A first set of questions sought respondents' views on the possible need to clarify, at EU level, the scope and application of the private copying and reprography exceptions in the digital environment, including in relation to cloud-based online services. Other questions concerned the functioning of levy schemes across the EU and sought respondents' views on the visibility of levies on invoices for products subject to them and with regards to possible undue payments.End users/consumers
Most respondents that provided views on this issue under the category of "end users" were individual consumers and their representative organisations. The vast majority of them consider that the scope and application of the private copying and reprography exceptions should be clarified at EU level. However, opinions are divided on how this should be done. Some consumers claim that the current private copying and reprography schemes need to be completely overhauled as they are at odds with modern technologies and consumption patterns, and, in that context, most of these stakeholders are against the possibility of applying levies to a use that has already been licensed. Respondents argue that copies made in the digital environment in the majority of cases cause no or minimal economic harm to rightholders. In their view, the current regime leads to undue payments (i.e. when fair compensation is paid unduly on top of contractually agreed remuneration). They also call for alternative systems of compensation to be considered.Others suggest that the private copying exception should be extended to cover the downloading of copyright protected material (irrespective of its source) and/or applied to non-commercial file exchanges (i.e. peer-to-peer sharing). A number of respondents are satisfied with the status quo, and consider that levies are complementary to licences. They also consider that Member States should have great flexibility in the implementation of the private copying and reprography exceptions.
Most respondents in this category consider that levies should be made visible on the invoices for products that are subject to them. They believe that this would enhance transparency and consumers' awareness.
Respondents insist that levy mechanisms are highly disparate and non-transparent, and that they distort the single market. They claim that national schemes do not distinguish sufficiently between transactions involving professional and non-professional operators, which results in undue payments. In their opinion, a common definition of harm should be introduced to ensure consistency, uniformity and transparency in the determination of levies. Consumers also consider that the imposition of levies should be as closely related as possible to the actual use of products for making private copies. Moreover, they advocate the introduction of appropriate ex ante exemption and ex post reimbursement schemes.
...Intermediaries/distributors/other service providers
Stakeholders in this category are generally against the current situation. They perceive national levy systems as highly disparate and that they are leading to the fragmentation of the single market. This in turn, increases their operating costs or even prevents them from offering goods and services across the borders. In their view, levy systems are out-dated, out of context in the digital environment and at odds with the principles of the single market. They argue that the system was designed for the analogue world and that it is by no means justifiable to extend its application to the on-line environment. Most of these stakeholders see the necessity of updating the private copying and reprography exceptions in the short term and advocate phasing out levies in the long term. Some (and the distributors of products subject to levies in particular) call for the replacement of levies with alternative methods of financing fair compensation (for example payments from state budgets or a special tax on households).With regard to the functioning of the private copying and reprography exceptions in the on-line environment intermediaries, distributors and service providers generally observe that modern technology has changed the patterns of consumption and the number of copies made by end-users has considerably decreased. Moreover, in their view in the on-line world those copies that are made by end-users are either already paid for in the licence fee or cause no or limited economic harm to rightholders (for example time-shifting and format shifting). Some service providers consider that situations where harm to rightholders is minimal (and hence no compensation is due) should be defined at EU level. Many argue that the possibility to claim levies on top of licence fees leads to instances of what they refer to as 'double dipping'. In their view when a levy is claimed for all type of copies, rightholders often are remunerated twice, i.e. by virtue of a contractually agreed licence-fee and on the basis of exception-based compensation. In their view, a lack of clarity in this field leads to legal uncertainty and negatively affects various business models, particularly on-line business models. In a similar vein, they warn against any attempts to extend levies to on-line services, which they consider would impede their development and have a chilling effect on investment. They also oppose the idea of claiming levies for copies made from illegal sources.
Respondents also highlight that the manner in which levies are calculated lacks transparency and leads to arbitrary and disparate outcomes. Those liable for payments who are involved in negotiations of tariffs with those benefiting from the levies argue that in most Member States such negotiations are long and inefficient. Many of these respondents call for more harmonisation at EU level, in particular with regards to the criteria used for the calculation. Some also call for simplification of the system. Some are of the opinion that a common definition of harm based on the actual economic damage to rightholders could increase predictability and facilitate the currently complex methods of calculation. Moreover, some argue that levies should only be used to compensate rightholders for the harm they suffer because of private copying and reprography and not to subsidise cultural activities in Member States.
Generally, respondents in this category (and the distributors liable for the payment of levies in particular) submit that most Member States have no appropriate ex ante exemption and ex post reimbursement schemes for reducing the number of undue payments by exempting certain transactions upfront and/or allowing reimbursements. In their view, even in Member States where such schemes have been introduced they do not function in practice, making it difficult to obtain an exemption or to be reimbursed. For this reason, they are in favour of imposing an obligation on Member States to introduce schemes that fulfil a number of criteria. Some of them contend that the only means to reduce instances of double payments both for cross-border transactions and transactions involving professional users, would be to shift the payment liability towards the retailer. In their view such a step would not increase administrative burden and costs because the number of retailers in many Member States is limited. By contrast, retailers pledge strongly against any attempts to shift the liability for payment of levies onto them. In their view, such a step would create substantial administrative burden.
Others favour the publication of tariffs at EU level in order to increase transparency, reduce the cost of compliance and facilitate reimbursement. Moreover, although stakeholders in this group generally agree on the 'country-of-destination' principle which was introduced by the case-law of the CJEU (the rule according to which compensation has to be paid in the Member State where the harm arose), some consider that the only solution to reducing undue payments in cross-border situations is to introduce a 'country of origin' principle whereby a levy is paid only once when a product is first introduced on the EU market. Some of these stakeholders are ready to accept the 'country-of-destination' principle provided that it is accompanied by a provision guaranteeing that no payment arises in the Member State where the product is first introduced on the market.
Finally, most stakeholders in this group agree to make levies visible on invoices, as a means to increase transparency, consumer awareness and to facilitate reimbursement. Some respondents warn aganst the possible costs of compliance, calling for the optional nature of such a measure.
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