Permitted Uses to Benefit Society
5 Beyond supporting creators and performers, the Act also contains new exceptions to copyright owners' rights, known as "permitted uses", to ensure copyright works are reasonably available for use by the general public.
Use of works for computational data analysis
6 To support research and innovation, copyright works, if lawfully accessed (e.g. without circumventing paywalls), can be used for computational data analysis, such as sentiment analysis, text and data mining, or training machine learning, without having to seek the permission of each copyright owner.
Use of online materials for educational purposes
7 Teachers and students can use freely available online materials for their educational activities, including for home-based learning.
a. The source and date of access must be cited and there must be sufficient acknowledgement of the material (e.g. identification of the author and the title/description of the work).
b. Any digital communication of the materials must be done on the educational institution's internal network or on MOE's Student Learning Space.
c. If the teacher or student is informed that the source they used infringed copyright, they must stop using the material.
5 創作者及び実演家の支援だけでなく、本法律は、著作物が一般公衆による利用のために合理的な形で入手可能とされる事を保証する、「許される利用」として知られる、著作権者の権利に対する新しい例外も含む。
6 調査及びイノベーションを支援するため、著作物は、適法にアクセスされたものであれば(例えば有料の壁の回避をしない様な場合)、それぞれの著作権者の許可を求める事なく、感情分析、テキスト及びデータマイニング又は機械学習のトレーニングの様なコンピュータによるデータ分析のために用いる事ができる。
7 教師と学生は、家庭での学習を含む、その教育活動のために自由に入手可能なオンラインマテリアルを利用する事ができる。
Fair use is permitted use
190. -
(1) It is a permitted use of a work to make a fair use of the work.(2) It is a permitted use of a protected performance to make a fair use of -
(a) the performance; or
(b) a recording of the performance.Relevant matters in deciding whether use is fair
191. Subject to sections 192, 193 and 194, all relevant matters must be considered in deciding whether a work or a protected performance (including a recording of the performance) is fairly used, including -
(a) the purpose and character of the use, including whether the use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit educational purposes;
(b) the nature of the work or performance;
(c) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the whole work or performance; and
(d) the effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the work or performance.Additional requirement for sufficient acknowledgment where use is for certain purposes
192. -
(1) Where a work or a protected performance (including a recording of the performance) is used for the purpose of reporting news, the use is not fair unless -
(a) the work or performance is sufficiently acknowledged; or
(b) sufficient acknowledgment is impossible for reasons of practicality or otherwise.(2) Where a work or protected performance (or a recording of the performance) is used for the purpose of criticism or review (whether of that work or performance or another work or performance), the use is not fair unless the work or performance is sufficiently acknowledged.
Deemed fair use where work or recording included in fairly-used work
193. -
(1) This section applies where -
(a) any of the following works is used for the purpose of criticism or review:
(i) a sound recording;
(ii) a film;
(iii) a broadcast;
(iv) a cable programme; and
(b) the use is fair.(2) A work or a recording of a protected performance that is included in the work mentioned in subsection (1)(a) is deemed to be fairly used (and section 191 does not apply).
(3) To avoid doubt, this section does not limit what would otherwise be a fair use.
Deemed fair use where reasonable portion copied for research or study
194. -
(1) Making a copy of a literary, dramatic or musical work for the purpose of research or study is deemed to be a fair use (and section 191 does not apply) if -
(a) the work is an article in a periodical publication; or
(b) no more than a reasonable portion of the work is copied.(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to making a copy of an article in a periodical publication if -
(a) another article in that publication is also copied; and
(b) the copied articles deal with different subject matters.(3) To avoid doubt, this section does not limit what would otherwise be a fair use.
第1項 著作物の公正利用をする事は許される利用である。第2項 以下のものの公正利用をする事は許される利用である。
第191条 第192条、第193条及び第194条に関し、著作物又は保護を受ける実演(実演のレコーディングを含む)が公正に利用されたかを決定するにあたり、全ての関係する事項が考慮され、これは以下を含む-
第1項 著作物又は保護を受ける実演(実演のレコーディングを含む)が報道の目的のために利用される場合、以下でない限りその利用は公正ではない-
(b)個別の又はその他の理由のために十分な認知が不可能であるか。第2項 著作物又は保護を受ける実演(実演のレコーディングを含む)が論評又は批評のために利用される場合、著作物又は実演が十分に認知される様になっていない限り、その利用は公正ではない。
第1項 本条は以下の場合に適用される-
(b)その利用が公正である場合。第2項 第1項(a)で言及されている著作物に含まれる著作物又は保護を受ける実演のレコーディングは公正に利用されているとみなされる(そして第191条は適用されない)。
第3項 不明確を避けるため、本条がさもなければ公正利用とされるだろう事を制限する事はない。
第1項 以下の場合の研究又は学習のための文学、劇又は音楽の著作物の複製は公正利用とみなされる(そして第191条は適用されない)-
(b)著作物の合理的な部分を超える複製がされていないか。第2項 第1項は以下の場合の定期出版物の記事の複製には適用されない-
(b)その複製された記事が他の事項を扱っている場合。第3項 不明確を避けるため、本条がさもなければフェアユースとされるだろう事を制限する事はない。
5. Strengthening the general "fair use" exception:
Old position (under the Copyright Act 1987)
・One exception to copyright infringement is a general open-ended "fair dealing" exception. This means that a person will not be liable for copyright infringement if their use of a copyright work qualifies as a "fair dealing".
・There are 5 factors to consider:
1) The purpose and character of your use.
2) The nature of the work you are using.
3) The amount and substantiality of the portion of the work you are using, in relation to the whole work.
4) The effect that your use will have on the potential market for, or value of, the work.
5) The possibility of obtaining the work within a reasonable time at an ordinary commercial price.New position (under the Copyright Act 2021)
・The "fair dealing" exception is made easier to understand and apply:
○The exception is now called "fair use".
○The 5th factor will be removed. This means that it is no longer mandatory for the courts to consider, in every situation, whether there is the possibility of obtaining a work within a reasonable time at an ordinary commercial price. However, this factor can be still be taken into account where relevant.
○The exception will incorporate the other existing specific fair dealing exceptions (and their specific accompanying conditions):
- reporting news;
- criticism or review; and
- research or study.・If you are a user (including a creator who wants to build on existing works), you can rely on this exception when your intended use does not fall under other specific permitted uses. Ultimately, whether your use qualifies for the exception will depend on the specific facts of your particular circumstance.
| 固定リンク
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