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2012年7月29日 (日)


 海賊版対策条約(ACTA)については、外務省のHPに表向きのことは大体書かれているし、Wikiでもおよその経緯は分かると思うが、この7月26日に日本の参議院でACTA批准に関する審議が開始されたこともあり、資料として今までの主要な経緯を年表形式でここにまとめておく。(なお、私は「海賊版対策条約」という略称を使っているが、ACTA(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement)は、初期の政府の検討では「模倣品・海賊版拡散防止条約」と称されており、最終的に公表された政府訳では「偽造品の取引の防止に関する協定」とされている。)


2004年 2月 知財本部・権利保護基盤の強化に関する専門調査会で模倣品・海賊版対策に関する議論が開始

      4月 知財本部・第7回権利保護基盤の強化に関する専門調査会の「模倣品・海賊版対策の強化について(とりまとめ)案(pdf)」ではじめて模倣品・海賊版拡散防止条約の提唱が盛り込まれる

      5月 知財本部・第8回権利保護基盤の強化に関する専門調査会で「模倣品・海賊版対策の強化について(pdf)」をとりまとめ(第8回専門調査会の議事録も参照)

     12月 知財本部・第9回本部会合で模倣品・海賊版の拡散を防止するための条約の提唱を含む「模倣品・海賊版対策加速化パッケージ(pdf)」を決定(第9回会合の議事録も参照)

2005年 6月 知財本部・第11回本部会合で模倣品・海賊版拡散防止条約の提唱を含む「知財計画2005」を決定(第11回会合の議事録も参照。なお、この年表ではいちいち載せていないが、ACTAについてはこの後の知財計画でも記載され続けている)

      7月 グレンイーグルズ・サミットにおいて小泉首相(当時)が模倣品・海賊版防止のための法的枠組み策定の必要性を提唱(外務省のHP参照)

2006年 6〜10月 荒井寿光知財事務局長(当時)を筆頭として外務省の田辺審議官(当時)や経産省の豊田正和通商政策局長(当時)や中富道隆審議官(当時)らがアメリカ通商代表部と接触、条文案の丸投げや勝手な国内法改正コミットなどデタラメな暴走外交を展開(第251回で取り上げたウィキリークスのアメリカ公電リーク文書参照)

2007年10月 関係国との協議開始を発表(外務省のリリース参照)

2008年 6月 第1回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要参照)

      7月 第2回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要参照)

     10月 第3回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要参照)

     12月 第4回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要によると、ここではじめてインターネットによる知的財産権の侵害への対策について情報共有が行われている)

2009年 6月 関係国非公式会合(外務省の結果概要によると、ここではじめて透明性に関する議論が行われている)

      9月 アメリカがEUにACTAのインターネットに関する部分の案を提示(第198回参照)

     10月 第5回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要参照)

     11月 第6回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要から見ても、ここからインターネット関連章の議論が本格化していることが窺われる)

2010年 2月 第7回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要参照。1月時点のリーク条文案について、第216回第218回第219回及び第220回参照)

      4月 第8回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要からも分かる通り、世界的な批判を受け、ここから要領を得ないながらわずかに交渉内容が開示されるようになった)

      4月 ACTA条文案(pdf)(英語のみ)がようやく公開

      6月〜7月 第9回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要参照。7月時点のリーク条文案について、第237回参照)

      8月 第10回関係国会合(外務省の結果概要参照。8月時点のリーク条文案について、第238回参照)

      9月 第11回関係国会合で条文案がほぼ確定(外務省の結果概要参照)

      9月 文化庁・文化審議会・著作権分科会・法制問題小委員会でDRM回避規制の強化について検討開始

      9月 経産省・産業構造審議会・知的財産政策部会・技術的制限手段に係る規制の在り方に関する小委員会でDRM回避規制の強化について検討開始

     10月 この時点でのACTA条文案(pdf)(英語のみ)の公開(内容については、第240回参照)

     11月 ACTA最終条文案(pdf)(英語のみ)の公開

     12月 文化庁・文化審議会・第32回著作権分科会でDRM回避規制の強化を含む「法制問題小委員会技術的保護手段に関する中間まとめ(pdf)」をとりまとめ(内容とそのパブコメについては、第243回及び第246回参照。なお、ACTAとの関係で国内法制上特に必要となるのがDRM回避規制の強化であることは2010年12月の知財本部会合の資料「模倣品・海賊版拡散防止条約(ACTA(アクタ):Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement)(仮称)の現況について(pdf)」で日本政府自ら認めていることである)

     12月 経産省・産業構造審議会・第4回技術的制限手段に係る規制の在り方に関する小委員会でDRM回避規制の強化を含む「技術的制限手段に係る不正競争防止法の見直しの方向性について(案)(pdf)」をとりまとめ(第4回小委員会の議事要旨及び議事録(pdf)も参照。内容とそのパブコメについては、第244回及び第247回参照)

2011年 5月 ACTAの署名のための開放(外務省のリリース参照)

      5月 ACTA正式条文(pdf)の公表

      5月 DRM回避規制の強化を含む不正競争防止法改正案が日本の国会で可決・成立(衆議院の審議経過情報参照)

     10月 日本、アメリカ、オーストラリア、カナダ、韓国、モロッコ、ニュージーランド、シンガポールの各国代表がACTAに署名(外務省のリリース参照)

     12月 DRM回避規制の強化を含む改正不正競争防止法の施行(経産省の施行令に関するリリース参照)

2012年 1月 ACTAに欧州連合代表が署名(外務省のリリース参照)

      2月〜6月 欧州で大規模な反ACTAデモや反対請願の提出(「P2Pとかその辺のお話」の関連ブログ記事rt.comの記事や欧州議会のリリースなど参照)

      3月 ACTA条文の政府版日本語訳(pdf)がようやく公開

      5〜6月 欧州議会の5つの委員会がACTAをことごとく否決(第278回参照)

      6月 DRM回避規制の強化を含む著作権法改正案が日本の国会で可決・成立(未施行)(内容・経緯については、第266回第275回第276回及び第277回参照。なお、この法改正に含まれているダウンロード犯罪化は大問題だが、国会での議論からも分かるように、ダウンロード犯罪化とACTAとの間に表向き直接の関係はない)

      6月 オーストラリア議会の条約担当委員会がACTAを否決(techdirt.comの記事infojustice.orgの記事参照)

      7月 欧州議会がACTAを否決(第278回参照)

      7月 ACTAにメキシコ代表が署名(外務省のリリース参照)

      7月 メキシコ議会両院常任委員会(休会中審議委)がACTAを否決(noticias.terra.com.mxの記事(スペイン語)やメキシコ上院HPの両院常任委員会報告(スペイン語)参照)

      7月 参議院外交防衛委員会で偽造品の取引の防止に関する協定(ACTA)の趣旨説明、日本の国会で批准のための検討開始(参議院の7月26日の公報参照)

      7月 参議院外交防衛委員会で全会一致で可決(7月31日の審議中継議事録参照)

      8月 参議院本会議で賛成217反対9で可決(8月3日の投票結果参照)

      8月 野党欠席の中、衆議院外務委員会で可決(8月31日の議事録参照)

      9月 野党欠席の中、衆議院本会議で可決(9月6日の議事録参照)

     10月 閣議決定を経て受諾書を寄託、日本が最初の締結国となる(10月5日の外務省のリリース参照)





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2012年7月16日 (月)


 今月7月4日に欧州議会で海賊版対策条約が否決された。既に、山田奨治氏(twitter)がそのブログで「違法ダウンロード刑罰化とACTA:彼我の差を考える」という記事を、84oca氏(twitter)がガジェット通信などで「欧州議会のACTA否決で深まる日本の“監視・検閲型”知財政策への疑念」という記事を、谷本真由美氏(twitter)がWirelessWire Newsで「忘れっぽい日本人といつまでも覚えている欧州人」という記事を書かれているので、リンク先をご覧頂ければ十分だと思うが、ここでも遅ればせながら、この7月4日の欧州議会における海賊版対策条約の否決について取り上げておきたい。


The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), was rejected by the European Parliament on Wednesday, and hence cannot become law in the EU. This was the first time that Parliament exercised its Lisbon Treaty power to reject an international trade agreement. 478 MEPs voted against ACTA, 39 in favour, and 165 abstained.

"I am very pleased that Parliament has followed my recommendation to reject ACTA" said rapporteur David Martin (S&D, UK), after the vote, reiterating his concerns that the treaty is too vague, open to misinterpretation and could therefore jeopardise citizens' liberties. However, he also stressed the need to find alternative ways to protect intellectual property in the EU, as the "raw material of the EU economy".

The EPP's key ACTA advocate, Christofer Fjellner (EPP, SE), asked before the vote that Parliament should delay its final vote until the European Court of Justice has ruled on whether ACTA is compatible with the EU treaties. However, when a majority of MEPs rejected this request, a substantial minority responded by abstaining in the vote on Parliament's consent.

While debating whether to give its consent to ACTA, Parliament experienced unprecedented direct lobbying by thousands of EU citizens who called on it to reject ACTA, in street demonstrations, e-mails to MEPs and calls to their offices. Parliament also received a petition, signed by 2.8 million citizens worldwide, urging it to reject the agreement.

ACTA was negotiated by the EU and its member states, the US, Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Switzerland to improve the enforcement of anti-counterfeiting law internationally. Wednesday's vote means that neither the EU nor its individual member states can join the agreement.








The report states that the unintended consequences of the ACTA text is a serious concern. On individual criminalisation, the definition of “commercial-scale”, the role of internet service providers and the possible interruption of the transit of generic medicines, Members maintain doubts that the ACTA text is as precise as is necessary. The intended benefits of this international agreement are far outweighed by the potential threats to civil liberties.

Given the vagueness of certain aspects of the text and the uncertainty over its interpretation, Members consider that the European Parliament cannot guarantee adequate protection for citizens' rights in the future under ACTA.

Therefore, the committee recommends that the European Parliament declines to give consent to ACTA. It hopes the European Commission will therefore come forward with new proposals for protecting IP.





General framework

1. Acknowledges that intellectual property rights (IPRs) are important tools for the Union in the 'knowledge economy' and that adequate enforcement of IPRs is key; recalls that infringements of IPRs harm growth, competitiveness and innovation; points out that ACTA does not create new IPRs, but is an enforcement treaty aimed at tackling effectively IPR infringements;

2. Reiterates that Europe needs an international agreement in order to step up the fight against counterfeit products as these products are causing substantial damage every year to European companies, thereby also putting European jobs at risk; notes that in addition, counterfeit products often do not fulfil European safety requirements, posing significant health hazards to consumers;

3. Recalls that the level of transparency of the negotiations as well as many provisions of ACTA itself, have been a cause of controversy that this Parliament has dealt with repeatedly during all stages of the negotiation; underlines that in line with Article 218(10) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) Parliament must be immediately and fully informed at all stages of the procedure; takes the view that adequate transparency has not been ensured throughout the negotiations on ACTA; recognises that efforts to inform Parliament have been undertaken by the Commission, but regrets that the requirement of transparency has been construed very narrowly and only as a result of pressure by Parliament and civil society; emphasises that in line with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties when interpreting a treaty '[r]ecourse may be had to supplementary means of interpretation, including the preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstances of its conclusion' (Article 32); points out that not all of the preparatory work for ACTA is publicly available;

4. Underlines at the same time, that it is crucial to strike the appropriate balance between enforcement of IPRs and fundamental rights such as freedom of expression, the right to privacy and protection of personal data and confidentiality of communications, the right to due process - notably the presumption of innocence and effective judicial protection - and recalls international treaties, European law and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) as regards this fair balance;

5. In this respect stresses that IPRs are themselves among the fundamental rights protected under Article 17(2) of the Charter and under international agreements;

6. Recalls that a number of internal and external limits on IPRs, such as the prevention of unilateral abuse, contribute to establishing an appropriate balance between the enforcement of IPRs and the fundamental rights and interests of the public;

7. Points out that fundamental rights are, by nature, based on a number of assumptions: they are universal, based on rights relating to the personality and on non-material interests; they are non-transferable and do not cease; they emanate from the person, are innate and are governed by public law; notes, in this regard, that a number of objects protected by IPRs only exhibit some of these characteristics, thus it is necessary to distinguish the use of effective tools to protect such rights, e.g. in the case of life-saving medicines on the one hand or industrial patents to protect designs on the other, from other interests deriving from other fundamental rights such as, for example, protecting human health;

8. Reiterates that the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on 1 December 2009 has fundamentally changed the legal landscape of the Union, which should establish itself increasingly as a community of shared values and principles; recalls that the new, multi-level Union system of fundamental rights protection emanates from multiple sources and is enforced through a variety of mechanisms, including the legally binding Charter, the rights guaranteed by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), and the rights based on the Member States' constitutional traditions and their interpretation according to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the CJEU; underlines that this enhanced human rights architecture and high level of protection that the Union is pursuing ('the European model') must be also upheld in its external dimension as the Union must be 'exemplary' in matters of fundamental rights and should not be perceived as allowing 'fundamental rights laundering';

9. Considers that 'dignity, autonomy and self-development' of human beings are deeply ingrained in this European model and recalls that privacy, data protection, together with freedom of expression have always been considered as core elements of this model as fundamental rights as well as political objectives; underlines that this must be taken into account when balancing against the right to protection of intellectual property and the right to conduct a business, rights also protected by the Charter;

10. Recalls the positions expressed by Parliament in its recommendation of 26 March 2009 to the Council on strengthening security and fundamental freedoms on the Internet which are of relevance to the current debate, including constant attention to the absolute protection and enhanced promotion of fundamental freedoms on the Internet;

11. Reiterates that limitations on the exercise of the rights and freedoms recognised by the Charter must comply with the provisions of the ECHR and with Article 52 of the Charter which prescribe that such limitations be provided for by law, necessary and proportionate to the legitimate aims pursued;

12. Recalls that international agreements concluded by the Union must be compatible with the provisions of the Treaties, are binding upon the institutions and on its Member States' (Article 216(2) TFEU) and according to CJEU settled case-law form an integral part of the Union legal order; underlines that in order to recognise direct effect for provisions of international agreements these 'must appear as regards their content, to be unconditional and sufficiently precise and their nature and broad logic must not preclude their being so relied on'; also recalls the case-law of the CJEU according to which the requirements flowing from the protection of general principles recognised in the Union legal order, which include fundamental rights, are also binding on Member States when they implement Union rules, and according to which obligations imposed by an international agreement cannot have the effect of prejudicing the constitutional principles of the Union Treaties, which include the principle that all Union acts must respect fundamental rights;

13. Deeply regrets that no specific impact assessment on fundamental rights has been conducted on ACTA and does not consider that 'there is no justification for an impact assessment on ACTA since it does not go beyond the [Union] acquis and no implementation measures are required', especially considering the view taken by the Commission in its 2010 Communication on the 'Strategy for the effective implementation of the Charter';

14. Recalls that the Commission has decided to refer ACTA to the CJEU on the question of whether it is compatible with the Treaties, in particular the Charter;

15. Respects the role of the CJEU as foreseen in the Treaties; emphasises, however, that the assessment of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in this field must take into consideration Parliament's role in the protection and promotion of fundamental rights in their letter as well as in their spirit, in the external and internal dimensions, from the perspective of the individual as well as from that of a community; moreover, considers that such an assessment should examine whether the European model described above which requires high standards of protection for fundamental rights and places dignity, autonomy and self-determination at its core has been reflected in the instrument under analysis;

The challenge of legal certainty and of appropriate balance

16. Notes that ACTA includes provisions on fundamental rights and proportionality both general (e.g. Article 4 and Article 6, Preamble) and specific (e.g. Articles 27(3) and (4)); in this context, indicates, however, that Article 4 covers only disclosure of personal data by Parties and that the references included in Article 27 (3) and (4) should be considered as standard and minimal safeguards; points out that privacy and freedom of expression are not simple principles as referred to in ACTA, but are recognised as fundamental rights by inter alia the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the ECHR, the Charter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

17. Wonders whether the concepts set out in ACTA, such as the 'basic principles' or the concept of 'fair process', are compatible with the concepts set out in the Charter, such as fundamental rights or the right to a fair trial arising from Article 47;

18. Notes that concern has especially been raised on those provisions that leave room for flexibility in their implementation, on the basis that these provisions might be implemented in the Union in a manner that could be illegal or contrary to fundamental rights;

19. Considers, furthermore, that while it is understandable that an international agreement negotiated by Parties with different legal traditions will be drafted in more general terms than is the case for Union legislation, taking into account the different means in which Parties deal with the balance between rights and interests and allowing for flexibility, it is also crucial that legal certainty and strong and detailed safeguards be embedded in ACTA;

20. Underlines that there is significant legal uncertainty in the manner in which some key provisions of ACTA have been drafted (e.g. Article 11 (Information related to Infringements), Article 23 (criminal offences), Article 27 (scope of the enforcement measures in the digital environment), especially Article 27(3) (cooperation mechanisms), and Article 27(4); warns against the potential to deliver fragmented approaches within the Union with risks of inadequate compliance with fundamental rights, particularly the right to protection of personal data, the right to due process and the right to conduct business; points out that these risks are especially present as regards Article 27 (3) and (4) in light of the lack of precision of those texts but also having in mind the practices currently taking place in some Member States (e.g. large scale monitoring of Internet by private parties) whose conformity with the Charter is questionable;

21. Considers that Section 5 'Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Environment' is in particular need of greater clarity and coherence, as inaccuracies and incompleteness may result in divergent national rules, and such a fragmented system would act as an obstacle to the internal market, which, in the case of the Internet environment, would preclude the wider cross-border use of the object protected by IPRs;

22. Recalls that according to Article 49 of the Charter no one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence under national or international law at the time when it was committed; points out in this regard that the scope of several provisions set out in Section 4 (Criminal Enforcement) is ambiguous;

23. Shares the concerns expressed by the European Data Protection Supervisor in its opinion of 24 April 2012 on ACTA, notably in relation to the unclear scope, the vague notion of "competent authority", the processing of personal data by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) through voluntary enforcement cooperation measures and the lack of appropriate safeguards in relation to fundamental rights;

24. Points out, that while several ACTA provisions (e.g. Article 27 (3) and (4)) are of a non-mandatory nature and thus do not establish any legal obligation on the Parties which would be contrary to fundamental rights, the lack of specificity of the provisions, of sufficient limitations and safeguards casts a doubt on the necessary level of legal certainty required from ACTA (e.g. safeguards against misuse of personal data or to protect the right of defence); emphasises that these deficiencies should not be acceptable in an agreement where the Union is a contracting party; recalls that other international agreements with fundamental rights implications have secured a higher level of precision and safeguards;

25. Takes the view that measures allowing the identification of a subscriber whose account was allegedly used for infringement would involve various forms of monitoring of individuals' use of the Internet; emphasises that the CJEU has ruled in unquestionable terms that monitoring of all electronic communications with no time limit and no precise scope such as filtering by ISPs or collection of data by rights holders does not strike a fair balance between IPRs and other fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular the right to protection of their personal data and the freedom to receive or impart information or the freedom to conduct a business (Articles 8, 11 and 16 of the Charter);

26. Considers that ACTA does not contain explicit guarantees concerning the protection of sensitive personal information, the right of defence (particularly the right to be heard) or the presumption of innocence;

27. Considers that ACTA does not provide guarantees on preserving the right to respect for private life and communications arising from Article 7 of the Charter ;

The duty to uphold fundamental rights

28. Finds it disappointing that additional and substantial efforts to further consult all the stakeholders and incorporate their views were not undertaken in the run-up to the negotiations on ACTA; deplores that the high standards of transparency and good governance the Union is striving to set have not been met as regards ACTA; believes, therefore, that ACTA comes at a very premature stage in particular with regard to areas where the Union has not yet had the chance to have thorough public deliberation;

29. Emphasises that ISPs should not police the Internet and therefore calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure legal clarity on the role of ISPs; considers that ACTA only targets large-scale infringement of IPRs, allowing for Parties to exempt non-commercial use from its provisions on criminal enforcement procedures; notes that it is unclear where to draw the line between commercial and non-commercial use; underlines also the importance of differentiating between small scale non-commercial downloading and piracy;

30. Believes that counterfeiting and piracy committed wilfully and on a commercial scale are serious phenomena in the information society and that it is therefore necessary to prepare a comprehensive Union strategy to deal with them; such a strategy should not be focused solely on repression or the impact of counterfeiting and piracy, but also on their causes, should respect fully fundamental rights in the Union and should be simultaneously effective, acceptable and understandable for society as a whole; recalls that, following a request from Parliament, the Commission, in its Digital Agenda for Europe strategy, made a commitment to adopting a Code of EU online rights in 2012; therefore calls on the Commission that the Code of EU online rights should unambiguously define Union citizen users' rights and set out what they may or may not do in the digital environment, including when they use the content protected by IPRs;

31. Emphasises that the States where the greatest infringements of IPRs occur, such as China, Pakistan, Russia and Brazil, were not invited to sign ACTA, and it is unlikely that those States will sign up to ACTA in the near future, and this raises important questions about the efficacy of the measures proposed by ACTA;

32. Considers that when fundamental rights are at stake there shall be no place for any ambiguity; is of the view that ACTA has not avoided such ambiguity, but, on the contrary, entails additional and various layers of ambiguity; recalls that the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights affirms that any limitation on fundamental rights and freedoms foreseen by law must be foreseeable in its effects, clear, precise and accessible, as well as necessary in a democratic society and proportionate to the aims pursued;

33. Is of the view that ACTA fails to secure adequate safeguards and an appropriate balance between IPRs and other core fundamental rights, as well as failing to secure the necessary legal certainty for its key provisions;

34. In light of all of the above and without prejudice to the CJEU's assessment of the matter, but taking into consideration Parliament's role in the protection and promotion of fundamental rights, concludes that the proposed ACTA, for which Parliament's consent has been requested, is incompatible with the rights enshrined in the Charter and calls on the Committee on International Trade, as the committee responsible, to recommend that Parliament declines to consent to the conclusion of ACTA.


Your Rapporteur believes that protecting intellectual rights in Europe is essential to maintain our continent's competitive advantage in a globalised, fast-moving and interconnected economy. Artists and innovators should be compensated for their genius. At the same time, those same artists, together with activists, political dissidents and citizens willing to engage in the public debate, should not in any way find their ability to communicate, create, protest and take action inhibited. Especially not today, when, around the world, we are experiencing, and we welcome, a vast, uncontrolled expansion of voices which are finally able to be heard. As the sole direct representative of 400 million European citizens, the European Parliament has the responsibility to safeguard that this expansion will remain unhindered.

The culture of file-sharing, enabled by the remarkable technological advance of the last decades, certainly poses direct challenges to the way we have dealt with compensation of artists and proper enforcement of intellectual rights for the past decades. Our task, as policymakers, is to overcome this challenge by striking an acceptable balance between the possibilities that technology unravels and the continuation of artistic creation, which is an emblematic token of Europe's place in the world.

We are therefore, at a defining moment of this debate, an exciting juncture of change. In this sense, your Rapporteur believes that ACTA comes at a very premature stage and a possible adoption of the Treaty would essentially freeze the possibility of having a public deliberation that is worthy of our democratic heritage. Against such a monumental challenge, what we absolutely need is that every expert we have, every affected organisation or institution we can spare, every citizen that desires to voice an opinion participates, from the beginning, in the creation of a modern social pact, a modern regime of protecting intellectual property rights. ACTA is not, and was not conceived to be, this. Instead, the Rapporteur believes that an adoption of ACTA would prematurely strangle the debate and tip the balance on one side, would allow for Member States to experiment on laws that could potentially harm fundamental freedoms and set precedents that could be undesirable for future societies. By highlighting these dangers, this opinion aims to enrich the discussion undertaken by the European Parliament and help its Members make the most informed and rounded decision on the fundamental issue of rejecting or giving our consent to ACTA.











































  • ACTAの交渉が極めて不透明に行われ広く国民的な議論が全くなされて来なかったこと
  • 結果として、ACTAの条文が曖昧となっており、表現の自由やプライバシー、個人情報保護の権利などを害するような各国法制をもたらす危険があること
  • 特に、非商業的規模の個人による著作権侵害に対する刑事訴追や、ISPなどによる通信の監視・ISPの著作権警察化をもたらす危険性が高いこと




  • 既にダウンロード犯罪化まで可決成立していること
  • ACTAとダウンロード犯罪化の間に表向き直接の関係はないこと
  • ACTAとの関係ではDRM回避規制の強化がまず問題となるが、これも不正競争防止法と著作権法のそれぞれで改正法が成立済みであること(不正競争防止法については施行済み)




 欧州議会で可決の瞬間"HELLO DEMOCRACY, GOODBYE ACTA"(「こんにちは民主主義、さようならACTA」)というビラを多くの議員が掲げたのを見ることができるが(欧州議会の7月4日の録画でVoting TimeのSpeakersからMartin David氏をクリックすることで採決の様子を見ることができる)、これは全くその通りだろう。ただし、この欧州議会の結論は欧州各国での行き過ぎた著作権保護で市民が痛い目を見た結果でもある。今のところ日本は「こんにちはダウンロード犯罪化、さようなら民主主義」としか言いようのないどうしようもない状態にあるが、今後のことは分からない。常に私は個人として今後のためにできることをして行くしかないと思っている。


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