Article QQ.E.14: [US propose(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: JP is considering this provision.); AU/NZ/CL/PE/MY/SG/BN/VN/CA/MX oppose: 6.
(a) Each Party shall make best efforts to process patent applications and marketing approval applications expeditiously with a view to avoiding unreasonable or unnecessary delays.
(c) Each Party, at the request of the patent owner, shall make available an adjustment of the patent term of a patent which covers a new pharmaceutical product or a patent that covers a method of making or using a pharmaceutical product(Footnote: [US: For greater certainty, new pharmaceutical product in subparagraphs 6 (c)-(e) means a product that at least contains a new chemical entity that has not been previously approved as a pharmaceutical product [JP propose: for human use] in the territory of the Party.]), to compensate the patent owner of unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term as a result of the marketing approval process.
(d) In implementing subparagraph 6(c), a Party may:
(i) limit the applicability of subparagraph 6(c) to a single patent term adjustment for each new pharmaceutical product that is being reviewed for marketing approval;
(ii) require the basis for the adjustment to be the first marketing approval granted to the pharmaceutical product in that Party; and
(iii) limit the period of the adjustment to no more than 5 years.
(e) In implementing subparagraph 6(c), and as a condition for providing the adjustment set forth in subparagraph 6(c) for a new pharmaceutical product approved consistent with Article 9.2(b) or Article 9.2(d), a Party may require an applicant that has submitted an application for marketing approval consistent with Article 9.2(b) or Article 9.2(d) to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval for that new pharmaceutical product in the Party within [X] years of the date of the first marketing approval of the same pharmaceutical product in another Party. (Footnote: [US: Negotiator's Note: For purposes of paragraph 6(e) of Article 8 and paragraphs 4 and 6 of Article 9, the
length of the [X]-year period should: enhance certainty regarding access to innovative and generic pharmaceutical products for all; provide incentives for innovation; provide incentives for the diffusion of pharmaceutical products within the TPP region; respect commercial considerations; and account for special challenges in developing and commercializing such products throughout the region (e.g., challenges faced by smaller or less experienced applicants, or the time that an applicant may need to assess additional safety or efficacy implications of marketing a product, such as to assess such implications in jurisdictions where risks may differ from those faced in markets where the product has previously been approved).])
(f) Any adjustment under subparagraph 6(c) shall confer all of the exclusive rights, subject to the same limitations and exceptions, of the patent claims of the product, its method of use, or its method of manufacture in the originally issued patent as applicable to the product and the approved method of use of the product.]] ]
Article QQ.E.16:(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: CA reserves its position and seeks to develop its understanding of these provisions further to the discussion in Singapore. JP is still considering its position on Article QQ.E.16. to E.22.) [US: Pharmaceutical Products Submission of Information or Evidence Concerning the Safety or Efficacy of a New Pharmaceutical Product
[US propose; AU/PE/VN/NZ/CL/MY/SG/BN oppose: 1. (a) If a Party requires or permits, as a condition for granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of information concerning the safety or efficacy of the product, the origination of which involves a considerable effort, the Party shall not, without the consent of a person previously submitting such safety or efficacy information to obtain marketing approval in the territory of the Party, authorize a third person to market a same or a similar product based on:
(i) the safety or efficacy information previously submitted in support of the marketing approval; or
(ii) evidence of the existence of the marketing approval,
for at least five years from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party.
(b) If a Party requires or permits, in connection with granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of evidence concerning the safety or efficacy of a product that was previously approved in another territory, such as evidence of prior marketing approval in the other territory, the Party shall not, without the consent of a person previously submitting the safety or efficacy information to obtain marketing approval in the other territory, authorize a third person to market a same or a similar product based on:
(i) the safety or efficacy information submitted in support of a prior marketing approval in the other territory; or
(ii) evidence of the existence of a prior marketing approval in the other territory,
for at least five years from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party.
Submission of New Clinical Information or Evidence relating to a Pharmaceutical Product that Includes a Chemical Entity that has been Previously Approved for Marketing in Another Pharmaceutical Product
(c) If a Party requires or permits, as a condition of granting marketing approval for a pharmaceutical product that includes a chemical entity that has been previously approved for marketing in another pharmaceutical product, the submission of new clinical information that is essential to the approval of the pharmaceutical product containing the previously approved chemical entity, other than information related to bioequivalency, the Party shall not, without the consent of a person previously submitting such new clinical information to obtain marketing approval in the territory of the Party, authorize a third person to market a same or a similar product based on:
(i) the new clinical information previously submitted in support of the marketing approval; or
(ii) evidence of the existence of the marketing approval that was based on the new clinical information,
for at least three years from the date of marketing approval based on the new clinical information in the territory of the Party.
(d) If a Party requires or permits, in connection with granting marketing approval for a pharmaceutical product of the type specified in subparagraph (c), the submission of evidence concerning new clinical information for a product that was previously approved based on that new clinical information in another territory, other than evidence of information related to bioequivalency, such as evidence of prior marketing approval based on new clinical information, the Party shall not, without the consent of a person previously submitting such new clinical information to obtain marketing approval in the other territory, authorize a third person to market a same or a similar product based on:
(i) the new clinical information submitted in support of a prior marketing approval in the other territory; or
(ii) evidence of the existence of a prior marketing approval that was based on the new clinical information in the other territory,
for at least three years from the date of marketing approval based on the new clinical information in the territory of the Party.]
[US: Additional Provisions relating to Pharmaceutical Products
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 above, a Party may take measures to protect public health in accordance with:
(a) the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2) (the “Declaration”);
(b) any waiver of any provision of the TRIPS Agreement granted by WTO Members in accordance with the WTO Agreement to implement the Declaration and in force between the Parties; and
(c) any amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to implement the Declaration that enters into force with respect to the Parties.
3. A Party that requires or permits an applicant to obtain approval for marketing a new pharmaceutical product in its territory by relying, in whole or in part, on the prior approval of the pharmaceutical product by the regulatory authority in another territory may, as a condition for providing the period of data protection specified in subparagraph 2(b) or 2(d), require an applicant that has submitted an application for marketing approval consistent with said subparagraphs to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval for that pharmaceutical product within [X] years of the date of first marketing approval of the same pharmaceutical product in another Party.
Article QQ.E.17:
1. Where a Party requires or permits, as a condition of approving the marketing of a pharmaceutical product, persons, other than the person originally submitting safety or efficacy information, to rely on that information or on evidence concerning safety or efficacy information for a product that was previously approved, such as evidence of prior marketing approval in another territory, each Party shall:(Footnote: For greater certainty, the Parties recognize that this paragraph does not imply that the marketing approval authority should make patent validity or infringement determinations.)
(a) provide a transparent and effective system to:
(i) identify a patent or patents covering an approved pharmaceutical product or its approved method of use; and
(ii) provide notice to a patent holder of the identity of another person who intends to market, during the term of the identified patent or patents, a product that is the same as, or similar to, the approved pharmaceutical product referenced in subparagraph 5(a)(i).
(b) unless such other person agrees to defer the marketing of the product until after the expiration of an identified patent, ensure that a patent holder may seek, prior to granting of marketing approval to an allegedly infringing product, available remedies by providing:
(i) an automatic delay of the grant of marketing approval that remains in place for a period of time designed to ensure sufficient opportunity to adjudicate(Footnote: [Negotiator's Note: As used in Article 9.5(b)(i), “adjudicate” does not mean final adjudication.]) disputes concerning the validity or infringement of allegedly infringed patents; and
(ii) judicial or administrative procedures, including effective provisional measures, to allow for the timely adjudication of disputes concerning the validity or infringement of an allegedly infringed patent.
(c) If such other person's product has been found to infringe a valid patent identified pursuant to subparagraph (a), provide measures that operate to prohibit the unauthorized marketing of that product prior to the expiration of the patent.
(d) when a Party delays the grant of marketing approval consistent with subparagraph 5(b)(i), provide an effective reward, consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, for the successful challenge of the validity or applicability of the patent.(Footnote: A Party may comply with paragraph 5(d) by providing a period of marketing exclusivity in appropriate circumstances to the first such other person or persons to challenge a patent.)
2. In implementing subparagraph 5(b)(i), and as a condition for providing the automatic delay of the grant of marketing approval specified in subparagraph 5(b)(i) for a new pharmaceutical product approved consistent with subparagraph 2(b) or 2(d), a Party may require that an applicant that has submitted an application for marketing approval consistent with subparagraph 2(b) or 2(d) to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval for that new pharmaceutical in the Party within [X] years of the date of first marketing approval of the pharmaceutical product in another Party.
Article QQ.E.18: Where a Party provides for a period of data protection for a pharmaceutical product of more than [5+Y] years pursuant to subparagraph 2(a) or 2(b) of this Article, that Party is not required to implement for that pharmaceutical product subparagraphs 2(c), 2(d) (3-year data protection in connection with submission of new clinical information), 5(b)(i) (automatic delay of marketing approval) or 5(d) of this Article (reward for the successful challenge of the validity or applicability of a patent).
Article QQ.E.19: Where a Party chooses to apply subparagraph 6(e) of Article 8 and paragraphs 4 and 6 of this Article, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) a Party shall permit an applicant to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval by providing the regulatory authority of the Party information supporting approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the Party that is available to the person at the time the request is made, such as evidence of the prior approval of the product in another Party. It is understood that, while a Party may impose reasonable additional requirements or deadlines as a condition of authorizing the person to market the pharmaceutical product in its territory, satisfaction of those additional requirements or deadlines or the granting of approval shall be recognized by the Party as necessarily occurring after the commencement of the marketing approval process within the meaning of subparagraph 6(e) of Article 8 and paragraphs 4 and 6 of this Article; and
(b) a Party may not refuse to grant approval of a new pharmaceutical product on the basis of a failure of an applicant for marketing approval to satisfy the requirements of subparagraph 6(e) of Article 8 or paragraphs 4 and 6 of this Article.
Article QQ.E.XX.4: {Protection of Undisclosed Data}
[NZ/CA/SG/CL/MY/VN propose: 1. Where a Party requires, as a condition of marketing, regulatory or sanitary approval for pharmaceutical products which utilize new chemical entities, the submission of undisclosed test or other data, the origination of which involves a considerable effort, that Party shall protect such data against unfair commercial use. In addition, each Party shall protect such data against disclosure, except where necessary to protect the public or unless steps are taken to ensure that the data is protected against unfair commercial use.
2. Each Party may provide that the protection of data under paragraph 1, inter alia:
(a) is limited to undisclosed test or other data, the origination of which involves a considerable effort;
(b) is limited to pharmaceutical products that do not contain a new chemical entity that has been previously approved for marketing in the Party;
(c) is limited to pharmaceutical products which utilize a new chemical entity;
(d) is available only once per pharmaceutical product;
(e) is not available for new uses or indications, new dosage forms or methods of making a pharmaceutical product;
(f) is limited to a period of time as determined by the Party; or
(g) may be waived to facilitate the marketing, regulatory or sanitary approval of a pharmaceutical product that is the subject of a voluntary or compulsory license, or a licence otherwise issued pursuant to the TRIPS Agreement.
3. Each Party may take measures to protect public health in accordance with:
(a) the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2) (the “Declaration”);
(b) any waiver of any provision of the TRIPS Agreement granted by WTO Members in accordance with the WTO Agreement to implement the Declaration and in force between the Parties; and
(c) any amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to implement the Declaration that enters into force with respect to the Parties.]
Article QQ.E.XXX {Agricultural Chemical Products}
第2項 上記の第2項にかかわらず、加盟国は以下のものに合致する形で公衆衛生を保護する措置を取ることができる:
第3項 その領土内において新しい医薬品の販売認可を受けようとする申請者に他国における規制当局による医薬品の以前の認可の全体又は一部に依拠することを要求又は許可する加盟国は、第2項(b)又は第2項(d)で特定されるデータ保護の期間を与える条件として、同項に合致する形で販売認可を得る申請書を提出した申請者に他の加盟国における同じ医薬品の最初の販売認可の日から[X]年以内にその医薬品のための手続きを開始することを求めることができる。
第1項 医薬品の販売認可の条件として、他国における以前の販売認可の証拠のような、以前に認可された製品のための安全性又は有効性に関する情報又は証拠に依拠することを、安全性又は有効性情報を元々提出した者以外の者に要求又は許可する場合には、加盟国は以下のことをしなければならない:(原注:明確化のため、加盟国は、本項が、販売認可当局が特許の有効性又は侵害の決定を行うことを意味しないことを認める。)
第2項 第5項(b)(i)を実施する際、第2項(b)又は第2項(d)に沿って認可される新しい医薬品のために第5項(b)(i)で特定された販売認可の自動遅延を規定する条件として、加盟国は、第2項(b)又は第2項(d)に合致する形で販売認可を得る申請書を提出した申請者に、他の加盟国における医薬品の最初の販売認可の日から[X]年以内にその医薬品のための手続きを開始することを求めることができる。
[ニュージー/加/シンガ/チリ/マレ/ベトナム提案:第1項 加盟国が、新しい化学薬品を使用する医薬品の販売、規制又は保健衛生上の認可の条件として、創作に多大の努力が含まれている非開示の試験又はその他のデータ提出を要求する場合には、そのようなデータを不公正な商業利用から保護しなければならない。さらに、加盟国は、国民の保護が必要となる場合を除き又はデータを不公正な商業利用から保護することを確保する段階が取られていない限り、そのようなデータを開示から保護しなければならない。
第2項 加盟国は、第1項のデータの保護について特に以下のようにすることを規定できる:
第3項 加盟国は以下のものに合致する形で公衆衛生を保護する措置を取ることができる: