[lntellectual Property]:
...lntellectual Property Group to review the work that had developed during the previous days in SLC. This work is reflected in the Non Paper from the Chair(USA) which includes "landing zones" in each of the pending Chapter issues ....Some countries reinserted their positions or brackets on all these issues in order to display a more objective assessment in each one of them ...ln general, the "landing zones" from the Chair showed a solution coming from the U.S. position. Therefore, it was crucial for other countries to reinsert their positions to avoid losing their positions in a text that can be used by the United States, later, to try to reach agreement.......As a general consideration, the meeting served to confirm the large differences that continue in most areas of the chapter, which introduces serious doubts as to what will happen in Singapore. Clearly this Non Paper cannot be presented for consideration by the Ministers. What the U.S. aims for is that the Ministers adopt directives or guidelines on which the Group can then continue working to reach a conclusion. Similar to what happened in SOEs, implicitly, it is admitted that it will not be possible to conclude this issue in Singapore. However, countries must be prepared for attempts deployed by the U.S. to force closure of different areas of the Chapter during that time...
…ln lP, the CNs got together with the Chair and Leads to organise work for the coming days. With respect to the Non Papers / Landing Zones, ...they should not supplant the positions of the countries and it does not seem right ...to not have a clear attribution of the positions. The Chair aims to reduce the number of the 119 outstanding issues. lt was agreed that there will be ongoing communication with CNs and daily updates about the progress of the Group. The united States indicated that the idea is to leave the most important or sensitive for Singapore....
...ln connection with the disscussion of pharmaceuticals, U.S. and JP presented their non paper to the rest of the delegations... lt is worth noting that delegations AU, SG and CL made interventions pointing out that there were elements and language from the proposal that they recognized from their respective standards from bilaterals with U.S., but that in the majority of these obligations, these were above the agreed standard. ln this context, none of the three delegations indicated that they were in conditions to go beyond its bilateral.
...ln this context, delegations made comments on the submitted text and presented language to be able to reflect the standards from their respective bilaterals or legislation...
...Singapore said to the rest of the small Group that it will work on the basis of ideas of the U.S., which means it is leaving the Group. In the same vein, Canada has also been receiving high-level pressure to not file a counterproposal. Finally, the Australian position is unclear and begins to show some weakness in its support of the small Group. ln conclusion, cracks in the Group cohesion were noticed...
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