« 第351回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文の商標保護の対象、特許要件、パブリックドメイン利用他) | トップページ | 第353回:日米TPP並行交渉書簡とダウンロード違法化・犯罪化(刑事罰付加)問題 »

2015年11月 8日 (日)




  • 音の商標の導入(第18.18条)
  • 地理的表示保護法の制定(第18.30条〜第18.36条)


  • 発明の新規性の喪失の例外期間(グレースピリオド)の延長(第18.38条)
  • 手続き遅延を理由とした特許の保護期間延長(第18.46条)
  • 配信音源の2次利用に対する使用料請求権の付与(第18.62条)
  • 著作権保護期間の延長(第18.63条)
  • アクセスコントロール回避行為そのものの犯罪化・刑事罰付加(第18.68条)
  • 著作権侵害における法定賠償制度の導入(第18.74条第6項)
  • 商標権侵害における法定賠償制度の導入(第18.74条第7項)
  • DRM回避規制における法定賠償制度の導入(第18.74条第17項(a)(ⅱ))
  • 著作権侵害の非親告罪化(「権利者が著作物を利用する能力に対する影響がある場合に限定」という条件つき)(第18.77条第6項(g))


  • 匂いの商標の導入(第18.18条)




(2015年11月15日夜の追記:これも非常にマニアックな点なので見逃してたのだが、11月4日と11日の文化庁の小委員会の資料(文化庁のHP及びinternet watchの記事参照)を見ていて、配信音源の2次利用に対する使用料請求権の付与が抜けていることに気づいたので、上で項目を増やすとともに、下でも対応する第18.62条に対する翻訳を追加した。)


第18章 知的財産




第2項 第18.64条(ベルヌ条約第18条の適用)及びTRIPS協定第14.6条において規定されていない限りにおいて、加盟国は、その加盟国における本協定の発行日においてその領土内でパブリックドメインに落ちた事項に対する保護の回復を要求されない。

第3項 本章は、加盟国に対する本協定の発行日以前に生じた行為に関して義務を発生させない。






第2項 加盟国は、パブリックドメインに落ちた対象を特定する助けとなる、登録された知的財産権の広くアクセス可能なデータベースのような情報マテリアルの重要性も認める。


第2項 加盟国は、遺伝資源に結びついた伝統的知識及び遺伝資源に関連する事項の理解の強化のため、知的財産について責任を有する各官庁又はその他の関連機関を通じ、協力に努める。

第3項 加盟国は高品質な特許審査の追求に努める、これは以下のことを含み得る:

















第2項 第3項及び第4項に従い、第1項に合致する形で、加盟国は、以下の発明の内少なくとも1つを特許の対象とすることを確認する:既知の物の新規利用、既知の物の新規利用方法又は既知の物を利用する新規プロセス。加盟国は、物の利用自体でないものにそのようなプロセスを限定できる。

第3項 加盟国は、そのような除外が、単にその利用がその国内法によって禁じられていることのみによってなされているのでない場合に限り、人、動物又は植物の生命又は健康を守るか自然又は環境に対する深刻な悪影響を避けることも含め、公序良俗を守るために必要なものの商業利用のその領土内における抑止を特許可能な発明から除外できる。加盟国は、以下を特許の対象から除外することもできる:


第4項 加盟国は微生物以外の植物も特許の対象から除外できる。しかしながら、第1項に合致する形で、第3項に従い、加盟国は、植物から派生する発明を少なくとも特許の対象とすることを確認する。





第2項 加盟国は、その特許出願の審査の迅速化を求める特許出願のための手続きを規定しなければならない。

第3項 加盟国における特許発行において不合理な遅延がある場合、その加盟国は、そのための手段を規定し、特許権者の申請により、そのような遅延を補償するための特許の保護期間を調整しなければならない。(原注:付属18-D(訳注:ペルーに対する付属文書)が本項に適用される。)

第4項 本条の目的のため、不合理な遅延は少なくとも加盟国の領土内における提出の日から5年以上の特許の発行か、審査請求をされてから3年の内いずれか遅い方を含まなければならない。加盟国は、そのような遅延の決定において特許付与当局によるその特許出願の処理(原注:本項の目的のため、加盟国は、「処理」は初期の行政処理及び特許付与時の行政処理を意味すると解釈できる。)又は審査の間に生じたものでない期間;特許付与当局に直接的に起因しない期間(原注:加盟国は、「特許付与当局に直接的に起因しない期間」を特許付与当局の指揮又は管理外の遅延として扱うことができる。);並びに特許出願人に起因する期間を除外できる。(原注:第18.10条(既存の事項及び以前の行為に関する本章の適用)にかかわらず、本条は、本協定の加盟国における発効の日又は協定の署名後2年の日の内その加盟国にとっていずれか遅い日以降に提出された全ての特許出願に適用される。)





第2項 特許の対象となっている医薬品(原注:加盟国は、本項の義務に医薬品に関してか、その代わりに医薬物質に関して合致することができる。)に関して、販売認可手続きの結果としての有効な特許期間の不合理な短縮を特許権者に補償する調整(原注:明確化のため、加盟国は、販売認可手続きの結果としての不合理な短縮の補償について追加の独自保護の期間を代わりに利用可能とすることもできる。この独自保護は第3項に定められたあらゆる条件及び制限に服しつつ、特許によって付与される権利を与えなければならない。)を利用可能としなければならない。(原注:第18.10条(既存の事項及び以前の行為への本章の適用)にかかわらず、本条はその加盟国における本項の発効日以降に申請された販売認可申請にのみ適用される。)(原注:付属18−Dが本号に適用される。)

第3項 明確化のため、本条の義務を実施するにあたり、その加盟国が本条に効力を与え続ける限り、加盟国は条件と制限を規定できる。

第4項 有効な特許保護期間の不合理な短縮を避ける目的で、加盟国は販売認可申請の審査を迅速化する手続きを採用又は維持できる。




第2項 加盟国は以下のことをしなければならない:(原注:第1項に従い、8年以上の保護の期間を規定する加盟国が、第2項の適用を求められることはない。)


第3項 第1項及び第2項並びに第18.52条(バイオ医薬)にかかわらず、加盟国は以下のものに合致する形で公衆衛生を保護する措置を取ることができる:






第2項 第1項の代替としては、加盟国は代わりに、特許権者又は販売認可申請者が販売認可当局に提出する特許に関する情報に基づき、又は販売認可当局及び特許庁間の直接協力に基づき、特許権者の同意又は承諾がない限り、その医薬品を対象とする特許に服する医薬品の販売を求める第三者への販売認可を排除する司法外の法制を採用又は維持しなければならない。

第1項 新しいバイオ医薬の保護に関して、加盟国は以下のいずれかをしなければならない:


第2項 本セクションの目的のため、加盟国は、本規定を、少なくとも、病気又は疾患の予防、治療又は治癒のために人に用いられる、バイオ技術プロセスを使って製造されたたんぱく質であるか、バイオ技術プロセスを使って製造されたたんぱく質を含む医薬品に適用しなければならない。

第3項 バイオ医薬であるか、バイオ医薬を含む新しい医薬品の国際及び国内規制は初期段階であり、市場環境は時を経るにつれて発展することを認識し、加盟国は、後のバイオ後続品の時宜を得た入手を容易にする観点、並びに、適用の範囲が、バイオ医薬であるか、バイオ医薬を含む新しい医薬品の追加のカテゴリーの認可に関する国際的発展と合致し続けることを確保する観点から、第1項に規定された排他期間及び第2項に規定された適用の範囲の見直しを10年後又はTPP委員会によって別に決められた通りに検討する。









第2項 加盟国は、以下を許諾又は禁止する排他権を実演家に与えなければならない:







第1項 著作者、実演家及び録音製作者がその権利の行使に関連して利用し、その著作物、実演及び録音に関して不正利用を制限する有効な技術的手段の回避に対して適切な法的保護及び有効な法的救済措置を規定するため、加盟国は、以下を満たす者は責任を有し、第18.74条(民事及び行政手続き及び救済措置)で定められる救済措置の対象となることを規定しなければならない:


加盟国は、ある者が故意に(原注:本条及び第18.69条(権利管理情報)の目的のため、故意性は知っているという要素を含むと理解される。)及び商業的利益又は経済的利益(原注:明確化のため、本条、第18.69条(権利管理情報)及び第18.77条第1項(刑事手続き及び罰)の目的のため、加盟国は、その国内法において「経済的利益」を「商業的目的」と取り扱うことができると理解される。)を目的として上のいずれかの活動に従事したとされた場合に適用される刑事手続き及び罰を規定しなければならない。(原注:明確化の目的のため、どの加盟国も、その加盟国によってか、その加盟国の認可又は同意とともに活動する第三者によってなされた行為について本条及び第18.69条(権利管理情報)の責任を課すことは求められない。 )


第2項 第1項を実施するにあたり、加盟国は、その製品が第1項の実施措置を他の形で侵害しない限り、家電、通信又はコンピュータ製品の設計又はそのコンポーネント及び部品の設計及び選択があらゆる特定の技術的手段への反応を与えることを求められることを義務とされない。

第3項 加盟国は、本項の実施措置の侵害は著作権および著作隣接権に関する加盟国の国内法上で発生する侵害とは独立であることを規定しなければならない。(原注:明確化のため、加盟国がそのような行為を他の方法により刑事罰化している場合、その加盟国は第1項(a)に定められた回避行為を独立の侵害として扱うことを要求されない。)

第4項 第1項を実施する措置に関して:



第5項 有効な技術的手段とは、その通常の作用において保護を受ける著作物、実演又は録音へのアクセスをコントロールするか、著作物、実演又は録音に関する著作権又は著作隣接権を保護するあらゆる有効な(原注:明確化のため、通常の場合において偶然に回避され得る技術的手段は「有効な」技術的手段ではないと理解される。)技術、装置又はコンポーネントを意味する。




第6項 民事訴訟手続きにおいて、著作物、録音及び実演を保護する著作権又は著作隣接権の保護に関して、加盟国は以下の1つ以上を規定する制度を確立するか、維持しなければならない:


第7項 民事訴訟手続きにおいて、商標権侵害に関して、加盟国は以下の一つ以上を規定する制度を確立するか、維持しなければならない:


第8項 第6項及び第7項のあらかじめ定められた賠償は、将来の侵害を防ぐ目的も含め、侵害から発生した損害に対し権利者を十分に補償するであろう額として設定されなければならない。

第9項 第6項及び第7項の追加の賠償を認めるに当たっては、司法当局は、侵害行為の性質及び将来における類似の侵害を防ぐ必要性等のあらゆる関係事項を考慮に入れ、適切なものと考える、そのような追加の賠償を認める権限を有する。


第17項 第18.68条(技術的保護手段)及び第18.69条(権利管理情報)に書かれた行為に関する民事手続きにおいて:






第6項 上記の第QQ.H.7条第1項から第5項に書かれた侵害に関して、加盟国は以下のことを規定しなければならない:







第1項 加盟国は、TRIPS協定の第41条と整合する形で、合法なオンラインサービスの継続的な開発を助成することの重要性を認め、オンライン環境における本章でカバーされる著作権侵害に対して権利者による有効な行動を可能とする行使手続きを規定する。すなわち、各加盟国は、法的救済措置をこのような侵害に対し権利者に利用可能とすることを確保しなければならず、仲介者として行動するインターネットサービスプロバイダーのための適切なセーフハーバーを確立又は維持しなければならない。この法的な救済措置及びセーフハーバーの枠組みは以下を含む:


第2項 第1項(b)に書かれた制限は以下の機能をカバーするものでなければならない:




第3項 侵害に対する有効な行為を促進するため、各加盟国は、第1項(b)に記載された制限のためにインターネットサービスプロバイダーが満たすべき条件を法律に規定するか、その代わりに、第1項(b)に記載された制限についてインターネットサービスプロバイダーが欠格とされる状況を法律に規定しなければならない:(原注:加盟国は、次の枠組みを維持することにより、第3項の義務に合致していると言える:(a)政府の関与とともに確立された、オンラインサービスプロバイダー及び権利者の両方の代表を含む、利害関係者の機関があること;(b)そのような利害関係者の機関が、そのように確かめられるべき通知を関係するインターネットサービスプロバイダーに回送する前に、通知が誤解又は誤った特定によるものでないことを確認することにより、著作権侵害の疑いの通知のそれぞれの有効性を遅滞なく確かめる、利害関係者の機関によって認証された主体のための、効果的で、有効で、速やかな手続きを開発し、維持すること;そして(c)そのようなインターネットサービスプロバイダーが、確かめられた通知を受け取ったことに基づき速やかに特定されたマテリアルを削除するか、そのアクセスを不可能化することが求められることを含め、第1項(b)に記載された制限を認められるためにインターネットサービスプロバイダーが守るべき適切なガイドラインがあり;そして、そのようなガイドラインに沿って誠実にそうした事によって責任を免除され;(d)インターネットサービスプロバイダーが実際の侵害を知るか、そこから侵害が明白である事実の状況に気づいた場合の責任を規定する適切な措置が取られていること。)(原注:第3及び4項の義務をなお実施しなければならない加盟国は、有効かつその加盟国の既存の憲法の規定と合致するやり方でそうすると加盟国は理解する。その目的のため、第3及び4項に規定された手続きの適時性を損なわないような政府のための適切な役割を確立することができる。)


第4項 カウンターの通知についての制度が加盟国の国内法において規定されている場合、そして、第3項に従い、マテリアルが削除されるか、そのアクセスが不可能化された場合に、加盟国は、元の通知を出した者が合理的な期間内に司法救済を求めない限り、インターネットサービスプロバイダーにカウンターの通知の対象となったマテリアルを復元することを求めなければならない。

第5項 加盟国は、誤解に依拠してサービスプロバイダーがしたことの結果として利害関係者(原注:明確化のため、「利害関係者」は加盟国の国内法の下で法的な利害を有すると認められる者に制限され得ると理解される。)に損害をもたらした通知又はカウンターの通知において意図的に誤った具体的表示をした者に対する金銭的救済措置を規定しなければならない。

第6項 第1項の制限のための適格性は、そのサービスをインターネットサービスプロバイダーが監視すること又は積極的に侵害活動を示唆する事実を探すことを条件としないものであり得る。

第7項 加盟国は、司法的又は行政的のいずれかにより、その国の法制に沿い、デュープロセス及びプライバシーの原則と整合する形で、著作権侵害に対して法定に十分な主張をした著作権者に、そのような情報がその著作権を保護するか、行使する目的のために求められる場合に、インターネットサービスプロバイダーが所持する、侵害をしたとされる者を特定する情報をプロバイダーから迅速に入手することを可能とする手続きを規定しなければならない。

第8項 インターネットサービスプロバイダーが第1項(b)の制限を満たすべき条件を欠く事はそれ自体で責任をもたらすことはないと理解される。さらに、本条が、加盟国の法制における著作権に関する他の制限及び例外又はその他の抗弁の妨げとなることはない。

第9項 加盟国は、本条における義務を実施するにあたり、権利者及びインターネットサービスプロバイダーへの影響を考慮に入れることの重要性を認める。









第2項 本付属の第1項に従い、第18.82条第3項及び第18.82条第4項(法的な救済措置及びセーフハーバー)を適用されない加盟国に対しては、とりわけ本付属の第1項(b)に照らして、第18.82条第1項(a)の目的のため、法的インセンティブは、第18.82条第3項に定められている、第18.82条第1項(b)規定の制限のためにインターネットサービスプロバイダーが満たすべき条件を意味しない。





Section A: General Provisions


Article 18.10: Application of Chapter to Existing Subject Matter and Prior Acts
1. Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter, including in Article 18.64 (Application of Article 18 of the Berne Convention and Article 14.6 of the TRIPS Agreement), this Chapter gives rise to obligations in respect of all subject matter existing at the date of entry into force of this Agreement for a Party and that is protected on that date in the territory of a Party where protection is claimed, or that meets or comes subsequently to meet the criteria for protection under this Chapter.

2. Unless provided in Article 18.64 (Application of Article 18 of the Berne Convention and Article 14.6 of the TRIPS Agreement), a Party shall not be required to restore protection to subject matter that on the date of entry into force of this Agreement for that Party has fallen into the public domain in its territory.

3. This Chapter does not give rise to obligations in respect of acts that occurred before the date of entry into force of this Agreement for a Party.

Article 18.11: Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights
Nothing in this Agreement prevents a Party from determining whether or under what conditions the exhaustion of intellectual property rights applies under its legal system. (Footnote: For greater certainty, this Article is without prejudice to any provisions addressing the exhaustion of intellectual property rights in international agreements to which a Party is a party.)


Section B: Cooperation


Article 18.15: Public Domain
1. The Parties recognise the importance of a rich and accessible public domain.

2. The Parties also acknowledge the importance of informational materials, such as publicly accessible databases of registered intellectual property rights that assist in the identification of subject matter that has fallen into the public domain.

Article 18.16: Cooperation in the Area of Traditional Knowledge
The Parties recognise the relevance of intellectual property systems and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources to each other, when that traditional knowledge is related to those intellectual property systems.

2. The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate through their respective agencies responsible for intellectual property, or other relevant institutions, to enhance the understanding of issues connected with traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and genetic resources.

3. The Parties shall endeavour to pursue quality patent examination, which may include:
(a) that in determining prior art, relevant publicly available documented information related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources may be taken into account;

(b) an opportunity for third parties to cite, in writing, to the competent examining authority prior art disclosures that may have a bearing on patentability, including prior art disclosures related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources;

(c) if applicable and appropriate, the use of databases or digital libraries containing traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources; and

(d) cooperation in the training of patent examiners in the examination of patent applications related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources.


Section C: Trademarks


Article 18.18: Types of Signs Registrable as Trademarks
No Party shall require, as a condition of registration, that a sign be visually perceptible, nor shall a Party deny registration of a trademark only on the ground that the sign of which it is composed is a sound. Additionally, each Party shall make best efforts to register scent marks. A Party may require a concise and accurate description, or graphical representation, or both, as applicable, of the trademark.

Article 18.19: Collective and Certification Marks
Each Party shall provide that trademarks include collective marks and certification marks. A Party is not obligated to treat certification marks as a separate category in its law, provided that those marks are protected. Each Party shall also provide that signs that may serve as geographical indications are capable of protection under its trademark system. (Footnote: Consistent with the definition of a geographical indication in Article 18.1 (Definitions), any sign or combination of signs shall be eligible for protection under one or more of the legal means for protecting geographical indications, or a combination of such means.)


Section D: Country Names


Section E: Geographical Indications

Article 18.30: Recognition of Geographical Indications
The Parties recognise that geographical indications may be protected through a trademark or sui generis system or other legal means.


Section F: Patents and Undisclosed Test or Other Data

Subsection A: General Patents

Article 18.37: Patentable Subject Matter
Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4, each Party shall make patents available for any invention, whether a product or process, in all fields of technology, provided that the invention is new, involves an inventive step and is capable of industrial application. (Footnote: For the purposes of this Section, a Party may deem the terms "inventive step" and "capable of industrial application" to be synonymous with the terms "non-obvious" and "useful", respectively. In determinations regarding inventive step, or non-obviousness, each Party shall consider whether the claimed invention would have been obvious to a person skilled, or having ordinary skill in the art, having regard to the prior art.)

2. Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 and consistent with paragraph 1, each Party confirms that patents are available for inventions claimed as at least one of the following: new uses of a known product, new methods of using a known product, or new processes of using a known product. A Party may limit those new processes to those that do not claim the use of the product as such.

3. A Party may exclude from patentability inventions, the prevention within their territory of the commercial exploitation of which is necessary to protect ordre public or morality, including to protect human, animal or plant life or health or to avoid serious prejudice to nature or the environment, provided that such exclusion is not made merely because the exploitation is prohibited by its law. A Party may also exclude from patentability:
(a) diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods for the treatment of humans or animals;

(b) animals other than microorganisms, and essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals, other than non-biological and microbiological processes.

4. A Party may also exclude from patentability plants other than microorganisms. However, consistent with paragraph 1 and subject to paragraph 3, each Party confirms that patents are available at least for inventions that are derived from plants.

Article 18.38: Grace Period
Each Party shall disregard at least information contained in public disclosures used to determine if an invention is novel or has an inventive step, if the public disclosure: (Footnote: No Party shall be required to disregard information contained in applications for, or registrations of, intellectual property rights made available to the public or published by a patent office, unless erroneously published or unless the application was filed without the consent of the inventor or their successor in title, by a third person who obtained the information directly or indirectly from the inventor.), (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may limit the application of this Article to disclosures made by, or obtained directly or indirectly from, the inventor or joint inventor. For greater certainty, a Party may provide that, for the purposes of this Article, information obtained directly or indirectly from the patent applicant may be information contained in the public disclosure that was authorised by, or derived from, the patent applicant.)
(a) was made by the patent applicant or by a person that obtained the information directly or indirectly from the patent applicant; and

(b) occurred within 12 months prior to the date of the filing of the application in the territory of the Party.


Article 18.46: Patent Term Adjustment for Patent Office Delays
Each Party shall make best efforts to process patent applications in an efficient and timely manner, with a view to avoiding unreasonable or unnecessary delays.

2. A Party may provide procedures for a patent applicant to request to expedite the examination of its patent application.

3. If there are unreasonable delays in a Party's issuance of patents, that Party shall provide the means to, and at the request of the patent owner shall, adjust the term of the patent to compensate for such delays.(Footnote: Annex 18-D applies to this paragraph.)

4. For the purposes of this Article, an unreasonable delay at least shall include a delay in the issuance of a patent of more than five years from the date of filing of the application in the territory of the Party, or three years after a request for examination of the application has been made, whichever is later. A Party may exclude, from the determination of such delays, periods of time that do not occur during the processing (Footnote: For the purposes of this paragraph, a Party may interpret processing to mean initial administrative processing and administrative processing at the time of grant.) of, or the examination of, the patent application by the granting authority; periods of time that are not directly attributable (Footnote: A Party may treat "delays that are not directly attributable to the granting authority" as delays that are outside the direction or control of the granting authority.) to the granting authority; as well as periods of time that are attributable to the patent applicant.(Footnote: Notwithstanding Article 18.10 (Application of Chapter to Existing Subject Matter and Prior Acts), this Article shall apply to all patent applications filed after the date of entry into force of this Agreement for that Party, or the date two years after the signing of this Agreement, whichever is later for that Party.)

Subsection B: Measures Relating to Agricultural Chemical Products


Subsection C: Measures Relating to Pharmaceutical Products

Article 18.48: Patent Term Adjustment for Unreasonable Curtailment
Each Party shall make best efforts to process applications for marketing approval of pharmaceutical products in an efficient and timely manner, with a view to avoiding unreasonable or unnecessary delays.

2. With respect to a pharmaceutical product (Footnote: A Party may comply with the obligations of this paragraph with respect to a pharmaceutical product or, alternatively, with respect to a pharmaceutical substance.) that is subject to a patent, each Party shall make available an adjustment (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may alternatively make available a period of additional sui generis protection to compensate for unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term as a result of the marketing approval process. The sui generis protection shall confer the rights conferred by the patent, subject to any conditions and limitations pursuant to paragraph 3.) of the patent term to compensate the patent owner for unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term as a result of the marketing approval process. (Foonote: Notwithstanding Article 18.10 (Application of Chapter to Existing Subject Matter and Prior Acts), this Article shall apply to all applications for marketing approval filed after the date of entry into force of this Article for that Party.) (Foonote: Annex 18-D applies to this paragraph.)

3. For greater certainty, in implementing the obligations of this Article, each Party may provide for conditions and limitations, provided that the Party continues to give effect to this Article.

4. With the objective of avoiding unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term, a Party may adopt or maintain procedures that expedite the processing of marketing approval applications.


Article 18.50: Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data (Annex 18-B and Annex 18-C apply to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.)
1. (a) If a Party requires, as a condition for granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of undisclosed test or other data concerning the safety and efficacy of the product, (Foonote: Each Party confirms that the obligations of this Article, and Article 18.52 (Biologics) apply to cases in which the Party requires the submission of undisclosed test or other data concerning: (a) only the safety of the product, (b) only the efficacy of the product or (c) both.) that Party shall not permit third persons, without the consent of the person that previously submitted such information, to market the same or a similar (Footnote: For greater certainty, for the purposes of this Section, a pharmaceutical product is "similar" to a previously approved pharmaceutical product if the marketing approval, or, in the alternative, the applicant's request for such approval, of that similar pharmaceutical product is based upon the undisclosed test or other data concerning the safety and efficacy of the previously approved pharmaceutical product, or the prior approval of that previously approved product.) product on the basis of:
(i) that information; or
(ii) the marketing approval granted to the person that submitted such information,
for at least five years (Footnote: or greater certainty, a Party may limit the period of protection under paragraph 1 to five years, and the period of protection under Article 18.52.1(a) (Biologics) to eight years.) from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party.

(b) If a Party permits, as a condition of granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of evidence of prior marketing approval of the product in another territory, that Party shall not permit third persons, without the consent of a person that previously submitted such information concerning the safety and efficacy of the product, to market a same or a similar product based on evidence relating to prior marketing approval in the other territory for at least five years from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of that Party. (Foonote: Annex 18-D applies to this subparagraph.)

2. Each Party shall: (Foonote: A Party that provides a period of at least eight years of protection pursuant to paragraph 1 is not required to apply paragraph 2.)
(a) apply paragraph 1, mutatis mutandis, for a period of at least three years with respect to new clinical information submitted as required in support of a marketing approval of a previously approved pharmaceutical product covering a new indication, new formulation or new method of administration; or, alternatively,

(b) apply paragraph 1, mutatis mutandis, for a period of at least five years to new pharmaceutical products that contain a chemical entity that has not been previously approved in that Party. (Footnote: For the purposes of Article 18.50.2(b) (Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data), a Party may choose to protect only the undisclosed test or other data concerning the safety and efficacy relating to the chemical entity that has not been previously approved.)

3. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 and Article 18.52 (Biologics), a Party may take measures to protect public health in accordance with:
(a) the Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health;

(b) any waiver of any provision of the TRIPS Agreement granted by WTO Members in accordance with the WTO Agreement to implement the Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health and that is in force between the Parties; or

(c) any amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to implement the Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health that enters into force with respect to the Parties.

Article 18.51: Measures Relating to the Marketing of Certain Pharmaceutical Products
If a Party permits, as a condition of approving the marketing of a pharmaceutical product, persons, other than the person originally submitting the safety and efficacy information, to rely on evidence or information concerning the safety and efficacy of a product that was previously approved, such as evidence of prior marketing approval by the Party or in another territory, that Party shall provide:
(a) a system to provide notice to a patent holder (Footnote: For greater certainty, for the purposes of this Article, a Party may provide that a "patent holder" includes a patent licensee or the authorised holder of marketing approval.) or to allow for a patent holder to be notified prior to the marketing of such a pharmaceutical product, that such other person is seeking to market that product during the term of an applicable patent claiming the approved product or its approved method of use;

(b) adequate time and opportunity for such a patent holder to seek, prior to the marketing (Footnote: For the purposes of paragraph 1(b), a Party may treat "marketing" as commencing at the time of listing for purposes of the reimbursement of pharmaceutical products pursuant to a national healthcare programme operated by a Party and inscribed in the Schedule to Annex 26-A (Transparency and Procedural Fairness for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices).) of an allegedly infringing product, available remedies in subparagraph (c); and

(c) procedures, such as judicial or administrative proceedings, and expeditious remedies, such as preliminary injunctions or equivalent effective provisional measures, for the timely resolution of disputes concerning the validity or infringement of an applicable patent claiming an approved pharmaceutical product or its approved method of use.

2. As an alternative to paragraph 1, a Party shall instead adopt or maintain a system other than judicial proceedings that precludes, based upon patent-related information submitted to the marketing approval authority by a patent holder or the applicant for marketing approval, or based on direct coordination between the marketing approval authority and the patent office, the issuance of marketing approval to any third person seeking to market a pharmaceutical product subject to a patent claiming that product, unless by consent or acquiescence of the patent holder.

Article 18.52: Biologics (Footnote: Annex 18-B, Annex 18-C and Annex 18-D apply to this Article.)
1. With regard to protecting new biologics, a Party shall either:
(a) with respect to the first marketing approval in a Party of a new pharmaceutical product that is or contains a biologic, (Footnote: Nothing requires a Party to extend the protection of this paragraph to: (a) any second or subsequent marketing approval of such a pharmaceutical product; or (b) a pharmaceutical product that is or contains a previously approved biologic.), (Footnote: Each Party may provide that an applicant may request approval of a pharmaceutical product that is or contains a biologic under the procedures set forth in Article 18.50.1(a) and Article 18.50.1(b) (Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data) within five years of the date of entry into force of this Agreement for that Party, provided that other pharmaceutical products in the same class of products have been approved by that Party under the procedures set forth in Article 18.50.1(a) and Article 18.50.1(b) before the date of entry into force of this Agreement for that Party.) provide effective market protection through the implementation of Article 18.50.1 (Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data) and Article 18.50.3, mutatis mutandis, for a period of at least eight years from the date of first marketing approval of that product in that Party; or, alternatively,

(b) with respect to the first marketing approval in a Party of a new pharmaceutical product that is or contains a biologic, provide effective market protection:
(i) through the implementation of Article 18.50.1 (Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data) and Article 18.50.3, mutatis mutandis, for a period of at least five years from the date of first marketing approval of that product in that Party,
(ii) through other measures, and
(iii) recognising that market circumstances also contribute to effective market protection
to deliver a comparable outcome in the market.

2. For the purposes of this Section, each Party shall apply this Article to, at a minimum, a product that is, or, alternatively, contains, a protein produced using biotechnology processes, for use in human beings for the prevention, treatment, or cure of a disease or condition.

3. Recognising that international and domestic regulation of new pharmaceutical products that are or contain a biologic is in a formative stage and that market circumstances may evolve over time, the Parties shall consult after 10 years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, or as otherwise decided by the Commission, to review the period of exclusivity provided in paragraph 1 and the scope of application provided in paragraph 2, with a view to providing effective incentives for the development of new pharmaceutical products that are or contain a biologic, as well as with a view to facilitating the timely availability of follow-on biosimilars, and to ensuring that the scope of application remains consistent with international developments regarding approval of additional categories of new pharmaceutical products that are or contain a biologic.


Section G: Industrial Designs


Section H: Copyright and Related Rights


Article 18.58: Right of Reproduction
Each Party shall provide (Footnote: For greater certainty, the Parties understand that it is a matter for each Party's law to prescribe that works, performances or phonograms in general or any specified categories of works, performances and phonograms are not protected by copyright or related rights unless the work, performance or phonogram has been fixed in some material form.) to authors, performers and producers of phonograms (Footnote: References to "authors, performers, and producers of phonograms" refer also to any of their successors in interest.) the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit all reproduction of their works, performances or phonograms in any manner or form, including in electronic form.


Article 18.62: Related Rights
Each Party shall accord the rights provided for in this Chapter with respect to performers and producers of phonograms: to the performers and producers of phonograms that are nationals (Footnote: For the purposes of determining criteria for eligibility under this Article, with respect to performers, a Party may treat "nationals" as those who would meet the criteria for eligibility under Article 3 of the WPPT.) of another Party; and to performances or phonograms first published or first fixed (Footnote: For the purposes of this Article, fixation means the finalisation of the master tape or its equivalent.) in the territory of another Party. (footnote: For greater certainty, in this paragraph with respect to performances or phonograms first published or first fixed in the territory of a Party, a Party may apply the criterion of publication, or alternatively, the criterion of fixation, or both. For greater certainty, consistent with Article 18.8 (National Treatment), each Party shall accord to performances and phonograms first published or first fixed in the territory of another Party treatment no less favourable than it accords to performances or phonograms first published or first fixed in its own territory.) A performance or phonogram shall be considered first published in the territory of a Party if it is published in the territory of that Party within 30 days of its original publication.

2. Each Party shall provide to performers the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit:
(a) the broadcasting and communication to the public of their unfixed performances, unless the performance is already a broadcast performance; and

(b) the fixation of their unfixed performances.

3. (a) Each Party shall provide to performers and producers of phonograms the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the broadcasting or any communication to the public of their performances or phonograms, by wire or wireless means, (Footnote: With respect to broadcasting and communication to the public, a Party may satisfy the obligation by applying Article 15(1) and Article 15(4) of the WPPT and may also apply Article 15(2) of the WPPT, provided that it is done in a manner consistent with that Party's obligations under Article 18.8 (National Treatment).), (Footnote: For greater certainty, the obligation under this paragraph does not include broadcasting or communication to the public, by wire or wireless means, of the sounds or representations of sounds fixed in a phonogram that are incorporated in a cinematographic or other audiovisual work.) and the making available to the public of those performances or phonograms in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.

(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a) and Article 18.65 (Limitations and Exceptions), the application of the right referred to in subparagraph (a) to analog transmissions and non-interactive free over-the-air broadcasts, and exceptions or limitations to this right for those activities, is a matter of each Party’s law. (Footnote: For the purposes of this subparagraph the Parties understand that a Party may provide for the retransmission of non-interactive, free over-the-air broadcasts, provided that these retransmissions are lawfully permitted by that Party’s government communications authority; any entity engaging in these retransmissions complies with the relevant rules, orders or regulations of that authority; and these retransmissions do not include those delivered and accessed over the Internet. For greater certainty this footnote does not limit a Party’s ability to avail itself of this subparagraph.)

Article 18.63: Term of Protection for Copyright and Related Rights
Each Party shall provide that in cases in which the term of protection of a work, performance or phonogram is to be calculated: (Footnote: For greater certainty, in implementing this Article, nothing prevents a Party from promoting certainty for the legitimate use and exploitation of a work, performance or phonogram during its term of protection, consistent with Article 18.65 (Limitations and Exceptions) and that Party's international obligations.)
(a) on the basis of the life of a natural person, the term shall be not less than the life of the author and 70 years after the author's death; (Footnote: The Parties understand that if a Party provides its nationals a term of copyright protection that exceeds life of the author plus 70 years, nothing in this Article or Article 18.8 (National Treatment) shall preclude that Party from applying Article 7.8 of the Berne Convention with respect to the term in excess of the term provided in this subparagraph of protection for works of another Party.) and

(b) on a basis other than the life of a natural person, the term shall be:
(i) not less than 70 years from the end of the calendar year of the first authorised publication (Footnote: or greater certainty, for the purposes of subparagraph (b), if a Party's law provides for the calculation of term from fixation rather than from the first authorised publication, that Party may continue to calculate the term from fixation.) of the work, performance or phonogram; or
(ii) failing such authorised publication within 25 years from the creation of the work, performance or phonogram, not less than 70 years from the end of the calendar year of the creation of the work, performance or phonogram. (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may calculate a term of protection for an anonymous or pseudonymous work or a work of joint authorship in accordance with Article 7(3) or Article 7bis of the Berne Convention, provided that the Party implements the corresponding numerical term of protection required under this Article.)


Article 18.68: Technological Protection Measures (TPMs) (Footnote: Nothing in this Agreement requires a Party to restrict the importation or domestic sale of a device that does not render effective a technological measure the only purpose of which is to control market segmentation for legitimate physical copies of a cinematographic film, and is not otherwise a violation of its law.)
1. In order to provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that authors, performers, and producers of phonograms use in connection with the exercise of their rights and that restrict unauthorised acts in respect of their works, performances, and phonograms, each Party shall provide that any person that:
(a) knowingly, or having reasonable grounds to know, (Footnote: For the purposes of this subparagraph, a Party may provide that reasonable grounds to know may be demonstrated through reasonable evidence, taking into account the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged illegal act.) circumvents without authority any effective technological measure that controls access to a protected work, performance, or phonogram; (Footnote: For greater certainty, no Party is required to impose civil or criminal liability under this subparagraph for a person that circumvents any effective technological measure that protects any of the exclusive rights of copyright or related rights in a protected work, performance or phonogram, but does not control access to such that work, performance or phonogram.) or

(b) manufactures, imports, distributes, (Footnote: A Party may provide that the obligations described in this subparagraph with respect to manufacturing, importation, and distribution apply only in cases in which those activities are undertaken for sale or rental, or if those activities prejudice the interests of the right holder of the copyright or related right.) offers for sale or rental to the public, or otherwise provides devices, products, or components, or offers to the public or provides services, that:
(i) are promoted, advertised, or otherwise marketed by that person (Footnote: The Parties understand that this provision still applies in cases in which the person promotes, advertises, or markets through the services of a third person.) for the purpose of circumventing any effective technological measure;
(ii) have only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent any effective technological measure; (Footnote: A Party may comply with this paragraph if the conduct referred to in this subparagraph does not have a commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent an effective technological measure.) or
(iii) are primarily designed, produced, or performed for the purpose of circumventing any effective technological measure,
is liable and subject to the remedies provided for in Article 18.74 (Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies).

Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied if any person is found to have engaged wilfully (Footnote: For greater certainty, for purposes of this Article and Article 18.69 (RMI), wilfulness contains a knowledge element.) and for the purposes of commercialadvantage or financial gain (Footnote: For greater certainty, for purposes of this Article, Article 18.69 (RMI) and Article 18.77.1 (Criminal Procedures and Penalties), the Parties understand that a Party may treat "financial gain" as "commercial purposes".) in any of the above activities. (Footnote: For greater certainty, no Party is required to impose liability under this Article and Article 18.69 (RMI) for actions taken by that Party or a third person acting with the authorisation or consent of that Party.)

A Party may provide that the criminal procedures and penalties do not apply to a non- profit library, museum, archive, educational institution, or public non-commercial broadcasting entity. A Party may also provide that the remedies provided for in Article 18.74 (Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies) do not apply to any of the same entities provided that the above activities are carried out in good faith without knowledge that the conduct is prohibited.

2. In implementing paragraph 1, no Party shall be obligated to require that the design of, or the design and selection of parts and components for, a consumer electronics, telecommunications, or computing product provide for a response to any particular technological measure, provided that the product does not otherwise violate a measure implementing paragraph 1.

3. Each Party shall provide that a violation of a measure implementing this Article is independent of any infringement that might occur under the Party's law on copyright and related rights. (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party is not required to treat the criminal act of circumvention set forth in paragraph 1(a) as an independent violation, where the Party criminally penalises such acts through other means.)

4. With regard to measures implementing paragraph 1:
(a) a Party may provide certain limitations and exceptions to the measures implementing paragraph 1(a) or paragraph 1(b) in order to enable non-infringing uses if there is an actual or likely adverse impact of those measures on those non-infringing uses, as determined through a legislative, regulatory, or administrative process in accordance with the Party's law, giving due consideration to evidence when presented in that process, including with respect to whether appropriate and effective measures have been taken by rights holders to enable the beneficiaries to enjoy the limitations and exceptions to copyright and related rights under that Party's law; (Footnote: For greater certainty, nothing in this provision requires a Party to make a new determination through the legislative, regulatory, or administrative process with respect to limitations and exceptions to the legal protection of effective technological measures: (i) previously established pursuant to trade agreements in force between two or more Parties; or (ii) previously implemented by the Parties, provided that such limitations and exceptions are otherwise consistent with this paragraph.)

(b) any limitations or exceptions to a measure that implements paragraph 1(b) shall be permitted only to enable the legitimate use of a limitation or exception permissible under this Article by its intended beneficiaries (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may provide an exception to subparagraph 1(b) without providing a corresponding exception to subparagraph 1(a), provided that the exception to paragraph 1(b) is limited to enabling a legitimate use that is within the scope of limitations or exceptions to 1(a) as provided under this subparagraph.) and does not authorise the making available of devices, products, components, or services beyond those intended beneficiaries; (Footnote: For the purposes of interpreting subparagraph 4(b) only, subparagraph 1(a) should be read to apply to all effective technological measures as defined in paragraph 5, mutatis mutandis.) and

(c) a Party shall not, by providing limitations and exceptions under paragraph 4(a) and paragraph 4(b), undermine the adequacy of that Party's legal system for the protection of effective technological measures, or the effectiveness of legal remedies against the circumvention of such measures, that authors, performers, or producers of phonograms use in connection with the exercise of their rights, or that restrict unauthorised acts in respect of their works, performances or phonograms, as provided for in this Chapter.

5. effective technological measure means any effective (Footnote: For greater certainty, a technological measure that can, in a usual case, be circumvented accidentally is not an "effective" technological measure.) technology, device, or component that, in the normal course of its operation, controls access to a protected work, performance, or phonogram, or protects copyright or related rights related to a work, performance or phonogram.


Section I: Enforcement


Article 18.74: Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies
6. In civil judicial proceedings with respect to the infringement of copyright or related rights protecting works, phonograms or performances, each Party shall establish or maintain a system that provides for one or more of the following:
(a) pre-established damages, which shall be available on the election of the right holder; or

(b) additional damages. (Footnote: For greater certainty, additional damages may include exemplary or punitive damages.)

7. In civil judicial proceedings with respect to trademark counterfeiting, each Party shall also establish or maintain a system that provides for one or more of the following:
(a) pre-established damages, which shall be available on the election of the right holder; or

(b) additional damages. (Footnote: For greater certainty, additional damages may include exemplary or punitive damages.)

8. Pre-established damages under paragraphs 6 and 7 shall be set out in an amount that would be sufficient to compensate the right holder for the harm caused by the infringement, and with a view to deterring future infringements.

9. In awarding additional damages under paragraphs 6 and 7, judicial authorities shall have the authority to award such additional damages as they consider appropriate, having regard to all relevant matters, including the nature of the infringing conduct and the need to deter similar infringements in the future.


17. In civil judicial proceedings concerning the acts described in Article 18.68 (TPMs) and Article 18.69 (RMI):
(a) each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities have the authority at least to: (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may, but is not required to, put in place separate remedies in respect of Article 18.68 (TPMs) and Article 18.69 (RMI), if those remedies are available under its copyright law.)
(i) impose provisional measures, including seizure or other taking into custody of devices and products suspected of being involved in the prohibited activity;
(ii) order the type of damages available for copyright infringement, as provided under its law in accordance with this Article; (Footnote: If a Party's copyright law provides for both pre-established damages and additional damages, that Party may comply with the requirements of this subparagraph by providing for only one of these forms of damages.)
(iii) order court costs, fees or expenses as provided for under paragraph 10; and
(iv) order the destruction of devices and products found to be involved in the prohibited activity; and

(b) a Party may provide that damages shall not be available against a non-profit library, archive, educational institution, museum or public non- commercial broadcasting entity, if it sustains the burden of proving that it was not aware or had no reason to believe that its acts constituted a prohibited activity.


Article 18.77: Criminal Procedures and Penalties
Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied at
least in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright or related rights piracy on a commercial scale. In respect of wilful copyright or related rights piracy, "on a commercial scale" includes at least:
(a) acts carried out for commercial advantage or financial gain; and

(b) significant acts, not carried out for commercial advantage or financial gain, that have a substantial prejudicial impact on the interests of the copyright or related rights holder in relation to the marketplace. (Footnote: The Parties understand that a Party may comply with subparagraph (b) by addressing such significant acts under its criminal procedures and penalties for non-authorised uses of protected works, performances and phonograms in its law.), (Footnote: A Party may provide that the volume and value of any infringing items may be taken into account in determining whether the act has a substantial prejudicial impact on the interests of the copyright or related rights holder in relation to the marketplace.)


6. With respect to the offences described in paragraphs 1 through 5, each Party shall provide the following:
(g) Its competent authorities may act upon their own initiative to initiate legal action without the need for a formal complaint by a third person or right holder. (Footnote: With regard to copyright and related rights piracy provided for under paragraph 1, a Party may limit application of this paragraph to the cases in which there is an impact on the right holder's ability to exploit the work, performance or phonogram in the market.)


Section J: Internet Service Providers (Footnote: Annex 18-F applies to this Section.)

Article 18.81: Definitions
For the purposes of this Section:
the term copyright includes related rights;

and Internet Service Provider means:
(a) a provider of online services for the transmission, routing, or providing of connections for digital online communications, between or among points specified by a user, of material of the user's choosing, undertaking the function in Article 18.82.2(a) (Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours); or

(b) a provider of online services undertaking the functions in Article 18.82.2(c) or Article 18.82.2(d) (Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours).

For greater certainty, Internet Service Provider includes a provider of the services listed above that engages in caching carried out through an automated process.

Article 18.82: Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours (Footnote: Annex 18-E applies to Article 18.82.3 and Article 18.82.4 (Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours).)
1. The Parties recognise the importance of facilitating the continued development of legitimate online services operating as intermediaries and, in a manner consistent with Article 41 of the TRIPS Agreement, providing enforcement procedures that permit effective action by right holders against copyright infringement covered under this Chapter that occurs in the online environment. Accordingly, each Party shall ensure that legal remedies are available for right holders to address such copyright infringement and shall establish or maintain appropriate safe harbours in respect of online services that are Internet Service Providers. This framework of legal remedies and safe harbours shall include:
(a) legal incentives (Footnote: For greater certainty, the Parties understand that implementation of the obligations in paragraph 1(a) on "legal incentives" may take different forms.) for Internet Service Providers to cooperate with copyright owners to deter the unauthorised storage and transmission of copyrighted materials or, in the alternative, to take other action to deter the unauthorised storage and transmission of copyrighted materials; and

(b) limitations in its law that have the effect of precluding monetary relief against Internet Service Providers for copyright infringements that they do not control, initiate or direct, and that take place through systems or networks controlled or operated by them or on their behalf. (Footnote: The Parties understand that, to the extent that a Party determines, consistent with its international legal obligations, that a particular act does not constitute copyright infringement, there is no obligation to provide for a limitation in relation to that act.)

2. The limitations described in paragraph 1(b) shall include limitations in respect of the following functions:
(a) transmitting, routing or providing connections for material without modification of its content (Footnote: The Parties understand that such modification does not include a modification made as part of a technical process or for solely technical reasons such as division into packets.) or the intermediate and transient storage of that material done automatically in the course of such a technical process;

(b) caching carried out through an automated process;

(c) storage,(Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may interpret "storage" as "hosting".) at the direction of a user, of material residing on a system or network controlled or operated by or for the Internet Service Provider; (Footnote: For greater certainty, the storage of material may include e-mails and their attachments stored in the Internet Service Provider's server and web pages residing on the Internet Service Provider's server.) and

(d) referring or linking users to an online location by using information location tools, including hyperlinks and directories.

3. To facilitate effective action to address infringement, each Party shall prescribe in its law conditions for Internet Service Providers to qualify for the limitations described in paragraph 1(b), or, alternatively, shall provide for circumstances under which Internet Service Providers do not qualify for the limitations described in paragraph 1(b): (Footnote: A Party may comply with the obligations in paragraph 3 by maintaining a framework in which: (a) there is a stakeholder organisation that includes representatives of both Internet Service Providers and right holders, established with government involvement; (b) that stakeholder organisation develops and maintains effective, efficient and timely procedures for entities certified by the stakeholder organisation to verify, without undue delay, the validity of each notice of alleged copyright infringement by confirming that the notice is not the result of mistake or misidentification, before forwarding the verified notice to the relevant Internet Service Provider; (c) there are appropriate guidelines for Internet Service Providers to follow in order to qualify for the limitation described in paragraph 1(b), including requiring that the Internet Service Provider promptly removes or disables access to the identified materials upon receipt of a verified notice; and be exempted from liability for having done so in good faith in accordance with those guidelines; and (d) there are appropriate measures that provide for liability in cases in which an Internet Service Provider has actual knowledge of the infringement or awareness of facts or circumstances from which the infringement is apparent.), (Footnote: The Parties understand that a Party that has yet to implement the obligations in paragraphs 3 and 4 will do so in a manner that is both effective and consistent with that Party's existing constitutional provisions. To that end, a Party may establish an appropriate role for the government that does not impair the timeliness of the process provided in paragraphs 3 and 4, and does not entail advance government review of each individual notice.)
(a) With respect to the functions referred to in paragraph 2(c) and paragraph 2(d), these conditions shall include a requirement for Internet Service Providers to expeditiously remove or disable access to material residing on their networks or systems upon obtaining actual knowledge of the copyright infringement or becoming aware of facts or circumstances from which the infringement is apparent, such as through receiving a notice (Footnote: For greater certainty, a notice of alleged infringement, as may be set out under a Party's law, must contain information that: (a) is reasonably sufficient to enable the Internet Service Provider to identify the work, performance or phonogram claimed to be infringed, the alleged infringing material, and the online location of the alleged infringement; and (b) has a sufficient indicia of reliability with respect to the authority of the person sending the notice.) of alleged infringement from the right holder or a person authorised to act on its behalf,

(b) An Internet Service Provider that removes or disables access to material in good faith under subparagraph (a) shall be exempt from any liability for having done so, provided that it takes reasonable steps in advance or promptly after to notify the person whose material is removed or disabled. (Footnote: With respect to the function in subparagraph 2(b), a Party may limit the requirements of paragraph 3 related to an Internet Service Provider removing or disabling access to material to circumstances in which the Internet Service Provider becomes aware or receives notification that the cached material has been removed or access to it has been disabled at the originating site.)

4. If a system for counter-notices is provided under a Party's law, and if material has been removed or access has been disabled in accordance with paragraph 3, that Party shall require that the Internet Service Provider restores the material subject to a counter-notice, unless the person giving the original notice seeks judicial relief within a reasonable period of time.

5. Each Party shall ensure that monetary remedies are available in its legal system against any person that makes a knowing material misrepresentation in a notice or counter-notice that causes injury to any interested party (Footnote: For greater certainty, the Parties understand that, "any interested party" may be limited to those with a legal interest recognised under that Party's law.) as a result of an Internet Service Provider relying on the misrepresentation.

6. Eligibility for the limitations in paragraph 1 shall not be conditioned on the Internet Service Provider monitoring its service or affirmatively seeking facts indicating infringing activity.

7. Each Party shall provide procedures, whether judicial or administrative, in accordance with that Party's legal system, and consistent with principles of due process and privacy, that enable a copyright owner that has made a legally sufficient claim of copyright infringement to obtain expeditiously from an Internet Service Provider information in the provider's possession identifying the alleged infringer, in cases in which that information is sought for the purpose of protecting or enforcing that copyright.

8. The Parties understand that the failure of an Internet Service Provider to qualify for the limitations in paragraph 1(b) does not itself result in liability. Further, this Article is without prejudice to the availability of other limitations and exceptions to copyright, or any other defences under a Party's legal system.

9. The Parties recognise the importance, in implementing their obligations under this Article, of taking into account the impacts on right holders and Internet Service Providers.


Annex 18-E

Annex to Section J

In order to facilitate the enforcement of copyright on the Internet and to avoid unwarranted market disruption in the online environment, Article 18.82.3 and Article 18.82.4(Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours) shall not apply to a Party provided that, as from the date of agreement in principle of this Agreement, it continues to:
(a) prescribe in its law circumstances under which Internet Service providers do not qualify for the limitations described in Article 18.82.1(b) (Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours);

(b) provide statutory secondary liability for copyright infringement in cases in which a person, by means of the Internet or another digital network, provides a service primarily for the purpose of enabling acts of copyright infringement, in relation to factors set out in its law, such as:
(i) whether the person marketed or promoted the service as one that could be used to enable acts of copyright infringement;
(ii) whether the person had knowledge that the service was used to enable a significant number of acts of copyright infringement;
(iii) whether the service has significant uses other than to enable acts of copyright infringement;
(iv) the person's ability, as part of providing the service, to limit acts of copyright infringement, and any action taken by the person to do so;
(v) any benefits the person received as a result of enabling the acts of copyright infringement; and
(vi) the economic viability of the service if it were not used to enable acts of copyright infringement;

(c) require Internet Service Providers carrying out the functions referred to in Article 18.82.2(a) and (c) (Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours) to participate in a system for forwarding notices of alleged infringement, including if material is made available online, and if the Internet Service Provider fails to do so, subjecting that provider to pre-established monetary damages for that failure;

(d) induce Internet Service Providers offering information location tools to remove within a specified period of time any reproductions of material that they make, and communicate to the public, as part of offering the information location tool upon receiving a notice of alleged infringement and after the original material has been removed from the electronic location set out in the notice; and

(e) induce Internet service providers carrying out the function referred to in Article 18.82.2(c) (Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours) to remove or disable access to material upon becoming aware of a decision of a court of that Party to the effect that the person storing the material infringes copyright in the material.

For a Party to which Article 18.82.3 and Article 18.82.4 (Legal Remedies and Safe Harbours) do not apply pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Annex, and in light of, among other things, paragraph 1(b) of this Annex, for the purposes of Article 18.82.1(a), legal incentives shall not mean the conditions for Internet Service Providers to qualify for the limitations provided for in Article 18.82.1(b), as set out in Article 18.82.3.

Annex 18-F

Annex to Section J

As an alternative to implementing Section J (Internet Service Providers), a Party may implement Article 17.11.23 of the United States – Chile Free Trade Agreement, done at Miami, June 6, 2003, which is incorporated into and made part of this Annex.


« 第351回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文の商標保護の対象、特許要件、パブリックドメイン利用他) | トップページ | 第353回:日米TPP並行交渉書簡とダウンロード違法化・犯罪化(刑事罰付加)問題 »






この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 第352回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文から見た今後の日本の法改正事項と条文の部分訳):

« 第351回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文の商標保護の対象、特許要件、パブリックドメイン利用他) | トップページ | 第353回:日米TPP並行交渉書簡とダウンロード違法化・犯罪化(刑事罰付加)問題 »