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2014年11月30日 (日)





































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2014年11月23日 (日)




  • 音の商標の導入
  • 地理的表示保護法の制定



  • 著作権侵害の非親告罪化(「権利者が著作物を利用する能力に対する影響がある場合に限定」という条件つき)
  • 著作権侵害における法定賠償制度の導入
  • アクセスコントロール回避行為そのものの犯罪化・刑事罰付加やDRM回避規制における法定賠償制度の導入
  • 手続き遅延を理由とした特許の保護期間延長



  • 著作権保護期間の延長
  • 匂いの商標の導入








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2014年11月16日 (日)




Article QQ.C.1: {Types of Signs Registrable as Trademarks}
No Party may require, as a condition of registration, that a sign be visually perceptible, [(Footnote: VN can accept the protection of sound but only if it is given an adequate transitional period.)] nor may a Party deny registration of a trademark solely on the ground that the sign of which it is composed is a sound [VN/BN/CA/JP oppose: or a scent] [(Footnote: [MX propose: For greater certainty, nothing in this Article shall be construed to obligate a Party to grant protection for non-visually perceptible trademarks other than sounds and scents.])]. A Party may require a concise and accurate description, or graphical representation, or both, as applicable, of the trademark.

Article QQ.C.2: {Collective and Certification Marks}
Each Party shall provide that trademarks shall include collective marks and certification marks. A Party is not obligated to treat certification marks as a separate category in its domestic law, provided that such marks are protected. Each Party [MX oppose: shall] [MX propose: may] also provide that signs that may serve as geographical indications are capable of protection under its trademark system.(Footnote: For purposes of this Chapter, geographical indication means indications that identify a good as originating in the territory of a Party, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. Consistent with this definition, any sign or combination of signs shall be eligible for protection under one or more of the legal means for protecting GIs, or a combination of such means.)







Article QQ.D.1: {Recognition of Geographical Indications}
The Parties recognize that geographical indications may be protected through a trademark or sui generis system or other legal means.




Article QQ.E.1: {Patents / Patentable Subject Matter}
Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 and 3, each Party shall make patents available for any invention, whether a product or process, in all fields of technology, provided that the invention is new, involves an inventive step, and is capable of industrial application.(Footnote: For purposes of this Section, a Party may deem the terms "inventive step" and "capable of industrial application" to be synonymous with the terms "non-obvious" and "useful", respectively. In determinations regarding inventive step (or non-obviousness), each Party shall consider whether the claimed invention would have been obvious to a person skilled or having ordinary skill in the art having regard to the prior art.)


[US/JP propose; CL/MY/PE/SG/VN/BN/AU/NZ/CA/MX oppose: 2bis. For greater certainty, a Party may not deny a patent solely on the basis that the product did not result in an enhanced efficacy of the known product when the applicant has set forth distinguishing features establishing that the invention is new, involves an inventive step, and is capable of industrial application.]

3. [US/JP/SG propose; AU/NZ/VN/BN/CL/PE/MY/CA/MX oppose: Consistent with paragraph 1, each Party shall make patents available for inventions for plants and animals.]

Alt. 3: {Consistent with paragraph 1, each Party confirms that it makes available patents for plant-related inventions.(Footnote: {For greater certainty, no Party shall be required to make patents available for plant varieties that are protectable in that Party under the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants [1991](UPOV Convention).} {Negotiator's Note: AU would prefer this footnote to be in the main text}. [Note: This formulation is premised upon the understanding that TPP Parties will make a commitment to accede to UPOV 1991].)}

4. [US/AU/JP propose; CL/MY/PE/SG/VN/BN/NZ/CA/MX oppose: Consistent with paragraph 1, the Parties confirm that patents are available for(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: US/JP reconsidering the inclusion of subparagraph (b) (provision relating to diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods), subject to consensus on patent landing zone.):
(a) any new uses, or alternatively(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: AU is still considering inclusion of "alternatively".), new methods of using a known product.]
[CA propose: Alt (a) any new use, or new method of using a known product that is not otherwise excluded from patentability by the Party.]

[NZ/CA/CL/MY/VN/MX/BN/PE/AU propose: ALT 3. Each Party may also exclude from patentability:
(a) diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods for the treatment of humans or animals; and
(b) plants and animals other than microorganisms, and essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals other than non-biological and microbiological processes. However, Parties shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof.]
[MX propose: (c) and the diagrams, plans, rules and methods for carrying out mental processes, playing games or doing business, and mathematical methods as such; software as such, methods to present information as such; and aesthetic creations and artistic or literary works.]



[米/日提案;チリ/マレ/ペルー/シンガ/ベトナム/ブルネイ/豪/ニュージー/加/メキシコ反対:第2項の2 明確化のため、加盟国は、区別される特徴により発明が新規で、進歩性を含み、産業上の利用可能性があることを出願人が明らかにした場合に、その物が既知の物の効能の増大をもたらさないことのみに基づいて特許を拒絶することはできない。]

第3項 [米/日/シンガ提案;豪/ニュージー/ベトナム/ブルネイ/チリ/ペルー/マレ/加/メキシコ反対:第1項と合致する形で、加盟国は動植物の発明を特許の対象としなければならない。]

代替第3項 {第1項と合致する形で、植物関連発明を発明の対象とすることを確認する。(原注:{明確化のため、加盟国が、[1991年の]植物新種の保護のための国際条約(UPOV条約)の下でその加盟国において保護され得る植物種を特許の対象とすることを求められることはない。}{交渉官注:オーストラリアは、この注釈は本文に書かれた方が良いとしている。}。[原注:この文言は、TPP加盟国が1991年のUPOV条約へ参加するコミットメントをするという理解を前提としている]。)}

第4項 [米/豪/日提案;チリ/マレ/ペルー/シンガ/ベトナム/ブルネイ/ニュージー/加/メキシコ反対:第1項に合致する形で、加盟国は、以下のものを特許の対象とすることを確認する(アメリカと日本は、特許着地ゾーンについての同意に従い、(b)号(診断、治療及び手術方法に関する規定)を入れることを再検討している。):

[ニュージー/加/チリ/マレ/ベトナム/メキシコ/ブルネイ/ペルー/豪提案:代替第3項 加盟国は、以下を特許の対象から除外することができる:



Article QQ.E.12:
[US/SG propose(Foonote: Negotiator's Note: JP can support this Article if JP proposals are accepted.); CA/NZ/MY/VN/CL/PE/MX/AU/BN oppose:
{Option 1: Each Party, at the request of the patent owner, shall adjust the term of a patent to compensate for unreasonable delays that occur in the granting of the patent.} {Option 2: If there are unreasonable delays in a Party's issuance of patents, that Party shall provide the means to, and at the request of the patent owner, shall, adjust the term of the patent to compensate for such delays.} For purposes of this {subparagraph/Article}, an unreasonable delay at least shall include a delay in the issuance of {the} / {a} patent of more than four [CL/PE propose: five] years from the date of filing of the application in the territory of the Party, or two [JP/CL/PE propose: three] years after a request for examination of the application has been made, whichever is later. {Option 1: Periods attributable to actions of the patent applicant [JP propose: and to judicial or quasi-judicial actions on the patent application] need not to be included in the determination of such delays.} / {Option 2: For the purposes of this Article, any delays that occur in the issuance of a patent due to periods attributable to actions of the patent applicant or any opposing third person need not to be included in the determination of such delay.} [AU/NZ oppose: Any patent term adjustment under this Article shall confer all of the exclusive rights of a patent subject to the same limitations and exceptions that would otherwise apply to the patent absent any adjustment of the patent term.]] [SG:(Foonote: [SG propose: Periods attributable to actions of the patent applicant shall include such periods of time taken to file prescribed documents relating to the examination as provided in the laws of the Party.])] [JP:(Footnote: [JP propose: Notwithstanding Article QQ.A.11, this Article shall apply to all patent applications filed on or after [January 1, 2016].])] (Footnote: Negotiator's Note: JP and US to lead work on an appropriate transition period for Parties who do not currently provide such a system.) (Footnote: (a) "Quasi-judicial" is intended to cover primarily processes by patent appeal boards; (b) One Party suggested using the phrase, "or any opposing third person" within the scope of provision; (c) One Party suggested including provision on "judicial or quasi-judicial" proceedings in a footnote; (d) Some Parties suggested including "administrative" proceedings, in addition to, or in lieu of "quasi-judicial."; (e) At least one Party expressed a concern that this provision goes beyond existing FTAs.)

{オプション1 加盟国は、特許権者の求めにより、特許付与において生じた不合理な遅延を補償するため特許期間の調整をしなければならない。}{オプション2:加盟国における特許付与に不合理な遅延がある場合、その加盟国は、そのような遅延を補償するため特許期間の調整をするための手段を規定し、特許権者の求めにより、そうしなければならない。}本{項/条}の目的のため、不合理な遅延とは少なくとも加盟国の領土内における出願の日から4[チリ/ペルー提案:5]年を超えるか、出願の審査請求がなされてから2[日/チリ/ペルー提案:3]年を超えて{その}特許が付与された場合のいずれか遅い方の場合の遅延を含まなければならない。{オプション1:出願人の行為[日本提案:及び特許出願における司法又は準司法的行為]に起因する期間はこの遅延の決定において含まれる必要はない。}/{オプション2:本条の目的のため、特許出願人の行為又は異議を申し立てる第三者に起因する期間によるものとして特許付与において生じた遅延はこの遅延の決定において含まれる必要はない。}[豪/ニュージー反対:本条の下での特許期間の調整は、特許期間の調整がない場合の特許に適用されるであろう、同じ制限及び例外の対象となるものであり、特許の排他権の全てを与えるものでなければならない。]][シンガ:(原注:[シンガ提案:出願人の行為に起因する期間は、その加盟国の法律において規定される、既定の審査関係書類の出願にかかる時間を含む。])][日:(原注:[日提案:第QQ.A.11条(訳注:発効日前の事項への協定の適用は求められないとする第QQ.A.10条の2のことか。)にかかわらず、本条は[2016年1月1日]以降に出願された全ての特許出願に適用されなければならない。])](原注:交渉官注:日本とアメリカは、現在このような法制を規定していない加盟国に対する適切な移行期間に関する作業を進めている。)(原注:(a)「準司法的」とは主に特許審判手続きをカバーすることを目的とするものである;(b)ある参加国は、規定内で「又は異議を申し立てる第三者」という語を使用することを示唆した;(c)ある参加国は、「司法的又は準司法的」手続きについての規定を注釈に含めることを示唆した;(d)いくつかの加盟国は、追加で、又は「準司法的」の代わりに「行政的」手続きを含めることを示唆した;(e)少なくとも1つの加盟国が、この規定が既存のFTAを超える懸念を表した。)



Article QQ.G.1: {Copyright and Related Rights / Right of Reproduction}
Each Party shall provide(Footnote: The Parties reaffirm that it is a matter for each Party's law to prescribe that works in general or any specified categories of works, performances and phonograms shall not be protected by copyright or related rights unless they have been fixed in some material form.) that authors, performers, and producers of phonograms(Foonote: References to "authors, performers, and producers of phonograms" refer also to any successors in interest.) have the right(Foonote: With respect to copyrights and related rights in this Chapter, the "right to authorize or prohibit" and the "right to authorize" refer to exclusive rights.) to authorize or prohibit all reproductions of their works, performances(Foonote: With respect to this Chapter, a "performance" means a performance fixed in a phonogram unless otherwise specified.), and phonograms in any manner of form, including in electronic form.





Article QQ.B.x: {Public Domain}
The Parties recognize the importance of a rich and accessible public domain.

2. The Parties also acknowledge the importance of informational materials, such as publicly accessible databases of registered intellectual property rights that assist in the identification of subject matter that has fallen into the public domain.


第2項 加盟国は、パブリックドメインに落ちた対象を特定する助けとなる、登録された知的財産権の広くアクセス可能なデータベースのような情報マテリアルの重要性も認める。



Article QQ.E.23(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: CA/US position is that QQ.E.23 provisions should be addressed in the Environment Chapter. The US/JP opposes the inclusion of this Article in this Chapter.): {Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources}
[PE/NZ/VN/BN/MX/SG/CL/MY propose(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: AU is considering this paragraph in light of the rest of the Article.): 1. The Parties recognize the importance and contribution of traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, and biological diversity to cultural, economic and social development.]

[(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: Appropriate placement within the Agreement of paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 is under consideration.)PE/MY/MX/BN propose; NZ/AU/SG/CL oppose: 2. Each Party exercises sovereignty over their biological [MY/BN oppose: diversity] [MY/BN propose:resources] and shall determine the access conditions to their genetic resources and their derivatives in accordance to their domestic legislation.]

[ペルー/ニュージー/ベトナム/ブルネイ/メキシコ/シンガ/チリ/マレ提案(原注:交渉官注:オーストラリアは、本条の他も含め、本項を検討している。):第1項 加盟国は、文化的、経済的及び社会的発展に対する伝統的知識、伝統的文化表現及び生物学的多様性の重要性及び貢献を認める。]

[(原注:交渉官注:第2、3及び7項の本協定注での適切な場所は検討中である。)ペルー/マレ/メキシコ/ブルネイ提案;ニュージー/豪/シンガ/チリ反対:第2項 加盟国はその生物学的[マレ/ブルネイ:多様性][マレ/ブルネイ提案:資源]に対する支配権を行使し、その国内法に沿い、その遺伝資源及びその派生物へのアクセス条件を定めなければならない。]



Article QQ.A.11: {Exhaustion of IP Rights}
Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to address the issue of the exhaustion of intellectual property rights.







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2014年11月 9日 (日)




Article QQ.E.14: {Patent Term Adjustment / Marketing Approval}
1. Each Party shall make best efforts to process patent applications and applications for marketing approval(Footnote: For greater certainty, the term "marketing approval" is synonymous with "sanitary approval" under a Party's law.) of pharmaceutical products in an efficient and timely manner, with a view to avoiding unreasonable or unnecessary delays.

2. With respect to a pharmaceutical product that is subject to a patent, each Party shall make available an adjustment(Footnote: [CA propose: For greater certainty a Party may alternatively provide for a period of additional sui generis protection to compensate for unreasonable curtailment.]) of the patent term to compensate the patent owner for unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term as a result of the marketing approval process.

3. For greater certainty, further to/consistent with Article QQ.A.5(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: Parties to further discuss and consider need for reference to QQ.A.5.), each Party may provide for conditions and limitations in implementing the obligations of this paragraph.

Article QQ.E.16: {Pharmaceutical Data Protection}
If a Party requires, as a condition for granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of undisclosed test or other data concerning the safety or efficacy of the product, the Party shall not permit third persons, without the consent of the person who previously submitted such information, to market the same [MY oppose: or a similar(Footnote: For greater certainty, for purposes of this Section, a pharmaceutical product is "similar" to a previously approved pharmaceutical product if the marketing approval of that similar pharmaceutical products is based upon the information concerning the safety or efficacy of the previously approved pharmaceutical product, or the prior approval of that previously approved product.)] product on the basis of:
i. that information; or
ii. the marketing approval granted to the person who submitted such information
for at least five years from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party [MY propose:, or any other country where marketing approval is first granted].

(b) If a Party permits, as condition of granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of evidence of prior marketing approval of the product in another territory, the Party shall not permit third persons, without the consent of a person who previously submitted such information concerning the safety or efficacy of the product, to market a same [MY oppose: or a similar] product based on evidence relating to prior marketing approval in the other territory for at least five years from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party [MY propose:, or any other country where marketing approval is first granted].

[CL propose: Alt (b) A Party may provide for the possibility of granting marketing approval or sanitary permit for a new pharmaceutical product based on a prior marketing approval in another territory. If a Party provides for such possibility, it may also require consent or acquiescence of a person previously submitting the undisclosed test or other data to obtain marketing approval in the other territory in order to authorize a third person to market a same or similar product (in the territory of the Party) for at least 5 years from the date of the first/prior marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product.]

2. With respect to previously approved pharmaceutical products, if a Party requires the submission of:
(a) new clinical information (other than information related to bioequivalency), or

(b) evidence of prior approval of the product in another territory that requires such new information,

which is essential to the subsequent approval of a pharmaceutical product, the Party shall not permit a third person not having the consent of the person providing the information to market the same or a similar pharmaceutical product on the basis of the marketing approval granted to a person submitting the information for a period of at least three years from the date of marketing approval by the Party [MY oppose: or the other territory, as applicable, whichever is later] [MY propose: or any other country where marketing approval is first granted]. (Footnote: As an alternative to this paragraph, where a Party, on the date of entry into force of this Agreement for that Party, has in place a system for protecting information submitted in connection with the approval of a pharmaceutical product that utilizes a previously approved {AU/NZ/SG oppose: chemical} {AU/NZ/SG propose: active} component from unfair commercial use, the Party may retain that system, notwithstanding the obligations of this paragraph. Additionally, a Party is not required to apply Article QQ.E.16.2 with respect to pharmaceutical products covered by Article QQ.E.20 [CA oppose: or to pharmaceutical products that receive a period of at least 8 years of protection pursuant to subparagraph 1(a) and 1(b) of Article QQ.E.16.] [CA propose: A Party that provides a period of at least 8 years of protection pursuant to QQ.E.16.1 is not required to apply Article QQ.E.16.2.])

3. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 above, a Party may take measures to protect public health in accordance with:
(a) the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2) (the "Declaration");

(b) any waiver of any provision of the TRIPS Agreement granted by WTO Members in accordance with the WTO Agreement to implement the Declaration and in force between the Parties; and

(c) any amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to implement the Declaration that enters into force with respect to the Parties.

[MY propose: 4.A Party may for the purpose of granting protection under subparagraph (1)(a) and (1)(b), require an applicant to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval for that pharmaceutical product within 18 months from the date the product is first registered or granted marketing approval, and granted protection for such information in any country.]

[MY propose: 5.A Party may for the purpose of granting protection under paragraph 2 require an applicant to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval for that pharmaceutical product within 12 months from the date the product is first registered or granted marketing approval, and granted protection for such information in any country.]

[MY propose: 6.Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 above, a Party may waive the
protection under paragraphs 1 and 2 above, where it has taken measures
(a) in accordance with:
(i) Article 31 of the TRIPS Agreement;
(ii) the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2) (the "Declaration");
(ii) any waiver of any provision of the TRIPS Agreement granted by WTO Members in accordance with the WTO Agreement to implement the Declaration and in force between the Parties; and/or
(iii) any amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to implement the Declaration that enters into force with respect to the Parties.

(b) necessary to protect public health, national security, non-commercial public use, national emergency or other urgent circumstances as determined by the Party.]


Non-Paper on Transitional Periods and Obligation for Patents Pharma (as of February 22, 2014)

Proposal on Patent Pharmaceuticals Transition Periods
Article QQ.A.X:
For the purposes of these Articles, the Parties to this Agreement shall be divided into Category A, Category B, or Category C as follows:
(a) Category A: United States, Japan, Singapore, [other countries to be  confirmed]
(b) Category B: Mexico, Brunei, [other countries to be confirmed]
(c) Category C: Peru and Vietnam

2. In implementing Articles QQ.E.14 (Patent Term Adjustment/Marketing Approval), and QQ.E.17 (Patent Linkage), Parties shall comply with the implementation schedule stated in Table 1.
3. For the purposes of Article QQ.E.16.1(a) and (b), the period of protection to be accorded (from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party) shall be no less than that specified in Table 2.
4. For the purposes of Article QQ.E.20, the period of protection to be accorded (from the date of marketing approval of the pharmaceutical product that is biologic in that Party) shall be no less than that specified in Table 3.
5. Article QQ.E.22 shall apply to all Parties, with the exception of Parties falling within Category C prior to the period of 2 years after entry into force of the Agreement + [X1] years. For greater certainty, upon 2 years after entry into force of the Agreement + [X1] years, Article QQ.E.22 shall thereafter apply to such Parties falling within Category C.

6. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, any Party acceding to this Agreement after its entry into force shall likewise be assigned to Category A, B, or C, but the implementation schedules in sub-paragraphs 2 to 5 applicable to such a Party shall be deemed to have commenced from the time of entry into force of the Agreement.


第2項 特許の対象となっている医薬品に関して、販売認可手続きの結果としての有効な特許期間の不合理な短縮を特許権者に補償する調整(原注:[加提案:明確化のため、加盟国は、不合理な短縮の補償について追加の独自保護の期間を代わりに規定することもできる。])を利用可能としなければならない。

第3項 明確化のため、第QQ.A.5条につき/と合致する形で(原注:交渉官注:加盟国はQQ.A.5に関する参照の必要性についてさらに議論し、検討する。)(訳注:第QQ.A.5条は協定の規定に違反しない限り、加盟国は実施の方法を自由に決められるとする条項。)、加盟国は、本項の義務を実施する上で条件と制限を規定できる。




第2項 以前に認可された医薬品に関して、その医薬品の後の認可に必須の以下の情報の提出を要求する場合、加盟国は、その加盟国による[マレ反対:又は適用可能なものとして、他国によるもので、いずれか遅い方の、][マレ提案:又は販売が最初に認可された他の国による]販売認可の日から少なくとも3年間は、その情報を提出した者に認可された販売認可に基づき同じ又は類似の医薬品を販売することを、その情報を提供した者の同意を得ていない第三者に認めてはならない(原注:本項の代わりとして、加盟国が、その国へのこの協定の発効の日に、以前に認可された{豪/ニュージー/シンガ反対:化学}{豪/ニュージー/シンガ提案:有効]成分を利用する医薬品の認可に関係して提出された情報を不公正な商業利用から保護するための法制を有している場合、加盟国は、本項の義務にかかわらず、その法制を維持できる。さらに、加盟国が、第QQ.E.20条によってカバーされる医薬品[加反対:[又は第QQ.E.16条第1項(a)及び(b)に従い、8年以上の期間の保護を受ける医薬品]に関して第QQ.E.16条第2項の適用を求められることはない。[加提案:第QQ.E.16条第1項に従い、8年以上の保護の期間を規定する加盟国が、第QQ.E.16条第2項の適用を求められることはない。]):


第3項 第1項及び第2項にかかわらず、加盟国は以下のものに合致する形で公衆衛生を保護する措置を取ることができる:



[マレ提案:第4項 加盟国は、(1)(a)及び(1)(b)の下で保護を与える目的のため、医薬品について販売認可が最初に登録されるか、与えられ、いずれかの国においてそのような情報の保護を与えられた日から18月以内にその医薬品のための販売認可を得る手続きを始めることを申請者に求めることができる。]

[マレ提案:第5項 加盟国は、第2項の保護を与える目的のため、医薬品について販売認可が最初に登録されるか、与えられ、いずれかの国においてそのような情報の保護を与えられた日から12月以内にその医薬品のための販売認可を得る手続きを始めることを申請者に求めることができる。]

[マレ提案:第6項 第1項及び第2項にかかわらず、加盟国は、以下の措置を取る場合に、上の第1項及び第2項の保護を除くことができる、





第2項 第QQ.E.14条(特許保護期間の調整/販売認可)及び第QQ.E.17条(特許リンケージ)の実施において、加盟国は、表1に書かれた実施スケジュールに合わせなければならない。
第3項 第QQ.E.16条第1項(a)及び(b)の目的のため、与えられる保護の期間は(加盟国の領土内でのその新しい医薬品の販売認可の日から)表2で特定されるものを下回ってはならない。
第4項 第QQ.E.20条の目的のため、与えられる保護の期間は(加盟国の領土内でのその新しいバイオ医薬品の販売認可の日から)表3で特定されるものを下回ってはならない。
第5項 第QQ.E.22条は、本協定の発効後2年+[X1]年より前に、カテゴリーCに入る加盟国を例外として、全ての加盟国に適用されなければならない。明確化のため、本協定の発効後2年+[X1]年の後には、第QQ.E.22条はそのようなカテゴリーCに入る国にも適用されなければならない。(訳注:第QQ.E.22条は、第QQ.E.16条第3項の公衆衛生保護措置により、新薬情報保護期間より先に特許権が切れる場合でも保護期間を変えてはならないとする規定。)

第6項 加盟国が他の形で合意しない限り、発効後本協定へ加わる加盟国は同様にカテゴリーA、B又はCに割り当てられるが、そのような加盟国に適用される第2項から第5項の実施スケジュールは、本協定の発効時から開始されるとされなけれればならない。







For {specified countries}, the following subparagraph shall apply in lieu of Article QQ.E.14 (2)-(3) (patent term restoration) as set out in Article QQ.A.X (general provisions):
With respect to any pharmaceutical product that is covered by a patent, each Party may make available a restoration of the patent term or patent rights to compensate the patent owner for unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term resulting from the marketing approval process related to the first commercial marketing of the product in that Party. Any restoration under this subparagraph shall confer all of the exclusive rights of a patent subject to the same limitations and exceptions applicable to the original patent.


C) For {specified countries}, the following paragraphs shall apply in lieu of Article QQ.E.16 and Article QQ.E.22 as set out in Article QQ.A.X:
If a Party requires, as a condition for approving the marketing of a pharmaceutical product that utilizes a new chemical entity,(Footnote: For greater certainty, the Parties understand that the definition in QQ.E.21 for "new pharmaceutical product" is applicable to subparagraph C.) the submission of undisclosed test or other data necessary to determine whether the use of such products is safe and effective, the Party shall protect against disclosure of the data of persons making such submissions, where the origination of such data involves considerable effort, except where the disclosure is necessary to protect the public or unless steps are taken to ensure that the data are protected against unfair commercial use.

(b) Each Party shall provide that for data subject to paragraph 1(a) that are submitted to the Party after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, no person other than the person that submitted them may, without the latter's permission, rely on such data in support of an application for product approval during a reasonable period of time after their submission. For this purpose, a reasonable period shall normally mean five years from the date on which the Party granted approval to the person that produced the data for approval to market its product, taking account of the nature of the data and person's efforts and expenditures in producing them. Subject to this provision, there shall be no limitation on any Party to implement abbreviated approval procedures for such products on the basis of bioequivalence or bioavailability studies.

(c) Where a Party relies on a marketing approval granted by another Party, and grants approval within six months of the filing of a complete application for marketing approval filed in the Party, the reasonable period of exclusive use of the data submitted in connection with obtaining the approval relied on shall begin with the date of the first marketing approval relied on.

(d) A Party need not apply the provisions of subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) with respect to a pharmaceutical product that contains a chemical entity that has been previously approved in the territory of the Party for use in a pharmaceutical product.











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2014年11月 2日 (日)




Article QQ.G.10: {Technological Protection Measures} (Footnote: Nothing in this Agreement shall require any Party to restrict the importation or domestic sale of a device that does not render effective a technological measure the sole purpose of which is to control market segmentation for legitimate physical copies of cinematographic film, and is not otherwise a violation of law.) (Footnote: Negotiator's Note: MY and VN oppose mandatory application of this Article to access control TPMs. NZ/CA's agreement to this Article is subject to securing sufficient flexibility to adopt exceptions and limitations to the prohibition on circumvention for non infringing uses. CL reserves its position on the approach set out in paragraph (d) pending national consultations and may support the approach in the consolidated text.)

(a) In order to provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that authors, performers, and producers of phonograms use in connection with the exercise of their rights and that restrict unauthorized acts in respect of their works, performances, and phonograms,(Footnote: {AU/NZ propose: For greater certainty, nothing shall prevent a Party from limiting "unauthorized acts in respect of their works, performances, and phonograms" to infringing acts, where appropriate, subject to any other {remedies/liability} available under the Party's law.}) each Party shall provide that any person who:
i. knowingly [MX propose:, or with respect to civil remedies] [CL oppose:, or having reasonable grounds to know,] circumvents without authority any [MY propose: such] effective technological measure [MY oppose: that controls access to a protected work,(Footnote: For greater certainty, in this Chapter, cinematographic works and computer programs are included in the term "work". Chair's Note: Ultimate placement of this FN to be determined based on when the word "works" first appears in this Chapter as this is a cross-section issue.) performance, or phonogram];(Footnote: For greater certainty, no Party is required to impose civil or criminal liability under subparagraph (a)(i) for a person who circumvents any effective technological measure that [MY oppose: protects any of the exclusive rights of copyright or related rights in a protected work, performance or phonogram, but that does not control access to such work, performance or phonogram.]) or
ii. manufactures, imports, distributes (Footnote: [MY propose: A Party may provide that the obligations described in paragraph (ii) in respect to manufacturing, importation, and distribution apply only where such activities are undertaken for sale or rental, or to such an extent as to affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright.]), offers for sale or rental to the public, or otherwise provides devices, products, or components, or offer to the public or providers services, that:
A) are promoted, advertised, or otherwise marketed by that person (Footnote: It is understood that this provision still applies where the person promotes, advertises, or markets through the services of a third party.) for the purpose of circumventing any effective technological measure,
B) have only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent any effective technological measure (Footnote: A Party may comply with this paragraph if the conduct referred to in (ii) does not have a commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent any effective technological measure.), or
C) are primarily designed, produced, or performed for the purpose of circumventing any effective technological measure,
shall be liable and subject to the remedies set out in [Article QQ.H.4.17 (Civil Judicial Proceedings relating to TPMs and RMIs)(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: Parties' position on this reference is pending resolution of the discussion on QQ.H.4.17 (Civil Judicial Proceedings relating to TPMs and RMIs).)].

Each Party [US/CA/SG/NZ/MX/PE/AU/BN/JP/CL propose: shall] [VN/MY propose: may] provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied where any person is found to have engaged willfully (Footnote: For great certainty, for purposes of Articles QQ.G.10 and QQ.G.13, it is understood that willfulness contains a knowledge element.) and for the purposes of commercial advantage or financial gain (Footnote: For greater certainty, for purposes of Articles QQ.G.10 and QQ.G.13, it is understood that a Party may treat "financial gain" as "commercial purposes" in its law.) in any of the above activities.(Footnote: For purposes of greater certainty, no Party is required to impose liability under Articles [QQ.G.10 (TPMs)] and [QQ.G.13 (RMIs)] for actions taken by that Party or a third party acting with the authorization or consent of that Party.)

Each Party may provide that such criminal procedures and penalties do not apply to a non-profit library, museum archive, educational institution, or public noncommercial  broadcasting entity. A Party may also provide that the remedies set out in Article QQ.H.4.17 (Civil Judicial Proceedings relating to TPMs and RMIs) do not apply to those same entities provided that the above activities are carried out in good faith without knowledge that the conduct is prohibited.

(b) In implementing subparagraph (a), no Party shall be obligated to require that the design of, or the design and selection of parts and components for, a consumer electronics, telecommunications, or computing product provide for a response to any particular technological measure, so long as the product does not otherwise violate any measure implementing subparagraph (a).

[CL oppose: (c) Each Party shall provide that a violation of a measure implementing this paragraph is independent of any infringement that might occur under the Party's law on copyright and related rights.]

(d) (i) Each Party may provide MY/MX/PE oppose: certain] exceptions and limitations to the measures implementing subparagraphs (a)(i) and (ii) in order to enable non-infringing uses where there is an actual or likely adverse impact of those measures on those non-infringing uses, as determined through a legislative, regulatory, or administrative process in accordance with the Party's law, giving due consideration to evidence when presented in that process, including with respect to whether appropriate and effective measures have been taken by rights holders to enable the beneficiaries to enjoy the limitations and exceptions under that Party's law [in accordance with Article QQ.G.16] [CL propose:, as well as the evidence presented by the beneficiaries with respect to the necessity of the creation of such exception and limitation](Footnote: Negotiator's Note: Agreement ad referendum on bracketed text; further technical work required.).(Footnote: For greater certainty, nothing in this provision requires Parties to make a new determination via the legislative, regulatory, or administrative process with respect to exceptions and limitations to the legal protection of effective technological measures previously [established in trade agreements in force between Parties or] implemented by the Parties, [provided that such exceptions and limitations are otherwise consistent with Article QQ.G.10(d).] (ref QQ.A.11(3)) (agreement ad referendum; further technical work required).)
(ii) Any exceptions and limitations to the measures implementing subparagraph [CL propose: a(i) and] (a)(ii) shall be permitted solely to enable the legitimate use of an exception or limitation permissible under Article QQ.G.10 (TPMs) by its intended beneficiaries [CA propose:(Footnote: [CA propose: For greater certainty, a Party may provide an exception to a(ii) without having to provide a corresponding exception to a(i), provided that the exception to a(ii) is limited to enabling an act that is within the scope for exceptions to a(i) under d(i).])] and [CL propose: in the case of subparagraph (a)(ii)] shall not authorize the making available of devices, products, components, or services beyond such intended beneficiaries.(Footnote: For the purposes of interpreting subparagraph d(ii) only, subparagraph a(i) should be read to apply to all effective technological measures as defined in paragraph (e), mutatis mutandis. Negotiator's Note: agreement ad referendum on this footnote; further technical work required.)
(iii) [NZ/CA/BN propose: Paragraph (d)(i) and (ii) shall not be used by a Party to undermine] [US propose: By providing exceptions and limitations under paragraph d(i) and (ii) a Party shall not {impair}/{undermine}] the adequacy of that Party's [MY propose: overall] legal {framework} / {system} / {regime} for the protection of effective technological measures, or the effectiveness of legal remedies against the circumvention of such measures, that authors, performers, or producers of phonograms use in connection with the exercise of their rights, or that restrict unauthorized acts in respect of their works, performances or phonograms, as provided for in this Chapter. [CL propose:(Footnote: [CL propose: It is understood that the circumvention of a technological protection measure may be permitted solely to enable the legitimate use of an exception or limitation under each Party's domestic law.])]

[MY oppose: (e) "Effective technological measure" means any effective technology, device or component that, in the normal course of its operation, controls access to a protected work, performance or phonogram, or protects [CA propose: copyright or related] rights related to a work, performance or phonogram [CL propose, CA oppose:, and cannot, in a usual case, be circumvented accidentally].]

Article QQ.G.13: {Copyright and Related Rights / Rights Management Information}

Article QQ.H.4: {Civil Procedures and Remedies / Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies}
17. In civil judicial proceedings concerning the acts described in Article QQ.G.10 (TPMs) and Article QQ.G.12 (RMI)(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: CL support depends on content of RMI and TPM provisions.), each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities shall, at least, have the authority to (Footnote: For greater certainty, a Party may, but is not required to, put in place separate remedies in respect of Article QQ.G.10 (TPMs) and Article QQ.G.12 (RMI), if such remedies are available under its copyright law.):
(a) impose provisional measures, including seizure or other taking into custody of devices and products suspected of being involved in the prohibited activity;
(b) order the type of damages available for copyright infringement, as provided under its regime in accordance with Article QQ.H.4;(Footnote: Where a Party's copyright regime provides for both pre-established damages and additional damages, it may comply with the requirements of this subparagraph by providing for only one of these forms of damages.)
(c) Order court costs, fees, or expenses as provided for under Article QQ.H.4.11; and
(d) order [CL propose:, at their discretion,] the destruction [CL propose:, except in exceptional cases,] of devices and products found to be involved in the prohibited activity.(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: PE/CL have introduced a footnote 139 to accommodate judicial discretion and are working with the US to finalize language and placement.)


(a)著作者、実演家及び録音製作者がその権利の行使に関連して利用し、その著作物、実演及び録音に関して不正利用を制限する有効な技術的手段の回避に対して適切な法的保護及び有効な法的救済措置を規定するため(原注:{豪/ニュージー提案:加盟国の法律で利用可能なその他の{救済措置/責任}に従い、適切な場合に、「その著作物、実演及び録音に関する不正な行為」を制限することを加盟国が抑止されることはない。})、加盟国は、以下を満たす者は責任を有し、[ 第QQ.H.4.17条(技術的保護手段及び権利管理情報に関する民事司法手続き)(原注:交渉官注:この参照に関する加盟国の態度は、第QQ.H.4.17条(技術的保護手段及び権利管理情報に関する民事司法手続き)の議論の結果による。)]で定められる救済措置の対象となることを規定しなければならない:

加盟国は、ある者が故意に(原注:明確化のため、第QQ.G.10条及び第QQ.G.13条の目的のため、故意性は知っているという要素を含むと理解される。)及び商業的利益又は経済的利益(原注:明確化のため、第QQ.G.10条及び第QQ.G.13条の目的のため、加盟国は、その国内法において「経済的利益」を「商業的目的」と取り扱うことができると理解される。)を目的として上のいずれかの活動に従事したとされた場合に適用される刑事手続き及び罰を規定 [米/加/シンガ/ニュージー/メキシコ/ペルー/豪/ブルネイ/日/チリ提案:しなければならない][ベトナム/マレ提案:できる]。(原注:[明確化の目的のため、どの加盟国も、その加盟国によってか、その加盟国の認可又は同意とともに活動する第三者によってなされた行為について[第QQ.G.10(技術的保護手段)]及び[第QQ.G.13(権利管理情報)]条の責任を課すことは求められない。 ])







第17項 第QQ.G.10条(技術的保護手段)及び第QQ.G.12条(権利管理情報)(原注:交渉官注:チリの支持は権利管理情報及び技術的保護手段の規定の内容による。)に書かれた行為に関する民事手続きにおいて、加盟国は、少なくともその司法当局が以下の権限を有することを規定しなければならない(原注:明確化のため、加盟国は、そのような救済措置がその著作権法において利用可能であれば、第QQ.G.10条(技術的保護手段)及び第QQ.G.12条(権利管理情報)に関する救済措置を別々の救済措置として整備することもできるが、そのようにすることを求められることはない。):








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