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2014年10月25日 (土)




Non-Paper on Internet Service Provider Safe Harbors [CL propose:(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: CL is still considering this proposal and reserves its position to the entire section.)]

[AU propose: Consistent with Article 41 of the TRIPS Agreement,] In order to facilitate the continued development of entities engaged in providing [AU oppose: legitimate] online services, while also [AU oppose: ensuring the availability of] [AU: providing] enforcement procedures that permit effective action against copyright infringement (Footnote: For the purposes of this Article, "copyright" includes related rights.) [CL/PE propose: covered under this Chapter] [AU oppose:, each Party shall establish or maintain a framework that provides legal] [AU propose: including] remedies for right holders to address copyright infringement in the online environment [AU oppose: and] [AU propose:, each Party shall establish or maintain a framework] that provides safe harbors with respect to copyright infringement limiting the {liability of, or the availability or remedies against}, online service providers (Footnote: For purposes of this Article, "online service provider" and "provider" mean a provider of online services or network access, or the operators of facilities therefore, and includes [CL oppose: an entity] [CL propose: any person] offering the transmission, routing, or providing of connections for digital online communications, between or among points specified by a user, of material of the user's choosing, without modification to the content of the material as sent or received [CA propose: other than modifications made as part of a technical process or for solely technical reasons]. A Party may provide that network access includes cases in which network access is provided by another provider. [NZ propose: A Party may limit the application of this Article to entities offering the transmission, routing, or providing of connections for digital online communications, between or among points specified by a user, of material of the user's choosing, without modification to the content of the material as sent or received, or offering the hosting of material on websites or other electronic retrieval systems that can be accessed by a user.]) that [AU oppose: meet [CA oppose: appropriate] [CA propose: certain] requirements. Such a framework shall include] [AU propose: includes] the following elements:

1. Each Party shall provide legal incentives [CA propose:(Footnote: [CA propose: Legal incentives may be understood as exposure to potential liability under that Party's domestic copyright law.])] for online service providers to cooperate with [MX propose: authorities or] copyright owners or [AU/NZ/ oppose: otherwise] [AU/NZ propose: in the alternative to] {help} / {take action} to deter the unauthorized storage and transmission of copyrighted materials [MX propose: in accordance to the national legislation of each Party].

2. Each Party shall provide limitations in its law on the {liability of (Footnote: {[CA oppose: Where a Party chooses to limit liability, appropriate court-ordered relief] [CA propose: Limitation in law on the liability of online service providers shall not affect any judicial authority, in accordance with a Party's legal system,] to compel or restrain certain actions [CA propose: where appropriate and] [CA oppose: shall be available,] subject to reasonable restrictions with due regard to the relative burdens to the service provider and harm to the copyright owner, the technical feasibility and effectiveness of the relief and whether less burdensome, comparably effective enforcement methods are available.}), or [AU oppose: the {availability of {[CA/CL oppose: monetary]] [AU propose: scope of] remedies [CL propose:(Footnote: [CL propose: For greater certainty, these limitations may preclude monetary relief and provide reasonable limitations on court order relief to compel or restrain certain actions for the functions referred to in paragraph 3 and shall be confined to those functions.])]} against, online service providers [CA oppose: {acting as [AU oppose: neutral] intermediaries} (Footnote: CA oppose: {Placeholder for further elaboration on what factors may determine what is a neutral intermediary, with focus on separating out non legitimate ISPs that promote infringement}.])] for copyright infringements that they do not control, initiate, or direct, and that take place through systems or networks controlled or operated by them or on their behalf. (Footnote: It is understood that, to the extent that a Party determines, consistent with its international legal obligations, that a particular act does not constitute copyright infringement, there is no obligation to provide for a limitation in relation to the act.) [PE propose:(Footnote: [PE propose: For greater certainty, the failure of a service provider to quality for the limitations in paragraph 2 does not itself result in liability. Furthermore, paragraph 2 is without prejudice to the availability of defenses to copyright infringement that are of general applicability.])] [CA propose:(Footnote: [CA propose: It is understood that online service providers may control, initiate, or direct various acts of reproduction or communication that may involve infringing acts solely for technical reasons in carrying out the functions in paragraph 3 and as part of providing their services.])]

3. The limitations described in paragraph 2 shall cover [CA propose: at least] the following functions:
i. transmitting, routing, or providing connections for material without modification of its content(Footnote: Such modification does not include modifications made as part of a technical process or for solely technical reasons [CL propose:, such as division in to packages.]), or the intermediate and transient storage of such material done automatically in the course of such a technical process;
ii. caching carried out through an automated process;
iii. storage(Footnote: For greater certainty, Parties may interpret "storage" as "hosting".), at the direction of a user, of material residing on a system or network controlled or operated by or for the service provider (Footnote: For greater certainty, such storage of material may include e-mails and their attachments stored in the provider's server and web pages residing on the provider's server.); and
iv. referring or linking users to an online location by using information location tools, including hyperlinks and directories.

4. Each Party shall prescribe in its law conditions for online service providers to qualify for the limitations described in paragraph 2 [CA oppose:, or shall otherwise provide for their fulfillment, to incentivize online service providers to take effective action] [CA propose: to participate in a system for sending notices of alleged infringement] with respect to infringements that take place through systems or networks controlled or operated by them or on their behalf [CA propose:, or otherwise ensure participation in such a system]. With respect to infringing material residing on online service providers' networks [CL propose: or systems] under [CL propose: functions referred to in] paragraph 3(iii) and 3(iv) above, [CL oppose: online service providers shall be required] [CL propose: limitations shall be conditioned on the service provider] expeditiously to remove or disable access to such material upon [MX oppose: obtaining] [MX propose: receiving a notification from the authority or person authorized to do so, in accordance to the national legislation of each Party] [MX oppose: actual knowledge of the infringement or awareness of facts or circumstances from which the infringement is apparent [AU propose:, such as] [CL propose:(Footnote: [CL propose: A Party may require judicial intervention for purpose of obtaining actual knowledge of the infringement or awareness of facts or circumstances from which the infringement is apparent.])] [AU oppose:, or upon] receiving a legally sufficient notice (Footnote: Each Party understands that a legally sufficient notice or statement, as defined under a Party's law, must contain information that is reasonably sufficient to enable the online service provider to identify the work, performance, or phonogram claimed to be infringed, the alleged infringing material, and the online location of the alleged infringement and that has a sufficient indicia of reliability with respect to the authority of the party sending the notice.) of alleged infringement from the rights holder or a person authorized to act on its behalf], and in the absence of [AU oppose: legally sufficient statement] [AU propose: counter- notice] from the person whose material is [AU oppose: removed or disabled] [AU propose: subject to a notice for removal or disabling] indicating that the notice was the result of mistake or misidentification. (Footnote: A Party may comply with [JP oppose: its] [JP propose: the] obligations under [JP propose: the second sentence of] [JP oppose: sub] paragraph 4 by [JP propose: (1)] having a [JP oppose: multi-]stakeholder organization [JP propose:, which includes representatives of both online service providers and rights holders, with the government involved,] to develop and maintain [JP oppose: adequacy of institutional] [JP propose: adequate] procedures to verify [JP oppose: or underwrite] the validity of [JP oppose: a notice on] [JP propose: notices of] copyright infringement [JP oppose:, and by providing that a provider shall be exempted from any liability for removing or disabling access to material, (a) upon receiving the notice underwritten or verified through such procedures; or (b) upon receiving other notice after informing of such notice and not receiving objections within a reasonable period from the person.] [JP propose:, and (2) taking appropriate measures to limit the liability of online service providers for copyright infringement where the online service providers expeditiously remove or disable access to the material, upon obtaining actual knowledge of the infringement or awareness of facts or circumstances from which the infringement is apparent, including through receiving a verified notice.])  An online service provider that removes or disables access to material in good faith pursuant to and consistent with this paragraph shall be exempted from any liability for having done so [NZ propose:(Footnote: [NZ propose: for greater certainty, where no such liability exists under a Party's law, a Party need not provide any further exemption.])], provided that it takes reasonable steps [JP propose: in advance or] promptly to notify the person whose material is removed or disabled. (Footnote: With respect to the function in subparagraph 3(ii), a Party may limit the requirements of paragraph 4 related to removing or disabling access to infringing material to circumstances in which the service provider becomes aware or receives notification that the cached material has been removed or access to it has been disabled at the originating site.) [JP propose:(Footnote: [JP propose: A Party need not require such notification in circumstances in which the online service provider has reasonable grounds to believe that infringement is occurring.])]

[AU propose: The limitations in paragraph 2 shall not be conditioned on the service provider undertaking measures that impose substantial costs or substantial burdens on their systems or networks.]

[MX propose: Where a person, whose material is removed or disabled, claims that the notice was the result of mistake or misidentification, online service providers shall be required expeditiously to upload or enable access to such material upon receiving a notification from the authority or the person authorized to do so, in accordance to the national legislation of each Party.]

5. Eligibility for the limitations in paragraph 2 may not be conditioned on the service provider monitoring its service or affirmatively seeking facts indicating infringing activity.

6. Each Party shall provide procedures, whether judicial or administrative, in accordance with that Party's legal system, and consistent with principles [JP propose:(Footnote: [Negotiator's Note: JP would like to invite Parties' views on including other principles.])] of due process and privacy, enabling a copyright owner who has made a legally sufficient claim of copyright infringement to obtain expeditiously from an online service provider information in the provider's possession identifying the alleged infringer, where such information is sought for the purpose of protecting or enforcing such copyright.

[AU propose: Each Party shall provide for monetary remedies against any person who makes a knowing material misrepresentation in a notification or counter- notification that causes injury to any interested party as a result of a service provider relying on the misinterpretation.]

7. This Article is without prejudice to the availability in a Party's law of [JP oppose: other defenses,] limitations, and exceptions to the infringement of copyright [JP propose: or any other defenses].



第1項 加盟国は、[メキシコ提案:加盟国の国内法に沿って、]著作物の不正な蓄積及び伝達を抑止することにおいて[メキシコ提案:当局又は]著作権者と協力するか、[豪/ニュージー反対:さもなくば][豪/ニュージー提案:その代わりに]著作物の不正な蓄積又は送信を抑止する{ことを助ける}/{行動を取る}ための法的なインセンティブを規定しなければならない[加提案:(原注:[加提案:法的なインセンティブは、その加盟国の国内法の下であり得る責任にどの程度晒されているかであると理解される。])]。

第2項 加盟国は、それが管理も、開始も、指示もしていないが、それかその代理によって管理されるか、運用されるシステム又はネットワークを通じて発生する著作権侵害について、[加反対:{[豪反対:中立的な]仲介者として行動する}(原注:[加反対:{侵害を促進する非合法なISPを分離することに焦点をあて、何が中立的な仲介者であるのかを決める要素をさらに検討して載せるための場所}。])]オンラインサービスプロバイダー{の責任(原注:{[加反対:加盟国が責任を制限することを選ぶ場合、適切な裁判所から出されるある行動の強制又は制限の命令は、][加提案:オンラインサービスプロバイダーの責任の法律における制限は、それが適切な場合に、加盟国の法制に沿い、ある行動を強制又は制限する、司法当局に影響を与えず、]サービスプロバイダーに対する相対的負担及び著作権者に対する害並びに命令の実行可能性及び有効性、そして、より負担とならず、比較的有効な行使の手段が利用可能であるかどうかについてのしなければならない考慮とともに、合理的な制限に服[加提案:する。][加反対:しつつ、利用可能とされなければならない。]}){又は、それに対する[加/チリ反対:金銭的]救済措置[チリ提案:(原注:明確化のため、この制限は金銭的命令を除くことができ、第3項に記載された機能についてのある行動を強制又は制限する裁判所の命令に関する合理的な制限を規定することができる。)][豪反対:の利用可能性][豪提案:の範囲]}についての制限をその法律で規定しなければならない。(原注:加盟国が、その国際的な法的義務と整合する形で、特定の行為が著作権侵害を構成しないと決定する限り、この行為との関係で制限を規定する義務はないと理解される。)[ペルー提案:(原注:[ペルー提案:明確化のため、本号の制限の要件におけるISPの欠格はそれ自体では責任に影響を及ぼさない。さらに、第2項が一般的に適用可能な著作権侵害への抗弁の適用可能性の妨げとなることはない。])][加提案:(原注:[加提案:オンラインサービスプロバイダーは、技術的な理由のみのために、そのサービス提供の一部として第3項の機能を実行し、侵害行為を含み得る複製又は送信の様々な行為を管理するか、開始するか、又は指示することができると理解される。])]

第3項 第2項に書かれた制限は[加提案:少なくとも]以下の機能をカバーするものでなければならない:

第4項 加盟国は、それらによって又はその代理によって運用されたシステム又はネットワークを通じて発生する侵害に関して、[加提案:侵害の疑いの通知を送るためのシステムに参加するよう、]第2項に記載された制限のためにオンラインサービスプロバイダーが満たすべき条件を法律に規定する[加反対:か、さもなくばそれに対して有効な行動を取るインセンティブをオンラインサービスプロバイダーに与えるよう、それが満たすべき要件を規定する][加提案:か、さもなくばそのようなシステムへの参加を確保しなければならない]。上の第3項(ⅲ)及び第3項(ⅳ)[チリ提案:に記載された機能]の下で、オンラインサービスプロバイダーのネットワーク[チリ提案:又はシステム]に存在する侵害マテリアルに関して、[チリ反対:オンラインサービスプロバイダーには、][チリ提案:制限について、サービスプロバイダーにおいて、][メキシコ提案:加盟国の国内法に沿って、当局か、そうする権限を有する者からの通知を受け取ったことに基づいて][メキシコ反対:[豪反対:侵害を実際に知ったか、侵害が明白である事実又は状況に気づいたことに基づくか、若しくは]権利者又はその代理として行動する権限を有する者からの侵害の疑いの法的に十分な通知(原注:加盟国は、法的に十分な通知又は陳述は、加盟国の法律によって定義され、侵害されたと主張する著作物、実演又は録音、侵害が疑われるマテリアル及び侵害が疑われるオンラインの場所の特定をオンラインサービスプロバイダーが特定することを十分可能とし、その通知を送った者の権限に関して信頼できることを十分に示す情報を含んでいなければならないと理解する。)を受け取った[豪反対:ことに基づいて][豪提案:場合のように、侵害を実際に知ったか、侵害が明白である事実又は状況に気づいたことに基づいて][チリ提案:(原注:[チリ提案:加盟国は、侵害を実際に知るか、侵害が明白である事実又は状況に気づく目的で司法の介入を必要とすることができる。])]]そのマテリアルが[豪反対:削除されるか、不可能化される][豪提案:削除又は不可能化の通知の対象となっている]者からの、通知が誤解又は誤った特定によるものであることを指摘する[豪反対:法的に十分な通知][豪提案:カウンターの通知]がない場合に、そのようなマテリアルを迅速に削除するか、そのアクセスを不可能化することが[チリ反対:必要とされなければならない][チリ提案:条件とされる](原注:加盟国は、次のことにより、第4項の[日提案:第2文の]義務に合致していると言える:[日提案:(1)]著作権侵害[日反対:についての通知][日提案:の通知]の有効性を確かめる[日反対:か、裏書きする][日反対:適切な機関的][日提案:適切な]手続きを[日提案:、関連する政府とともに、]開発し、維持する、[日提案:オンラインサービスプロバイダー及び権利者の両方の代表を含む、複数の]利害関係者の機関を有していること[日反対:、そして、(a)そのような手続きにより裏書きされたか、確かめられた通知を受け取ったことに基づくか;又は(b)その様な通知を知らせた後その者から合理的な期間内に反対を受けず、他の通知を受け取ったことに基づく場合、マテリアルを削除するか、そのアクセスを不可能化することについて如何なる責任もプロバイダーは免除されると規定すること。][日提案:そして、(2)オンラインサービスプロバイダーが、確かめられた通知を受け取ること等により、実際の侵害を知るか、そこから侵害が明白である事実か状況に気づいたかに基づいて、オンラインサービスプロバイダーが迅速に著作権侵害マテリアルを削除するか、アクセスを不可能化した場合に、オンラインサービスプロバイダーの著作権侵害のための責任を制限する適切な措置を取ること。])。本項に従い、これと合致する形で、誠実にマテリアルを削除するか、アクセスを不可能化するオンラインサービスプロバイダーは、そのマテリアルを削除されるか、不可能化される者に[日提案:前もってか]即座に通知する合理的な段階を踏む限り、そうしたことに対する責任を免除される[ニュージー提案:(原注:明確化のため、加盟国の法律においてそのような責任が存在しない場合、加盟国はさらなる免除を規定することを必要とされない。)](原注:第3項(ⅱ)の機能に関して、加盟国は、侵害マテリアルの削除又はアクセスの不可能化に関する第4項の要件を、キャッシュされたマテリアルが元のサイトにおいて削除されたか、そのアクセスが不可能化されたことに気づいたか、そう通知を受け取った状況に限定することができる。)。[日提案:(原注:[日提案:加盟国は、オンラインサービスプロバイダにその侵害が発生していると信じる合理的な理由がある状況にあることを通知において必要としないことができる。])]



第5項 第2項の制限のための適格性は、そのサービスをインターネットサービスプロバイダーが監視すること又は積極的に侵害活動を示唆する事実を探すことを条件としないものであり得る。

第6項 加盟国は、司法的又は行政的のいずれかにより、その国の法制に沿い、デュープロセス及びプライバシーの原則(日提案:[交渉官注:日本は他の原則を含めることについての各国の見解を求めるのが良いとしている。])と整合する形で、著作権侵害に対して法定に十分な主張をした著作権者に、そのような情報がその著作権を保護するか、行使する目的のために求められる場合に、オンラインサービスプロバイダーが所持する、侵害をしたとされる者を特定する情報をプロバイダーから迅速に入手することを可能とする手続きを規定しなければならない。


第7項 本条が、加盟国の国内法における著作権又は著作隣接権に関する[日提案:他の抗弁、]制限及び例外[日提案:又はその他の抗弁]の適用可能性の妨げとなることはない。






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2014年10月18日 (土)




Article QQ.G.6:
Each Party shall provide that, where the term of protection of a work (including a photographic work), performance, or phonogram is to be calculated (Footenote: Negotiator's Note: CA to propose footnote on conditions.):
on the basis of the life of a natural person, the term shall not be less than the life of the author and [50] [70] [100] after the author's death; and
(b) on a basis other than the life of a natural person, the term shall be:
i. not less than [50] [70] [75] [95] years from the end of the calendar year of the first authorized publication of the work, performance, or phonogram, or
ii. failing such authorized publication within [25] [50] years from the creation of the work, performance, or phonogram, not less than [50] [70] [100] [120] years from the end of the calendar year of the creation of the work, performance, or phonogram.(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: CA to propose footnote on conditions.)
[JP propose: Notwithstanding Article QQ.A.7.1, a Party may limit the term provided to authors of another Party [MY propose: or country] to the term provided to authors under the legislation of the other Party [MY propose: or country.]]

Article QQ.H.4: {Civil Procedures and Remedies / Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies}

7. In civil judicial proceedings, with respect to infringement of copyright or related rights protecting works, phonograms, and performances, each Party shall establish or maintain a system that provides for one or more of the following:
(a) pre-established damages, which shall be available upon the election of the right holder; or
(b) additional damages.(Footnote: For greater certainty, additional damages may include exemplary or punitive damages.)

In civil judicial proceedings, with respect to trademark counterfeiting, each Party [US propose: shall] [NZ/JP/MX/AU/BN/MY propose: may] also establish or maintain a system that provides for one or more of the following:
(a) pre-established damages, which shall be available upon the election of the right holder; or
(b) additional damages.(Footnote: For greater certainty, additional damages may include exemplary or punitive damages.)

9. Pre-established damages under paragraphs (7) and (8) shall be set out in an
amount that would be sufficient to compensate the right holder for the harm caused by the infringement, and with a view to deterring future infringements.

10. In awarding additional damages under paragraphs (7) and (8), judicial authorities shall have the authority to award such additional damages as they consider appropriate, having regard to all relevant matters, including the nature of the infringing conduct and the need to deter similar infringements in the future. (Footnote: US withdraws ad ref Article QQ.H.4.Y on patents/treble damages pending outcome.)

Article QQ.H.7: {Criminal Procedures and Remedies / Criminal Enforcement}(Footnote: In conjunction with Article QQ.H.7, nothing prevents a Party from exercising any discretion that it may have to also provide for administrative enforcement procedures and penalties. [VN propose: A Party that provides for administrative procedures and penalties as an alternative to criminal procedures and penalties under [this Chapter]/[paragraphs QQ.G.10(a), QQ.G.13(a), QQ.H.7.3, QQ.H.7.4, QQ.H.8.2, QQ.H.9.1] shall ensure that: (i) such administrative penalties shall be [of sufficient severity to provide a deterrent]/[substantially equivalent to criminal penalties as required by this Chapter and may not include imprisonment]; and (ii) its administrative authorities may initiate a legal action without a formal complaint.)

1. Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied at least in cases of willful trademark counterfeiting or copyright or related rights piracy on a commercial scale. {For the purposes of this Article, [US propose, CA/MY oppose: such acts of [NZ: willful] copyright or related rights piracy {on a commercial scale} include at least:] [CA/MY propose: In respect of copyright or related rights piracy, acts carried out on a commercial scale include at least:] [CL propose:(Footnote: [CL propose: It is understood that a Party may comply with this paragraph where acts on a commercial scale include the willful infringing reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, of copies with a significant aggregate monetary value, calculated based on the legitimate retail value of the infringed good.])] [(Footnote: Negotiator's Note: VN will need to propose a footnote to address "commercial scale".)]
(a) acts carried out for commercial advantage or financial gain[CA propose:(Footnote: [CA propose: For greater certainty, for the purposes of this subparagraph, it is understood that a Party may treat "financial gain" as "commercial purposes".])]; and
(b) significant acts [CA oppose: of copyright or related rights piracy], not carried out for commercial advantage or financial gain, that have a substantial prejudicial impact on the interests of the copyright or related rights owner in relation to the marketplace.} [AU propose:(Footnote: [AU propose: A Party may provide that the volume and value of any infringing articles may be taken into account in determining whether the act has a substantial prejudicial impact on the interests of the copyright or related rights owner in relation to the marketplace.])]

6. With respect to the offenses described in Article QQ.H.7 (1)(5) above, each Party shall provide:
(h) [VN oppose: that its competent authorities may act upon their own initiative to initiate a legal action without the need for a formal complaint by a private party or right holder. [JP propose:(Foonote: [JP propose: With regard to copyright and related rights piracy, a Party may limit application of this provision to the cases where there is an impact on the right holder's ability to exploit the work in the market.] Negotiator's Note: JP's support of this provision is conditioned upon acceptance of this footnote.)]]



第7項 民事訴訟手続きにおいて、著作物、録音及び実演を保護する著作権又は著作隣接権の保護に関して、加盟国は以下の1つ以上を規定する制度を確立するか、維持しなければならない:

第8項 民事訴訟手続きにおいて、商標権侵害に関して、加盟国は以下の一つ以上を規定する制度を確立するか、維持[米提案:しなければならない][ニュージー/日/メキシコ/豪/ブルネイ/マレ提案:することができる]:

第9項 第7項及び第8項のあらかじめ定められた賠償は、将来の侵害を防ぐ目的も含め、侵害から発生した損害に対し権利者を十分に補償するであろう額として設定されなければならない。

第10項 第7項及び第8項の追加の賠償を認めるに当たっては、司法当局は、侵害行為の性質及び将来における類似の侵害を防ぐ必要性等のあらゆる関係事項を考慮に入れ、適切なものと考える、そのような追加の賠償を認める権限を有する。(原注:アメリカは、提案していた特許/3倍の賠償に関する第QQ.H.4.Y条を取り下げた。)

第1項 加盟国は、少なくとも商業的な規模での故意の商標権侵害又は著作権侵害の場合に対して刑事手続き及び刑事罰を規定しなければならない。{本条の目的について、[米提案、加/マレ反対:{商業的規模の}[ニュージー:故意の]著作権又は著作隣接権侵害は少なくとも以下を含む:][加/マレ提案:著作権又は著作隣接権侵害について、商業的規模で行われた行為は少なくとも以下を含む:][チリ提案:(原注:[チリ提案:商業的規模の行為が、侵害品の正当な小売り価格に基づいて計算される、総計で重大な金銭的価値を持つコピーの、電子的手段も含めた、故意の侵害となる複製又は頒布を含む時、加盟国は本項に合致していると理解される。])][(原注:交渉官注:ベトナムは「商業的規模」についての注の提案が必要と考えている。)]

第6項 上記の第QQ.H.7条第1項−第5項に書かれた侵害に関して、加盟国は以下のことを規定しなければならない:









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2014年10月14日 (火)




At a reception held by the city of Ghent to celebrate the New Year, Mr Deckmyn, a member of the Vlaams Belang (a Flemish political party), handed out calendars for the year 2011. The cover page of those calendars featured a drawing which resembled that appearing on the cover of one of the Suske en Wiske - known in English as Spike and Suzy - comic books with the original title 'De Wilde Weldoener' (which may be rendered as 'The compulsive benefactor'), produced in 1961 by Willy Vandersteen. The original drawing represented an allegorical character in the series wearing a white tunic and surrounded by people trying to pick to pick up the coins he was scattering all around. In the drawing appearing on Mr Deckmyn's calendars, that character was replaced by the mayor of the city of Ghent, while the people picking up the coins were replaced by people wearing veils and people of colour.

Taking the view that the drawing and its communication to the public constituted an infringement of their copyright, several of Mr Vandersteen's heirs and other holders of the rights to that comic book series brought an action against Mr Deckmyn and the Vrijheidsfonds (an organisation financing the Vlaams Belang). Mr Deckmyn and the Vrijheidsfonds asserted before the Belgian courts that the drawing at issue constituted a political caricature and, therefore, a parody, with the result that the exception established by the directive for that type of work must apply. By contrast, Mr Vandersteen's heirs and the other rightholders asserted that a parody must itself display originality, which was manifestly not the case here. They also alleged that the drawing in issue conveyed a discriminatory message.

The hof van beroep te Brussel (Court of Appeal, Brussels), hearing the matter on appeal, requested the Court of Justice to clarify the conditions that a work must fulfil in order to be classifiable as parody.






The second and third questions

18 By its second and third questions, which it is appropriate to examine together, the referring court is asking the Court how the exception for parody, provided for under Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29, should be understood. In particular, it is asking whether the concept of parody requires certain conditions, which are listed in its second question, to be fulfilled.

19 It should be noted that, since Directive 2001/29 gives no definition at all of the concept of parody, the meaning and scope of that term must, as the Court has consistently held, be determined by considering its usual meaning in everyday language, while also taking into account the context in which it occurs and the purposes of the rules of which it is part (see, to that effect, judgment in Diakite, C-285/12, EU:C:2014:39, paragraph 27 and the case-law cited).

20 With regard to the usual meaning of the term 'parody' in everyday language, it is not disputed, as the Advocate General stated in point 48 of his Opinion, that the essential characteristics of parody are, first, to evoke an existing work while being noticeably different from it, and, secondly, to constitute an expression of humour or mockery.

21 It is not apparent either from the usual meaning of the term 'parody' in everyday language, or indeed, as rightly noted by the Belgian Government and the European Commission, from the wording of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29, that the concept is subject to the conditions set out by the referring court in its second question, namely: that the parody should display an original character of its own, other than that of displaying noticeable differences with respect to the original parodied work; could reasonably be attributed to a person other than the author of the original work itself; should relate to the original work itself or mention the source of the parodied work.

22 That interpretation is not called into question by the context of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29, which lays down an exception to the rights provided for in Articles 2 and 3 of that directive and must, therefore, be interpreted strictly (see, to that effect, judgment in ACI Adam and Others, EU:C:2014:254, paragraph 23).

23 The interpretation of the concept of parody must, in any event, enable the effectiveness of the exception thereby established to be safeguarded and its purpose to be observed (see, to that effect, judgment in Football Association Premier League and Others, C-403/08 and C-429/08, EU:C:2011:631, paragraph 163).

24 The fact that Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29 is an exception does therefore not lead to the scope of that provision being restricted by conditions, such as those set out in paragraph 21 above, which emerge neither from the usual meaning of 'parody' in everyday language nor from the wording of that provision.

25 As regards the objective referred to in Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29, the objectives of that directive in general must be recalled, which include, as is apparent from recital 3 in the preamble to that directive, a harmonisation which will help to implement the four freedoms of the internal market and which relates to observance of the fundamental principles of law and especially of property, including intellectual property, and freedom of expression and the public interest. It is not disputed that parody is an appropriate way to express an opinion.

26 In addition, as stated in recital 31 in the preamble to Directive 2001/29, the exceptions to the rights set out in Articles 2 and 3 of that directive, which are provided for under Article 5 thereof, seek to achieve a 'fair balance' between, in particular, the rights and interests of authors on the one hand, and the rights of users of protected subject-matter on the other (see, to that effect, judgments in Padawan, EU:C:2010:620, paragraph 43, and Painer, C-145/10, EU:C:2011:798, paragraph 132).

27 It follows that the application, in a particular case, of the exception for parody, within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29, must strike a fair balance between, on the one hand, the interests and rights of persons referred to in Articles 2 and 3 of that directive, and, on the other, the freedom of expression of the user of a protected work who is relying on the exception for parody, within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k).

28 In order to determine whether, in a particular case, the application of the exception for parody within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29 preserves that fair balance, all the circumstances of the case must be taken into account.

29 Accordingly, with regard to the dispute before the national court, it should be noted that, according to Vandersteen and Others, since, in the drawing at issue, the characters who, in the original work, were picking up the coins were replaced by people wearing veils and people of colour, that drawing conveys a discriminatory message which has the effect of associating the protected work with such a message.

30 If that is indeed the case, which it is for the national court to assess, attention should be drawn to the principle of non-discrimination based on race, colour and ethnic origin, as was specifically defined in Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin (OJ 2000 L 180, p. 22), and confirmed, inter alia, by Article 21(1) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

31 In those circumstances, holders of rights provided for in Articles 2 and 3 of Directive 2001/29, such as Vandersteen and Others, have, in principle, a legitimate interest in ensuring that the work protected by copyright is not associated with such a message.

32 Accordingly, it is for the national court to determine, in the light of all the circumstances of the case in the main proceedings, whether the application of the exception for parody, within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29, on the assumption that the drawing at issue fulfils the essential requirements set out in paragraph 20 above, preserves the fair balance referred to in paragraph 27 above.

33 Consequently, the answer to the second and third questions is that Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29 must be interpreted as meaning that the essential characteristics of parody, are, first, to evoke an existing work, while being noticeably different from it, and secondly, to constitute an expression of humour or mockery. The concept of 'parody', within the meaning of that provision, is not subject to the conditions that the parody should display an original character of its own, other than that of displaying noticeable differences with respect to the original parodied work; that it could reasonably be attributed to a person other than the author of the original work itself; that it should relate to the original work itself or mention the source of the parodied work.

34 However, the application, in a particular case, of the exception for parody, within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29, must strike a fair balance between, on the one hand, the interests and rights of persons referred to in Articles 2 and 3 of that directive, and, on the other, the freedom of expression of the user of a protected work who is relying on the exception for parody, within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k).

35 It is for the national court to determine, in the light of all the circumstances of the case in the main proceedings, whether the application of the exception for parody, within the meaning of Article 5(3)(k) of Directive 2001/29, on the assumption that the drawing at issue fulfils the essential requirements of parody, preserves that fair balance.


18 第2及び第3の質問は、合わせて検討するのが適切なものであるが、質問付託裁判所は、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)に規定された、パロディのための例外がどのように理解するべきかを当裁判所に訊いている。特に、パロディの概念が、その第2の質問に列挙されているような条件を満たすことを求めるものかどうかを訊いている。

19 欧州指令第2001/29号がパロディの概念について全く定義を与えていないことが注意されるべきであり、当裁判所が一貫してそうして来たように、それが生じた文脈とそれが含まれている規則の目的を考慮しつつ、この用語の意味と範囲は、日常語における通常の意味を考えて決められなければならない(この結果について、ディアキテ事件判決、C-285/12、EU:C:2014:39、第27段落とその引用判例参照。)。

20 日常語における「パロディ」という用語の通常の意味に関して、法務官がその意見書のポイント48で述べている通り、パロディの必須の特徴は、まず、既存の著作物を喚起しながら目に見えてそれと異なることにあり、そして、第2に、ユーモア又はからかいの表現を構成することにある。

21 日常語における「パロディ」という用語の通常の意味からも、又は、確かに、ベルギー政府及び欧州委員会が正しく指摘した通り、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)の条文からも、この概念が質問付託裁判所がその第2の質問において書いた条件、すなわち、パロディは、パロディにされた原著作物に対して目に見えて分かる違いを示す登場人物以外は原登場人物をそのまま示すべきである、原著作物自体の著作者以外の者によると合理的に分かり得る、原著作物自体との関係を示すか、パロディにされた著作物元への言及をするべきであるといった条件に服することは明らかではない。

22 この解釈が、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)の文脈から質問に対して持ち出されることはない、この条項は、第2及び3条に規定された権利に対する例外を作るものであり、したがって、厳格に解釈されなければならないのである(この結果について、ACIアダム他事件判決、EU:C:2014:254、第23段落参照)。

23 どのようなことにおいてであれ、パロディの概念の解釈は、それによって保障されることが確立された例外の有効性及び守られるべき目的を可能とするものでなければならない(この結果について、フットボール協会第1リーグ他の事件、C-403/08及びC-429/08、EU:C:2011:631、第163段落参照)。

24 よって、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)が例外であるという事実は、上の第21段落に書かれたような条件によって範囲を制限される規定であることを導かない、これらは日常語における「パロディ」の通常の意味からもこの規定の条文からも生じないものである。

25 欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)に記載された目的について、この指令の一般的な目的が思い起こされなければならない、それは、この指令の前文の第3段落から明らかな通り、域内市場の4つの自由の実施を助けるものであり、法律の、そして、特に知的財産権を含む財産権、表現の自由と公共の利益のような基本的な原理の遵守とに関係する調和を含むものである。パロディが意見を表すのに適した方法であることには争いがない。

26 さらに、欧州指令第2001/29号の前文の第31において述べられている通り、その第5条の下で規定されている、第2及び3条に書かれている権利に対する例外は、特に、一方で著作者の権利と利益を、他方で保護を受ける対象を利用する者の権利の間で「公平なバランス」を達成しようとするものである(この結果について、パダワン事件判決、EU:C:2010:620、第43段落、パニエ事件判決、C-145/10、EU:C:2011:798、第132段落参照)。

27 したがって、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)の意味におけるパロディのための例外の特定のケースへの適用においては、一方でこの指令の第2及び3条に記載された権利者の利益と、他方で第5条第3項(k)の意味におけるパロディのための例外に依拠して、保護を受ける著作物を利用する者の表現の自由との間で公平なバランスを取らなければならない。

28 特定のケースにおいて欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)の意味におけるパロディのための例外の適用が公平なバランスを保っているかどうかを決定するためには、そのケースの全ての状況が考慮されなければならない。

29 そのことから、ベルギーの裁判所における紛争に関して、ファンデルシュテーン氏他によれば、問題の絵において、原著作物においてはコインを拾い上げていた人たちがヴェールをつけた人々と有色人種に置き換えられていることから、問題の絵が差別的なメッセージを伝えるものであり、保護を受ける元の著作物とそのようなメッセージと結びつける効果を持つものであることが注意されるべきである。

30 それはベルギーの裁判所が判断するべきことであるが、このことが本当に事実であるなら、人種又は民族的出生にかかわらず人を平等に扱う原則を実施するための2000年6月29日の欧州理事会指令第2000/43号(OJ2000 L180、第22ページ)に特に規定され、とりわけ、欧州連合基本権憲章の第21条第1項によっても確かめられている、人種、肌の色及び民族的出自に基づく非差別原則に注意が向けられるべきである。

31 このような状況において、ファンデルシュテーン他、欧州指令第2001/29号の第2及び3条に規定さている権利者は、原則として、保護を受ける著作物がそのようなメッセージと結びつけられないことを確保する正当な利益を有している。

32 その上で、本手続きのケースの全ての状況に照らして、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)の意味におけるパロディのための例外の適用が、上の第20段落で述べた必須の要件を満たすと仮定したとして、上の第27段落に書いた公正なバランスを保持しているかを決めるのはベルギーの裁判所である。

33 結論として、第2及び第3の質問に対する答えは、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)は、パロディの必須の特徴は、まず、既存の著作物を喚起しながら目に見えてそれと異なることにあり、そして、第2に、ユーモア又はからかいの表現を構成することにあるという意味に解釈されなければならない。「パロディ」の概念は、この規定の意味において、パロディは、パロディにされた原著作物に対して目に見えて分かる違いを示す登場人物以外は原登場人物をそのまま示すべきである、原著作物自体の著作者以外の者によると合理的に分かり得る、原著作物自体との関係を示すか、パロディにされた著作物元への言及をするべきであるといった条件に服することはない。

34 しかしながら、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)の意味におけるパロディのための例外の特定のケースにおける適用は、一方でこの指令の第2及び3条に記載された権利者の利益と、他方で第5条第3項(k)の意味におけるパロディのための例外に依拠して、保護を受ける著作物を利用する者の表現の自由との間で公平なバランスを取らなければならない。

35 本手続きのケースの全ての状況に照らして、欧州指令第2001/29号の第5条第3項(k)の意味におけるパロディのための例外の適用が、上の第20段落で述べた必須の要件を満たすと仮定したとして、上の第27段落に書いた公正なバランスを保持しているかを決めるのはベルギーの裁判所である。









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