provider must provide a copyright owner with a copyright infringement list for a period if—
(a) the owner requests the list for that period; and
(b) an initial obligations code requires the internet service provider to provide it.

(2) A “copyright infringement list” is a list that—
(a) sets out, in relation to each relevant subscriber, which of the copyright infringement reports made by the owner to the provider relate to the subscriber, but
(b) does not enable any subscriber to be identified.

(3) A subscriber is a “relevant subscriber” in relation to a copyright owner if—
(a) the owner has made one or more copyright infringement reports in relation to the subscriber; and
(b) the number of the reports has reached the threshold (if any) set in the initial obligations code.

124C Approval of code about the initial obligations
The obligations of internet service providers under sections 124A and 124B are the “initial obligations”.

(2) If it appears to OFCOM—
(a) that a code has been made by any person for the purpose of regulating the initial obligations; and
(b) that it would be appropriate for them to approve the code for that purpose,
they may approve it, with effect from the date given in the approval.

(3) The provision that may be contained in a code and approved under this section includes provision that—
(a) specifies conditions that must be met for rights and obligations under the copyright infringement provisions or the code to apply in a particular case;
(b) requires copyright owners or internet service providers to provide any information or assistance that is reasonably required to determine whether a condition under paragraph (a) is met.

(4) The provision mentioned in subsection (3)(a) may, in particular, specify that a right or obligation does not apply in relation to a copyright owner unless the owner has made arrangements with an internet service provider regarding—
(a) the number of copyright infringement reports that the owner may make to the provider within a particular period; and
(b) payment in advance of a contribution towards meeting costs incurred by the provider.

(5) The provision mentioned in subsection (3)(a) may also, in particular, provide that—
(a) except as provided by the code, rights and obligations do not apply in relation to an internet service provider unless the number of copyright infringement reports the provider receives within a particular period reaches a threshold set out in the code;
(b) once the threshold is reached, rights or obligations apply in relation to a time before it was reached.

(6) OFCOM must not approve a code under this section unless satisfied that it meets the criteria set out in section 124E.

(7) Not more than one approved code may have effect at a time.

(8) OFCOM must keep an approved code under review.

(9) OFCOM may, at any time, for the purpose mentioned in subsection (2)—
(a) approve modifications that have been made to an approved code; or
(b) withdraw their approval from an approved code, with effect from a date given in the approval or withdrawal, and must do so if the code ceases to meet the criteria set out in section 124E.

(10) The consent of the Secretary of State is required for the approval of a code or the modification of an approved code.

(11) Where OFCOM give or withdraw an approval under this section, they must give notification of their approval or of its withdrawal.

(12) The notification must be published in such manner as OFCOM consider appropriate for bringing it to the attention of the persons who, in OFCOM’s opinion, are likely to be affected by the approval or withdrawal.

124D Initial obligations code by OFCOM in the absence of an approved code
For any period when sections 124A and 124B are in force but for which there is no approved initial obligations code under section 124C, OFCOM must by order make a code for the purpose of regulating the initial obligations.

(2) OFCOM may, but need not, comply with subsection (1) so far as the period falls six months or less after sections 124A and 124B come into force.

(3) A code under this section may do any of the things mentioned in section 124C(3) to (5).

(4) A code under this section may also—
(a) establish one or more bodies corporate with the capacity to make their own rules and establish their own procedures;
(b) determine the jurisdiction of a body established by the code or, for the purposes of the code, of any other person;
(c) confer jurisdiction with respect to any matter on OFCOM themselves (but this is subject to anything else in or under the copyright infringement provisions that relates to appeals by subscribers);
(d) provide for a person on whom jurisdiction is conferred to make awards of compensation, to direct the reimbursement of costs, or to do both;
(e) provide for such a person to enforce, or to participate in the enforcement of, any awards or directions made under the code;
(f) make other provision for the enforcement of such awards and directions; and
(g) make other provision for the purpose of regulating the initial obligations.

(5) OFCOM must not make a code under this section unless they are satisfied that it meets the criteria set out in section 124E.

(6) OFCOM must—
(a) keep a code under this section under review; and
(b) by order make any amendment of it that is necessary to ensure that while it is in force it continues to meet the criteria set out in section 124E.

(7) The consent of the Secretary of State is required for the making or amendment by OFCOM of a code under this section.

(8) Section 403 applies to the power of OFCOM to make an order under this section.

124E Contents of initial obligations code
The criteria referred to in sections 124C(6) and 124D(5) are—
(a) that the code makes the required provision about copyright infringement reports (see subsection (2));
(b) that it makes the required provision about the notification of subscribers (see subsection (3));
(c) that it makes provision about how internet service providers are to keep information about subscribers;
(d) that it limits the time for which they may keep that information;
(e) that it makes any provision about contributions towards meeting costs that is required to be included by an order under section 124L;
(f) that the requirements concerning enforcement and related matters are met in relation to the code (see subsection (4));
(g) that the provisions of the code are objectively justifiable in relation to the matters to which it relates;
(h) that those provisions are not such as to discriminate unduly against particular persons or against a particular description of persons;
(i) that those provisions are proportionate to what they are intended to achieve; and
(j) that, in relation to what those provisions are intended to achieve, they are transparent.

(2) The required provision about copyright infringement reports is provision that specifies—
(a) requirements as to the means of obtaining evidence of infringement of copyright for inclusion in a report;
(b) the standard of evidence that must be included;
(c) the required form of the report; and
(d) a time limit for making the report.

(3) The required provision about the notification of subscribers is provision that specifies, in relation to a subscriber in relation to whom an internet service provider receives one or more copyright infringement reports—
(a) requirements as to the means by which the provider identifies the subscriber;
(b) which of the reports the provider must notify the subscriber of; and
(c) requirements as to the form, contents and means of the notification in each case.

(4) The requirements concerning enforcement and related matters are—
(a) that OFCOM or another person has, under the code, the functions of administering and enforcing it, including the function of resolving copyright infringement disputes;
(b) that any such other person is sufficiently independent of internet service providers and copyright owners;
(c) that there is a person who, under the code, has the function of determining subscriber appeals;
(d) that that person is sufficiently independent of internet service providers, copyright owners and OFCOM; and
(e) that there are adequate arrangements under the code for the costs of the carrying out by a person mentioned in paragraph (a) or (c) of functions in relation to the code to be met by internet service providers and copyright owners.

(5) The provision mentioned in subsection (4) may include, in particular—
(a) provision for the payment, to a person specified in the code, of a penalty not exceeding the maximum penalty for the time being specified in section 124K(2);
(b) provision requiring a copyright owner to indemnify an internet service provider for any loss or damage resulting from the owner’s failure to comply with the code or the copyright infringement provisions.

124G Obligations to limit internet access: assessment and preparation
The Secretary of State may direct OFCOM to—
(a) assess whether one or more technical obligations should be imposed on internet service providers;
(b) take steps to prepare for the obligations;
(c) provide a report on the assessment or steps to the Secretary of State.

(2) A “technical obligation”, in relation to an internet service provider, is an obligation for the provider to take a technical measure against particular subscribers to its service.

(3) A “technical measure” is a measure that—
(a) limits the speed or other capacity of the service provided to a subscriber;
(b) prevents a subscriber from using the service to gain access to particular material, or limits such use;
(c) suspends the service provided to a subscriber; or
(d) limits the service provided to a subscriber in another way.

(4) The assessment and steps that the Secretary of State may direct OFCOM to carry out or take under subsection (1) include, in particular—
(a) consultation of copyright owners, internet service providers, subscribers or any other person;
(b) an assessment of the likely efficacy of a technical measure in relation to a particular type of internet access service; and
(c) steps to prepare a proposed technical obligations code.

(5) Internet service providers must give OFCOM any assistance that OFCOM reasonably require for the purposes of complying with any direction under this section.

(6) The Secretary of State must lay before Parliament any direction this section.

124H Obligations to limit internet access
The Secretary of State may at any time by order impose a technical obligation on internet service providers if the Secretary of State considers it appropriate in view of—
(a) an assessment carried out or steps taken by OFCOM under section 124G; or
(b) any other consideration.

(2) An order under this section must specify the date from which the technical obligation is to have effect, or provide for it to be specified.

(3) The order may also specify—
(a) the criteria for taking the technical measure concerned against a subscriber;
(b) the steps to be taken as part of the measure and when they are to be taken.

124I Code by OFCOM about obligations to limit internet access
For any period during which there are one or more technical obligations in force under section 124H, OFCOM must by order make a technical obligations code for the purpose of regulating those obligations.

(2) The code may be made separately from, or in combination with, any initial obligations code made under section 124D.

(3) A code under this section may—
(a) do any of the things mentioned in section 124C(3) to (5) or section 124D(4)(a)to (f)); and
(b) make other provision for the purpose of regulating the technical obligations.

(4) OFCOM must not make a code under this section unless they are satisfied that it meets the criteria set out in section 124J.

(5) OFCOM must—
(a) keep a code under this section under review; and
(b) by order make any amendment of it that is necessary to ensure that while it is in force it continues to meet the criteria set out in section 124J.

(6) The consent of the Secretary of State is required for the making or amendment by OFCOM of a code under this section.

(7) Section 403 applies to the power of OFCOM to make an order under this section.

(8) A statutory instrument containing an order made by OFCOM under this section is subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

124J Contents of code about obligations to limit internet access
The criteria referred to in section 124I(4) are—
(a) that the requirements concerning enforcement and related matters are met in relation to the code (see subsection (2));
(b) that it makes any provision about contributions towards meeting costs that is required to be included by an order under section 124L;
(c) that it makes any other provision that the Secretary of State requires it to make;
(d) that the provisions of the code are objectively justifiable in relation to the matters to which it relates;
(e) that those provisions are not such as to discriminate unduly against particular persons or against a particular description of persons;
(f) that those provisions are proportionate to what they are intended to achieve; and
(g) that, in relation to what those provisions are intended to achieve, they are transparent.

(2) The requirements concerning enforcement and related matters are—
(a) that OFCOM or another person has, under the code, the functions of administering and enforcing it, including the function of resolving copyright infringement disputes;
(b) that any such other person is sufficiently independent of internet service providers and copyright owners;
(c) that there is a person who, under the code, has the function of determining subscriber appeals;
(d) that that person is sufficiently independent of internet service providers, copyright owners and OFCOM;
(e) that there are adequate arrangements under the code for the costs of the carrying out by a person mentioned in paragraph (a) or (c) of functions in relation to the code to be met by internet service providers and copyright owners; and
(f) that provision is made, in accordance with subsection (3), for the appeal to the First-tier Tribunal of determinations of subscriber appeals.

(3) The provision mentioned in subsection (2)(f) is provision—
(a) enabling a determination of a subscriber appeal to be appealed to the First-tier Tribunal, including on grounds that it was based on an error of fact, wrong in law or unreasonable;
(b) giving the First-tier Tribunal power, in relation to an appeal to it, to—
(i) withdraw a technical measure;
(ii) confirm a technical measure;
(iii) take any steps that a person administering or enforcing the code could take in relation to the act or omission giving rise to the technical measure;
(iv) remit the decision whether to confirm the technical measure, or any matter relating to that decision, to a person mentioned in subsection (2)(c);
(v) award costs;
(c) in relation to recovery of costs awarded by the Tribunal.

(4) The provision mentioned in subsection (2) may also (unless the Secretary of State requires otherwise) include, in particular—
(a) provision for the payment, to a person specified in the code, of a penalty not exceeding the maximum penalty for the time being specified in section 124K(2);
(b) provision requiring a copyright owner to indemnify an internet service provider for any loss or damage resulting from the owner’s infringement or error in relation to the code or the copyright infringement provisions;
(c) provision for the taking of a technical measure to be postponed until a subscriber appeal to a person mentioned in subsection (2)(c) or an appeal to the First-tier Tribunal has been determined.

124K Enforcement of obligations
Sections 94 to 96 apply in relation to a contravention of an initial obligation or a technical obligation, or a contravention of an obligation under section 124G(5), as they apply in relation to a contravention of a condition set out under section 45.

(2) The amount of the penalty imposed under section 96 as applied by this section is to be such amount not exceeding £250,000 as OFCOM determine to be—
(a) appropriate; and
(b) proportionate to the contravention in respect of which it is imposed.

(3) In making that determination OFCOM must have regard to—
(a) any representations made to them by the internet service provider;
(b) any steps taken by the provider towards complying with the obligations contraventions of which have been notified to the provider under section 94 (as applied); and
(c) any steps taken by the provider for remedying the consequences of those contraventions.

(4) The Secretary of State may by order amend this section so as to substitute a different maximum penalty for the maximum penalty for the time being specified in subsection (2).

(5) No order is to be made containing provision authorised by subsection (4) unless a draft of the order has been laid before Parliament and approved by a resolution of each House.

124L Sharing of costs
The Secretary of State may by order specify provision that must be included in an initial obligations code or a technical obligations code about payment of contributions towards costs incurred under the copyright infringement provisions.

(2) Provision specified under subsection (1) may relate to, in particular—
(a) payment by a copyright owner of a contribution towards the costs that an internet service provider incurs;
(b) payment by a copyright owner or internet service provider of a contribution towards the costs that OFCOM incur.

(3) Provision specified under subsection (1) may include, in particular—
(a) provision about costs incurred before the provision is included in an initial obligations code or a technical obligations code;
(b) provision for payment in advance of expected costs (and for reimbursement of overpayments where the costs incurred are less than expected);
(c) provision about how costs, expected costs or contributions must be calculated;
(d) other provision about when and how contributions must be paid.

第1項 著作権者に、以下のように思われた時に、本条は適用される。

第2項 著作権者は、第124C条あるいは第124D条により効力を有する規約(「当初義務規約」)によってそうすることが可能とされていれば、インターネット・アクセス・サービスを提供するインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーに対し、著作権侵害報告を作ることができる。

第3項 「著作権侵害報告」は、

第4項 著作権侵害報告を受け取ったインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーは、当初義務規約がプロバイダーにそうすることを求めている場合は、その報告を契約者に通知しなくてはならない。

第5項 第4項における通知は、次の事項を含まなければならないー

第6項 第5項(g)により求められている事項は、一般的なことを目的とするものであれ特定のことを目的とするものであれ、特に次の事項を含むー

第7項 本条において、契約者に関する、「通知」とは、インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーが契約者について保持している電子あるいは郵便のアドレスに通知を送ることを意味する(ここで、第394条から第396条(訳注:正式な通知に関する条項)は適用されない)。

第124B条 著作権者への著作権侵害リストの提供義務

第2項 「著作権侵害リスト」は、

第3項 以下の場合に、契約者は、著作権者に対し「関係する契約者」とされるー

第124C条 当初義務規約の承認

第2項 情報通信庁が、

第3項 本条において承認される規約の規定は、次の規定を含み得るー

第4項 第3項(a)に記載されている規定は、次のことに関して特に取り決めをインターネット・サービス・プロバイダーと作っていない限り、著作権者に関して権利あるいは義務は適用されないことを明確に記載し得るー

第5項 第3項(a)に記載されている規定は、特に、次のことを規定することができるー

第6項 第124E条に決められているクライテリアを満たさない限り、情報通信庁は本条に規定されている規約を承認してはならない。

第7項 2つ以上の承認規約が同時に効力を持つことは無い。

第8項 情報通信庁は、承認した規約について確認をし続けなければならない。

第9項 情報通信庁は、第2項に記載されている目的で、以下のことができるー

第10項 規約の承認あるいは承認した規約の修正には、大臣の同意を必要とする。

第11項 本条に基づき承認を与えるか取り消すかした場合は、情報通信庁は、その承認あるいは取り消しの通知をしなければならない。

第12項 その承認あるいは取り消しによって影響を受けると情報通信庁が考える者に注目されるよう情報通信庁が適切と考えるやり方で、その通知は公表されなくてはならない。

第124D条 承認規約が無い場合に情報通信庁によって作られる当初義務規約

第2項 第124A条と第124B条の施行後6ヶ月以内については、情報通信庁は、第1項に従ってもよいが、その必要は無い。

第3項 本条に基づく規約にも、第124C条第3項から第5項が適用される。

第4項 本条に基づく規約は、以下のことを含み得るー

第5項 第124E条に定められているクライテリアを満たさない限り、情報通信庁は、本条に基づく規約を定めてはならない。

第6項 情報通信庁は、

第7項 本条に基づく規約の情報通信庁による作成あるいは修正には、大臣の同意を必要とする。

第8項 第403条(訳注:情報通信庁によって作られる規則と命令に関する条項)が、本条に基づく命令の作成に関する情報通信庁の権限にも適用される。

第124E条 当初義務規約の内容

第2項 著作権侵害報告についての規定は、次のことを定めなければならないー

第3項 インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーが1つあるいはそれ以上の著作権侵害を受け取った契約者への通知についての規定は、次のことを定めなければならないー

第4項 エンフォースメントと関連事項に関して、以下のことが必要とされるー

第5項 第4項に記載されている規定は、特に、次の事項を含むことができるー

(略:第6項 「著作権侵害紛争」と「契約者による上訴」という用語の解釈・定義規定。)

(略:第124F条 進展報告書に関する規定。インターネットにおける著作権侵害の状況について、情報通信庁が定期的に大臣に報告することと規定。)

第124G条 インターネットアクセスを制限する義務:評価と準備

第2項 インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーに関する「技術的義務」とは、そのサービスの特定の契約者に対して技術的手段を取るプロバイダーの義務である。

第3項 「技術的手段」とは、

第4項 第1項に基づいて、大臣が情報通信庁に実行するあるいは取ることを指示する評価と措置は、特に、次のことを含むー

第5項 本条に基づいて出される指示の目的に照らして、情報通信庁が合理的に求められる補助を、インターネット・サービス・プロバイダーは情報通信庁に与えなければならない。

第6項 大臣は、本条に基づく指示について全て国会に報告しなければならない。

第124H条 インターネット・アクセスを制限する義務

第2項 本条に基づく命令は、その技術的手段が取られる日を特定するか、それが特定されるべきことを規定する。

第3項 命令はまた、次のことを定めることができるー

第124I条 インターネット・アクセスを制限する義務について情報通信庁が作る規約

第2項 この規約は、第124D条に基づき作られる当初義務規約と別にあるいはともに、作られることができる。

第3項 本条に基づく規約はー

第4項 情報通信庁は、第124J条で定められているクラリテリアを満たさない限り、本条に基づく規約を作ってはならない。

第5項 情報通信庁は、

第6項 本条に基づく規約の情報通信庁による作成あるいは修正には、大臣の同意を必要とする。

第7項 第403条が、本条に基づく命令の作成に関する情報通信庁の権限にも適用される。

第8項 本条に基づいて情報通信庁によって作られる命令を含む規則等は、国会の決定によって廃止され得る。

第124J条 インターネット・アクセスを制限する義務についての規約の内容

第2項 エンフォースメントと関連事項に関して、以下のことが必要とされるー

第3項 第2項(f)に記載されている規定は、

第4項 第2項に規定されている規定は、(大臣がそうでないことを求めない限り)特に、次の事項を含むことができるー

(略:第5項 「著作権侵害紛争」と「契約者による上訴」という用語の解釈・定義規定。)

第124K条 義務のエンフォース

第2項 第96条に基づいて、本条によって課される罰金は、25万ポンドを超えず、情報通信庁が、

第3項 この決定をする際には、情報通信庁は、次の事項を考慮に入れなければならないー

第4項 大臣は、第2項で規定されている時点における最大の罰金の額の変更に関して本条を命令によって修正することができる。

第5項 命令案が国会に報告され、両院に承認されない限り、第4項により許される規定を含む命令は作られ得ない。

第124L条 費用の配分

第2項 第1項に基づいて定められる規定は、特に、次の事項に関係し得るー

第3項 第1項で定められる規定は、特に、次の規定を含み得るー








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