Finally, we need a clearer copyright act for a rather simple reason: more and more people are affected by it. Because the dissemination of content is so pervasive to life in the 21st century, copyright issues are necessarily pervasive as well - from fair use in education to statutory licenses for new businesses, to the parameters of liability and enforcement online and in the home. Regulations and education could certainly help in some instances. However, if one needs an army of lawyers to understand the basic precepts of the law, then it is time for a new law.可読性
A 21st century copyright act requires 21st century enforcement strategies. These must respect the technical integrity and expressive capabilities of the Internet as well as the rule of law. It is possible and necessary to combine safeguards for free expression, guarantees of due process, and respect for intellectual property in the copyright law. As the Supreme Court recognized, "the Framers intended copyright itself to be the engine of free expression."In short, the next great copyright act presents an opportunity. All members of the online ecosystem should have a role, including payment processors, advertising networks, search engines, Internet service providers, and copyright owners. These strategies can be a mix of legislative solutions and complementary voluntary initiatives, but where gaps in the law exist Congress should not be absent.
...More globally, arguments abound on the subject of statutory damages, suggesting that they are either too high, too low, too easy, or too hard to pursue. Statutory damages have long been an important part of copyright law to ensure that copyright owners are compensated for infringement, at least where actual damages are unworkable. The Copyright Act of 1790 included a provision awarding the copyright owner fifty cents for every sheet of an unauthorized copy that was printed, published, or imported or exposed to sale. Statutory damages should remain squarely in the next great copyright act irrespective of section 412. However, there may be plenty to do on the edges, including providing guidance to the courts (e.g., in considering whether exponential awards against individuals for the infringement of large numbers of works should a relationship to the actual harm or profit involved), and finding new ways to improve the public record of copyright ownership.
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act
During the last proceeding, concluded in 2012, the Copyright Office recommended, and the Librarian granted, six exemptions that ran the gamut of technological issues. These included exemptions for persons with print disabilities using assistive technologies like screen readers, as well as exemptions for teachers and documentary filmmakers accessing protected motion pictures in the course of their work.When the Copyright Office has not recommended exemptions, it has been because the balancing of the factors set forth in section 1201 did not favor doing so - that is, because the legal or evidentiary standards (or both) had not been met. In the most recent rulemaking, the Office recommended against granting an exemption to permit "jailbreaking" of videogame consoles because the proponents did not establish that there were adverse effects stemming from the prohibition - namely because the record revealed myriad alternatives to achieve the proponents' intended purpose which did not require circumvention. In the context of unlocking cell phones, the Copyright Office was again asked to consider the exemption that it had crafted in two of the previous four rulemakings. It concluded that the exemption should continue for "legacy" phones, i.e., phones already purchased by consumers on or before January 26, 2013, but was unable to extend the recommendation to new phones in light of the evidentiary record, which demonstrated that carriers were offering unlocked cell phones in the marketplace, and that consumers could therefore choose to purchase them over the next three years. While the rulemaking process is necessarily narrow, it sits at a dynamic intersection of technology, emerging markets, the protection of intellectual property, fair use, and other nonfringing activities. It therefore often serves as a barometer for policy concerns and policy action beyond the confines of the statute.
Digital First Sale
More than a decade later, the doctrine of first sale may be difficult to rationalize in the digital context, but Congress nonetheless could choose to review it. On the one hand, Congress may believe that in a digital marketplace, the copyright owner should control all copies of his work, particularly because digital copies are perfect copies (not dog-eared copies of lesser value) or because in online commerce the migration from the sale of copies to the proffering of licenses has negated the issue. On the other hand, Congress may find that the general principle of first sale has ongoing merit in the digital age and can be adequately policed through technology - for example, measures that would prevent or destroy duplicative copies. Or, more simply, Congress may not want a copyright law where everything is licensed and nothing is owned.Exceptions and Limitations
There are many discussions to be had about exceptions and limitations and their place in the next great copyright act. These include updating baseline standards for libraries and archives, crafting a digital age Chafee Amendment (for print disabilities), addressing the ecosystem of higher education institutions and markets, and possibly considering clarity in personal use activities. These issues should be viewed as complements to the fair use provision
...Offsetting Copyright Term
Copyright term is a global issue and any discussion of U.S. term therefore should acknowledge international norms. Nonetheless, the current length of the term - the life of the author plus seventy years in most circumstances - is long and the length has consequences. One has to assume that Eldred v. Ashcroft is the last word as to whether life-plus-seventy is a constitutionally permissible term, however, from a policy perspective that is no longer the relevant question. The question now is how to make the long term more functional.The Copyright Office is interested in pragmatic solutions in the next great copyright act. Thus the Office's 2006 orphan works proposal suggested limiting remedies when copyright owners are unlocatable - effectively freeing many works from the long tail of time. Similarly, the Office appreciates section 108(h), which allows libraries and archives to copy, distribute, display, or perform any published work in its last twenty years of protection, for purposes of preservation, scholarship, or research. Of course, other limitations on the law, including fair use, effectively offset term as well, albeit in limited circumstances.
Perhaps the next great copyright act could take a new approach to term, not for the purpose of amending it downward, but for the purpose of injecting some balance into the equation. More specifically, perhaps the law could shift the burden of the last twenty years from the user to the copyright owner, so that at least in some instances, copyright owners would have to assert their continued interest in exploiting the work by registering with the Copyright Office in a timely manner. And if they did not, the works would enter the public domain.
Making Room for Opt Outs
By contrast, opt-out systems reverse the general principle of copyright law that copyrighted works should be reproduced or disseminated only with the prior approval of the copyright owner. It has become clear, however, that opt-out systems might serve the objectives of copyright law in some compelling circumstances if appropriately tailored and fairly administered, and if created with oversight from Congress. One potential optout system is a form of licensing known as extended collective licensing. Extended collective licensing allows representatives of copyright owners and users to mutually agree to negotiate on a collective basis and then to negotiate terms that are binding on all members of the group by operation of law. It has the potential to provide certainty for users and remuneration for copyright owners (for example in mass digitization activities) but would provide some control to copyright owners wanting to opt out of the arrangement.エンフォースメント
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