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2015年3月23日 (月)




  • 職務発明の活性化:職務発明に関する特許を受ける権利を初めから法人帰属とすることを可能とする/発明者に対して現行法と実質的に同等のインセンティブ付与を法定/法人と発明者の間でのインセンティブ決定手続のガイドライン策定を法定化【特許法第35条】
  • 特許料等の改定:特許料を10%程度引き下げ/商標登録料を25%程度、更新登録料を20%程度引き下げ/国際出願の調査手数料等を日本語及び外国語別の料金体系に改正【特許法第107条第1項、商標法第40条第1項、国際出願法第18条第2項等】
  • 特許法条約、シンガポール条約(商標)への加入:外国語出願における翻訳文の提出期間を経過した場合の救済規定等の導入/書類の添付忘れ等瑕疵ある出願について、一定期間内に限り補完を可能とする制度を導入等【特許法第5条、第36条の2、商標法第9条等】













  • 法定刑の引上げ等:抑止力向上のため、罰金刑を引き上げる。(現行:個人1千万円以下、法人3億円以下)また、犯罪収益を没収できることとする。【第21条第1項、第3項、第10項】
  • 非親告罪化:営業秘密侵害罪を非親告罪とする(公訴提起にあたって被害者からの告訴が不要となる)。【新第21条第5項】
  • 立証負担の軽減:立証が困難である「加害者(被告)の企業情報の不正使用」について、一定の要件の下、被害者の立証負担を軽減する。(被告が当該情報の不使用を立証)【新第5条の2】
  • 企業情報使用物品の譲渡・輸出入等行為:企業情報を侵害して生産された物品を譲渡・輸出入等する行為を、損害賠償や差止請求の対象とするとともに、刑事罰の対象とする。【民事:新第2条第1項第10号】【刑事:新第21条第1項第9号】
  • 企業情報窃取等の未遂行為:「サイバー攻撃」などによる企業情報窃取や転売等の未遂行為を刑事罰の対象とする。【新第21条第4項】
  • 転々流通した企業情報の転得者:転々流通する企業情報について、不正に取得されたことを知って取得した者による使用、転売等を刑事罰の対象とする。(現行:実行行為者からの直接の取得者のみ)【新第21条第1項第8号】
  • クラウドなど海外保管情報の窃取:日本企業が国内で管理し、海外で保管する情報の「取得・領得」行為も刑事罰の対象とする。(例:海外サーバーからの情報窃取など)【新第21条第6項】






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2015年3月 5日 (木)



 この報告(doc) の要約には、以下のように書かれている。(以下、全て翻訳は拙訳。)

The Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Farida Shaheed, submits the present report in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 19/6.

In the present report, the Special Rapporteur examines copyright law and policy from the perspective of the right to science and culture, emphasizing both the need for protection of authorship and expanding opportunities for participation in cultural life.

Recalling that protection of authorship differs from copyright protection, the Special Rapporteur proposes several tools to advance the human rights interests of authors.

The Special Rapporteur also proposes to expand copyright exceptions and limitations to empower new creativity, enhance rewards to authors, increase educational opportunities, preserve space for non-commercial culture and promote inclusion and access to cultural works.

An equally important recommendation is to promote cultural and scientific participation by encouraging the use of open licences, such as those offered by Creative Commons.







19. Considerable concern is expressed today about an apparent democratic deficit in international policymaking on copyright. Of particular concern is the tendency for trade negotiations to be conducted amid great secrecy, with substantial corporate participation but without an equivalent participation of elected officials and other public interest voices. For example, the recent negotiations around the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership have involved a few countries negotiating substantial commitments on copyright policy, without the benefit of public participation and debate. In contrast, treaty negotiations in WIPO forums are characterized by greater openness, participation, and consensus-building. Regardless of the forum, concern is often expressed that powerful parties may use international rule-making to restrict domestic policy options, advancing private interests at the expense of public welfare or human rights.



51. The Special Rapporteur received a number of contributions, which expressed the concerns of copyright holders about the threat cultural industries face due to digital piracy enabled by evolving digital technologies. Proposals to address that situation as related to the Internet include website blocking, content filtering and other limits on access to content subject to copyright, as well as the liability imposed on intermediaries for infringing content disseminated by users. In the view of the Special Rapporteur, such measures could result in restrictions that are not compatible with the right to freedom of expression and the right to science and culture. Additional concern is expressed over the deployment of aggressive means of combating digital piracy, including denial of Internet access, high statutory damages or fines and criminal sanctions for non-commercial infringement. There are also issues of piracy unrelated to the Internet. In the Special Rapporteur’s opinion, that important topic requires additional study from a human rights perspective.



73. A few countries have a more expansive and flexible exception or limitation, commonly referred to as “fair use”. Such provisions authorize courts to adapt copyright law to permit additional unlicensed uses that comply with general standards of fairness to creators and copyright holders. For example, the fair use doctrine in the United States encompasses protection for parody and certain educational uses. It has also been interpreted to permit a search engine to return thumbnail-sized images as part of its search results and to protect technology manufacturers from liability where consumers record a television show to watch later. Most States do not have such broad and flexible exceptions and limitations; instead each specific type of allowable use is listed in the statute. While enumerated provisions may provide greater clarity regarding permitted uses, they may also fail to be sufficiently comprehensive and adaptable to new contexts.




VI. Conclusion and recommendations

90. The human rights perspective focuses attention on important themes that may be lost when copyright is treated primarily in terms of trade: the social function and human dimension of intellectual property, the public interests at stake, the importance of transparency and public participation in policymaking, the need to design copyright rules to genuinely benefit human authors, the importance of broad diffusion and cultural freedom, the importance of not-for-profit cultural production and innovation, and the special consideration for the impact of copyright law upon marginalised or vulnerable groups.

91. The Special Rapporteur draws the following conclusions and makes the following recommendations.

Ensuring transparency and public participation in law-making

92. International intellectual property instruments, including trade agreements, should be negotiated in a transparent way, permitting public engagement and commentary.

93. National copyright laws and policies should be adopted, reviewed and revised in forums that promote broad engagement, with input from creators and the public at large.

Ensuring the compatibility of copyright laws with human rights

94. International copyright instruments should be subject to human rights impact assessments and contain safeguards for freedom of expression, the right to science and culture, and other human rights.

95. Such instruments should never impede the ability of States to adopt exceptions and limitations that reconcile copyright protection with the right to science and culture or other human rights, based on domestic circumstances.

96. States should complete a human rights impact assessment of their domestic copyright law and policy, utilizing the right to science and culture as a guiding principle.

97. National courts and administrative bodies should interpret national copyright rules consistently with human rights standards, including the right to science and culture.

98. Copyright laws should place no limitations upon the right to science and culture, unless the State can demonstrate that the limitation pursues a legitimate aim, is compatible with the nature of this right and is strictly necessary for the promotion of general welfare in a democratic society (art. 4 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). Standards applicable to restrictions on freedom of expression must also be duly taken into consideration. In all cases, the least restrictive measure shall be adopted.

Protection of the moral and material interests of authors

99. The right to protection of authorship is the right of the human author(s) whose creative vision gave expression to the work. Corporate right holders must not be presumed to speak for the interests of authors. Both professional and amateur creators must be empowered to have a voice and influence over copyright regime design.

100. Merely enacting copyright protection is insufficient to satisfy the human right to protection of authorship. States bear a human rights obligation to ensure that copyright regulations are designed to promote creators' ability to earn a livelihood and to protect their scientific and creative freedom, the integrity of their work and their right to attribution.

101. Given the inequality of legal expertise and bargaining power between artists and their publishers and distributors, States should protect artists from exploitation in the context of copyright licensing and royalty collection. In many contexts, it will be most appropriate to do so through legal protections that may not be waived by contract. Enforceable rights of attribution and integrity, droit de suite, statutory licensing and reversion rights are recommended examples.

102. States should further develop and promote mechanisms for protecting the moral and material interests of creators without unnecessarily limiting public access to creative works, through exceptions and limitations and subsidy of openly licensed works.

103. Copyright law is but one element of protection of authorship. States are encouraged to consider policies on labour practices, social benefits, funding for education and the arts, and cultural tourism from the perspective of that right.

Copyright limitations and exceptions and the "three-step test"

104. States have a positive obligation to provide for a robust and flexible system of copyright exceptions and limitations to honour their human rights obligations. The "three-step test" of international copyright law should be interpreted to encourage the establishment of such a system of exceptions and limitations.

105. States should consider that exceptions and limitations that promote creative freedom and cultural participation are consistent with the right to protection of authorship. Protection of authorship does not imply perfect authorial control over creative works.

106. States should enable allowance for uncompensated use of copyrighted works, in particular in contexts of income disparity, non-profit efforts, or undercapitalized artists, where a requirement of compensation might stifle efforts to create new works or reach new audiences.

107. States should ensure that exceptions and limitations cannot be waived by contract, or unduly impaired by technical measures of protection or online contracts in the digital environment.

108. At the domestic level, judicial or administrative procedures should enable members of the public to request the implementation and expansion of exceptions and limitations to assure their constitutional and human rights.

109. WIPO members should support the adoption of international instruments on copyright exceptions and limitations for libraries and education. The possibility of establishing a core list of minimum required exceptions and limitations incorporating those currently recognized by most States, and/or an international fair use provision, should also be explored.

110. WTO should preserve the exemption of least developed countries from complying with provisions of the TRIPS Agreement until they reach a stage of development where they no longer qualify as least developed countries.

Adopting policies fostering access to science and culture

111. Open access scholarships, open educational resources and public art and artistic expressions are examples of approaches that treat cultural production as a public endeavour for the benefit of all. Those approaches complement the private, for-profit models of production and distribution and have a particularly important role.

112. The products of creative efforts subsidized by governments, intergovernmental organizations or charitable entities, should be made widely accessible. States should redirect financial support from proprietary publishing models to open publishing models.

113. Public and private universities and public research agencies should adopt policies to promote open access to published research, materials and data on an open and equitable basis, especially through the adoption of Creative Commons licences.

Indigenous peoples, minorities and marginalized groups

114. Creativity is not a privilege of an elite segment of society or professional artists, but a universal right. Copyright law and policy must be designed with sensitivity to populations that have special needs or may be overlooked by the marketplace.

115. States should institute measures to ensure that all people enjoy the moral and material interests of their creative expressions and to prevent limitations, such as geography, language, poverty, illiteracy, or disability, from blocking full and equal access to, participation in and contribution to cultural and scientific life.

116. States should ratify the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled, and ensure that their copyright laws contain adequate exceptions to facilitate the availability of works in formats accessible to persons with visual impairments and other disabilities, such as deafness.

117. States should adopt measures to ensure the right of indigenous peoples to maintain, control, protect and develop their intellectual property over their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions.

118. Further studies should be undertaken to examine what reforms are needed to better enable access to copyrighted materials in all languages, at affordable prices.

The right to science and culture and copyright in the digital environment

119. All stakeholders should devote more focused discussion on how best to protect the moral and material interests of authors in the digital environment, taking care to avoid a potentially disproportionate impact on the rights to freedom of expression and cultural participation.

120. Alternatives to criminal sanctions and blocking of contents and websites for copyright infringement should be envisaged.












































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