« 第350回:TPP協定知財章最終条文リーク(2015年10月版条文の特許の保護期間延長と新薬保護の強化関連部分) | トップページ | 第352回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文から見た今後の日本の法改正事項と条文の部分訳) »

2015年11月 7日 (土)


 11月4日に文化庁の文化審議会著作権分科会法制・基本問題小委員会でTPP協定の対応について審議が始まった(ITmediaの記事internet watchの記事参照)。文化庁はこの1日で関係団体の主だったところのほぼ全てに話を聞いており、今現在かなりのハイペースで危うい検討が進むことが想定されるという状況下にあるが、その中で11月5日にTPP協定の全文がようやく正式に公表された(ニュージーランド外務省のHP1HP2-1HP2-2参照)。

 しかし、この期に及んで日本政府の対応は協定条文の全訳ではなくやはり内容の概要(pdf) を示すというお粗末極まるものであり、同時に公開された法改正検討事項(pdf)も全くお話しにならないほど簡略化されたものでしかない。(検討のために必要なので政府内にはまず間違いなくきちんとした翻訳があると思うのだが。)



Article 18.18: Types of Signs Registrable as Trademarks
No Party shall require, as a condition of registration, that a sign be visually perceptible, nor shall a Party deny registration of a trademark only on the ground that the sign of which it is composed is a sound. Additionally, each Party shall make best efforts to register scent marks. A Party may require a concise and accurate description, or graphical representation, or both, as applicable, of the trademark.




Article 18.19: Collective and Certification Marks
Each Party shall provide that trademarks include collective marks and certification marks. A Party is not obligated to treat certification marks as a separate category in its law, provided that those marks are protected. Each Party shall also provide that signs that may serve as geographical indications are capable of protection under its trademark system. (Footnote: Consistent with the definition of a geographical indication in Article 18.1 (Definitions), any sign or combination of signs shall be eligible for protection under one or more of the legal means for protecting geographical indications, or a combination of such means.)




Article 18.30: Recognition of Geographical Indications
The Parties recognise that geographical indications may be protected through a trademark or sui generis system or other legal means.




Article 18.37: Patentable Subject Matter
1. Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4, each Party shall make patents available for any invention, whether a product or process, in all fields of technology, provided that the invention is new, involves an inventive step and is capable of industrial application. (Footnote: For the purposes of this Section, a Party may deem the terms "inventive step" and "capable of industrial application" to be synonymous with the terms "non-obvious" and "useful", respectively. In determinations regarding inventive step, or non-obviousness, each Party shall consider whether the claimed invention would have been obvious to a person skilled, or having ordinary skill in the art, having regard to the prior art.)

2. Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 and consistent with paragraph 1, each Party confirms that patents are available for inventions claimed as at least one of the following: new uses of a known product, new methods of using a known product, or new processes of using a known product. A Party may limit those new processes to those that do not claim the use of the product as such.

3. A Party may exclude from patentability inventions, the prevention within their territory of the commercial exploitation of which is necessary to protect ordre public or morality, including to protect human, animal or plant life or health or to avoid serious prejudice to nature or the environment, provided that such exclusion is not made merely because the exploitation is prohibited by its law. A Party may also exclude from patentability:
(a) diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods for the treatment of humans or animals;
(b) animals other than microorganisms, and essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals, other than non-biological and microbiological processes.

4. A Party may also exclude from patentability plants other than microorganisms. However, consistent with paragraph 1 and subject to paragraph 3, each Party confirms that patents are available at least for inventions that are derived from plants.


第2項 第3項及び第4項に従い、第1項に合致する形で、加盟国は、以下の発明の内少なくとも1つを特許の対象とすることを確認する:既知の物の新規利用、既知の物の新規利用方法又は既知の物を利用する新規プロセス。加盟国は、物の利用自体でないものにそのようなプロセスを限定できる。

第3項 加盟国は、そのような除外が、単にその利用がその国内法によって禁じられていることのみによってなされているのでない場合に限り、人、動物又は植物の生命又は健康を守るか自然又は環境に対する深刻な悪影響を避けることも含め、公序良俗を守るために必要なものの商業利用のその領土内における抑止を特許可能な発明から除外できる。加盟国は、以下を特許の対象から除外することもできる:

第4項 加盟国は微生物以外の植物も特許の対象から除外できる。しかしながら、第1項に合致する形で、第3項に従い、加盟国は、植物から派生する発明を少なくとも特許の対象とすることを確認する。



Article 18.46: Patent Term Adjustment for Patent Office Delays
Each Party shall make best efforts to process patent applications in an efficient and timely manner, with a view to avoiding unreasonable or unnecessary delays.

2. A Party may provide procedures for a patent applicant to request to expedite the examination of its patent application.

3. If there are unreasonable delays in a Party's issuance of patents, that Party shall provide the means to, and at the request of the patent owner shall, adjust the term of the patent to compensate for such delays.(Footnote: Annex 18-D applies to this paragraph.)

4. For the purposes of this Article, an unreasonable delay at least shall include a delay in the issuance of a patent of more than five years from the date of filing of the application in the territory of the Party, or three years after a request for examination of the application has been made, whichever is later. A Party may exclude, from the determination of such delays, periods of time that do not occur during the processing (Footnote: For the purposes of this paragraph, a Party may interpret processing to mean initial administrative processing and administrative processing at the time of grant.) of, or the examination of, the patent application by the granting authority; periods of time that are not directly attributable (Footnote: A Party may treat "delays that are not directly attributable to the granting authority" as delays that are outside the direction or control of the granting authority.) to the granting authority; as well as periods of time that are attributable to the patent applicant.(Footnote: Notwithstanding Article 18.10 (Application of Chapter to Existing Subject Matter and Prior Acts), this Article shall apply to all patent applications filed after the date of entry into force of this Agreement for that Party, or the date two years after the signing of this Agreement, whichever is later for that Party.)


第2項 加盟国は、その特許出願の審査の迅速化を求める特許出願のための手続きを規定しなければならない。

第3項 加盟国における特許発行において不合理な遅延がある場合、その加盟国は、そのための手段を規定し、特許権者の申請により、そのような遅延を補償するための特許の保護期間を調整しなければならない。(原注:付属18-D(訳注:ペルーに対する付属文書)が本項に適用される。)

第4項 本条の目的のため、不合理な遅延は少なくとも加盟国の領土内における提出の日から5年以上の特許の発行か、審査請求をされてから3年の内いずれか遅い方を含まなければならない。加盟国は、そのような遅延の決定において特許付与当局によるその特許出願の処理(原注:本項の目的のため、加盟国は、「処理」は初期の行政処理及び特許付与時の行政処理を意味すると解釈できる。)又は審査の間に生じたものでない期間;特許付与当局に直接的に起因しない期間(原注:加盟国は、「特許付与当局に直接的に起因しない期間」を特許付与当局の指揮又は管理外の遅延として扱うことができる。);並びに特許出願人に起因する期間を除外できる。(原注:第18.10条(既存の事項及び以前の行為に関する本章の適用)にかかわらず、本条は、本協定の加盟国における発効の日又は協定の署名後2年の日の内その加盟国にとっていずれか遅い日以降に提出された全ての特許出願に適用される。)



Article 18.58: Right of Reproduction
Each Party shall provide (Footnote: For greater certainty, the Parties understand that it is a matter for each Party's law to prescribe that works, performances or phonograms in general or any specified categories of works, performances and phonograms are not protected by copyright or related rights unless the work, performance or phonogram has been fixed in some material form.) to authors, performers and producers of phonograms (Footnote: References to "authors, performers, and producers of phonograms" refer also to any of their successors in interest.) the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit all reproduction of their works, performances or phonograms in any manner or form, including in electronic form.





Article 18.15: Public Domain
The Parties recognise the importance of a rich and accessible public domain.

2. The Parties also acknowledge the importance of informational materials, such as publicly accessible databases of registered intellectual property rights that assist in the identification of subject matter that has fallen into the public domain.


第2項 加盟国は、パブリックドメインに落ちた対象を特定する助けとなる、登録された知的財産権の広くアクセス可能なデータベースのような情報マテリアルの重要性も認める。



Article 18.16: Cooperation in the Area of Traditional Knowledge
The Parties recognise the relevance of intellectual property systems and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources to each other, when that traditional knowledge is related to those intellectual property systems.

2. The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate through their respective agencies responsible for intellectual property, or other relevant institutions, to enhance the understanding of issues connected with traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and genetic resources.

3. The Parties shall endeavour to pursue quality patent examination, which may include:
(a) that in determining prior art, relevant publicly available documented information related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources may be taken into account;
(b) an opportunity for third parties to cite, in writing, to the competent examining authority prior art disclosures that may have a bearing on patentability, including prior art disclosures related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources;
(c) if applicable and appropriate, the use of databases or digital libraries containing traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources; and
(d) cooperation in the training of patent examiners in the examination of patent applications related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources.


第2項 加盟国は、遺伝資源に結びついた伝統的知識及び遺伝資源に関連する事項の理解の強化のため、知的財産について責任を有する各官庁又はその他の関連機関を通じ、協力に努める。

第3項 加盟国は高品質な特許審査の追求に努める、これは以下のことを含み得る:



Article 18.11: Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights
Nothing in this Agreement prevents a Party from determining whether or under what conditions the exhaustion of intellectual property rights applies under its legal system. (Footnote: For greater certainty, this Article is without prejudice to any provisions addressing the exhaustion of intellectual property rights in international agreements to which a Party is a party.)







« 第350回:TPP協定知財章最終条文リーク(2015年10月版条文の特許の保護期間延長と新薬保護の強化関連部分) | トップページ | 第352回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文から見た今後の日本の法改正事項と条文の部分訳) »






この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 第351回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文の商標保護の対象、特許要件、パブリックドメイン利用他):

« 第350回:TPP協定知財章最終条文リーク(2015年10月版条文の特許の保護期間延長と新薬保護の強化関連部分) | トップページ | 第352回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文から見た今後の日本の法改正事項と条文の部分訳) »