« 第352回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文から見た今後の日本の法改正事項と条文の部分訳) | トップページ | 第354回:欧州委員会の新しい著作権改革計画 »

2015年11月15日 (日)


 11月4日と11日に文化庁で法制・基本問題小委員会が開催され(文化庁のHP1HP2参照)、TPP協定と国内知財法の関係に関する危うい検討が始まったところで非常に不安を感じているところだが、11日の資料を見て(internet watchの記事参照)、日米TPP並行交渉にかかる書簡の内容についても大いに危惧を覚えたので、ここでも補足を書いておきたいと思う。






Intellectual Property Rights

Along with TPP commitments on copyright term of protection, technological protection measures and enforcement, Japan will examine the appropriate scope of the application of the private use exception with regard to works other than sound recordings and motion pictures from illegal sources, further improving Japan's intellectual property regime for U.S. companies and artists.





Both Governments will take necessary measures for the smooth and effective implementation of the relevant provisions in Chapter 18 (Intellectual Property) of the TPP Agreement.

Private Copying Exception

On the scope of copyright protection, the Copyright Working Group under the Council for Cultural Affairs of Japan studied the scope of the private use exception and concluded in 2009 that it is appropriate that the private use exception should not be applied for downloading of sound recordings and motion pictures from illegal sources.

The Government of Japan will resume its consultation with the Copyright Working Group with respect to whether the private use exception should not be applied for downloading of other works from any illegal sources as soon as possible and no later than the time when the TPP Agreement takes effect with respect to both countries. In order to facilitate this process, the Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will exchange relevant information in this respect.

Both Governments also recognize that it is important for both countries to continue to work toward enhancing the protection of intellectual property rights in the Asia-Pacific region, including with respect to copyrighted works such as manga, animation, software and books.











Government-established advisory councils play a critical role in the Japanese regulatory policymaking process. Those advisory councils will be subject to greater transparency requirements, which will make it easier for U.S. firms to participate in the regulatory process and compete on an equal footing with Japanese firms.




1. Advisory Councils / Committees

The Government of Japan affirms the importance of transparency with respect to the formation and operation of advisory councils and similar groups ("advisory councils") that are established by the Government of Japan to advise or provide recommendations to the Government on the development of regulations and other measures which have an impact on trade and investment between Japan and the United States.

Accordingly, the Government of Japan will ensure that the relevant authorities:
(a) permit interested persons to attend, appear before, or file statements with advisory councils, subject to reasonable rules or regulations, including by providing meaningful opportunities for all interested parties, including foreign parties, to file statements on terms no less favorable than those accorded to its own parties in like circumstances;

(b) provide timely public notice of the formation of advisory councils;

(c) open meetings of advisory councils to the public;

(d) provide timely public notice of each advisory council meeting, such as by posting notifications of meetings on the website of the responsible ministry or agency, so as to ensure that interested persons are notified prior to the meeting date;

(e) make available for public inspection and copying, such as by posting on the website of the responsible ministry or agency, the minutes and other documents made available to the advisory councils;

(f) require detailed minutes of each meeting of the advisory councils to be kept, including a record of the persons present, a complete and accurate description of matters discussed and conclusions reached, and copies of all reports received, issued, or approved by the advisory councils; and

(g) provide interested persons with the opportunity to seek redress in the event of a failure of any of the above mentioned requirements through complaints filed with the secretariats of the advisory councils, which will report to the advisory councils a summary of any comments or complaints received;

with exceptions to these requirements only in the event the relevant authorities determine that a meeting or portion of a meeting needs to be closed to the public for national security or other reasonable grounds (such as protection of information that would otherwise be exempted from disclosure under relevant laws and regulations). In that event, the relevant authorities will be required to make public the reasons for this determination.

Further, the Government of Japan will ensure that any rules enacted for the formation and operation of the advisory councils are made publicly available and are consistent with all general transparency requirements for advisory councils.















« 第352回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文から見た今後の日本の法改正事項と条文の部分訳) | トップページ | 第354回:欧州委員会の新しい著作権改革計画 »



This is one awesome blog post. Keep writing. ecdgdedcbbed

投稿: Johnf66 | 2015年12月 8日 (火) 13時15分

Very nice site!

投稿: Pharmd823 | 2015年12月12日 (土) 20時17分




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 第353回:日米TPP並行交渉書簡とダウンロード違法化・犯罪化(刑事罰付加)問題:

« 第352回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文から見た今後の日本の法改正事項と条文の部分訳) | トップページ | 第354回:欧州委員会の新しい著作権改革計画 »