on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and relatedrights in the information society
(2014/2256(INI))The European Parliament,
1. Welcomes the initiative of the Commission to conduct a consultation on copyright, which showed great interest from civil society, with more than 9 500 replies collected, of which 58.7 % came from end users (Footnote: Commission, DG MARKT, Report on the responses to the Public Consultation on the Review of the EU Copyright Rules, July 2014, p. 5.);
2. Notes with concern that the vast majority of end user respondents to the consultation report facing problems when trying to access online services across EU Member States, particularly when technological protection measures are used to enforce territorial restrictions;
Exclusive rights
3. Acknowledges the necessity for authors and performers to be provided legal protection for their creative and artistic work; recognises the role of producers and publishers in bringing works to the market, and the need for appropriate remuneration for all categories of rightholders; calls for improvements to the contractual position of authors and performers in relation to other rightholders and intermediaries;
4. Considers the introduction of a single European Copyright Title based on Article 118 TFEU that would apply directly and uniformly across the Union, in compliance with the Commission's objective of better regulation, as a legal means to remedy the lack of harmonisation resulting from Directive 2001/29/EC;
5. Recommends that the EU legislator should further lower the barriers for re-use of public sector information by exempting works produced by the public sector - within the political, legal and administrative process - from copyright protection;
6. Calls on the Commission to safeguard public domain works, which are by definition not subject to copyright protection, and therefore should be used and re-used without technical or contractual barriers; also calls on the Commission to recognise the freedom of rightholders to voluntarily relinquish their rights and dedicate their works to the public
domain;7. Calls on the Commission to harmonise the term of protection of copyright to a duration that does not exceed the current international standards set out in the Berne Convention;
Exceptions and limitations
8. Calls on the EU legislator to remain faithful to the objective stated in Directive 2001/29/EC to safeguard a fair balance between the different categories of rightholders and users of protected subject-matters, as well as between the different categories of rightholders;
9. Notes that exceptions and limitations should be enjoyed in the digital environment without any unequal treatment compared to those granted in the analogue world;
10. Views with concern the increasing impact of differences among Member States in the implementation of exceptions, which creates legal uncertainty and has direct negative effects on the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities;
11. Calls on the Commission to make mandatory all exceptions and limitations referred to in Directive 2001/29/EC, to allow equal access to cultural diversity across borders within the internal market and to improve legal security;
12. Notes with interest the development of new forms of use of works on digital networks, notably of transformative uses;
13. Calls for the adoption of an open norm introducing flexibility in the interpretation of exceptions and limitations in certain special cases that do not conflict with the normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author or rightholder;
14. Urges the European legislator to ensure technological neutrality and future-compatibility of exceptions and limitations by taking due account of the effects of media convergence; in particular, the exception for quotation should expressly include audio-visual quotations in its scope;
15. Stresses that the ability to freely link from one resource to another is one of the fundamental building blocks of the Internet; calls on the EU legislator to clarify that reference to works by means of a hyperlink is not subject to exclusive rights, as it is does not consist in a communication to a new public (Footnote: Order of the Court of Justice of 21 October 2014 in Case C-348/13, BestWater International GmbH v Michael Mebes and Stefan Potsch (request for a preliminary ruling from Germany's Bundesgerichtshof).);
16. Calls on the EU legislator to ensure that the use of photographs, video footage or other images of works which are permanently located in public places are permitted;
17. Emphasises that the exception for caricature, parody and pastiche should apply regardless of the purpose of the parodic use;
18. Stresses the need to enable automated analytical techniques for text and data (e.g. 'text and data mining') for all purposes, provided that the permission to read the work has been acquired;
19. Calls for a broad exception for research and education purposes, which should not only cover educational establishments, but any kind of educational and research activities, including non-formal education;
20. Calls for the adoption of a mandatory exception allowing libraries to lend books to the public in digital formats, irrespective of the place of access;
21. Calls on the EU legislator to preclude Member States from introducing statutory licenses for the compensation of rightholders for the harm caused by acts made permissible by an exception;
22. Calls for the adoption of harmonised criteria for the definition of the harm caused to rightholders in respect of reproductions made by a natural person for private use, and for harmonised transparency measures as regards the private copying levies put in place in some Member States (Foonote: As stated in Antonio Vitorino's recommendations of 31 January 2013 resulting from the last mediation process on private copying and reprography levies conducted by the Commission.);
23. Stresses that the effective exercise of exceptions or limitations, and access to content that is not subject to copyright or related rights protection, should not be hindered by technological measures;
24. Recommends making legal protection against the circumvention of any effective technological measures conditional upon the publication of the source code or the interface specification, in order to secure the integrity of devices on which technological protections are employed and to ease interoperability; in particular, when the circumvention of technological measures is allowed, technological means to achieve such authorised circumvention must be available;
25. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the parliaments and governments of the Member States.
1.市民社会からの大きな関心が示され、9500以上の回答を集め、そのうち58.7%がエンドユーザからのものだった意見募集を実施した欧州委員会の取り組みを歓迎し;(原注:欧州委員会、DG MARKT、EU著作権制度の見直しに関する意見募集への応答についての報告書、2015年月、第5ページ。)
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