Article QQ.G.10: {Technological Protection Measures} (Footnote: Nothing in this Agreement shall require any Party to restrict the importation or domestic sale of a device that does not render effective a technological measure the sole purpose of which is to control market segmentation for legitimate physical copies of cinematographic film, and is not otherwise a violation of law.)
(a) In order to provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that authors, performers, and producers of phonograms use in connection with the exercise of their rights and that restrict unauthorized acts in respect of their works, performances, and phonograms, each Party shall provide that any person who:
(i) knowingly, or having reasonable grounds to know (Footnote: A Party may provide that reasonable grounds to know may be demonstrated through reasonable evidence, taking into account the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged illegal act.), circumvents without authority any effective technological measure that controls access to a protected work (Footnote: For greater certainty, in this Chapter, cinematographic works and computer programs are included in the term "work."), performance, or phonogram (Footnote: For greater certainty, no Party is required to impose civil or criminal liability under subparagraph (a)(i) for a person who circumvents any effective technological measure that protects any of the exclusive rights of copyright or related rights in a protected work, performance or phonogram, but that does not control access to such work, performance or phonogram.); or
(ii) manufactures, imports, distributes (Foonote: A Party may provide that the obligations described in paragraph (ii) with respect to manufacturing, importation, and distribution apply only where such activities are undertaken for sale or rental, or where such activities prejudice the interests of the right holder of the copyright or related right.), offers for sale or rental to the public, or otherwise provides devices, products, or components, or offers to the public or provides services, that:
(A) are promoted, advertised, or otherwise marketed by that person (Footnote: It is understood that this provision still applies where the person promotes, advertises, or markets through the services of a third party.) for the purpose of circumventing any effective technological measure;
(B) have only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent any effective technological measure (Footnote: A Party may comply with this paragraph if the conduct referred to in (ii) does not have a commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent any effective technological measure.); or
(C) are primarily designed, produced, or performed for the purpose of circumventing any effective technological measure,shall be liable and subject to the remedies set out in Article QQ.H.4.17 (Civil Judicial Proceedings relating to TPMs and RMIs).
Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied where any person is found to have engaged wilfully (Footnote: For greater certainty, for purposes of Articles QQ.G.10 and QQ.G.13, it is understood that willfulness contains a knowledge element.) and for the purposes of commercial advantage or financial gain (Footnote: For greater certainty, for purposes of Articles QQ.G.10, QQ.G.13 and QQ.H.7.1, it is understood that a Party may treat "financial gain" as "commercial purposes in its law.) in any of the above activities (Footnote: For purposes of greater certainty, no Party is required to impose liability under Articles (QQ.G.10 (TPMs)) and (QQ.G.13 (RMIs)) for actions taken by that Party or a third party acting with the authorization or consent of that Party.).
Each Party may provide that such criminal procedures and penalties do not apply to a non-profit library, museum, archive, educational institution, or public non-commercial broadcasting entity. A Party may also provide that the remedies set out in Article QQ.H.4.17 (Civil Judicial Proceedings relating to TPMs and RMIs) do not apply to those same entities provided that the above activities are carried out in good faith without knowledge that the conduct is prohibited.
(b) In implementing subparagraph (a), no Party shall be obligated to require that the design of, or the design and selection of parts and components for, a consumer electronics, telecommunications, or computing product provide for a response to any particular technological measure, so long as the product does not otherwise violate any measures implementing subparagraph (a).
(c) Each Party shall provide that a violation of a measure implementing this paragraph is independent of any infringement that might occur under the Party’s law on copyright and related rights (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party is not required to treat the criminal act of circumvention set forth in subparagraph (a)(i) as an independent violation, where the Party criminally penalizes such acts through other means.).
(d) (i) Each Party may provide certain exceptions and limitations to the measures implementing subparagraphs (a)(i); and
(ii) in order to enable non-infringing uses where there is an actual or likely adverse impact of those measures on those non-infringing uses, as determined through a legislative, regulatory, or administrative process in accordance with the Party’s law, giving due consideration to evidence when presented in that process, including with respect to whether appropriate and effective measures have been taken by rights holders to enable the beneficiaries to enjoy the limitations and exceptions to copyright and related rights under that Party’s law (Footnote: For greater certainty, nothing in this provision requires Parties to make a new determination via the legislative, regulatory, or administrative process with respect to exceptions and limitations to the legal protection of effective technological measures: i) previously established pursuant to trade agreements in force between Parties; or ii) previously implemented by the Parties, provided that such exceptions and limitations are otherwise consistent with Article QQ.G.10(d).).(e) Any exceptions and limitations to the measures implementing subparagraph (a)(ii) shall be permitted solely to enable the legitimate use of an exception or limitation permissible under Article QQ.G.10 (TPMs) by its intended beneficiaries (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may provide an exception to a(ii) without providing a corresponding exception to a(i), provided that the exception to a(ii) is limited to enabling a legitimate use that is within the scope of exceptions or limitations to a(i) as provided under d(i).) and shall not authorize the making available of devices, products, components, or services beyond such intended beneficiaries (Footnote: For the purposes of interpreting subparagraph d(ii) only, subparagraph a(i) should be read to apply to all effective technological measures as defined in paragraph (e), mutatis mutandis.).
(f) By providing exceptions and limitations under paragraph d(i) and (ii) a Party shall not undermine the adequacy of that Party’s legal system for the protection of effective technological measures, or the effectiveness of legal remedies against the circumvention of such measures, that authors, performers, or producers of phonograms use in connection with the exercise of their rights, or that restrict unauthorized acts in respect of their works, performances or phonograms, as provided for in this Chapter.
(g) "Effective technological measure" means any effective (Footnote: For greater certainty, it is understood that a technological measure that can, in a usual case, be circumvented accidentally is not an "effective" technological measure.) technology, device, or component that, in the normal course of its operation, controls access to a protected work, performance, or phonogram, or protects copyright or related rights related to a work, performance or phonogram.
Article QQ.G.13: {Rights Management Information}
...Article QQ.H.4: {Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies}
17. In civil judicial proceedings concerning the acts described in Article QQ.G.10 (TPMs) and Article QQ.G.12 (RMI), each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities shall, at least, have the authority to (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may, but is not required to, put in place separate remedies in respect of Article QQ.G.10 (TPMs) and Article QQ.G.12 (RMI), if such remedies are available under its copyright law.):
(a) impose provisional measures, including seizure or other taking into custody of devices and products suspected of being involved in the prohibited activity;
(b) order the type of damages available for copyright infringement, as provided under its regime in accordance with Article QQ.H.4 (Footnote: Where a Party’s copyright regime provides for both pre-established damages and additional damages, it may comply with the requirements of this subparagraph by providing for only one of these forms of damages.);
(c) order court costs, fees, or expenses as provided for under Article QQ.H.4.11; and
(d) order the destruction of devices and products found to be involved in the prohibited activity.第QQ.G.10条{技術的保護手段}(原注:本協定の何によっても、加盟国は、映画フィルムの合法的複製の市場分割をコントロールすることのみを目的とした技術的手段を有効化しない、他に法を侵害しない装置の輸入又は国内販売を制限することを要求されない。)
(C)何らかの有効な技術的手段の回避を主たる目的として設計、生産又は実施されている物又はサービス。加盟国は、ある者が故意に(原注:明確化のため、第QQ.G.10条及び第QQ.G.13条の目的のため、故意性は知っているという要素を含むと理解される。)及び商業的利益又は経済的利益(原注:明確化のため、第QQ.G.10条、第QQ.G.13条及び第QQ.H.7条第1項の目的のため、加盟国は、その国内法において「経済的利益」を「商業的目的」と取り扱うことができると理解される。)を目的として上のいずれかの活動に従事したとされた場合に適用される刑事手続き及び罰を規定しなければならない。(原注:明確化の目的のため、どの加盟国も、その加盟国によってか、その加盟国の認可又は同意とともに活動する第三者によってなされた行為について(第QQ.G.10(技術的保護手段))及び(第QQ.G.13(権利管理情報))条の責任を課すことは求められない。 )
第17項 第QQ.G.10条(技術的保護手段)及び第QQ.G.12条(権利管理情報)に書かれた行為に関する民事手続きにおいて、加盟国は、少なくともその司法当局が以下の権限を有することを規定しなければならない(原注:明確化のため、加盟国は、そのような救済措置がその著作権法において利用可能であれば、第QQ.G.10条(技術的保護手段)及び第QQ.G.12条(権利管理情報)に関する救済措置を別々の救済措置として整備することもできるが、そのようにすることを求められることはない。):
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