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2013年12月27日 (金)




  • 第三者の知見を活用した品質向上のための特許権の「付与後レビュー制度」の導入
  • 特許権を取得する際の手続に関する救済規定の整備
  • 地域を活性化させるための地域ブランドの担い手拡充
  • 「色」や「音」等の新しいタイプの商標の保護の導入


  • 専門家の質を向上させるための弁理士制度の見直し



  • 一度の手続きで複数国での審査が受けられるハーグ協定への加入に向けた取組み


  • 画像デザインの保護拡充に向けた関連法整備



  • 営業秘密の保護強化や相談体制の充実
  • 企業の産業競争力の強化につなげるための職務発明制度の見直し
  • 出願公開のあり方を含めた特許情報を経由した技術流出への対応の検討














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2013年12月 9日 (月)





[lntellectual Property]:
...lntellectual Property Group to review the work that had developed during the previous days in SLC. This work is reflected in the Non Paper from the Chair(USA) which includes "landing zones" in each of the pending Chapter issues ....Some countries reinserted their positions or brackets on all these issues in order to display a more objective assessment in each one of them ...ln general, the "landing zones" from the Chair showed a solution coming from the U.S. position. Therefore, it was crucial for other countries to reinsert their positions to avoid losing their positions in a text that can be used by the United States, later, to try to reach agreement....

...As a general consideration, the meeting served to confirm the large differences that continue in most areas of the chapter, which introduces serious doubts as to what will happen in Singapore. Clearly this Non Paper cannot be presented for consideration by the Ministers. What the U.S. aims for is that the Ministers adopt directives or guidelines on which the Group can then continue working to reach a conclusion. Similar to what happened in SOEs, implicitly, it is admitted that it will not be possible to conclude this issue in Singapore. However, countries must be prepared for attempts deployed by the U.S. to force closure of different areas of the Chapter during that time...

…ln lP, the CNs got together with the Chair and Leads to organise work for the coming days. With respect to the Non Papers / Landing Zones, ...they should not supplant the positions of the countries and it does not seem right ...to not have a clear attribution of the positions. The Chair aims to reduce the number of the 119 outstanding issues. lt was agreed that there will be ongoing communication with CNs and daily updates about the progress of the Group. The united States indicated that the idea is to leave the most important or sensitive for Singapore....

...ln connection with the disscussion of pharmaceuticals, U.S. and JP presented their non paper to the rest of the delegations... lt is worth noting that delegations AU, SG and CL made interventions pointing out that there were elements and language from the proposal that they recognized from their respective standards from bilaterals with U.S., but that in the majority of these obligations, these were above the agreed standard. ln this context, none of the three delegations indicated that they were in conditions to go beyond its bilateral.

...ln this context, delegations made comments on the submitted text and presented language to be able to reflect the standards from their respective bilaterals or legislation...

...Singapore said to the rest of the small Group that it will work on the basis of ideas of the U.S., which means it is leaving the Group. In the same vein, Canada has also been receiving high-level pressure to not file a counterproposal. Finally, the Australian position is unclear and begins to show some weakness in its support of the small Group. ln conclusion, cracks in the Group cohesion were noticed...







Position1  これらを見ても分かるように、何と言っても際立つのはアメリカ提案の孤立ぶりである(日本もアメリカに圧力をかけられていた割にはきちんと反対あるいは態度保留に回っている)。上の概要ペーパーを見ても、各国とも今回のシンガポール会合での知財章の合意はほとんど不可能と認めているようだが、TPP交渉が続く限りアメリカは各国に知財の面でも強力に圧力をかけて来るだろうし、最後まで安心はできないだろう。


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2013年12月 5日 (木)




Article QQ.C.1: {Types of Signs Registrable as Trademarks}
[NZ/US/AU/CL/PE/SG/CA/JP/MY(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: MY supports this article subject to further domestic implementation.) propose: 1. [VN/BN/MX oppose: No] Party may require, as a condition of registration, that a sign be visually perceptible, [VN/BN/MX oppose: nor may a Party] [VN/BN/MX propose: and] deny registration of a trademark solely on the ground that the sign of which it is composed is a sound [CL/CA/JP/MY oppose: or a scent] [CL/CA/MX/MY propose: Each Party may provide trademark protection for scents].] A Party may require a concise and accurate description, or graphical representation, or both, as applicable, of the trademark.

Article QQ.C.2: {Collective and Certification Marks}
1. Each Party shall provide that trademarks shall include collective marks and certification marks. A Party is not obligated to treat certification marks as a separate category in its domestic law, provided that such marks are protected.

Each Party [JP/MX propose: may][ JP oppose: shall] also provide that signs that may serve as geographical indications are eligible for protection under its trademark system [(Footnote: [JP propose: For clarity a Party may require that a sign has acquired distinctiveness through use, where the sign consists only of names of place.])](Footnote: For purposes of this Chapter, geographical indication means indications that identify a good as originating in the territory of a party, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. Consistent with this definition, any sign or combination of signs shall be eligible for protection under one or more of the legal means for protecting GIs, or a combination of such means.)[PE/NZ/MX/CL/BN/AU/US/JP/SG oppose; VN propose(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: CA/MY is flexible on this proposal.): A Party may provide that Signs descriptive of geographical origin of goods or services, including geographical indication as defined in Article 22 of the TRIPS Agreement, may not be protected as trademarks other than collective and certification marks, unless they have acquired distinctiveness through use.]

[ニュージー/米/豪/チリ/ペルー/シンガ/加/日/マレ(原注:交渉官注:マレーシアはさらに国内で実施することとして本条を支持している。)提案:第1項 [ベトナム/ブルネイ/メキシコ反対:どの]加盟国[ベトナム/ブルネイ/メキシコ反対:も][は]、登録の条件として、標章が視覚的に知覚可能であることを要求でき[ベトナム/ブルネイ/メキシコ反対:ず]、[ベトナム/ブルネイ/メキシコ提案:そして][ベトナム/ブルネイ/メキシコ反対:どの加盟国も]音[チリ/日/マレ反対:又は匂い]から構成される標章であることのみを理由として商標の登録を拒絶でき[ベトナム/ブルネイ/メキシコ反対:ない][る][チリ/加/メキシコ/マレ提案:加盟国は匂いの商標の保護を与えることができる。]]加盟国は、商標について、適用可能なものとして、簡潔で正確な説明若しくは画像表示又はその両方を要求できる。




Article QQ.D.1: {Recognition of Geographical Indications}
The Parties recognize that [US propose; CL/PE/CA/MX/SG/MY/BN/VN/JP oppose: , subject to Article QQ.C.2(1),(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: [JP is still considering this issue depending on the outcome of discussions on Article QQ.C.2][AU/NZ: will go with consensus.]) (Gls eligible for protection as trademarks)] geographical indications may be protected through a trademark or sui generis system or other legal means.






Article QQ.E.1: {Patents / Patentable Subject matter}
Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 and 3, each Party shall make patents available for any invention, whether a product or process, in all fields of technology, provided that the invention is new, involves an inventive step, and is capable of industrial application. (Footnote: For purposes of this [Section] Article, a Party may deem the terms “inventive step” and “capable of industrial application” to be synonymous with the terms “non-obvious” and “useful”, respectively. In determinations regarding inventive step (or non-obviousness), each Party shall consider whether the claimed invention would have been obvious to a person skilled or having ordinary skill in the art having regard to the prior art.) [US/AU propose; (Footnote: Negotiators' Note: JP is considering this provision.) CL/MY/PE/SG/VN/BN/NZ/CA/MX oppose: The Parties confirm that:
(a) patents shall be available for any new uses or methods of using a known product],

[US/JP propose; CL/MY/PE/SG/VN/BN/AU/NZ/CA/MX oppose: (b) a Party may not deny a patent solely on the basis that the product did not result in enhanced efficacy of the known product when the applicant has set forth distinguishing features establishing that the invention is new, involves an inventive step, and is capable of industrial application.]

3. [US: Consistent with paragraph 1] each Party [US propose; AU/NZ/VN/BN/CL/PE/MY/SG/CA/MX oppose: shall make patents available for inventions for the following] [NZ/CL/PE/MY/AU/VN/BN/SG/CA/MX propose: may also exclude from patentability]:
(a) plants and animals, [NZ/CL/PE/MY/AU/VN/BN/SG/CA/MX propose: other than microorganisms];

[JP oppose: (b) diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical methods for the treatment of humans or animals [US propose; AU/SG/MY/NZ/CL/PE/VN/BN/CA/MX oppose: if they cover a method of using a machine, manufacture, or composition of matter]; [NZ/CL/PE/MY/AU/VN/BN/SG/CA/MX propose:] and

(c) essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals, other than non-biological and microbiological processes for such production.]

[MX propose: (d) and the diagrams, plans, rules and methods for carrying out mental processes, playing games or doing business, and mathematical methods as such; software as such; methods to present information as such; and aesthetic creations and artistic or literary works.]

[NZ/CA/SG/CL/MY propose: ALT 3. Each Party may also exclude from patentability:
(a) diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods for the treatment of humans
or animals; and
(b) plants and animals other than microorganisms, and essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals other than non-biological and microbiological processes. However, Parties shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof.]




第3項 加盟国は、[米提案;豪/ニュージー/ベトナム/ブルネイ/チリ/ペルー/マレ/シンガ/加/メキシコ反対:以下のものの発明は特許の対象としなければならない][ニュージー/チリ/ペルー/マレ/豪/ベトナム/ブルネイ/シンガ/加/メキシコ提案:以下を特許の対象から除外することができる]:




[ニュージー/加/シンガ/チリ/マレ提案:代替第3項 加盟国は以下のものも特許の対象から除外できる:



Article QQ.E.XX
[US propose; CA/NZ/JP oppose: Each Party, at the request of the patent owner, shall adjust the term of a patent to compensate for unreasonable delays that occur in the granting of the patent. For purposes of this subparagraph, an unreasonable delay at least shall include a delay in the issuance of the patent of more than four years from the date of filing of the application in the territory of the Party, or two years after a request for examination of the application has been made, whichever is later. Periods attributable to actions of the patent applicant need not be included in the determination of such delays. Any patent term adjustment under this article shall confer all of the exclusive rights of a patent subject to the same limitations and exceptions that would otherwise apply to the patent absent any adjustment of the patent term.]




Article QQ.G.1: {Copyright and Related Rights / Right of Reproduction}
1. Each Party shall provide(Footnote: The Parties reaffirm that it is a matter for each Party's law to prescribe that works in general or any specified categories of works, performances and phonograms shall not be protected by copyright or related rights unless they have been fixed in some material form.) that authors, [NZ oppose: performers], and producers of phonograms(Footnote: References to “authors, performers, and producers of phonograms” refer also to any successors in interest.) have the right(Footnote: With respect to copyrights and related rights in this Chapter, the “right to authorize or prohibit” and the “right to authorize” refer to exclusive rights.) to authorize or prohibit all reproductions of their works, [NZ oppose: performances], and phonograms, [(Footnote: [US/AU/PE/CA/CL/MX/SG/MY/NZ/VN propose: With respect to [PE/CL/MX oppose: copyright and] related rights in this Chapter, a “performance” means a performance fixed in a phonogram unless otherwise specified.])] in any manner or form,[(Footnote: [VN/BN/CA propose: The reproduction right, as set out in Article 9 of the Berne Convention [CA propose: and articles 7 and 11 of the WPPT], and the exceptions permitted thereunder, fully apply in the digital environment, in particular to the use of works [CA propose: , performances and phonograms] in digital form. It is understood that the storage of a protected work [CA propose: , performance or phonogram] in digital form in an electronic medium constitutes a reproduction within the meaning of [CA propose: the articles referenced in this footnote] [CA oppose: Article 9 of the Berne Convention].])] [VN/CA/NZ oppose: permanent or temporary (including temporary storage in electronic form)] [(Footnote: [CL/NZ/MY/BN/JP propose: It is consistent with this Agreement to provide exceptions and limitations for temporary acts of reproduction which are transient or incidental and an integral and essential part of a technological process and whose sole purpose is to enable (a) a lawful transmission in a network between third parties by an intermediary; or (b) a lawful use of a work; and which have no independent economic significance.] [Negotiators Note: Discussions indicated no substantive objection to the concept, however, Parties continue to consider whether the footnote is required, where it might best be placed, and how it should be drafted.])] [(Footnote: [CA/JP propose: It is a matter for each Party's law to determine when a given act constitutes a temporary reproduction for the purposes of copyright and related rights.])] [VN propose: it shall be a matter for national legislation to determine exceptions and limitations under which the right may be exercised].

第1項 加盟国は、著作者、[ニュージー反対:実演家]、及び録音製作者(原注:「著作者、実演家及び録音製作者」という記載は、その利益承継者も指し示すものである。)が、[ベトナム/加/ニュージー反対:永続的又は一時的な(電子形式における一時的蓄積を含む)]あらゆる手法又は形式における[(原注:[ベトナム/ブルネイ/加提案:ベルヌ条約第9条[加提案:及びWPPT条約の第7及び第11条]に定められているところの複製権及びその許される例外は、デジタル環境において、特にデジタル形式の著作物[加提案:、実演及び録音]に完全に適用される。電子媒体中のデジタル形式の保護を受ける著作物[加提案:実演又は録音]は[加提案:本脚注で参照されている条項][加反対:ベルヌ条約の第9条]の意味において複製を構成する]。])]、その著作物、[ニュージー反対:実演]、及び録音[(原注:[米/豪/ペルー/加/チリ/メキシコ/シンガ/マレ/ニュージー/ベトナム提案:本章における[ペルー/チリ/メキシコ反対:著作権及び]著作隣接権に関して、「実演」とは他に特定されない限り録音に固定された実演を意味する。])]の全ての複製を許諾又は禁止する権利(原注:本章における著作権及び著作隣接権に関して、「許諾又は禁止する権利」及び「許諾する権利」とは排他権を指し示すものである。)を有することを規定しなければならない[(原注:[チリ/ニュージー/マレ/ブルネイ/日提案:過渡的又は付随的で、かつ、技術的プロセスの不可分かつ必須の一部であり、(a)仲介による第三者間のネットワークにおける合法な通信;又は(b)著作物の合法な利用であって;独立の経済的重要性を持たないものを可能とすることのみを目的とする、一時的な複製行為に対する例外及び制限を規定するのは本協定に合致する。][交渉官注:議論は本コンセプトに対する本質的な反対を示してはいないが、しかし、参加国は、脚注が必要か、どこにそれが置かれるのが最も良いか、そして、それがどのように書かれるべきかについて検討を続けている。])][(原注:[加/日提案:いつ所与の行為が著作権及び著作隣接権の目的のために一時的複製を構成するかは加盟国の国内法の事項である。])][ベトナム提案:その権利が行使される際の例外及び制限を決定するのは国内法の事項である](原注:加盟国は、それがある物質的な形式に固定されない限り、著作物一般又は著作物、実演又は録音の特定のカテゴリーが著作権又は著作隣接権の保護を受けられないことを規定するのは各国法の事項であることを再確認する)。

 確かにinternet watchの福井先生による記事や今週号(2013年12月10日号)のエコノミストの香月氏の記事でも指摘されているように、ここで規定されている複製権の中に一時的蓄積が入っていることに注意が必要だが、カナダの提案に日本が相乗りしたのだろう注釈でも書かれている通り(この注釈は、第QQ.G.Z条で一時的複製を権利制限・例外の対象とできるとしていることとも対応しているのだろう)、過渡的・付随的な複製は権利制限・例外の対象となり得るのであり、日本でも、一時的蓄積は複製たり得ると考えて2009年の法改正で一時的蓄積を権利制限の対象としているので(著作権法第47条の8等)、例えこのような条項が通ったとしても日本への影響は限定的ではないかと私は考えている。ただ、全く影響がないとまでは言い切れないので、この部分も要注意であることは間違いない。


Article QQ.A.9: {Implementation of this Chapter}
[CL/NZ/VN/AU/BN/SG/PE/MY/MX/CA(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: CA can support consensus on the first sentence.) propose; US/JP oppose: 1. Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent a Party from adopting appropriate measures to prevent: (a) the abuse of intellectual property rights by right holders or the resort to practices that unreasonably restrain trade or adversely affect the international transfer of technology; and (b) anticompetitive practices that may result from the abuse of intellectual property rights;, provided that such measures are consistent with this Agreement. [PE propose; CL/AU oppose: Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to reduce the protection that the Parties agree on or have agreed on in benefit of the conservation or sustainable use of biodiversity.]]

[チリ/ニュージー/ベトナム/豪/ブルネイ/シンガ/ペルー/マレ/メキシコ/加(原注:交渉官注:カナダは第一文のコンセンサスを支持している。);米/日反対:第1項 本章のいずれによっても加盟国が以下のことを抑止する適切な措置を採用することが妨げられることはない:(a)権利者による知的財産権の濫用又は不合理に貿易を抑制するか若しくは技術の国際移転に不利な影響を与える業務行為;及び(b)知的財産権の濫用からもたらされる反競争的業務;ただし、その措置が本協定と合致する場合に限る。[ペルー提案;チリ/豪反対:本章のいずれも、加盟国が生物多様性の維持又は持続可能な利用の利益のために同意する又は同意した保護を弱めるものとは解釈されない。]]


Article QQ.A.13: {Public Domain}
[CL/VN/PE propose: Each Party shall endeavour to provide relevant information to disseminate public domain, including appropriate tools that help to identify the [CL:extension] [VN: expiration] of the terms of protection of intellectual property rights.]
[CL/VN propose: 1. The Parties recognize the importance of a rich and accessible public domain for their societies and the need that public domain material shall be free for its use by all persons.

2. For purposes of paragraph 1, each Party shall endeavor to:
a) identify subject matter that has fallen into the public domain within their respective jurisdictions;

b) promote access to the public domain; and

c) preserve the public domain.

3. Actions to achieve the purposes referred to in paragraph 2, may include the development of publicly accessible data bases of registered rights, guidelines and other tools to enhance access to material in the public domain.

4. Each Party shall make its best efforts to promote cooperation among the Parties to identify and facilitate access to subject matter that has fallen into the public domain and share updated information related to right holders and terms of protection.]

[CL/VN Alternative Proposal:
1. The Parties recognize the importance of a rich and accessible public domain for their societies and the need that public domain material shall be free for its use by all persons.

2. For this purpose, Parties may include the development of publicly accessible data bases of registered rights, guidelines and other tools to enhance access to material in the public domain.

3. Each Party shall make its best efforts to promote cooperation among the Parties to identify and faciliate access to subject matter that has fallen into the public domain and share updated information related to right holders and terms of protection.]

[チリ/ベトナム提案:第1項 加盟国は、その社会のために豊かでアクセス可能なパブリックドメインが重要であること及びパブリックドメインマテリアルが全ての人々に自由に使われることの必要性を認める。

第2項 第1項の目的のため、加盟国は以下のことをするよう努めなければならない:



第3項 第2項に書かれた目的を達成する行動は、パブリックドメインにあるマテリアルへのアクセスを高める、登録された権利の広くアクセス可能なデータベース、ガイドライン及びその他のツールの開発を含み得る。

第4項 加盟国は、パブリックドメインに落ちた対象を特定し、そのアクセスを促進し、権利者と保護期間に関する更新情報を共有するための加盟国間での協力を促進するため最大の努力を払わなければならない。]

[チリ/ベトナム 代替提案:
第1項 加盟国は、その社会のために豊かでアクセス可能なパブリックドメインが重要であること及びパブリックドメインマテリアルが全ての人々に自由に使われることの必要性を認める。

第2項 この目的のため、加盟国は、パブリックドメインにあるマテリアルへのアクセスを高める、登録された権利の広くアクセス可能なデータベース、ガイドライン及びその他のツールの開発を含み得る。

第3項 加盟国は、パブリックドメインに落ちた対象を特定し、そのアクセスを促進し、権利者と保護期間に関する更新情報を共有するための加盟国間での協力を促進するため最大の努力を払わなければならない。]


Article QQ.E.23 (Footnote: Negotiators' Note: CA/US position is that QQ.E.23 provisions should be addressed in the Environment Chapter. The US/JP opposes the inclusion of this proposal in this Chapter.): [PE/NZ/MX/SG: Proposed joint text for the Intellectual Property Chapter on Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources
[PE/NZ/VN/BN/MX/SG/CL/MY propose: 1. The Parties recognise the importance and contribution of traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, and biological diversity to cultural, economic and social development.]

[PE/MY/MX/BN propose; NZ/AU/SG/CL oppose: 2. Each Party exercises sovereignty over their biological [MY/BN oppose: diversity] [MY/BN propose: resources] and shall determine the access conditions to their genetic resources and their derivatives in accordance to their domestic legislation.]

[ペルー/ニュージー/ベトナム/ブルネイ/メキシコ/シンガ/チリ/マレ提案:第1項 加盟国は、文化的、経済的及び社会的発展に対する伝統的知識、伝統的文化表現及び生物学的多様性の重要性及び貢献を認める。]

[ペルー/マレ/メキシコ/ブルネイ提案;ニュージー/豪/シンガ/チリ反対:第2項 加盟国はその生物学的[マレ/ブルネイ:多様性][マレ/ブルネイ提案:資源]に対する支配権を行使し、その国内法に従ってその遺伝資源及びその派生物へのアクセス条件を定めなければならない。]


Article QQ.A.12: {International Exhaustion of Rights}
[CL/MY/NZ/VN/SG/BN/PE propose; US/AU/JP/MX oppose: The Parties are encouraged to establish international exhaustion of rights.]


Article QQ.C.11: {International Exhaustion of Rights}
[CL/NZ/SG/VN/PE/MY/BN/AU/CA/MX propose; US/JP oppose: The Parties are encouraged to establish international exhaustion of trademark rights. For this purpose, the registration of a trademark shall not entitle the proprietor to prohibit its use in relation to goods which have been put on the market in any country under that trademark by the proprietor or with his consent.]


Article QQ.E.X: {Exhaustion of Rights}
[CL propose: The Parties are encouraged to establish international exhaustion of patent rights. For this purpose, the registration of a patent shall not entitle its holder to prevent third parties from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing a product protected by that patent, which has been put in the market in any country by the patent holder or with his consent.]


Article QQ.G.17: {International Exhaustion of Rights}
[CL/NZ/SG/MY/BN/VN/PE/MX(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: CA reserves its position pending the outcome of discussions elsewhere in this Chapter.) propose; AU/US oppose: The Parties are encouraged to establish international exhaustion of rights.]

[CA propose: Nothing in this Chapter shall affect the freedom of the Parties to determine whether and under what conditions the exhaustion of copyright and related rights applies.]







Article QQ.G.3: {Copyright and Related Rights}
[US/AU/PE/NZ/SG/CL/MX propose; VN/MY/BN/JP oppose: Each Party shall provide to authors, [NZ/MX oppose: performers,] and producers of phonograms the right to authorize or prohibit the importation[(Footnote: [NZ propose: For the purpose of this paragraph importation may exclude importation for private or domestic use.])] into that Party's territory of copies(Footnote: [PE/NZ propose: The expressions “copies” in this paragraph refers exclusively to fixed copies that can be put into circulation as tangible copies]. [Negotiators' Note: US can support the concept subject to final drafting.] [JP propose: A Party may comply with its obligations under this paragraph by legislating in the Party's law that such importation, for the purpose of distribution, is deemed to be infringement.] Negotiator's Note: With this footnote, Japan can withdraw its opposition in the first line of QQ.G.3.) of the work [PE oppose: [NZ/MX: oppose: performance,] or phonogram] made without authorization, [PE/AU/NZ/CA/SG/CL/MX/JP oppose: or made outside that Party's territory with the authorization of the author, performer, or producer of the phonogram.[(Footnote: [US: With respect to copies of works and phonograms that have been placed on the market by the relevant right holder, the obligations described in Article [QQ.G.3] apply only to books, journals, sheet music, sound recordings, computer programs, and audio and visual works (i.e., categories of products in which the value of the copyrighted material represents substantially all of the value of the product). Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Party may provide the protection described in Article [QQ.G.3] to a broader range of goods.])] ]] [(Footnote: [Negotiator's Note: The US is considering the relationship between this provision and other proposals regarding the exhaustion of IP rights, as well as other TPP countries' legal regimes.])]




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2013年12月 2日 (月)




Article QQ.E.14: [US propose(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: JP is considering this provision.); AU/NZ/CL/PE/MY/SG/BN/VN/CA/MX oppose: 6.
(a) Each Party shall make best efforts to process patent applications and marketing approval applications expeditiously with a view to avoiding unreasonable or unnecessary delays.

(c) Each Party, at the request of the patent owner, shall make available an adjustment of the patent term of a patent which covers a new pharmaceutical product or a patent that covers a method of making or using a pharmaceutical product(Footnote: [US: For greater certainty, new pharmaceutical product in subparagraphs 6 (c)-(e) means a product that at least contains a new chemical entity that has not been previously approved as a pharmaceutical product [JP propose: for human use] in the territory of the Party.]), to compensate the patent owner of unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term as a result of the marketing approval process.

(d) In implementing subparagraph 6(c), a Party may:
(i) limit the applicability of subparagraph 6(c) to a single patent term adjustment for each new pharmaceutical product that is being reviewed for marketing approval;
(ii) require the basis for the adjustment to be the first marketing approval granted to the pharmaceutical product in that Party; and
(iii) limit the period of the adjustment to no more than 5 years.

(e) In implementing subparagraph 6(c), and as a condition for providing the adjustment set forth in subparagraph 6(c) for a new pharmaceutical product approved consistent with Article 9.2(b) or Article 9.2(d), a Party may require an applicant that has submitted an application for marketing approval consistent with Article 9.2(b) or Article 9.2(d) to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval for that new pharmaceutical product in the Party within [X] years of the date of the first marketing approval of the same pharmaceutical product in another Party. (Footnote: [US: Negotiator's Note: For purposes of paragraph 6(e) of Article 8 and paragraphs 4 and 6 of Article 9, the
length of the [X]-year period should: enhance certainty regarding access to innovative and generic pharmaceutical products for all; provide incentives for innovation; provide incentives for the diffusion of pharmaceutical products within the TPP region; respect commercial considerations; and account for special challenges in developing and commercializing such products throughout the region (e.g., challenges faced by smaller or less experienced applicants, or the time that an applicant may need to assess additional safety or efficacy implications of marketing a product, such as to assess such implications in jurisdictions where risks may differ from those faced in markets where the product has previously been approved).])

(f) Any adjustment under subparagraph 6(c) shall confer all of the exclusive rights, subject to the same limitations and exceptions, of the patent claims of the product, its method of use, or its method of manufacture in the originally issued patent as applicable to the product and the approved method of use of the product.]] ]

Article QQ.E.16:(Footnote: Negotiators' Note: CA reserves its position and seeks to develop its understanding of these provisions further to the discussion in Singapore. JP is still considering its position on Article QQ.E.16. to E.22.) [US: Pharmaceutical Products Submission of Information or Evidence Concerning the Safety or Efficacy of a New Pharmaceutical Product
[US propose; AU/PE/VN/NZ/CL/MY/SG/BN oppose: 1. (a) If a Party requires or permits, as a condition for granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of information concerning the safety or efficacy of the product, the origination of which involves a considerable effort, the Party shall not, without the consent of a person previously submitting such safety or efficacy information to obtain marketing approval in the territory of the Party, authorize a third person to market a same or a similar product based on:
(i) the safety or efficacy information previously submitted in support of the marketing approval; or
(ii) evidence of the existence of the marketing approval,
for at least five years from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party.

(b) If a Party requires or permits, in connection with granting marketing approval for a new pharmaceutical product, the submission of evidence concerning the safety or efficacy of a product that was previously approved in another territory, such as evidence of prior marketing approval in the other territory, the Party shall not, without the consent of a person previously submitting the safety or efficacy information to obtain marketing approval in the other territory, authorize a third person to market a same or a similar product based on:
(i) the safety or efficacy information submitted in support of a prior marketing approval in the other territory; or
(ii) evidence of the existence of a prior marketing approval in the other territory,
for at least five years from the date of marketing approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the territory of the Party.

Submission of New Clinical Information or Evidence relating to a Pharmaceutical Product that Includes a Chemical Entity that has been Previously Approved for Marketing in Another Pharmaceutical Product

(c) If a Party requires or permits, as a condition of granting marketing approval for a pharmaceutical product that includes a chemical entity that has been previously approved for marketing in another pharmaceutical product, the submission of new clinical information that is essential to the approval of the pharmaceutical product containing the previously approved chemical entity, other than information related to bioequivalency, the Party shall not, without the consent of a person previously submitting such new clinical information to obtain marketing approval in the territory of the Party, authorize a third person to market a same or a similar product based on:
(i) the new clinical information previously submitted in support of the marketing approval; or
(ii) evidence of the existence of the marketing approval that was based on the new clinical information,
for at least three years from the date of marketing approval based on the new clinical information in the territory of the Party.

(d) If a Party requires or permits, in connection with granting marketing approval for a pharmaceutical product of the type specified in subparagraph (c), the submission of evidence concerning new clinical information for a product that was previously approved based on that new clinical information in another territory, other than evidence of information related to bioequivalency, such as evidence of prior marketing approval based on new clinical information, the Party shall not, without the consent of a person previously submitting such new clinical information to obtain marketing approval in the other territory, authorize a third person to market a same or a similar product based on:
(i) the new clinical information submitted in support of a prior marketing approval in the other territory; or
(ii) evidence of the existence of a prior marketing approval that was based on the new clinical information in the other territory,
for at least three years from the date of marketing approval based on the new clinical information in the territory of the Party.]

[US: Additional Provisions relating to Pharmaceutical Products
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 above, a Party may take measures to protect public health in accordance with:
(a) the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2) (the “Declaration”);

(b) any waiver of any provision of the TRIPS Agreement granted by WTO Members in accordance with the WTO Agreement to implement the Declaration and in force between the Parties; and

(c) any amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to implement the Declaration that enters into force with respect to the Parties.

3. A Party that requires or permits an applicant to obtain approval for marketing a new pharmaceutical product in its territory by relying, in whole or in part, on the prior approval of the pharmaceutical product by the regulatory authority in another territory may, as a condition for providing the period of data protection specified in subparagraph 2(b) or 2(d), require an applicant that has submitted an application for marketing approval consistent with said subparagraphs to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval for that pharmaceutical product within [X] years of the date of first marketing approval of the same pharmaceutical product in another Party.

Article QQ.E.17:
Where a Party requires or permits, as a condition of approving the marketing of a pharmaceutical product, persons, other than the person originally submitting safety or efficacy information, to rely on that information or on evidence concerning safety or efficacy information for a product that was previously approved, such as evidence of prior marketing approval in another territory, each Party shall:(Footnote: For greater certainty, the Parties recognize that this paragraph does not imply that the marketing approval authority should make patent validity or infringement determinations.)
(a) provide a transparent and effective system to:
(i) identify a patent or patents covering an approved pharmaceutical product or its approved method of use; and
(ii) provide notice to a patent holder of the identity of another person who intends to market, during the term of the identified patent or patents, a product that is the same as, or similar to, the approved pharmaceutical product referenced in subparagraph 5(a)(i).

(b) unless such other person agrees to defer the marketing of the product until after the expiration of an identified patent, ensure that a patent holder may seek, prior to granting of marketing approval to an allegedly infringing product, available remedies by providing:
(i) an automatic delay of the grant of marketing approval that remains in place for a period of time designed to ensure sufficient opportunity to adjudicate(Footnote: [Negotiator's Note: As used in Article 9.5(b)(i), “adjudicate” does not mean final adjudication.]) disputes concerning the validity or infringement of allegedly infringed patents; and
(ii) judicial or administrative procedures, including effective provisional measures, to allow for the timely adjudication of disputes concerning the validity or infringement of an allegedly infringed patent.

(c) If such other person's product has been found to infringe a valid patent identified pursuant to subparagraph (a), provide measures that operate to prohibit the unauthorized marketing of that product prior to the expiration of the patent.

(d) when a Party delays the grant of marketing approval consistent with subparagraph 5(b)(i), provide an effective reward, consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, for the successful challenge of the validity or applicability of the patent.(Footnote: A Party may comply with paragraph 5(d) by providing a period of marketing exclusivity in appropriate circumstances to the first such other person or persons to challenge a patent.)

2. In implementing subparagraph 5(b)(i), and as a condition for providing the automatic delay of the grant of marketing approval specified in subparagraph 5(b)(i) for a new pharmaceutical product approved consistent with subparagraph 2(b) or 2(d), a Party may require that an applicant that has submitted an application for marketing approval consistent with subparagraph 2(b) or 2(d) to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval for that new pharmaceutical in the Party within [X] years of the date of first marketing approval of the pharmaceutical product in another Party.

Article QQ.E.18: Where a Party provides for a period of data protection for a pharmaceutical product of more than [5+Y] years pursuant to subparagraph 2(a) or 2(b) of this Article, that Party is not required to implement for that pharmaceutical product subparagraphs 2(c), 2(d) (3-year data protection in connection with submission of new clinical information), 5(b)(i) (automatic delay of marketing approval) or 5(d) of this Article (reward for the successful challenge of the validity or applicability of a patent).

Article QQ.E.19: Where a Party chooses to apply subparagraph 6(e) of Article 8 and paragraphs 4 and 6 of this Article, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) a Party shall permit an applicant to commence the process of obtaining marketing approval by providing the regulatory authority of the Party information supporting approval of the new pharmaceutical product in the Party that is available to the person at the time the request is made, such as evidence of the prior approval of the product in another Party. It is understood that, while a Party may impose reasonable additional requirements or deadlines as a condition of authorizing the person to market the pharmaceutical product in its territory, satisfaction of those additional requirements or deadlines or the granting of approval shall be recognized by the Party as necessarily occurring after the commencement of the marketing approval process within the meaning of subparagraph 6(e) of Article 8 and paragraphs 4 and 6 of this Article; and

(b) a Party may not refuse to grant approval of a new pharmaceutical product on the basis of a failure of an applicant for marketing approval to satisfy the requirements of subparagraph 6(e) of Article 8 or paragraphs 4 and 6 of this Article.


Article QQ.E.XX.4: {Protection of Undisclosed Data}
[NZ/CA/SG/CL/MY/VN propose: 1. Where a Party requires, as a condition of marketing, regulatory or sanitary approval for pharmaceutical products which utilize new chemical entities, the submission of undisclosed test or other data, the origination of which involves a considerable effort, that Party shall protect such data against unfair commercial use. In addition, each Party shall protect such data against disclosure, except where necessary to protect the public or unless steps are taken to ensure that the data is protected against unfair commercial use.

2. Each Party may provide that the protection of data under paragraph 1, inter alia:
(a) is limited to undisclosed test or other data, the origination of which involves a considerable effort;

(b) is limited to pharmaceutical products that do not contain a new chemical entity that has been previously approved for marketing in the Party;

(c) is limited to pharmaceutical products which utilize a new chemical entity;

(d) is available only once per pharmaceutical product;

(e) is not available for new uses or indications, new dosage forms or methods of making a pharmaceutical product;

(f) is limited to a period of time as determined by the Party; or

(g) may be waived to facilitate the marketing, regulatory or sanitary approval of a pharmaceutical product that is the subject of a voluntary or compulsory license, or a licence otherwise issued pursuant to the TRIPS Agreement.

3. Each Party may take measures to protect public health in accordance with:
(a) the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2) (the “Declaration”);

(b) any waiver of any provision of the TRIPS Agreement granted by WTO Members in accordance with the WTO Agreement to implement the Declaration and in force between the Parties; and

(c) any amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to implement the Declaration that enters into force with respect to the Parties.]


Article QQ.E.XXX {Agricultural Chemical Products}











第2項 上記の第2項にかかわらず、加盟国は以下のものに合致する形で公衆衛生を保護する措置を取ることができる:



第3項 その領土内において新しい医薬品の販売認可を受けようとする申請者に他国における規制当局による医薬品の以前の認可の全体又は一部に依拠することを要求又は許可する加盟国は、第2項(b)又は第2項(d)で特定されるデータ保護の期間を与える条件として、同項に合致する形で販売認可を得る申請書を提出した申請者に他の加盟国における同じ医薬品の最初の販売認可の日から[X]年以内にその医薬品のための手続きを開始することを求めることができる。





第2項 第5項(b)(i)を実施する際、第2項(b)又は第2項(d)に沿って認可される新しい医薬品のために第5項(b)(i)で特定された販売認可の自動遅延を規定する条件として、加盟国は、第2項(b)又は第2項(d)に合致する形で販売認可を得る申請書を提出した申請者に、他の加盟国における医薬品の最初の販売認可の日から[X]年以内にその医薬品のための手続きを開始することを求めることができる。





[ニュージー/加/シンガ/チリ/マレ/ベトナム提案:第1項 加盟国が、新しい化学薬品を使用する医薬品の販売、規制又は保健衛生上の認可の条件として、創作に多大の努力が含まれている非開示の試験又はその他のデータ提出を要求する場合には、そのようなデータを不公正な商業利用から保護しなければならない。さらに、加盟国は、国民の保護が必要となる場合を除き又はデータを不公正な商業利用から保護することを確保する段階が取られていない限り、そのようなデータを開示から保護しなければならない。

第2項 加盟国は、第1項のデータの保護について特に以下のようにすることを規定できる:







第3項 加盟国は以下のものに合致する形で公衆衛生を保護する措置を取ることができる:









Access to Medicines

The United States is a leading voice both for strong IPR protections and for access to medicines for the world’s poor, including in developing country TPP partners. We believe the best approach to pharmaceutical IPR issues in the TPP would be one that offers countries flexibility based on their individual circumstances. That’s why we’ve begun to work with TPP partners to gauge their interest in a “differential approach,” and to identify ways to tailor potential flexibilities based on countries’ existing laws and international obligations.

This flexible approach is based on precedent: Previous U.S. trade agreements covered by the May 10, 2007 bipartisan agreement. Under May 10, developing free trade agreement partners (like Peru) were offered greater flexibility relative to more developed trade agreement partners (like Korea). In TPP, we are seeking to pursue a similar idea, using previous agreements – like those with Peru, Australia, Chile, Korea, and Singapore – as benchmarks, but keeping an open mind as to how these standards can be tailored to reflect the situations of individual partners.






 最後に、twitterでメモしたものだが、internet watchの記事で弁護士の福井先生がTPPリーク文書の全体概要をまとめて下さっているので、関心のある方は是非リンク先もご覧頂ければと思う。




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