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2019年6月23日 (日)























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2019年6月 4日 (火)




DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/790 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC



CHAPTER 1 Rights in publications

Article 15 Protection of press publications concerning online uses

1. Member States shall provide publishers of press publications established in a Member State with the rights provided for in Article 2 and Article 3(2) of Directive 2001/29/EC for the online use of their press publications by information society service providers.

The rights provided for in the first subparagraph shall not apply to private or non-commercial uses of press publications by individual users.

The protection granted under the first subparagraph shall not apply to acts of hyperlinking.

The rights provided for in the first subparagraph shall not apply in respect of the use of individual words or very short extracts of a press publication.

2. The rights provided for in paragraph 1 shall leave intact and shall in no way affect any rights provided for in Union law to authors and other rightholders, in respect of the works and other subject matter incorporated in a press publication. The rights provided for in paragraph 1 shall not be invoked against those authors and other rightholders and, in particular, shall not deprive them of their right to exploit their works and other subject matter independently from the press publication in which they are incorporated.

When a work or other subject matter is incorporated in a press publication on the basis of a non-exclusive licence, the rights provided for in paragraph 1 shall not be invoked to prohibit the use by other authorised users. The rights provided for in paragraph 1 shall not be invoked to prohibit the use of works or other subject matter for which protection has expired.

3. Articles 5 to 8 of Directive 2001/29/EC, Directive 2012/28/EU and Directive (EU) 2017/1564 of the European Parliament of the Council shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the rights provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article.

4. The rights provided for in paragraph 1 shall expire two years after the press publication is published. That term shall be calculated from 1 January of the year following the date on which that press publication is published.

Paragraph 1 shall not apply to press publications first published before 6 June 2019.

5. Member States shall provide that authors of works incorporated in a press publication receive an appropriate share of the revenues that press publishers receive for the use of their press publications by information society service providers.

Article 16 Claims to fair compensation

Member States may provide that where an author has transferred or licensed a right to a publisher, such a transfer or licence constitutes a sufficient legal basis for the publisher to be entitled to a share of the compensation for the use of the work made under an exception or limitation to the transferred or licensed right.

The first paragraph shall be without prejudice to existing and future arrangements in Member States concerning public lending rights.

CHAPTER 2 Certain uses of protected content by online services

Article 17 Use of protected content by online content-sharing service providers

1. Member States shall provide that an online content-sharing service provider performs an act of communication to the public or an act of making available to the public for the purposes of this Directive when it gives the public access to copyright-protected works or other protected subject matter uploaded by its users.

An online content-sharing service provider shall therefore obtain an authorisation from the rightholders referred to in Article 3(1) and (2) of Directive 2001/29/EC, for instance by concluding a licensing agreement, in order to communicate to the public or make available to the public works or other subject matter.

2. Member States shall provide that, where an online content-sharing service provider obtains an authorisation, for instance by concluding a licensing agreement, that authorisation shall also cover acts carried out by users of the services falling within the scope of Article 3 of Directive 2001/29/EC when they are not acting on a commercial basis or where their activity does not generate significant revenues.

3. When an online content-sharing service provider performs an act of communication to the public or an act of making available to the public under the conditions laid down in this Directive, the limitation of liability established in Article 14(1) of Directive 2000/31/EC shall not apply to the situations covered by this Article.

The first subparagraph of this paragraph shall not affect the possible application of Article 14(1) of Directive 2000/31/EC to those service providers for purposes falling outside the scope of this Directive.

4. If no authorisation is granted, online content-sharing service providers shall be liable for unauthorised acts of communication to the public, including making available to the public, of copyright-protected works and other subject matter, unless the service providers demonstrate that they have:
(a) made best efforts to obtain an authorisation, and
(b) made, in accordance with high industry standards of professional diligence, best efforts to ensure the unavailability of specific works and other subject matter for which the rightholders have provided the service providers with the relevant and necessary information; and in any event
(c) acted expeditiously, upon receiving a sufficiently substantiated notice from the rightholders, to disable access to, or to remove from their websites, the notified works or other subject matter, and made best efforts to prevent their future uploads in accordance with point (b).

5. In determining whether the service provider has complied with its obligations under paragraph 4, and in light of the principle of proportionality, the following elements, among others, shall be taken into account:
(a) the type, the audience and the size of the service and the type of works or other subject matter uploaded by the users of the service; and
(b) the availability of suitable and effective means and their cost for service providers.

6. Member States shall provide that, in respect of new online content-sharing service providers the services of which have been available to the public in the Union for less than three years and which have an annual turnover below EUR 10 million, calculated in accordance with Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, the conditions under the liability regime set out in paragraph 4 are limited to compliance with point (a) of paragraph 4 and to acting expeditiously, upon receiving a sufficiently substantiated notice, to disable access to the notified works or other subject matter or to remove those works or other subject matter from their websites.

Where the average number of monthly unique visitors of such service providers exceeds 5 million, calculated on the basis of the previous calendar year, they shall also demonstrate that they have made best efforts to prevent further uploads of the notified works and other subject matter for which the rightholders have provided relevant and necessary information.

7. The cooperation between online content-sharing service providers and rightholders shall not result in the prevention of the availability of works or other subject matter uploaded by users, which do not infringe copyright and related rights, including where such works or other subject matter are covered by an exception or limitation.

Member States shall ensure that users in each Member State are able to rely on any of the following existing exceptions or limitations when uploading and making available content generated by users on online content-sharing services:
(a) quotation, criticism, review;
(b) use for the purpose of caricature, parody or pastiche.

8. The application of this Article shall not lead to any general monitoring obligation.

Member States shall provide that online content-sharing service providers provide rightholders, at their request, with adequate information on the functioning of their practices with regard to the cooperation referred to in paragraph 4 and, where licensing agreements are concluded between service providers and rightholders, information on the use of content covered by the agreements.

9. Member States shall provide that online content-sharing service providers put in place an effective and expeditious complaint and redress mechanism that is available to users of their services in the event of disputes over the disabling of access to, or the removal of, works or other subject matter uploaded by them.

Where rightholders request to have access to their specific works or other subject matter disabled or to have those works or other subject matter removed, they shall duly justify the reasons for their requests. Complaints submitted under the mechanism provided for in the first subparagraph shall be processed without undue delay, and decisions to disable access to or remove uploaded content shall be subject to human review. Member States shall also ensure that out-of-court redress mechanisms are available for the settlement of disputes. Such mechanisms shall enable disputes to be settled impartially and shall not deprive the user of the legal protection afforded by national law, without prejudice to the rights of users to have recourse to efficient judicial remedies. In particular, Member States shall ensure that users have access to a court or another relevant judicial authority to assert the use of an exception or limitation to copyright and related rights.

This Directive shall in no way affect legitimate uses, such as uses under exceptions or limitations provided for in Union law, and shall not lead to any identification of individual users nor to the processing of personal data, except in accordance with Directive 2002/58/EC and Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Online content-sharing service providers shall inform their users in their terms and conditions that they can use works and other subject matter under exceptions or limitations to copyright and related rights provided for in Union law.

10. As of 6 June 2019 the Commission, in cooperation with the Member States, shall organise stakeholder dialogues to discuss best practices for cooperation between online content-sharing service providers and rightholders. The Commission shall, in consultation with online content-sharing service providers, rightholders, users' organisations and other relevant stakeholders, and taking into account the results of the stakeholder dialogues, issue guidance on the application of this Article, in particular regarding the cooperation referred to in paragraph 4. When discussing best practices, special account shall be taken, among other things, of the need to balance fundamental rights and of the use of exceptions and limitations. For the purpose of the stakeholder dialogues, users' organisations shall have access to adequate information from online content-sharing service providers on the functioning of their practices with regard to paragraph 4.




第4編 著作権について良く機能する市場を達成するための手段

第1章 出版における権利

第15条 オンライン利用に関する報道出版の保護
第1項 加盟国は、加盟国において確立された報道出版の出版社に、情報社会サービスプロバイダーによるその報道出版のオンライン利用について、欧州指令第2001/29号第2条及び第3条第2項に規定される権利(訳注:複製権及び自動公衆送信権)を付与しなければならない。




第2項 第1項に規定される権利は、報道出版に含まれる著作物及びその他の対象物に関する、欧州連合法において規定されている著作者及びその他の権利者についての権利を変える事はなく、それにいかなる形でも影響を与える事はない。第1項に規定される権利は、この著作者及びその他の権利者に対して行使されてはならず、特に、それが含まれる報道出版とは独立にその著作物及びその他の対象物を利用するその権利を奪う事はない。


第3項 欧州指令第2001号の第5条から第8条、欧州指令第2012/28号及び欧州議会及び理事会の指令第2017/1564号は、本条の第1項に規定される権利に関して準用される。

第4項 第1項に規定される権利は、報道出版の出版後2年で満了する。この期間は、報道出版が出版された日に続く年の1月1日から算定される。


第5項 加盟国は、報道出版に含まれる著作物の著作者が、情報社会サービスプロバイダーによるその報道著作物の利用について報道出版社が受ける収入から適切な分配を受ける事を規定しなければならない。

第16条 公正な補償の請求


第2章 オンラインサービスによる保護コンテンツの利用

第17条 オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダーによる保護コンテンツの利用

第1項 加盟国は、オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダーが、その利用者によってアップロードされた、著作権の保護を受ける著作物又はその他の対象物を公衆にアクセス可能とするとき、それは本指令の目的のため公衆送信行為又は公衆に入手可能とする行為を実行しているものと規定しなければならない。


第2項 加盟国は、オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダーがライセンス契約を結ぶ事などにより許諾を得る場合に、その許諾が、利用者が商用に基づかず行為するとき又はその行動が大きな収入を生み出さない場合にも、欧州指令第2001/29号の第3条の範囲に入る、サービスの利用者によって実行される行為もカバーしなければならない事を規定しなければならない。

第3項 オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダーが、本指令にある条件の下で公衆に送信する行為又は入手可能とする行為を実行するとき、欧州指令第2000/31号の第14条第1項によって確立された責任制限(訳注:ホスティングプロバイダーに関する免責条項)は、本条によってカバーされる状況には適用されない。


第4項 許諾が与えられていない場合、オンラインコンテンツ共有プロバイダーは、以下をした事を示さない限り、公衆に入手可能とする事を含め、著作権の保護を受ける著作物又はその他の対象物を公衆に送信した非許諾行為について責任を負う:

第5項 サービスプロバイダーが第4項の義務に従っているかどうかを決めるにあたっては、均整の原則にも照らし、とりわけ次の要素が考慮に入れられなければならない:

第6項 加盟国は、3年以内に欧州連合において公衆に利用可能となり、欧州委員会勧告第2003/361号に沿って算定した年間売上が1000万ユーロ以下のオンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダーに関して、第4項で定められた責任レジームにおける条件は、第4項のポイント(a)に対する合致及び十分に裏付けのある通知を受け取って通知を受けた著作物又はその他の対象物へのアクセスを不可能とするか、そのウェブサイトから削除するよう行為する事に限られる事を規定しなければならない。


第7項 オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダー及び権利者の協力が、著作物又はその他の対象物が例外又は制限によってカバーされる場合も含め、著作権及び著作隣接権を侵害するものでないときの、利用者によってアップロードされる著作物又はその他の対象物の入手可能性の抑止をもたらす事があってはならない。


第8項 本条の適用から、一般的な監視義務を導き出す事があってはならない。


第9項 加盟国は、オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダーが、サービスの利用者によってアップロードされた著作物又はその他の対象物のアクセスを不可能にした事又は削除に関する争いが生じた場合に利用者に利用可能な、有効で迅速な苦情・救済メカニズムを設置する事を規定しなければならない。




第10項 2019年6月6日から、欧州委員会は、加盟国と協力し、オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダー及び権利者の間の協力のためのベストプラクティスを議論するための利害関係者対話を組織しなければならない。欧州委員会は、オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダー、権利者、利用者団体及びその他の関係する利害関係者の意見を聞き、利害関係者対話の結果を考慮に入れ、特に第4項に記載された協力に関する、本条の適用に関するガイダンスを発行しなければならない。ベストプラクティスを議論するとき、中でも、基本的な権利をバランスさせる事並びに例外及び制限の利用の必要性について特別な考慮が払われなければならない。利害関係者対話の目的のため、利用者団体は、オンラインコンテンツ共有サービスプロバイダーから第4項に関するその実務の機能についての適切な情報へのアクセスを有しなければならない。







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