III. Application of the Existing Rules as to the Use of AI, Including Generative AI, Before the USPTO
A. The Use of Computer Tools for Document Drafting
For years, computer tools have been ubiquitous in document drafting. Word processing software with features such as spelling and grammar check are commonplace in most industries. More recently, word processing software and other computer tools have begun adopting generative AI features that can develop a written document with much less human involvement. For example, recent tools directed to the IP industry include the ability to draft technical specifications, generate responses to Office actions, write and respond to briefs, and even draft patent claims.
The capabilities of these tools continue to grow, and there is no prohibition against using these computer tools in drafting documents for submission to the USPTO. Nor is there a general obligation to disclose to the USPTO the use of such tools. However, and especially absent such an obligation, applicants, registrants, practitioners, parties to proceedings, and others submitting papers to the USPTO are reminded of the related USPTO policies and duties to the Office and clients (if applicable) when using these computer tools. These policies and duties apply in a variety of exemplary contexts.
1. All Submissions and Correspondence With the USPTO
As explained above, nearly all forms of correspondence with the USPTO must be signed. This includes documents that were drafted entirely by AI tools or drafted with the assistance of AI tools. By presenting to the Office (whether by signing, filing, submitting, or later advocating) any paper, a party (i.e., the person signing, filing, submitting, or later advocating for the paper) certifies under 37 CFR 11.18(b) that all statements to the party's own knowledge are true and that the party performed an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances. In order to obtain the knowledge necessary to make these certifications, the party presenting the paper must have reviewed and verified the paper and its contents.
Accordingly, any paper submitted to the USPTO must be reviewed by the party or parties presenting the paper. Those parties are responsible for the contents therein. Simply relying on the accuracy of an AI tool is not a reasonable inquiry. Therefore, if an AI tool is used in drafting or editing a document, the party must still review its contents and ensure the paper is in accordance with the certifications being made. For example, given the potential for generative AI systems to omit, misstate, or even "hallucinate" or "confabulate" information, the party or parties presenting the paper must ensure that all statements in the paper are true to their own knowledge and made based on information that is believed to be true. Additionally, the party or parties should also perform an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances confirming all facts presented in the paper have or are likely to have evidentiary support and confirming the accuracy of all citations to case law and other references. This review must also ensure that all arguments and legal contentions are warranted by existing law, a nonfrivolous argument for the extension of existing law, or the establishment of new law. For example, if an AI system is used to draft a portion of a response to an examiner Office action, the party should review the response, including checking the accuracy of the citations and ensuring the arguments are legally warranted. Further, practitioners and others involved in a matter before the USPTO may be required to disclose certain known facts to the USPTO under their duty of candor and good faith. For example, in patents and patent applications, all patent claims must have a significant contribution by a human inventor. Thus, if an AI system is used to draft patent claims that are submitted for examination, but an individual listed in 37 CFR 1.56(c) has knowledge that one or more of the claims did not have a significant contribution by a human inventor, that information must be disclosed to the USPTO.
Upon review of the document drafted with the assistance of an AI tool, any errors or omissions in the document must be corrected. Filing a paper with the USPTO that includes erroneous facts, arguments, or authorities would not be in compliance with 37 CFR 11.18(b). Similarly, filing a paper with known material omissions in not accordance with the duty of candor and good faith. Violations of 37 CFR 11.18 could include striking the offending paper, referring the practitioner's conduct to the Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline, or terminating the proceedings in the Office. Additionally, practitioners are prohibited under 37 CFR 11.301 from bringing or defending a proceeding, or asserting or controverting an issue therein, unless there is a basis in law or fact for doing so.
While those parties presenting a paper to the USPTO are under a duty to review the information in the paper and correct any errors, there is not presently a general duty to inform the USPTO that an AI tool was used in the drafting of the paper unless specifically requested by the USPTO. However, practitioners must competently represent their clients. That is, they must have the requisite legal, scientific, and technical knowledge to reasonably represent their client.
In addition, under 37 CFR 11.104(a)(2), practitioners must reasonably consult with the client about the means by which their clients' objectives are to be accomplished.
2. Additional Examples in the Patent Context
While there is no per se requirement to notify the USPTO when AI tools are used in the invention creation process or practicing before the USPTO, applicants and practitioners should be mindful of their duty of disclosure. This is, if the use of an AI tool is material to patentability as defined in 37 CFR 1.56(b), the use of such AI tool must be disclosed to the USPTO. For example, as discussed in more detail in the Inventorship Guidance for AI-Assisted Inventions, material information could include evidence that a named inventor did not significantly contribute to the invention because the person's purported contributions were made by an AI system. This could occur where an AI system assists in the drafting of the patent application and introduces alternative embodiments which the inventor(s) did not conceive and applicant seeks to patent. If there is a question as to whether there was at least one named inventor who significantly contributed to a claimed invention developed with the assistance of AI, information regarding the interaction with the AI system (e.g., the inputs/outputs of the AI system) could be material and, if so, should be submitted to the USPTO.
Practitioners are also under a duty to refrain from filing or prosecuting patent claims that are known to be unpatentable. Therefore, in situations where an AI tool is used to draft patent claims, the practitioner is under a duty to modify those claims as needed to present them in patentable form before submitting them to the USPTO. In situations where the specification and/or drawings of the patent application are drafted using AI tools, practitioners need to take extra care to verify the technical accuracy of the documents and compliance with 35 U.S.C. 112. Also, when AI tools are used to produce or draft prophetic examples, appropriate care should be taken to assist the readers in differentiating these examples from actual working examples. This should be done before initial filing with the USPTO because amending the specification and/or drawings after the initial submission may constitute new matter. Care should be taken to ensure that the disclosures of foreign or international patent applications drafted using AI tools, to which the U.S. patent application claims priority, are technically accurate to avoid loss of priority due to the filing of amendments to correct technical errors in the U.S. application.
When AI systems are relied upon to draft or modify claims, such drafts or changes could impact inventorship or patentability (e.g.,35 U.S.C. 112(a)). For example, when AI makes contributions to drafting portions of the specification and/or claims (e.g., introducing alternate embodiments not contemplated by the inventor(s)), it is appropriate to assess whether the contributions made by natural persons rise to the level of inventorship, in accordance with the law and recent USPTO guidance. In particular, each named inventor must have significantly contributed to a claimed invention of the application as described by the Pannu factors. Therefore, practitioners should carefully reevaluate that the appropriate inventors are listed on the patent application. It is particularly important for a practitioner to review applications prepared with the assistance of AI, before filing, to see that information is not incorrectly or incompletely characterized.
AI systems could also be used in the submission of evidence of patentability or unpatentability (e.g., evidence of secondary considerations). Though AI may be used to identify evidence or even draft affidavits, petitions, responses to Office actions, etc., practitioners are required to verify the accuracy of factual assertions, both technical and legal, and ensure that all documents, including those prepared with the assistance of AI, do not introduce inaccurate statements and evidence into the record, either inadvertently or intentionally, or omit information that is material to patentability.
Additionally, AI may be used to automatically populate the USPTO's PTO/SB/08 form (Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) form) with citations for submission to the USPTO, and may be used to collect prior art references in the first place. While AI could be attractive to some patent applicants and practitioners, the unchecked use of AI poses the danger of increasing the number and size of IDS submissions to the USPTO, which could burden the Office with large numbers of cumulative and irrelevant submissions. First, 37 CFR 1.4(d) requires a natural person to personally sign or insert their signature on the IDS. By signing, that person is certifying that they have performed a reasonable inquiry - including not just reviewing the IDS form but reviewing each piece of prior art listed on the form - and determined the paper is compliant with 37 CFR 11.18(b). Regardless of where prior art is found, submitting an IDS without reviewing the contents may be a violation of 37 CFR 11.18(b). After the contents have been reviewed, clearly irrelevant and marginally pertinent cumulative information to the instant proceeding should be removed to avoid violating 37 CFR 11.18 by overburdening the examiner with a large amount of irrelevant information. Including such information in an IDS could be construed as a paper presented for an improper purpose because it could "cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of any proceeding before the Office." Similarly, third-party preissuance submissions under 37 CFR 1.290 must also be signed by a natural person and, therefore, implicate the certifications under 37 CFR 11.18(b).
The duty of disclosure applies to the individuals identified in 37 CFR 1.56(c). This duty cannot be transferred to another person or a computer system such as an AI tool. Therefore, it is the §1.56(c) individuals who must ensure that all material information is submitted to the USPTO. Therefore, IDSs should also be reviewed to ensure that all material information is disclosed to prevent material information from being unknowingly omitted.