« 第357回:文化審議会・著作権分科会・法制・基本問題小委員会の文化庁資料から見るTPP対応著作権法改正案の方向性 | トップページ | 第359回:TPP協定のための特許法と商標法の改正の概要(2月12日の特許庁・産業構造審議会・知的財産分科会の資料) »

2016年2月21日 (日)







The Task Force is mindful that statutory damages serve a critical compensatory and deterrent function, and are particularly important in cases of online infringement, where the scope of the infringing use may not be ascertainable. At the same time, however, excessive and inconsistent awards can risk encouraging disrespect for copyright or chilling investment in innovation. The Task Force's inquiry focused on the appropriate calibration of statutory damages that may be assessed against individual file‐sharers and against online services, which can be secondarily liable for infringement of large numbers of works. It recommends the following three amendments to the Copyright Act to address some of the concerns presented:

  • Incorporate into the Copyright Act a list of factors for courts and juries to consider when determining the amount of a statutory damages award, providing a greater degree of predictability in infringement cases across the country. In considering what factors should be included, the Task Force drew upon existing model jury instructions as well as federal case law.
  • Amend the copyright notice provisions to remove a bar to eligibility for the lower "innocent infringement" statutory damages awards.
  • In cases involving non‐willful secondary liability of online services offering a large number of works, give courts discretion to assess statutory damages other than on a strict per‐work basis.

The Task Force also supports the creation of a streamlined procedure for adjudicating small claims of copyright infringement and believes that further consideration should be given to the proposal of the Copyright Office to establish such a tribunal. This could help diminish the risk of disproportionate levels of damages against individual file‐sharers.


  • 法定損害賠償の額を決定する際に裁判所と陪審員が考慮するべき要素のリストの著作権法への導入、これは全国で侵害事件における予見可能性をより高めるものである。どのような要素が入れられるべきかを検討するにあたり、タスクフォースは既存のモデル陪審説示並びに連邦判例法を利用した。
  • 「罪のない侵害」の場合の法定損害賠償の減額に対する適格性の障害を除去するための著作権ノーティス規定の改正。
  • 多数の著作物を提供するオンラインサービスの故意でない時の二次責任に関する場合に、厳密に著作物数を基礎とする以外に法定損害賠償を評価する裁量を裁判所に与えること。



a. The Level of Statutory Damages

The Task Force heard differing viewpoints about whether the full range of statutory damages permitted under current law should be applied to individual file-sharers. Many commenters addressed the perceived fairness of enforcement activities vis-a-vis individual defendants generally, including whether the possibility of large statutory damages awards impedes individuals' ability to defend themselves or gives rise to abusive tactics. The Task Force also received proposals that addressed other concerns about litigation against individual file-sharers.

Much of the discussion focused on the only two such cases with reported trial verdicts, both of which resulted in high statutory damages awards that received considerable publicity.

Those favoring an adjustment of the permissible range of statutory damages pointed to the large jury awards in these cases as examples of the "unpredictability and irrationality" of the statutory damages regime. According to those commenters, individual file-sharers who infringe a handful of works for private, non-commercial purposes should not be required to pay damages that are disproportionate to the market value of the works. Nor, in their view, does it make sense to impose large damages awards on individuals who cannot pay anywhere near the amounts awarded. Some argued that the awards in these cases "exceed[ed] any rational measure of deterrence," noting potential due process concerns.


b. Inconsistencies in Application

A number of commenters asserted that because there is no specific set of factors or guidelines to be used in calculating statutory damages awards, troubling inconsistencies in their levels can arise. One commenter pointed out that damages are "untethered from anything." While few examples involving file sharing were offered, the four different verdicts in the two cases discussed above represent a wide array of awards based upon similar or identical facts.

Copyright owner groups as well as consumer advocates and other stakeholders suggested that it would be helpful to provide courts with guidance on factors to consider when setting statutory damages awards. Several noted that although some model jury instructions already exist, they are not being used in a consistent manner or in every circuit.

c. Litigation Abuse

Several commenters claimed that the potential high levels of statutory damages are linked to troubling enforcement tactics, often at the expense of individual defendants. In their view, the statutory damages regime has helped foster a "nationwide plague of lawsuit abuse over the past three years" by entities that they label "copyright trolls." They pointed to reports that attorneys representing copyright holders have filed hundreds of lawsuits against tens of thousands of anonymous Internet users, representing a substantial percentage of copyright suits filed in the federal courts in recent years. According to the commenters, these cases are rarely if ever litigated; instead, attorneys file "boilerplate complaints based on a modicum of evidence, calculated to maximize settlement profits by minimizing costs and effort" and use the courts' subpoena power to identify Internet users, often in multiparty John Doe actions. Then, commenters allege, they engage in a campaign of threats of high potential damages and harassment to coerce their targets into paying settlements of $2,000 to $10,000. This is a particular concern with respect to suits about copyrights covering adult content, where the TaskForce has noted a large number of settlements that may have been motivated in part by the defendants' desire to avoid having their names associated with such content. Such "predatory" enforcement may contribute to a negative public image of copyright.

This behavior was characterized as the product of a "litigation business model where a plaintiff uses copyright law ‘not to protect its property from unlicensed use, but rather to generate profit from use even in the absence of articulable harm to' the plaintiff." One commenter stated that"[h]olders of low-value copyrights in unsuccessful movies or low-cost pornography, and even invalid assignments of rights in newspaper articles, use the threat of statutory damages to turn litigation threats into a profit center." Another predicted that if statutory damages were calibrated to much lower levels, then this behavior would disappear.















a. Chilling Effects

With respect to online service providers, the question posed by the Task Force was how statutory damages should be calculated in cases involving secondary liability where hundreds of thousands of works may have been infringed. In addition to concerns expressed about statutory damages generally, the comments most relevant to this question focused on whether potentially huge statutory damages awards have a "chilling effect" on innovation and investment.

Critics of the current statutory damages regime pointed to a number of lawsuits against technology companies, generally involving services offering methods of digital distribution that enable large-scale copyright infringement by third parties. In determining the responsibility of these companies for the illegal activities of the users, the courts have applied various theories of direct and secondary liability. Although many of these cases ultimately settled, the levels of potential liability have fueled headlines and commentary.

Technology companies and public interest advocates asserted that the magnitude of statutory damages awards available in such cases have had a chilling effect on innovation and investment. One commenter cited an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court by a group of venture capitalists arguing that statutory damages have "crushing implications for vendors of multi-purpose technologies, where damages from unforeseen users can quickly mount in the millions or even billions of dollars[,]" and that in this respect secondary liability for copyright infringement is "qualitatively different from most other sorts of business risks that investors can insure against or build into their business calculations." Another commenter pointed to a survey of investors in digital content intermediaries that it said confirmed "that uncertainty around liability risks deter[ring] investment in this field."

Commenters also pointed to innovative companies that they say were bankrupted by litigation even though they were ultimately found to be non-infringing. According to one commenter, potential statutory damages will deter some new business plans that rely on fair use from moving forward. At the same time, several noted that "[e]vidence for the innovation-chilling effect will ... usually not be readily apparent. In most cases, the public doesn't see and will likely never know about the innovations that don't happen and the features that aren't offered."









1. Overview

In reviewing the positions and proposals set forth by stakeholders, the Task Force is mindful that statutory damages are intended to "provide reparation for injury" as well as to "discourage wrongful conduct." We agree that there is a need for effective enforcement tools, including meaningful statutory damages, to curb the online piracy that can undermine the value of rights and hobble the development of legitimate markets. At the same time, however, it is important to avoid excessive and inconsistent awards that risk encouraging disrespect for copyright law or chilling investment in innovation. And the abusive enforcement campaigns reported by commenters should not be tolerated.

Accordingly, the Task Force recommends three amendments to the Copyright Act to address some of the concerns presented and to better balance the needs of copyright owners, users, and intermediaries. First, we recommend incorporating into the statute a list of factors for courts and juries to consider when determining the amount of a statutory damages award. Second, we recommend changes to the copyright notice provisions that would expand eligibility for the lower "innocent infringement" statutory damages awards. We also propose that, in cases involving non-willful secondary liability for online services offering a large number of works, courts be given discretion to assess statutory damages other than on a strict per-work basis. Together, these changes should maintain the goals of compensation and deterrence that thestatutory damages regime supports while providing courts with improved tools to appropriately calibrate the awards.

2. Recommendations

a. Specify Factors in the Copyright Act to Consider in Assessing Statutory Damages

The Task Force recommends that Congress enact a new paragraph in Section 504 of the Copyright Act specifying factors that must be considered when determining statutory damage award amounts. The aim is to ensure a greater degree of predictability in copyright infringement cases across the country and address some other concerns raised in this proceeding. In considering what factors should be included, we have drawn upon existing model jury instructions as well as federal case law. The Task Force considered proposing federal model jury instructions, but concluded that a statutory set of factors would be preferable since they will be binding on all courts. We believe that litigants and courts would be well-served by requiring consideration of a uniform set of factors designed to result in an appropriate award based upon the facts of each case.

The nine factors listed below are those that will most often be applicable in a statutory damages determination. We believe that they should be non-exclusive, so that courts are not foreclosed from considering other factors that may be relevant in a particular case.

The Task Force proposes a new clause in subsection Section 504(c) as follows:

FACTORS TO CONSIDER -- In making any award under this subsection, a court shall consider the following nonexclusive factors in determining the appropriate amount of the award:

(1) The plaintiff's revenues lost and the difficulty of proving damages.

(2) The defendant's expenses saved, profits reaped, and other benefits from the infringement.

(3) The need to deter future infringements.

(4) The defendant's financial situation.

(5) The value or nature of the work infringed.

(6) The circumstances, duration, and scope of the infringement, including whether it was commercial in nature.

(7) In cases involving infringement of multiple works, whether the total sum of damages, taking into account the number of works infringed and number of awards made, is commensurate with the overall harm caused by the infringement.

(8) The defendant's state of mind, including whether the defendant was a willful or innocent infringer.

(9) In the case of willful infringement, whether it is appropriate to punish the defendant and if so, the amount of damages that would result in an appropriate punishment.

When calculating the total award, all of these factors should be weighed holistically, in the context of the entire case, to ensure that the overall award is appropriate. Below we explain various factors' relevance to the issues raised in the comments and roundtables.










考慮要素 − 本項の賠償を課すにあたり、裁判所は賠償の適正な額を決定する際に以下の非排他的要素を検討しなければならない:
























« 第357回:文化審議会・著作権分科会・法制・基本問題小委員会の文化庁資料から見るTPP対応著作権法改正案の方向性 | トップページ | 第359回:TPP協定のための特許法と商標法の改正の概要(2月12日の特許庁・産業構造審議会・知的財産分科会の資料) »







この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 第358回:法定損害賠償制度の見直しを求めるアメリカ商務省の報告書:

« 第357回:文化審議会・著作権分科会・法制・基本問題小委員会の文化庁資料から見るTPP対応著作権法改正案の方向性 | トップページ | 第359回:TPP協定のための特許法と商標法の改正の概要(2月12日の特許庁・産業構造審議会・知的財産分科会の資料) »