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2022年4月17日 (日)





(1) Wird ein Patent fur eine Erfindung nachgesucht, die ein Staatsgeheimnis (§93 des Strafgesetzbuches) ist, so ordnet die Prufungsstelle von Amts wegen an, das jede Veroffentlichung unterbleibt. Die zustandige oberste Bundesbehorde ist vor der Anordnung zu horen. Sie kann den Erlass einer Anordnung beantragen.

(2) Die Prufungsstelle hebt von Amts wegen oder auf Antrag der zustandigen obersten Bundesbehorde, des Anmelders oder des Patentinhabers eine Anordnung nach Absatz 1 auf, wenn deren Voraussetzungen entfallen sind. Die Prufungsstelle pruft in jahrlichen Abstanden, ob die Voraussetzungen der Anordnung nach Absatz 1 fortbestehen. Vor der Aufhebung einer Anordnung nach Absatz 1 ist die zustandige oberste Bundesbehorde zu horen.

(3) Die Prufungsstelle gibt den Beteiligten Nachricht, wenn gegen einen Beschluss der Prufungsstelle, durch den ein Antrag auf Erlas einer Anordnung nach Absatz 1 zuruckgewiesen oder eine Anordnung nach Absatz 1 aufgehoben worden ist, innerhalb der Beschwerdefrist (§73 Abs. 2) keine Beschwerde eingegangen ist.

(4) Die Absatze 1 bis 3 sind auf eine Erfindung entsprechend anzuwenden, die von einem fremden Staat aus Verteidigungsgrunden geheimgehalten und der Bundesregierung mit deren Zustimmung unter der Auflage anvertraut wird, die Geheimhaltung zu wahren.


Das Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt hat der zustandigen obersten Bundesbehorde zur Prufung der Frage, ob jede Veroffentlichung gemass §50 Abs. 1 zu unterbleiben hat oder ob eine gemass §50 Abs. 1 ergangene Anordnung aufzuheben ist, Einsicht in die Akten zu gewahren.


(1) Eine Patentanmeldung, die ein Staatsgeheimnis (§93 des Strafgesetzbuches) enthalt, darf ausserhalb des Geltungsbereichs dieses Gesetzes nur eingereicht werden, wenn die zustandige oberste Bundesbehorde hierzu die schriftliche Genehmigung erteilt. Die Genehmigung kann unter Auflagen erteilt werden.

(2) Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu funf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer
1. entgegen Absatz 1 Satz 1 eine Patentanmeldung einreicht oder
2. einer Auflage nach Absatz 1 Satz 2 zuwiderhandelt.


(1) Wird dem Anmelder innerhalb von vier Monaten seit der Anmeldung der Erfindung beim Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt keine Anordnung nach §50 Abs. 1 zugestellt, so konnen der Anmelder und jeder andere, der von der Erfindung Kenntnis hat, sofern sie im Zweifel daruber sind, ob die Geheimhaltung der Erfindung erforderlich ist (§93 des Strafgesetzbuches), davon ausgehen, das die Erfindung nicht der Geheimhaltung bedarf.

(2) Kann die Prufung, ob jede Veroffentlichung gemass §50 Abs. 1 zu unterbleiben hat, nicht innerhalb der in Absatz 1 genannten Frist abgeschlossen werden, so kann das Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt diese Frist durch eine Mitteilung, die dem Anmelder innerhalb der in Absatz 1 genannten Frist zuzustellen ist, um hochstens zwei Monate verlangern.


Ist auf eine Anmeldung, fur die eine Anordnung nach §50 Abs. 1 ergangen ist, ein Patent erteilt worden, so ist das Patent in ein besonderes Register einzutragen. Auf die Einsicht in das besondere Register ist §31 Abs. 5 Satz 1 entsprechend anzuwenden.


(1) Ein Anmelder, Patentinhaber oder sein Rechtsnachfolger, der die Verwertung einer nach den §§1 bis 5 patentfahigen Erfindung fur friedliche Zwecke mit Rucksicht auf eine Anordnung nach §50 Abs. 1 unterlasst, hat wegen des ihm hierdurch entstehenden Vermogensschadens einen Anspruch auf Entschadigung gegen den Bund, wenn und soweit ihm nicht zugemutet werden kann, den Schaden selbst zu tragen. Bei Beurteilung der Zumutbarkeit sind insbesondere die wirtschaftliche Lage des Geschadigten, die Hohe seiner fur die Erfindung oder fur den Erwerb der Rechte an der Erfindung gemachten Aufwendungen, der bei Entstehung der Aufwendungen fur ihn erkennbare Grad der Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Geheimhaltungsbedurftigkeit der Erfindung sowie der Nutzen zu berucksichtigen, der dem Geschadigten aus einer sonstigen Verwertung der Erfindung zufliesst. Der Anspruch kann erst nach der Erteilung des Patents geltend gemacht werden. Die Entschadigung kann nur jeweils nachtraglich und fur Zeitabschnitte, die nicht kurzer als ein Jahr sind, verlangt werden.

(2) Der Anspruch ist bei der zustandigen obersten Bundesbehorde geltend zu machen. Der Rechtsweg vor den ordentlichen Gerichten steht offen.

(3) Eine Entschadigung gemass Absatz 1 wird nur gewahrt, wenn die erste Anmeldung der Erfindung beim Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt eingereicht und die Erfindung nicht schon vor dem Erlass einer Anordnung nach §50 Abs. 1 von einem fremden Staat aus Verteidigungsgrunden geheimgehalten worden ist.


第1項 国家機密(刑法第93条)である発明に対して特許が求められる場合、審査部は、職権で、公開を保留する事を命令する。権限を有する連邦最高機関の意見が聞かれる。それは命令の発出を要請できる。

第2項 その命令の前提条件がなくなったとき、審査部は、職権で、又は、出願人権限を有する連邦最高機関、出願人又は特許権者の要請により、第1項に基づく命令を取り消す。審査部は1年毎に、第1項に基づく命令の前提条件が継続しているかどうかを審査する。第1項の命令の取り消しの前に、権限を有する連邦最高機関の意見が聞かれる。

第3項 審査部は、第1項に基づく命令の発出の要請を却下するか第1項に基づく命令を取り消す決定に対して不服期間(第73条第2項)(訳注:1月)に不服が申し立てられなかったとき、当事者に通知する。

第4項 第1項から第3項は、外国により防衛上の理由から秘密を保持され、連邦政府に、秘密保持を保障するというその同意とともに委ねられた発明にも準用される。




第1項 国家機密(刑法第93条)を含む特許出願は、権限を有する連邦最高機関によりそれについて書面による許可が与えられない限り、本法の管轄地外で提出する事は許されない。許可は条件つきで与えられ得る。

第2項 次の者は5年までの禁固刑又は罰金により罰される


第1項 特許出願人にドイツ特許商標庁への発明の出願から4月の間第50条第1項に基づく命令が送達されない場合、(刑法第93条に基づく)発明の秘密保持が必要かどうかについて疑いを抱く限りにおいて、出願人又は発明について知る他の者は、秘密保持の必要がない事を導き出せる。

第2項 第50条第1項に従い公開を保留するかどうかの審査は第1項に記載の期間で終わらない事があり、その場合ドイツ特許商標庁は、第1項に記載の期間中に出願人に送達される通知により、最長で2月の延長ができる。




第1項 第50条第1項に基づく命令を考慮し、第1条から第5条に基づき特許を受けられる発明の平和目的の利用を止められた出願人、特許権者又はその承継人は、損害を自身で負うべき事が要求されないとき、また、その限りにおいて、それによって自身に生じた財産的損害について、連邦に対する損害補償請求権を有する。


第2項 請求は権限を有する連邦最高機関にされる。

第3項 第1項による損害補償は、発明の最初の出願がドイツ特許商標庁に提出され、発明が第50条第1項の命令の発出より前に既に外国によって防衛上の理由により秘密に保持されていなかったときのみ、与えられる。




Patente und Gebrauchsmuster fur Staatsgeheimnisse

Patent- oder Gebrauchsmusteranmeldungen zum Beispiel aus

- der Wehr- und Rustungstechnologie
- der Kerntechnologie
- der geheimen Nachrichtenubertragung

konnen Staatsgeheimnisse enthalten.

Diese Erfindungen unterliegen dann dem so genannten "Geheimschutz". Infrage kommen hier vor allem Anmeldungen von Unternehmen und privaten wie staatlichen Forschungseinrichtungen.


Alle beim DPMA eingehenden Patent- und Gebrauchsmusteranmeldungen aus bestimmten Klassen der Internationalen Patentklassifikation (IPC) werden zunachst dem Buro 99 zugeleitet. Hier werden dann die nicht geheimhaltungsbedurftigen Schutzrechtsanmeldungen in mehreren Schritten "ausgesiebt". Das DPMA arbeitet dabei mit anderen Behorden wie dem Bundesministerium der Verteidigung und dem Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft und Technologie zusammen.

Ist die Anmeldung geheimhaltungsbedurftig, erlasst das DPMA - nach vorheriger Anhorung des Anmelders - eine Geheimhaltungsanordnung. Dabei uberpruft das DPMA jahrlich, ob die Geheimhaltung der Schutzrechte oder Schutzrechtsanmeldungen weiter fortbestehen muss oder ob die Geheimhaltung aufgehoben werden kann. Kann die Geheimhaltung aufgehoben werden, wird auch eine Offenlegungs- oder Patentschrift veroffentlicht.


Haufig gestellte Fragen zum Geheimschutz

Was sind Staatsgeheimnisse?

Staatsgeheimnisse sind Tatsachen, Gegenstande oder Erkenntnisse, die nur einem begrenzten Personenkreis zuganglich sind und vor einer fremden Macht geheim gehalten werden mussen, um die Gefahr eines schweren Nachteils fur die aussere Sicherheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland abzuwenden (§93 Abs. 1 StGB).

Habe ich ein Staatsgeheimnis erfunden?

Anmeldungen aus folgenden technischen Gebieten konnen vornehmlich Staatsgeheimnisse enthalten:

- Wehr- und Rustungstechnologie z.B. Panzerungen, Sprengstoffe, Munition, Peil- und Messvorrichtungen
- Kernenergietechnologie z.B. Gasultrazentrifugen, Fusionsreaktoren, Plasma-Kerntechnik
- Wert- und Sicherheitsdokumente z.B. Wertpapiere, Banknoten, Ausweise
- Kryptologie z.B. Codier-/Decodiersysteme, Nachrichtentechnik.

Staatsgeheimnisse im Schutzrechtsverfahren gibt es ausschliesslich im Patent- und Gebrauchsmusterwesen. Marken- und Designanmeldungen konnen keine Staatsgeheimnisse enthalten.


Wer oder was ist das Buro 99?

Das Buro 99 ist die zentrale Stelle des DPMA fur Patent- und Gebrauchsmusterangelegenheiten, bei denen das Geheimhaltungsverfahren fur die Schutzrechte Patente und Gebrauchsmuster lauft bzw. die Geheimhaltungsanordnung vorliegt.

Wie melde ich ein Staatsgeheimnis an?

Fur die Anmeldung sind dieselben Unterlagen wie fur eine "normale" Patent- oder Gebrauchsmusteranmeldung zu verwenden. Wenn konkrete Anhaltspunkte vorliegen, die ein mogliches Staatsgeheimnis erkennen lassen, soll dies bereits durch den Anmelder bei der Anmeldung sowie auf dem Briefkuvert kenntlich gemacht werden. Dieses kenntlich gemachte Kuvert ist dann in ein weiteres nicht gekennzeichnetes Kuvert zu stecken und dem DPMA zuzuleiten.

Der aussere Umschlag darf nur die fur die Zustellung erforderlichen Angaben enthalten. Er darf keine Zusatze, die Ruckschluss auf den Inhalt zulassen oder auf eine Sonderbehandlung der Sendung hindeuten, aufweisen (§21 Abs. 6 der Allgemeinen Verwaltungsvorschrift zum materiellen und organisatorischen Schutz von Verschlusssachen - VSA sowie Anlage 6).

Die Ubersendung an das Europaische Patentamt ist nicht zulassig, da es sich um eine europaische Behorde handelt, die uber deutsche Staatsgeheimnisse keine Kenntnis erlangen darf.

Darf ich elektronisch anmelden?

Auch nach Einfuhrung der elektronischen Schutzrechtsakte besteht fur Staatsgeheimnisse keine Moglichkeit, diese auf gesichertem elektronischem Weg (weder Internet noch Telefax!) dem DPMA zuzuleiten. Anmeldungen mussen daher ebenso wie der dazugehorige Schriftverkehr stets in Papierform eingereicht werden.
































Article L612-8

Le ministre charge de la defense est habilite a prendre connaissance aupres de l'Institut national de la propriete industrielle, a titre confidentiel, des demandes de brevet.

Article L612-9

Les inventions faisant l'objet de demandes de brevet ne peuvent etre divulguees et exploitees librement aussi longtemps qu'une autorisation n'a ete accordee a cet effet.

Pendant cette periode, les demandes de brevet ne peuvent etre rendues publiques, aucune copie conforme de la demande de brevet ne peut etre delivree sauf autorisation, et les procedures prevues aux articles L. 612-14, L. 612-15 et au 1° de l'article L. 612-21 ne peuvent etre engagees.

Sous reserve de l'article L. 612-10, l'autorisation prevue au premier alinea du present article peut etre accordee a tout moment. Elle est acquise de plein droit au terme d'un delai de cinq mois a compter du jour du depot de la demande de brevet.

Les autorisations prevues aux premier et deuxieme alineas du present article sont accordees par le directeur de l'Institut national de la propriete industrielle sur avis du ministre charge de la defense.

Article L612-10

Avant le terme du delai prevu au deuxieme alinea de l'article L. 612-9, les interdictions edictees a l'alinea premier dudit article peuvent etre prorogees, sur requisition du ministre charge de la defense, pour une duree d'un an renouvelable. Les interdictions prorogees peuvent etre levees a tout moment, sous la meme condition.

La prorogation des interdictions edictees en vertu du present article ouvre droit a une indemnite au profit du titulaire de la demande de brevet, dans la mesure du prejudice subi. A defaut d'accord amiable, cette indemnite est fixee par le tribunal judiciaire. A tous les degres de juridiction, les debats ont lieu en chambre du conseil.

Une demande de revision de l'indemnite prevue a l'alinea precedent peut etre introduite par le titulaire du brevet a l'expiration du delai d'un an qui suit la date du jugement definitif fixant le montant de l'indemnite.

Le titulaire du brevet doit apporter la preuve que le prejudice qu'il subit est superieur a l'estimation du tribunal.















Article L615-13

Sans prejudice, s'il echet, des peines plus graves prevues en matiere d'atteinte a la surete de l'Etat, quiconque a sciemment enfreint une des interdictions portees aux articles L. 612-9 et L. 612-10 est puni d'une amende de 4 500 euros. Si la violation a porte prejudice a la defense nationale, une peine d'emprisonnement de un a cinq ans pourra, en outre, etre prononcee.




6 - L'INPI transmet ensuite votre demande pour examen a la Defense nationale

Cette etape est imposee par la loi pour verifier si l'invention ne presente pas un interet pour la nation justifiant que sa divulgation soit empechee ou retardee. C'est rarement le cas. Le ministre de la Defense dispose d'un delai maximal de 5 mois pour decider s'il met ou non le brevet au secret. En regle generale, l'autorisation de divulgation vous est adressee par courrier dans les 4 a 6 semaines suivant votre depot.

Il vous est possible de demander, des le depot, une autorisation exceptionnelle de divulguer et d'exploiter l'invention.

Attention : les demandes susceptibles d'interesser la Defense nationale, typiquement une invention deposee a l'occasion de l'execution d'un marche notifie par le Ministere de la Defense, ou relevant d'un domaine sensible, ou relevant du secret d'un gouvernement etranger doivent etre deposees par voie papier exclusivement et une note d'information doit etre emise a l'attention du Bureau de la Propriete intellectuelle de la Direction Generale de l'Armement :











| | コメント (1)

2022年4月15日 (金)




22 Information prejudicial to national security or safety of public.

(1) Where an application for a patent is filed in the Patent Office (whether under this Act or any treaty or international convention to which the United Kingdom is a party and whether before or after the appointed day) and it appears to the comptroller that the application contains information of a description notified to him by the Secretary of State as being information the publication of which might be prejudicial to national security, the comptroller may give directions prohibiting or restricting the publication of that information or its communication to any specified person or description of persons.

(2) If it appears to the comptroller that any application so filed contains information the publication of which might be prejudicial to the safety of the public, he may give directions prohibiting or restricting the publication of that information or its communication to any specified person or description of persons until the end of a period not exceeding three months from the end of the period prescribed for the purposes of section 16 above.

(3) While directions are in force under this section with respect to an application-

(a) if the application is made under this Act, it may proceed to the stage where it is in order for the grant of a patent, but it shall not be published and that information shall not be so communicated and no patent shall be granted in pursuance of the application;


(5) Where the comptroller gives directions under this section with respect to any application, he shall give notice of the application and of the directions to the Secretary of State, and the following provisions shall then have effect:-

(a) the Secretary of State shall, on receipt of the notice, consider whether the publication of the application or the publication or communication of the information in question would be prejudicial to national security or the safety of the public;

(b) if the Secretary of State determines under paragraph (a) above that the publication of the application or the publication or communication of that information would be prejudicial to the safety of the public, he shall notify the comptroller who shall continue his directions under subsection (2) above until they are revoked under paragraph (e) below;

(c) if the Secretary of State determines under paragraph (a) above that the publication of the application or the publication or communication of that information would be prejudicial to national security or the safety of the public, he shall (unless a notice under paragraph (d) below has previously been given by the Secretary of State to the comptroller) reconsider that question during the period of nine months from the date of filing the application and at least once in every subsequent period of twelve months;

(d) if on consideration of an application at any time it appears to the Secretary of State that the publication of the application or the publication or communication of the information contained in it would not, or would no longer, be prejudicial to national security or the safety of the public, he shall give notice to the comptroller to that effect; and

(e) on receipt of such a notice the comptroller shall revoke the directions and may, subject to such conditions (if any) as he thinks fit, extend the time for doing anything required or authorised to be done by or under this Act in connection with the application, whether or not that time has previously expired.

(6) The Secretary of State may do the following for the purpose of enabling him to decide the question referred to in subsection (5)(c) above-

(a) where the application contains information relating to the production or use of atomic energy or research into matters connected with such production or use, he may at any time do one or both of the following, that is to say,
(i) inspect the application and any documents sent to the comptroller in connection with it;
(ii) authorise a government body with responsibility for the production of atomic energy or for research into matters connected with its production or use, or a person appointed by such a government body, to inspect the application and any documents sent to the comptroller in connection with it; and

(b) in any other case, he may at any time after (or, with the applicant's consent, before) the end of the period prescribed for the purposes of section 16 above inspect the application and any such documents;

and where a government body or a person appointed by a government body carries out an inspection which the body or person is authorised to carry out under paragraph (a) above, the body or (as the case may be) the person shall report on the inspection to the Secretary of State as soon as practicable.

(7) Where directions have been given under this section in respect of an application for a patent for an invention and, before the directions are revoked, that prescribed period expires and the application is brought in order for the grant of a patent, then-

(a) if while the directions are in force the invention is worked by (or with the written authorisation of or to the order of) a government department, the provisions of sections 55 to 59 below shall apply as if-
(i) the working were use made by section 55;
(ii) the application had been published at the end of that period; and
(iii) a patent had been granted for the invention at the time the application is brought in order for the grant of a patent (taking the terms of the patent to be those of the application as it stood at the time it was so brought in order); and

(b) if it appears to the Secretary of State that the applicant for the patent has suffered hardship by reason of the continuance in force of the directions, the Secretary of State may, with the consent of the Treasury, make such payment (if any) by way of compensation to the applicant as appears to the Secretary of State and the Treasury to be reasonable having regard to the inventive merit and utility of the invention, the purpose for which it is designed and any other relevant circumstances.

(8) Where a patent is granted in pursuance of an application in respect of which directions have been given under this section, no renewal fees shall be payable in respect of any period during which those directions were in force.

(9) A person who fails to comply with any direction under this section shall be liable-

(a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding £1,000; or

(b) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine, or both.

23 Restrictions on applications abroad by United Kingdom residents.

(1) Subject to the following provisions of this section, no person resident in the United Kingdom shall, without written authority granted by the comptroller, file or cause to be filed outside the United Kingdom an application for a patent for an invention if subsection (1A) below applies to that application, unless -

(a) an application for a patent for the same invention has been filed in the Patent Office (whether before, on or after the appointed day) not less than six weeks before the application outside the United Kingdom; and

(b) either no directions have been given under section 22 above in relation to the application in the United Kingdom or all such directions have been revoked.

(1A) This subsection applies to an application if-

(a) the application contains information which relates to military technology or for any other reason publication of the information might be prejudicial to national security; or

(b) the application contains information the publication of which might be prejudicial to the safety of the public.

(2) Subsection (1) above does not apply to an application for a patent for an invention for which an application for a patent has first been filed (whether before or after the appointed day) in a country outside the United Kingdom by a person resident outside the United Kingdom.

(3) A person who files or causes to be filed an application for the grant of a patent in contravention of this section shall be liable-

(a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding £1,000; or

(b) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine, or both.

(3A) A person is liable under subsection (3) above only if -

(a) he knows that filing the application, or causing it to be filed, would contravene this section; or

(b) he is reckless as to whether filing the application, or causing it to be filed, would contravene this section.

第22条 国家の安全保障又は公共の安全を損なう情報

第1項 出願が特許庁に提出され(本法又は連合王国が加盟する条約又は国際協定によるもので、施行日の前後のもの)、その出願が、その公開が国家の安全保障を損ない得るものであるとして国務大臣によって通知された記述の情報を含むと特許庁長官に見られる場合、特許庁長官は、その情報の公開又は特定の人若しくは人々の説明への伝達を禁止又は制限する命令を出す事ができる。

第2項 その公開が公共の安全を損ない得るものである情報を含むと特許庁長官に見られる場合、第16条(訳注:出願公開に関する条項)の目的のために規定された期間の終わりから3月を超えない期間の終わりまでその情報の公開又は特定の人若しくは人々の説明への伝達を禁止又は制限する命令を出す事ができる。

第3項 命令が出願に関して本条に基づき効力を有する間-



第5項 出願に関して本条に基づき命令を出す場合、特許庁長官はその出願及び命令について国務大臣に通知し、次の規定がその時実行される。






第6項 国務大臣は、前の第5項(c)に記載された問題を決める事を可能とする目的で次の事ができる-




第7項 発明に関する特許出願に関して本条に基づき命令が出され、命令が取り消される前に、規定の期間が過ぎ、出願について特許付与され得る事が整った場合、その際-



第8項 本条に基づき命令を与えられた出願により特許が付与された場合、その命令が効力を有していた期間に関して更新手数料が支払われる事はない。

第9項 本条に基づく命令に従わなかった者は次の罰を受ける-



第23条 連合王国居住者による外国出願についての制限

第1項 本条の次の規定に従い、次の場合を除き、連合王国の居住者は誰も、第1A項が適用される出願であるとき、特許庁長官によって与えられた書面による許可なく、発明についての特許出願を連合王国外で提出するか、その様な出願が提出される事をもたらしてはならない。



第1A項 本項は次の出願に適用される



第2項 前の第1項は、(施行日の前後で)特許出願が連合王国外に居住する者によって連合王国外の国に最初に出願された発明についての特許出願には適用されない。

第3項 本条に違反して、特許付与を受けるための出願をしたか、出願をもたらした者は次の罰を受ける-



第3A項 前の第3項において、次の場合のみ罰を受ける-






This section gives the comptroller the power to prohibit the communication of information disclosed in an application filed at the Office, specifies how such an application is to be dealt with by the Office, lays down how prohibition directions are to be reviewed by the Secretary of State, confers certain rights on an applicant where grant of a patent is prevented by such a direction, and finally specifies penalties for failure to comply with such a direction. S.22 applies to all applications filed at the Office, whether filed under the 1977 Act or filed at the Office in its capacity as a Receiving Office under the EPC or the PCT. It also applies to applications under the 1949 Act, except that where such an application was, on the date (1st June 1978) on which the 1977 Act came into force, already the subject of directions under s.18 of the 1949 Act, those directions continue in force; if and when directions on such an application are revoked any patent is published and granted under the 1949 Act (unless the application is withdrawn in which case it is neither granted nor, following paragraph 1 of Schedule 5 to the CDP Act, published). S.22 was amended by the Patents Act 2004 with effect from 1 January 2005, which substituted the original term "the defence of the realm" with "national security" throughout this section, without any intended change of scope. The 2004 Act also amended s.22(6) to remove references to the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA).


Every application filed at the Office, is, once it has passed through Document Reception and New Applications (or has been filed securely - see 22.07), scrutinised by an examiner in Security Section, who is supplied with a list of material, the publication of information about which might be prejudicial to national security. If such information is disclosed, the application is removed from the general stream of applications and directions are given under s.22(1) prohibiting the publication of the application and the communication of its contents. Similar directions are given under s.22(2) if the information disclosed is such that its publication might be prejudicial to the safety of the public. In this case no general guidance is given by the Secretary of State, and the decision as to what falls into this category is a matter for the comptroller.



s.97(1)(c) is also relevant

In neither case is there any appeal from a decision by the comptroller to issue prohibition directions.


Although prohibition directions initially impose a blanket prohibition against any disclosure of the patent application and information therein, permission may be sought from the comptroller for disclosure to specified persons. If granted such permission will impose conditions on the persons so specified; thus they should not without specific authorisation disclose the information to any other person. Permission must be sought for filing corresponding applications abroad see 23.04.


Although all applications are inspected by Security Section, anyone filing an application, knowing that a Government department or a foreign government wishes its contents to be kept secret, or the contents of which relate to a classified Government contract, should file the application at Room G.R70, Concept House, and not to the usual Front Office. Such applications may be filed by hand at the Newport or London office, in envelopes marked "For the attention of GR70", but only between the hours of 9am and 5pm. The receptionist should be informed that the application is for GR70 rather than the usual Front Office. Documents which might include information of relevance to national defence or security should not be filed by facsimile transmission. In respect of a filing connected with a classified Government contract the application should be accompanied by a notification of the number of the contract together with the name and address of the Government agency involved in the contract.


Documents involved in applications subject to prohibition directions under Section 22(1) must be despatched under security rules; Room G.R70 will always advise on this procedure. If such documents are being despatched to the Office, the envelope should be clearly marked "for attention of Room G.R70" and should be addressed to Room G.R70, Concept House, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales, NP10 8QQ.



For as long as prohibition directions are in force an application for a patent under the Act is dealt with by an examiner in Security Section. Search and substantive examination are carried out in the usual way for the period allowed for requesting substantive examination, see 18.02, but the application is not published, and at no stage is it mentioned in the Journal. When it appears to the examiner that the application is in order, a formal report indicating that the application complies with the Act and Rules is issued under s.18(4). The application does not however, proceed to publication and grant whilst the prohibition directions remain in force.



When directions under s.22(1) or (2) have been given with respect to an application the Secretary of State must be so informed, and must advise whether or not it should continue in force. Such advice will not be tendered in advance of the Secretary of State (usually, in practice, the Ministry of Defence) inspecting the application. This inspection is however done immediately if the application contains information relating to the production or use of atomic energy or research into matters connected with such production or use, and the Secretary of State may authorise a government body with responsibility for the production of atomic energy or for research into its production or use, or a person appointed by such a body to inspect the application. (See also 22.27-22.29). Otherwise the inspection cannot take place until after the expiry of eighteen months from the declared priority date or, where there is none, the filing date, unless the applicant gives permission for an earlier inspection. It is therefore advantageous, if early consideration for revocation of the directions is desired, to complete and return to Room G.R70 Concept House together with a copy of the specification the Form of Assent to Inspection which is despatched with the letter sent to the applicant stating that the order has been imposed. Even when early revocation is not being sought, it is desirable to acknowledge receipt of the letter imposing the directions.














第22条第1項に基づく禁止命令を受けた出願に関する書類はセキュリティ規則に基づき送付されなくてはならない。ルームG.R70はいつでもこの手続について助言する。その様な書類が特許庁に送付されるとき、封筒には常に「GR70の注意のため」と明記され、NP10 8QQ、南ウェールズ、ニューポート、カルディフロード、コンセプトハウス、ルームG.R70に宛てられるべきである。









Subsection (1A) was inserted by the Patents Act 2004 and came into force on 1 January 2005. The strictures of s.23(1) only apply to applications that contain information relating to military technology or other information whose publication might be prejudicial to national security or the safety of the public. A UK resident who wishes to file such an application abroad must therefore either file an application at the Office and then wait six weeks (after which, provided no direction has been given under s.22 (see 22.03), applications may be made abroad without further formality) or else must have written permission from the comptroller. Persons wanting such permission should apply direct to Room G.R70, Cardiff Road, Newport, South Wales, NP10 8QQ either by letter or, if more urgent attention is required, personally. A notice drawing attention to these matters appears prominently in every issue of the Patents Journal.



It should be noted that a failure to comply with the provisions of s.23(1) (or with a direction given under s.22) is a criminal offence. However, s.23(3A) limits culpability of the offence to where a person knows that filing an application or causing it to be filed would contravene s.23, or where they are reckless as to whether filing the application or causing it to be filed would contravene this section. Therefore, a person acting in good faith who mistakenly believes that the restrictions in s.23 do not apply to a patent application will not be guilty of a criminal offence.


2004年の特許法改正によって、第1A項が挿入され、2005年1月1日から施行されている。第23条第1項の構造は、軍事技術に関係する情報か、その公開が国家の安全保障又は公共の安全を損ない得る情報を含む出願のみに適用されるものである。その様な外国出願を提出する事を望む英国の居住者は、したがって、特許庁に出願を提出してから6週間待つか(第22条に基づく命令が出されない限り(22.03参照)、その後、それ以上の形式は必要なく出願は外国になされ得る)、特許庁長官からの書面による許可を得なければならない。その様な許可を求める者は、手紙によってか、もしさらに緊急の考慮が必要な場合は自ら、NP10 8QQ、南ウェールズ、ニューポート、カルディフロード、コンセプトハウス、ルームG.R70に直接請求するべきである。この事について注意すべき通知は特許公報のそれぞれの発行において目立つ様に掲載される。














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2022年4月10日 (日)





§181. Secrecy of certain inventions and withholding of patent

Whenever publication or disclosure by the publication of an application or by the grant of a patent on an invention in which the Government has a property interest might, in the opinion of the head of the interested Government agency, be detrimental to the national security, the Commissioner of Patents upon being so notified shall order that the invention be kept secret and shall withhold the publication of the application or the grant of a patent therefor under the conditions set forth hereinafter.

Whenever the publication or disclosure of an invention by the publication of an application or by the granting of a patent, in which the Government does not have a property interest, might, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Patents, be detrimental to the national security, he shall make the application for patent in which such invention is disclosed available for inspection to the Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of Defense, and the chief officer of any other department or agency of the Government designated by the President as a defense agency of the United States.

Each individual to whom the application is disclosed shall sign a dated acknowledgment thereof, which acknowledgment shall be entered in the file of the application. If, in the opinion of the Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of a Defense Department, or the chief officer of another department or agency so designated, the publication or disclosure of the invention by the publication of an application or by the granting of a patent therefor would be detrimental to the national security, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of a Defense Department, or such other chief officer shall notify the Commissioner of Patents and the Commissioner of Patents shall order that the invention be kept secret and shall withhold the publication of the application or the grant of a patent for such period as the national interest requires, and notify the applicant thereof.
Upon proper showing by the head of the department or agency who caused the secrecy order to be issued that the examination of the application might jeopardize the national interest, the Commissioner of Patents shall thereupon maintain the application in a sealed condition and notify the applicant thereof. The owner of an application which has been placed under a secrecy order shall have a right to appeal from the order to the Secretary of Commerce under rules prescribed by him.

An invention shall not be ordered kept secret and the publication of the application or the grant of a patent withheld for a period of more than one year. The Commissioner of Patents shall renew the order at the end thereof, or at the end of any renewal period, for additional periods of one year upon notification by the head of the department or the chief officer of the agency who caused the order to be issued that an affirmative determination has been made that the national interest continues so to require. An order in effect, or issued, during a time when the United States is at war, shall remain in effect for the duration of hostilities and one year following cessation of hostilities. An order in effect, or issued, during a national emergency declared by the President shall remain in effect for the duration of the national emergency and six months thereafter. The Commissioner of Patents may rescind any order upon notification by the heads of the departments and the chief officers of the agencies who caused the order to be issued that the publication or disclosure of the invention is no longer deemed detrimental to the national security.

§182. Abandonment of invention for unauthorized disclosure


§183. Right to compensation

An applicant, his successors, assigns, or legal representatives, whose patent is withheld as herein provided, shall have the right, beginning at the date the applicant is notified that, except for such order, his application is otherwise in condition for allowance, or February 1, 1952, whichever is later, and ending six years after a patent is issued thereon, to apply to the head of any department or agency who caused the order to be issued for compensation for the damage caused by the order of secrecy and/or for the use of the invention by the Government, resulting from his disclosure. The right to compensation for use shall begin on the date of the first use of the invention by the Government. The head of the department or agency is authorized, upon the presentation of a claim, to enter into an agreement with the applicant, his successors, assigns, or legal representatives, in full settlement for the damage and/or use. This settlement agreement shall be conclusive for all purposes notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary. If full settlement of the claim cannot be effected, the head of the department or agency may award and pay to such applicant, his successors, assigns, or legal representatives, a sum not exceeding 75 per centum of the sum which the head of the department or agency considers just compensation for the damage and/or use. A claimant may bring suit against the United States in the United States Court of Federal Claims or in the District Court of the United States for the district in which such claimant is a resident for an amount which when added to the award shall constitute just compensation for the damage and/or use of the invention by the Government. The owner of any patent issued upon an application that was subject to a secrecy order issued pursuant to section 181, who did not apply for compensation as above provided, shall have the right, after the date of issuance of such patent, to bring suit in the United States Court of Federal Claims for just compensation for the damage caused by reason of the order of secrecy and/or use by the Government of the invention resulting from his disclosure. The right to compensation for use shall begin on the date of the first use of the invention by the Government. In a suit under the provisions of this section the United States may avail itself of all defenses it may plead in an action under section 1498 of title 28. This section shall not confer a right of action on anyone or his successors, assigns, or legal representatives who, while in the full-time employment or service of the United States, discovered, invented, or developed the invention on which the claim is based.

§184. Filing of application in foreign country

(a) Filing in Foreign Country. - Except when authorized by a license obtained from the Commissioner of Patents a person shall not file or cause or authorize to be filed in any foreign country prior to six months after filing in the United States an application for patent or for the registration of a utility model, industrial design, or model in respect of an invention made in this country. A license shall not be granted with respect to an invention subject to an order issued by the Commissioner of Patents pursuant to section 181 without the concurrence of the head of the departments and the chief officers of the agencies who caused the order to be issued. The license may be granted retroactively where an application has been filed abroad through error and the application does not disclose an invention within the scope of section 181.


§185. Patent barred for filing without license


§186. Penalty


§187. Nonapplicability to certain persons


§188. Rules and regulations, delegation of power


第181条 特定の発明の秘密保持及び特許保留





第182条 許諾を得ない開示による発明の放棄


第183条 補償を受ける権利


第184条 外国における出願



第185条 許可を受けずにした外国出願に対する特許不付与


第186条 罰則


第187条 罰則が適用されない者


第188条 規則、権限の委任





If a defense agency concludes that disclosure of the invention would be detrimental to the national security, a secrecy order is recommended to the Commissioner for Patents. The Commissioner then issues a Secrecy Order and withholds the publication of the application or the grant of a patent for such period as the national interest requires.

For those applications in which the Government has a property interest (including applications indicating national security classified subject matter), responsibility for notifying the Commissioner for Patents of the need for a Secrecy Order resides with the agency having that interest. Applications that are national security classified (see 37 CFR 1.9(i)) may be so indicated by use of authorized national security markings (e.g., "Confidential," "Secret," or "Top Secret"). National security classified documents filed in the USPTO must be either hand-carried to Licensing and Review or mailed to the Office in compliance with 37 CFR 5.1(a) and Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009. However, the Office will accept such applications filed with the USPTO via the Department of Defense Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET) and consider them as filed via the USPTO's electronic filing system for purposes of 37 CFR 1.16(t) and 37 CFR 1.445(a)(ii). As set forth in 37 CFR 5.1(d), the applicant in a national security classified patent application must obtain a secrecy order from the appropriate defense agency or provide authority to cancel the markings. A list of contacts at the appropriate defense agency can be obtained by contacting Licensing and Review.





Three types of Secrecy Orders, each of a different scope, are issued as follows:

(A) Secrecy Order and Permit for Foreign Filing in Certain Countries (Type I secrecy order) - to be used for those patent applications that disclose critical technology with military or space application in accordance with DoD Directive 5230.25 "Withholding of Unclassified Technical Data From Public Disclosure," based on 10 U.S.C. 130 "Authority to Withhold From Public Disclosure Certain Technical Data."

(B) Secrecy Order and Permit for Disclosing Classified Information (Type II secrecy order) - to be used for those patent applications which contain data that is properly classified or classifiable under a security guideline where the patent application owner has a current DoD Security Agreement, DD Form 441. If the application is classifiable, this secrecy order allows disclosure of the technical information as if it were classified as prescribed in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM).

(C) General Secrecy Order (Type III secrecy order) - to be used for those patent applications that contain data deemed detrimental to national security if published or disclosed, including that data properly classifiable under a security guideline where the patent application owner does not have a DoD Security Agreement. The order prevents disclosure of the subject matter to anyone without an express written consent from the Commissioner for Patents. However, quite often this type of secrecy order includes a permit "Permit A" which relaxes the disclosure restrictions as set forth in the permit.

The Type I Secrecy Order is intended to permit the widest utilization of the technical data in the patent application while still controlling any publication or disclosure which would result in an unlawful exportation. This type of Secrecy Order also identifies the countries where corresponding patent applications may be filed. Countries with which the United States has reciprocal security agreements are: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Please note that applications subject to a secrecy order cannot be filed directly with the European Patent Office since no reciprocal security agreement with this organization exists. Applications must be filed in the individual EPO member countries identified above. Applicant must arrange filing of such subject matter through the agency sponsoring the secrecy order.

The intent of the Type II Secrecy Order is to treat classified and classifiable technical data presented as a patent application in the same manner as any other classified material. Accordingly, this Secrecy Order will include a notification of the classification level of the technical data in the application.

The Type III Secrecy Order is used where the other types of Orders do not apply, including Orders issued by direction of agencies other than the Department of Defense.

A Secrecy Order should not be construed in any way to mean that the Government has adopted or contemplates adoption of the alleged invention disclosed in an application; nor is it any indication of the value of such invention.











Applications subject to Secrecy Order will be deleted from any image file system within the USPTO, converted to paper and held with Licensing and Review. The application will be transferred to an examiner designated by Licensing and Review for examination. Under the current Executive Order for Classified National Security Information, standards are prescribed for the marking, handling, and care of official information which requires safeguarding in the interest of security.



All applications in which a Secrecy Order has been imposed are examined in a secure location by examiners possessing national security clearances under the control of Licensing and Review. If the Order is imposed subsequent to the docketing of an application in another TC, the application will be transferred to an examiner designated by Licensing and Review.

Secrecy Order cases are examined for patentability as in other cases, but will not be passed to issue; nor will an interference or derivation be instituted where one or more of the conflicting cases is classified or under Secrecy Order. See 37 CFR 5.3 and MPEP §2306.

In case of a final rejection, while such action must be properly replied to, and an appeal, if filed, must be completed by the applicant to prevent abandonment, such appeal will not be set for hearing by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board until the Secrecy Order is removed, unless specifically ordered by the Commissioner for Patents.

When a Secrecy Order case is in condition for allowance, a notice of allowability (Form D-10) is issued, thus closing the prosecution. See 37 CFR 5.3(c). Any amendments received thereafter are not entered or responded to until such time as the Secrecy Order is rescinded. At such time, amendments which are free from objection will be entered; otherwise they are denied entry.

Due to the additional administrative burdens associated with handling papers in Secrecy Order cases, the full statutory period for reply will ordinarily be set for all Office actions issued on such cases.














Thus, even if there is a limited waiver of privilege to determine only the extent of the Government's conceded use of a particular invention, as in Halpern, the Invention Secrecy Act should not be interpreted to waive the privilege in circumstances such as this case where the Government has denied use, and to determine the fact and extent of use would require scrutiny of the entire range of the Government's cryptographic technology. ... In view of the Claims Court's reasoning and this Court's interpretation of the limited impact of Halpern, the provisions of the Invention Secrecy Act will not be construed to waive the state secrets privilege so as to allow an in camera trial of this case. For that reason and for the reasons stated previously, this case must be dismissed.

This Court has considered the draconian result of dismissal without allowing the Plaintiff his day in court. ... In this case, the Plaintiff has expended a great deal of time and energy in pursuing his claim. And to the extent that litigants proceeding under 35 U.S.C. § 183 encounter the state secrets privilege so often that their claims are functionally barred in most cases, Congress and the President must repair the legislation in light of existing rules of privilege. Nevertheless, (i) because the state secrets privilege was properly invoked by the Government's demonstration that any discovery regarding the development, manufacture, design, and use of its cryptographic encoding devices would pose a reasonable danger to the national security; (ii) because the privilege, is absolute and removes the evidence completely from the case; (iii) because the privileged information lies at the core of this litigation and affects critically both the Plaintiff's ability to maintain a prima facie case (in the absence of reliable nonprivileged evidence of use) and the Government's ability to defend itself; (iv) because the necessary information will remain classified for the foreseeable future; and (v) because the Invention Secrecy Act does not waive the state secrets privilege to permit an in camera trial under the facts and circumstances presented here, this case must be dismissed.




The Court concludes that Mr. Linick has failed to show any entitlement to compensation. He has presented nothing more than speculative claims that because he successfully sold his technology in the past, he could have sold his current technology if not for the secrecy orders at issue. Other than his ipse dixit testimony, however, the record is devoid of evidence tending to show that Mr. Linick suffered any actual damage or that the secrecy orders at issue caused the damage he alleges. Accordingly, the Court enters judgement for the Government.



"A motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6) is disfavored and rarely granted." Nuchols v. Berrong, 141 Fed.Appx. 451, 453 (6th Cir.2005) ... With this in mind, the Court finds that Plaintiffs have alleged sufficient facts, at least at this point in the litigation, to support their just compensation claim. In the complaint, Plaintiffs assert that they suffered injury as a result of the imposition of the secrecy orders - namely, Plaintiffs assert that they have suffered damages resulting from not being able to sell their invention, and no longer being able to market their invention. ... Additionally, Plaintiffs assert that the secrecy orders led to profit loss because they ruined Plaintiffs' business opportunities and stripped Plaintiffs of their foreign filing rights. ... Further, Plaintiffs assert that Defendants have used their invention without providing just compensation for their use. ... The factual content provided is plausible and contains both direct and inferential allegations respecting all material elements of Plaintiffs' just compensation claim, and allows the Court to draw a reasonable inference that Defendants are liable for the misconduct alleged. Accordingly, the Court DENIES Defendants' motion as to Count. 1 of the complaint.











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