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2021年5月23日 (日)





Oracle America, Inc., owns a copyright in Java SE, a computer platform that uses the popular Java computer programming language. In 2005, Google acquired Android and sought to build a new software platform for mobile devices. To allow the millions of programmers familiar with the Java programming language to work with its new Android platform, Google copied roughly 11,500 lines of code from the Java SE program. The copied lines are part of a tool called an Application Programming Interface (API). An API allows programmers to call upon prewritten computing tasks for use in their own programs. Over the course of protracted litigation, the lower courts have considered (1) whether Java SE's owner could copyright the copied lines from the API, and (2) if so, whether Google's copying constituted a permissible "fair use" of that material freeing Google from copyright liability. In the proceedings below, the Federal Circuit held that the copied lines are copyrightable. After a jury then found for Google on fair use, the Federal Circuit reversed, concluding that Google's copying was not a fair use as a matter of law. Prior to remand for a trial on damages, the Court agreed to review the Federal Circuit's determinations as to both copyrightability and fair use.

Held: Google's copying of the Java SE API, which included only those lines of code that were needed to allow programmers to put their accrued talents to work in a new and transformative program, was a fair use of that material as a matter of law. Pp. 11-36.

(a) Copyright and patents, the Constitution says, serve to "promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." Art. I, §8, cl. 8. Copyright encourages the production of works that others might cheaply reproduce by granting the author an exclusive right to produce the work for a period of time. Because such exclusivity may trigger negative consequences, Congress and the courts have limited the scope of copyright protection to ensure that a copyright holder's monopoly does not harm the public interest.

This case implicates two of the limits in the current Copyright Act. First, the Act provides that copyright protection cannot extend to "any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery . . . ." 17 U. S. C. §102(b). Second, the Act provides that a copyright holder may not prevent another person from making a "fair use" of a copyrighted work. §107. Google's petition asks the Court to apply both provisions to the copying at issue here. To decide no more than is necessary to resolve this case, the Court assumes for argument's sake that the copied lines can be copyrighted, and focuseson whether Google's use of those lines was a "fair use." Pp. 11-15.

(b) The doctrine of "fair use" is flexible and takes account of changes in technology. Computer programs differ to some extent from many other copyrightable works because computer programs always serve a functional purpose. Because of these differences, fair use has an important role to play for computer programs by providing a context-based check that keeps the copyright monopoly afforded to computer programs within its lawful bounds. Pp. 15-18.

(c) The fair use question is a mixed question of fact and law. Reviewing courts should appropriately defer to the jury's findings of underlying facts, but the ultimate question whether those facts amount to a fair use is a legal question for judges to decide de novo. This approach does not violate the Seventh Amendment's prohibition on courts reexamining facts tried by a jury, because the ultimate question here is one of law, not fact. The "right of trial by jury" does not include the right to have a jury resolve a fair use defense. Pp. 18-21.

(d) To determine whether Google's limited copying of the API here constitutes fair use, the Court examines the four guiding factors set forth in the Copyright Act's fair use provision: the purpose and character of the use; the nature of the copyrighted work; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. §107. The Court has recognized that some factors may prove more important in some contexts than in others. Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U. S. 569, 577. Pp. 21-35.

(1) The nature of the work at issue favors fair use. The copied lines of code are part of a "user interface" that provides a way for programmers to access prewritten computer code through the use of simple commands. As a result, this code is different from many other types of code, such as the code that actually instructs the computer to execute a task. As part of an interface, the copied lines are inherently bound together with uncopyrightable ideas (the overall organization of the API) and the creation of new creative expression (the code independently written by Google). Unlike many other computer programs, the value of the copied lines is in significant part derived from the investment of users (here computer programmers) who have learned the API's system. Given these differences, application of fair use here is unlikely to undermine the general copyright protection that Congress provided for computer programs. Pp. 21-24.

(2) The inquiry into the "the purpose and character" of the use turns in large measure on whether the copying at issue was "transformative," i.e., whether it "adds something new, with a further purpose or different character." Campbell, 510 U. S., at 579. Google's limited copying of the API is a transformative use. Google copied only what was needed to allow programmers to work in a different computing environment without discarding a portion of a familiar programming language. Google's purpose was to create a different task-related system for a different computing environment (smartphones) and to create a platform - the Android platform - that would help achieve and popularize that objective. The record demonstrates numerous ways in which reimplementing an interface can further the development of computer programs. Google's purpose was therefore consistent with that creative progress that is the basic constitutional objective of copyright itself. Pp. 24-28.

(3) Google copied approximately 11,500 lines of declaring code from the API, which amounts to virtually all the declaring code needed to call up hundreds of different tasks. Those 11,500 lines, however, are only 0.4 percent of the entire API at issue, which consists of 2.86 million total lines. In considering "the amount and substantiality of the portion used" in this case, the 11,500 lines of code should be viewed as one small part of the considerably greater whole. As part of an interface, the copied lines of code are inextricably bound to other lines of code that are accessed by programmers. Google copied these lines not because of their creativity or beauty but because they would allow programmers to bring their skills to a new smartphone computing environment. The "substantiality" factor will generally weigh in favor of fair use where, as here, the amount of copying was tethered to a valid, and transformative, purpose. Pp. 28-30.

(4) The fourth statutory factor focuses upon the "effect" of the copying in the "market for or value of the copyrighted work." §107(4). Here the record showed that Google's new smartphone platform is not a market substitute for Java SE. The record also showed that Java SE's copyright holder would benefit from the reimplementation of its interface into a different market. Finally, enforcing the copyright on these facts risks causing creativity-related harms to the public. When taken together, these considerations demonstrate that the fourth factor - market effects - also weighs in favor of fair use. Pp. 30-35.

(e) The fact that computer programs are primarily functional makes it difficult to apply traditional copyright concepts in that technological world. Applying the principles of the Court's precedents and Congress' codification of the fair use doctrine to the distinct copyrighted work here, the Court concludes that Google's copying of the API to reimplement a user interface, taking only what was needed to allow users to put their accrued talents to work in a new and transformative program, constituted a fair use of that material as a matter of law. In reaching this result, the Court does not overturn or modify its earlier cases involving fair use. Pp. 35-36.

886 F. 3d 1179, reversed and remanded.


判示:プログラマーがその獲得した才能により新しく変形的なプログラムについて働く事を可能とするのに必要なものであるコード行のみを含む、グーグルのJavaSE APIのコピー行為は、法律事項として、そのマテリアルのフェアユースである。第11~36ページ。













Now let us consider the example that the District Court used to explain the precise technology here. Id., at 980-981. A programmer wishes, as part of her program, to determine which of two integers is the larger. To do so in the Java language, she will first write java.lang. Those words (which we have put in bold type) refer to the "package" (or by analogy to the file cabinet). She will then write Math. That word refers to the "class" (or by analogy to the drawer). She will then write max. That word refers to the "method" (or by analogy to the recipe). She will then make two parentheses ( ). And, in between the parentheses she will put two integers, say 4 and 6, that she wishes to compare. The whole expression - the method call - will look like this: "java.lang.Math.max(4, 6)." The use of this expression will, by means of the API, call up a task-implementing program that will determine the higher number.

In writing this program, the programmer will use the very symbols we have placed in bold in the precise order we have placed them. But the symbols by themselves do nothing. She must also use software that connects the symbols to the equivalent of file cabinets, drawers, and files. The API is that software. It includes both the declaring code that links each part of the method call to the particular task-implementing program, and the implementing code that actually carries it out. (For an illustration of this technology, see Appendix B, infra.)

Now we can return to the copying at issue in this case. Google did not copy the task-implementing programs, or implementing code, from the Sun Java API. It wrote its own task-implementing programs, such as those that would determine which of two integers is the greater or carry out any other desired (normally far more complex) task. This implementing code constitutes the vast majority of both the Sun Java API and the API that Google created for Android. App. 212. For most of the packages in its new API, Google also wrote its own declaring code. For 37 packages, however, Google copied the declaring code from the Sun Java API. Id., at 106-107. As just explained, that means that, for those 37 packages, Google necessarily copied both the names given to particular tasks and the grouping of those tasks into classes and packages.

ここで、地方裁判所が正確な技術について説明するのに使った例を考えよう。プログラマーが、そのプログラムの部分として、2つの整数のどちらが大きいかを決定したいとする。Java言語においてそうするために、プログラマーは、まず、java.langと書く。これらの語(私たちが太字にしたもの)は「パッケージ」(又は例えて言うならファイルキャビネットに相当する)を参照するものである。そして、プログラマーはMathと書く。この語は「クラス」(又は例えて言うなら引き出しに相当する)を参照するものである。そして、プログラマーは、maxと書く。この語は「メソッド」(又は例えて言うならレシピに相当する)。そして、プログラマーは2つの括弧( )を書く。そして、括弧の間にプログラマーは比較したい2つの整数、例えば4と6、を入れる。全体の表現-メソッドコール-は次の様になる:「java.lang.Math.max(4, 6)」。この表現の利用は、APIの手段によって、より大きな数を決定するタスク実行プログラムを呼び出す。







We do not agree with the Federal Circuit's conclusion that Google could have achieved its Java-compatibility objective by copying only the 170 lines of code that are "necessary to write in the Java language." 886 F. 3d, at 1206. In our view, that conclusion views Google's legitimate objectives too narrowly. Google's basic objective was not simply to make the Java programming language usable on its Android systems. It was to permit programmers to make use of their knowledge and experience using the Sun Java API when they wrote new programs for smartphones with the Android platform. In principle, Google might have created its own, different system of declaring code. But the jury could have found that its doing so would not have achieved that basic objective. In a sense, the declaring code was the key that it needed to unlock the programmers' creative energies. And it needed those energies to create and to improve its own innovative Android systems.

We consequently believe that this "substantiality" factor weighs in favor of fair use.



Finally, given programmers' investment in learning the Sun Java API, to allow enforcement of Oracle's copyright here would risk harm to the public. Given the costs and difficulties of producing alternative APIs with similar appeal to programmers, allowing enforcement here would make of the Sun Java API's declaring code a lock limiting the future creativity of new programs. Oracle alone would hold the key. The result could well prove highly profitable to Oracle (or other firms holding a copyright in computer interfaces). But those profits could well flow from creative improvements, new applications, and new uses developed by users who have learned to work with that interface. To that extent, the lock would interfere with, not further, copyright's basic creativity objectives. See Connectix Corp., 203 F. 3d, at 607; see also Sega Enterprises, 977 F. 2d, at 1523-1524 ("An attempt to monopolize the market by making it impossible for others to compete runs counter to the statutory purpose of promoting creative expression"); Lexmark Int'l, 387 F. 3d, at 544 (noting that where a subsequent user copied a computer program to foster functionality, it was not exploiting the programs "commercial value as a copyrighted work" (emphasis in original)). After all, "copyright supplies the economic incentive to [both] create and disseminate ideas," Harper & Row, 471 U. S., at 558, and the reimplementation of a user interface allows creative new computer code to more easily enter the market.








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