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2024年7月 7日 (日)




36. The applicant complained about the statutory requirement for ICOs to store the content of all Internet communications and related communications data, and to submit those data to law-enforcement authorities or security services at their request together with information necessary to decrypt electronic messages if they were encrypted. He relied on Article 8 of the Convention, which reads as follows:

"1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.

2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others."





(γ) Statutory requirement to decrypt communications

76. Lastly, as regards the requirement to submit to the security services information necessary to decrypt electronic communications if they are encrypted, the Court observes that international bodies have argued that encryption provides strong technical safeguards against unlawful access to the content of communications and has therefore been widely used as a means of protecting the right to respect for private life and for the privacy of correspondence online. In the digital age, technical solutions for securing and protecting the privacy of electronic communications, including measures for encryption, contribute to ensuring the enjoyment of other fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression (see paragraphs 28 and 34 above). Encryption, moreover, appears to help citizens and businesses to defend themselves against abuses of information technologies, such as hacking, identity and personal data theft, fraud and the improper disclosure of confidential information. This should be given due consideration when assessing measures which may weaken encryption.

77. As noted above (see paragraph 57 above), it appears that in order to enable decryption of communications protected by end-to-end encryption, such as communications through Telegram's "secret chats", it would be necessary to weaken encryption for all users. These measures allegedly cannot be limited to specific individuals and would affect everyone indiscriminately, including individuals who pose no threat to a legitimate government interest. Weakening encryption by creating backdoors would apparently make it technically possible to perform routine, general and indiscriminate surveillance of personal electronic communications. Backdoors may also be exploited by criminal networks and would seriously compromise the security of all users' electronic communications. The Court takes note of the dangers of restricting encryption described by many experts in the field (see, in particular, paragraphs 28 and 34 above).

78. The Court accepts that encryption can also be used by criminals, which may complicate criminal investigations (see Yuksel Yalcinkaya v. Turkiye [GC], no. 15669/20, § 312, 26 September 2023). However, it takes note in this connection of the calls for alternative "solutions to decryption without weakening the protective mechanisms, both in legislation and through continuous technical evolution" (see, on the possibilities of alternative methods of investigation, the Joint Statement by Europol and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, cited in paragraph 33 above, and paragraph 24 of the Report on the right to privacy in the digital age by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, cited in paragraph 28 above; see also the explanation by third-party interveners in paragraph 47 above).

79. The Court concludes that in the present case the ICO's statutory obligation to decrypt end-to-end encrypted communications risks amounting to a requirement that providers of such services weaken the encryption mechanism for all users; it is accordingly not proportionate to the legitimate aims pursued.

(δ) Conclusion

80. The Court concludes from the foregoing that the contested legislation providing for the retention of all Internet communications of all users, the security services' direct access to the data stored without adequate safeguards against abuse and the requirement to decrypt encrypted communications, as applied to end-to-end encrypted communications, cannot be regarded as necessary in a democratic society. In so far as this legislation permits the public authorities to have access, on a generalised basis and without sufficient safeguards, to the content of electronic communications, it impairs the very essence of the right to respect for private life under Article 8 of the Convention. The respondent State has therefore overstepped any acceptable margin of appreciation in this regard.

81. There has accordingly been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention.












28. The Report on the right to privacy in the digital age by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, published on 4 August 2022 (A/HRC/51/17), reads as follows, in so far as relevant (footnotes omitted):

"B. Restrictions on encryption


21. Encryption is a key enabler of privacy and security online and is essential for safeguarding rights, including the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, security, health and non-discrimination. Encryption ensures that people can share information freely, without fear that their information may become known to others, be they State authorities or cybercriminals. Encryption is essential if people are to feel secure in freely exchanging information with others on a range of experiences, thoughts and identities, including sensitive health or financial information, knowledge about gender identities and sexual orientation, artistic expression and information in connection with minority status. In environments of prevalent censorship, encryption enables individuals to maintain a space for holding, expressing and exchanging opinions with others. In specific instances, journalists and human rights defenders cannot do their work without the protection of robust encryption, shielding their sources and sheltering them from the powerful actors under investigation. Encryption provides women, who face particular threats of surveillance, harassment and violence online, an important level of protection against involuntary disclosure of information. In armed conflicts, encrypted messaging is indispensable to ensuring secure communication among civilians. It is notable that in the two months after the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the number of downloads in Ukraine of the encrypted messaging app Signal went up by over 1,000 per cent compared with preceding months.


23. In spite of its benefits, Governments sometimes restrict the use of encryption, for example for the protection of national security and combating crime, in particular to detect child sexual abuse material. Restrictions include bans on encrypted communications and criminalization for offering or using encryption tools or mandatory registration and licensing of encryption tools. Similarly, in some instances, encryption providers have been required to ensure that law enforcement or other government agencies have access to all communications upon request, which can effectively amount to a blanket restriction of encryption that could require, or at least encourage, the creation of some sort of back door (a built-in path to bypass encryption, allowing for covert access to data in plain text). Another form of interference with encryption is the requirement that key escrow systems be created and maintained, and all private keys needed to decrypt data be handed over to the Government or a designated third party. The imposition of traceability requirements, according to which providers need to be able to trace any message back to its supposed originator, could also require the weakening of encryption standards. Recently, various States have started imposing or considering general monitoring obligations for providers of digital communications, including those offering encrypted communications services. Such duties could effectively force those providers to abandon strong end-to-end encryption or to identify highly problematic workarounds (see paras. 27-28 below).

24. There is no doubt that widely used encryption capabilities, capabilities that the public has demanded as a response to mass surveillance and cybercrime, create a dilemma for Governments seeking to protect populations, in particular their most vulnerable members, against serious crime and security threats. However, as pointed out by the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, regulation of encryption risks undermining human rights. Governments seeking to limit encryption have often failed to show that the restrictions they would impose are necessary to meet a particular legitimate interest, given the availability of various other tools and approaches that provide the information needed for specific law enforcement or other legitimate purposes. Such alternative measures include improved, better-resourced traditional policing, undercover operations, metadata analysis and strengthened international police cooperation.

25. Moreover, the impact of most encryption restrictions on the right to privacy and associated rights are disproportionate, often affecting not only the targeted individuals but the general population. Outright bans by Governments, or the criminalization of encryption in particular, cannot be justified as they would prevent all users within their jurisdictions from having a secure way to communicate. Key escrow systems have significant vulnerabilities, since they depend on the integrity of the storage facility and expose stored keys to cyberattacks. Moreover, mandated back doors in encryption tools create liabilities that go far beyond their usefulness with regard to specific users identified as crime suspects or security threats. They jeopardize the privacy and security of all users and expose them to unlawful interference, not only by States, but also by non-State actors, including criminal networks. Licensing and registration requirements have similar disproportionate effects as they require that encryption software contain exploitable weaknesses. Such adverse effects are not necessarily limited to the jurisdiction imposing the restriction; rather it is likely that back doors, once established in the jurisdiction of one State, will become part of the software used in other parts of the world.

26. ... Since the content of messages, once encrypted, cannot be accessed by anyone except the sender and the recipient, any general monitoring obligation would force service providers to either abandon transport encryption or seek access to messages before they are encrypted ..."









34. On 28 July 2022 the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted Joint Opinion 4/2022 on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse. It provides as follows (footnotes omitted):

"Executive summary

... measures permitting the public authorities to have access on a generalised basis to the content of a communication in order to detect solicitation of children are more likely to affect the essence of the rights guaranteed in Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter ...

The EDPB and EDPS also express doubts regarding the efficiency of blocking measures and consider that requiring providers of internet services to decrypt online communications in order to block those concerning CSAM [child sexual abuse material] would be disproportionate.

Furthermore, the EDPB and EDPS point out that encryption technologies contribute in a fundamental way to the respect for private life and confidentiality of communications, freedom of expression as well as to innovation and the growth of the digital economy, which relies on the high level of trust and confidence that such technologies provide. Recital 26 of the Proposal places not only the choice of detection technologies, but also of the technical measures to protect confidentiality of communications, such as encryption, under a caveat that this technological choice must meet the requirements of the proposed Regulation, i.e., it must enable detection. This supports the notion gained from Articles 8(3) and 10(2) of the Proposal that a provider cannot refuse execution of a detection order based on technical impossibility. The EDPB and EDPS consider that there should be a better balance between the societal need to have secure and private communication channels and to fight their abuse. It should be clearly stated in the Proposal that nothing in the proposed Regulation should be interpreted as prohibiting or weakening encryption ...

4.10 Impact on encryption

96. European data protection authorities have consistently advocated for the widespread availability of strong encryption tools and against any type of backdoors. This is because encryption is important to ensure the enjoyment of all human rights offline and online. Moreover, encryption technologies contribute in a fundamental way both to the respect for private life and confidentiality of communications ...

97. In the context of interpersonal communications, end-to-end encryption ('E2EE') is a crucial tool for ensuring the confidentiality of electronic communications, as it provides strong technical safeguards against access to the content of the communications by anyone other than the sender and the recipient(s), including by the provider. Preventing or discouraging in any way the use of E2EE, imposing on service providers an obligation to process electronic communication data for purposes other than providing their services, or imposing on them an obligation to proactively forward electronic communications to third parties would entail the risk that providers offer less encrypted services in order to better comply with the obligations, thus weakening the role of encryption in general and undermining the respect for the fundamental rights of European citizens. It should be noted that while E2EE is one of the most commonly used security measures in the context of electronic communications, other technical solutions (e.g., the use of other cryptographic schemes) might be or become equally important to secure and protect the confidentiality of digital communications. Thus, their use should not be prevented or discouraged too.

98. The deployment of tools for the interception and analysis of interpersonal electronic communications is fundamentally at odds with E2EE, as the latter aims to technically guarantee that a communication remains confidential between the sender and the receiver ...

100. The impact of degrading or discouraging the use of E2EE, which may result from the Proposal needs to be assessed properly. Each of the techniques for circumventing the privacy preserving nature of E2EE presented in the Impact Assessment Report that accompanied the Proposal would introduce security loopholes. For example, client-side scanning would likely lead to substantial, untargeted access and processing of unencrypted content on end user's devices ... At the same time, server-side scanning, is also fundamentally incompatible with the E2EE paradigm, since the communication channel, encrypted peer-to-peer, would need to be broken, thus leading to the bulk processing of personal data on the servers of the providers.

101. While the Proposal states that it 'leaves to the provider concerned the choice of the technologies to be operated to comply effectively with detection orders and should not be understood as encouraging or discouraging the use of any given technology', the structural incompatibility of some detection orders with E2EE becomes in effect a strong disincentive to use E2EE.

The inability to access and use services using E2EE (which constitute the current state of the art in terms of technical guarantee of confidentiality) could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression and the legitimate private use of electronic communication services ..."






4.10 暗号化に与える影響











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