« 第349回:TPP協定知財章最終条文リーク(2015年10月版条文のDRM回避規制関連部分) | トップページ | 第351回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文の商標保護の対象、特許要件、パブリックドメイン利用他) »

2015年11月 1日 (日)










(またなお、翻訳の最後に移行期間について最後に中身のない括弧があるが、セクションJの最終規定部分によれば、各国の移行期間は、第QQ.E.14条第2項(特許の保護期間延長)についてマレーシア4.5年、メキシコ4.5年、ベトナム5年、第 QQ.E.16条(医薬品のデータ保護)についてメキシコ5年、ベトナム10年、特に第QQ.E.16条第2項についてペルー5年、第QQ.E.17条 (特許リンケージ)についてマレーシア4.5年、ベトナム3年、第QQ.E.20条(バイオ医薬)についてマレーシア5年、メキシコ5年、ペルー10年、 ベトナム10年となっている。ブルネイ、チリ、マレーシア、ペルーにおける新薬データ保護の運用についてさらに細かなことを規定した付属もあるが、あまり に細かな点となるので、ここでは省略する。)




Article QQ.E.12: {Patent Term Adjustment for Patent Office Delays}

{Subsection B: Data Protection for Agricultural Chemical Products}
Article QQ.E.13: {Agricultural Chemical Products}


{Subsection C: Measures Relating to Pharmaceutical / Regulated Products}
Article QQ.E.14: {Patent Term Adjustment for Unreasonable Curtailment}
Each Party shall make best efforts to process applications for marketing approval of pharmaceutical products in an efficient and timely manner, with a view to avoiding unreasonable or unnecessary delays.

2. With respect to a pharmaceutical product (Footnote: A Party may comply with the obligations of this paragraph with respect to a pharmaceutical product or, alternatively, with respect to a pharmaceutical substance.) that is subject to a patent, each Party shall make available an adjustment (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may alternatively make available a period of additional sui generis protection to compensate for unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term as a result of the marketing approval process. The sui generis protection shall confer the rights conferred by the patent, subject to any conditions and limitations pursuant to Paragraph 3.) of the patent term to compensate the patent owner for unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term as a result of the marketing approval process (Footnote: Notwithstanding Article QQ.A.10bis, this Article shall apply to all applications for marketing approval filed after the date of entry into force of this Article for that Party.).

3. For greater certainty, in implementing the obligations of this Article, each Party may provide for conditions and limitations provided that the Party continues to give effect to this Article.

4. With the objective of avoiding unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term, a Party may adopt or maintain procedures that expedite the examination of marketing approval applications.

Article QQ.E.15: {Regulatory Review Exception}

Article QQ.E.16: {Pharmaceutical Data Protection/Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data}
1. (a)
If a Party requires, as a condition for granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of undisclosed test or other data concerning the safety and efficacy of the product (Footnote: Each Party confirms that the obligations of Article QQ.E.16, and QQ.E.20 apply to cases in which the Party requires the submission of undisclosed test or other data concerning: (a) only the safety of the product, (b) only the efficacy of the product, or (c) both.), the Party shall not permit third persons, without the consent of the person who previously submitted such information, to market the same or a similar (Footnote: For greater certainty, for purposes of this Section, a pharmaceutical product is "similar" to a previously approved pharmaceutical product if the marketing approval, or, in the alternative, the applicant's request for such approval, of that similar pharmaceutical product is based upon the undisclosed test or other data concerning the safety and efficacy of the previously approved pharmaceutical product, or the prior approval of that previously approved product.) product on the basis of:
(i) that information; or
(ii) the marketing approval granted to the person who submitted such information
for at least five years (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may limit the period of protection under Article QQ.E.16.1 to 5 years, and the period of protection under Article QQ.E.20.1(a) to 8 years.) from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party.

(b) If a Party permits, as a condition of granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of evidence of prior marketing approval of the product in another territory, the Party shall not permit third persons, without the consent of a person who previously submitted such information concerning the safety and efficacy of the product, to market a same or a similar product based on evidence relating to prior marketing approval in the other territory for at least five years from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party.

2. Each Party shall (Footnote: A Party that provides a period of at least 8 years of protection pursuant to QQ.E.16.1 is not required to apply Article QQ.E.16.2.):
(a) apply Article QQ.E.16.1 mutatis mutandis for a period of at least three years with respect to new clinical information submitted as required in support of a marketing approval of a previously approved pharmaceutical product covering a new indication, new formulation or new method of administration; or alternatively,

(b) apply Article QQ.E.16.1 mutatis mutandis for a period of at least five years to new pharmaceutical products that contain a chemical entity that has not been previously approved in the Party (Footnote: For the purposes of this QQ.E.16.2(b), a Party may choose to protect only the undisclosed test or other data concerning the safety and efficacy relating to the chemical entity that has not been previously approved.).

3. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 above and Article QQ.E.20, a Party may take measures to protect public health in accordance with:
(a) the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2) (the "Declaration");

(b) any waiver of any provision of the TRIPS Agreement granted by WTO Members in accordance with the WTO Agreement to implement the Declaration and in force between the Parties; and

(c) any amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to implement the Declaration that enters into force with respect to the Parties.

Article QQ.E.17: {}
If a Party permits, as a condition of approving the marketing of a pharmaceutical product, persons, other than the person originally submitting the safety and efficacy information, to rely on evidence or information concerning the safety and efficacy of a product that was previously approved, such as evidence of prior marketing approval by the Party or in another territory, that Party shall provide (Footnote: Drafter's Note: The Parties understand that QQ.A.5 applies to the provisions of this Chapter, including this paragraph. Accordingly, a Party may implement this Article by applying it to any pharmaceutical product that is subject to a patent.):
(a) a system to provide notice to a patent holder (Footnote: For greater certainty, for purposes of this Article, a Party may provide that a "patent holder" includes a patent licensee or the authorized holder of marketing approval.) or to allow for a patent holder to be notified prior to the marketing of such a pharmaceutical product, that such other person is seeking to market that product during the term of an applicable patent claiming the approved product or its approved method of use;

(b) adequate time and opportunity for such a patent holder to seek, prior to the marketing (Footnote: For the purposes of Article QQ.E.17.1(b), a Party may treat "marketing" as commencing at the time of listing for purposes of the reimbursement of pharmaceutical products pursuant to a national healthcare program operated by a Party and inscribed in the Annex attached to the Chapter XX TPP Transparency Annex on Transparency and Procedural Fairness for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices.) of an allegedly infringing product, available remedies in subparagraph (c); and

(c) procedures, such as judicial or administrative proceedings, and expeditious remedies, such as preliminary injunctions or equivalent effective provisional measures, for the timely resolution of disputes concerning the validity or infringement of an applicable patent claiming an approved pharmaceutical product or its approved method of use.

2. As an alternative to paragraph 1, a Party shall instead adopt or maintain an extra-judicial system which precludes, based upon patent-related information submitted to the marketing approval authority by a patent holder or the applicant for a marketing approval, or based on direct coordination between the marketing approval authority and the patent office, the issuance of marketing approval to any third party seeking to market a pharmaceutical product subject to a patent claiming that product, unless by consent or acquiescence of the patent holder.

Article QQ.E.20: {Biologics}
With regard to protecting new biologics, a Party shall either:
(a) with respect to the first marketing approval in a Party of a new pharmaceutical product that is or contains a biologic (Footnote: Nothing requires a Party to extend the protection of this paragraph to:(a) any second or subsequent marketing approval of such a pharmaceutical product; or (b) a pharmaceutical product that is or contains a previously approved biologic.), (Footnote: Each Party may provide that an applicant may request approval of a pharmaceutical product that is a biologic under the procedures set forth in Article QQ.E.16.1(a)-(b) within 5 years of entry into force of this Agreement, provided that other pharmaceutical products in the same class of products have been approved by the Party under the procedures set forth in Article QQ.E.16.1(a)-(b) before entry into force of this Agreement.), provide effective market protection through the implementation of Article QQ.E.16.1 and Article QQ.E.16.3 mutatis mutandis for a period of at least 8 years from the date of first marketing approval of that product in that Party; or alternatively

(b) with respect to the first marketing approval in a Party of a new pharmaceutical product that is or contains a biologic, provide effective market protection:
(i) through the implementation of Articles QQ.E.16.1 and QQ.E.16.3 mutatis mutandis for a period of at least 5 years from the date of first marketing approval of that product in that Party;
(ii) through other measures; and
(iii) recognizing that market circumstances also contribute to effective market protection
to deliver a comparable outcome in the market.

2. For the purposes of this Section, each Party shall apply this provision to, at a minimum, a product that is, or alternatively, contains, a protein produced using biotechnology processes (Footnote: Drafters' note: The Parties understand that Article QQ.A.5 applies to the provisions of this Chapter, including the definition of "biotechnology process" in this paragraph. Accordingly, the Parties understand that each Party may determine the meaning of biotechnology processes in its legal system and practice.), for use in human beings for the prevention, treatment, or cure of a disease or condition.

3. Recognizing that international and domestic regulation of new pharmaceutical products that are or contain a biologic is in a formative stage and that market circumstances may evolve over time, the Parties shall consult after 10 years, or as otherwise decided by the TPP Commission, to review the period of exclusivity provided in paragraph 1 and the scope of application provided in paragraph 2, with a view to providing effective incentives for the development of new pharmaceutical products that are or contain a biologic, as well as with a view to facilitating the timely availability of follow-on biosimilars, and to ensuring that the scope of application remains consistent with international developments regarding approval of additional categories of new pharmaceutical products that are or contain a biologic.

PLACEMENT TBD: To implement {and comply with} QQ.E.20.1(a) and (b), only the following TPP Parties have determined that they require change to their law, and thus require transition periods:
(i) For (**), a transition of (x) years
(ii) For (***), a transition of (y) years.





第2項 特許の対象となっている医薬品(原注:加盟国は、本項の義務に医薬品に関してか、その代わりに医薬物質に関して合致することができる。)に関して、販売認可手続きの結果としての有効な特許期間の不合理な短縮を特許権者に補償する調整(原注:明確化のため、加盟国は、販売認可手続きの結果としての不合理な短縮の補償について追加の独自保護の期間を代わりに利用可能とすることもできる。この独自保護は第3項に定められたあらゆる条件及び制限に服しつつ、特許によって付与される権利を与えなければならない。)を利用可能としなければならない(原注:第QQ.A.10の2条にかかわらず、本条はその加盟国における本項の発効日以降に申請された販売認可申請にのみ適用される。)。

第3項 明確化のため、本条の義務を実施するにあたり、その加盟国が本条に効力を与え続ける限り、加盟国は条件と制限を規定できる。

第4項 有効な特許保護期間の不合理な短縮を避ける目的で、加盟国は販売認可申請の審査を迅速化する手続きを採用又は維持できる。




第2項 加盟国は以下のことをしなければならない(原注:第QQ.E.16条に従い、8年以上の保護の期間を規定する加盟国が、第QQ.E.16条第2項の適用を求められることはない。):


第3項 第1項及び第2項並びに第QQ.E.20条にかかわらず、加盟国は以下のものに合致する形で公衆衛生を保護する措置を取ることができる:






第2項 第1項の代替としては、加盟国は代わりに、特許権者又は販売認可申請者が販売認可当局に提出する特許に関する情報に基づき、又は販売認可当局及び特許庁間の直接協力に基づき、特許権者の同意又は承諾がない限り、その医薬品を対象とする特許に服する医薬品の販売を求める第三者への販売認可を排除する司法外の法制を採用又は維持しなければならない。



第2項 本セクションの目的のため、加盟国は、本規定を、少なくとも、病気又は疾患の予防、治療又は治癒のために人に用いられる、バイオ技術プロセスを使って製造されたたんぱく質であるか、バイオ技術プロセス(原注:起草者注:加盟国は、第QQ.A.5条の規定が、「バイオ技術」の定義を含め、本章の規定に適用されると理解する。したがって、加盟国は、その法制及び実務においてバイオ技術プロセスの意味を決定できると理解する。)を使って製造されたたんぱく質を含む医薬品に適用しなければならない。

第3項 バイオ医薬であるか、バイオ医薬を含む新しい医薬品の国際及び国内規制は初期段階であり、市場環境は時を経るにつれて発展することを認識し、加盟国は、後のバイオ後続品の時宜を得た入手を容易にする観点、並びに、適用の範囲が、バイオ医薬であるか、バイオ医薬を含む新しい医薬品の追加のカテゴリーの認可に関する国際的発展と合致し続けることを確保する観点から、第1項に規定された排他期間及び第2項に規定された適用の範囲の見直しを10年後又はTPP委員会によって別に決められた通りに検討する。



« 第349回:TPP協定知財章最終条文リーク(2015年10月版条文のDRM回避規制関連部分) | トップページ | 第351回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文の商標保護の対象、特許要件、パブリックドメイン利用他) »






この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 第350回:TPP協定知財章最終条文リーク(2015年10月版条文の特許の保護期間延長と新薬保護の強化関連部分):

« 第349回:TPP協定知財章最終条文リーク(2015年10月版条文のDRM回避規制関連部分) | トップページ | 第351回:TPP協定知財章最終条文(2015年11月版条文の商標保護の対象、特許要件、パブリックドメイン利用他) »