Article 10.1: Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter:
TRIPS Agreement means the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, which is part of the WTO Agreement;
Intellectual property refers to all categories of intellectual property that are the subject of Sections 1 through 7 of Part II of the TRIPS Agreement namely: copyright and related rights; trade marks; geographical indications; industrial designs; patents; layout designs (topographies) of integrated circuits; protection of undisclosed information.(Note1: For the purpose of this Chapter “intellectual property” also includes the protection of plant varieties.)Article 10.2: Intellectual Property Principles
1. The Parties recognise the importance of intellectual property in promoting economic and social development, particularly in the new digital economy, technological innovation and trade.2. The Parties recognise the need to achieve a balance between the rights of right holders and the legitimate interests of users and the community with regard to protected subject matter.
3. The Parties are committed to the maintenance of intellectual property rights regimes and systems that seek to:
(a) facilitate international trade, economic and social development through the dissemination of ideas, technology and creative works;
(b) provide certainty for right-holders and users of intellectual property over the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; and
(c) facilitate the enforcement of intellectual property rights with the view, inter alia, to eliminate trade in goods infringing intellectual property rights.Article 10.3: General Provisions
1. The Parties affirm their existing rights and obligations with respect to each other under the TRIPS Agreement and any other multilateral agreement relating to intellectual property to which they are party. To this end, nothing in this Chapter shall derogate from existing rights and obligations that Parties have to each other under the TRIPS Agreement or other multilateral intellectual property agreements.2. Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent a Party from adopting appropriate measures to prevent the abuse of intellectual property rights by right holders or the resort to practices that unreasonably restrain trade or adversely affect the international transfer of technology, provided that such measures are consistent with this Agreement. In particular, nothing in this Chapter shall prevent a Party from adopting measures necessary to prevent anti-competitive practices that may result from the abuse of intellectual property rights.
3. Subject to each Party’s international obligations the Parties affirm that they may:
(a) provide for the international exhaustion of intellectual property rights;
(b) establish that provisions in standard form non-negotiated licenses for products do not prevent consumers from exercising the limitations and exceptions recognised in domestic intellectual property laws;
(c) establish provisions to facilitate the exercise of permitted acts where technological measures have been applied; and
(d) establish appropriate measures to protect traditional knowledge.4. The Parties shall provide for reproduction rights and communication to the public rights to copyright owners and phonogram producers that are consistent with the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the World Intellectual Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT). The Parties shall provide performers' rights consistent with the TRIPS Agreement. The Parties may establish limitations and exceptions in their domestic laws as acceptable under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1971), the TRIPS Agreement, the WCT and the WPPT. These provisions shall be understood to permit Parties to devise new exceptions and limitations that are appropriate in the digital environment.
5. Subject to their obligations under the TRIPS Agreement, each Party may limit the rights of the performers and producers of phonograms and broadcasting entities of the other Party to the rights its persons are accorded within the jurisdiction of the other Party.
Article 10.4: Trade Marks
1. Each Party shall afford an opportunity for interested parties to oppose the application of a trade mark and request cancellation of a registered trade mark.2. In relation to trade marks, Parties are encouraged to classify goods and services according to the classification of the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (1979).
Article 10.5: Geographical Indications
1. The terms listed in Annex 10.A are recognised as geographical indications for wines and spirits in the respective Party, within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the TRIPS Agreement. Subject to domestic laws (Note 2: For greater certainty, the Parties acknowledge that geographical indications will be recognised and protected in Brunei Darussalam, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore only to the extent permitted by and according to the terms and conditions set out in their respective domestic laws.), in a manner that is consistent with the TRIPS Agreement, such terms will be protected as geographical indications in the territories of the other Parties.2. At the request of a Party, the Commission may decide to add or remove geographical indications from Annex 10.A.
Article 10.6: Country Names
The Parties shall provide the legal means for interested parties to prevent commercial use of country names of the Parties in relation to goods in a manner which misleads consumers as to the origin of such goods.Article 10.7: Cooperation
The Parties agree to cooperate, consistent with the principles set out in Article 10.2. Such cooperation may include, inter alia:
(a) the notification of contact points for the enforcement of intellectual property rights;
(b) exchange of information relating to developments in intellectual property policy in their respective agencies. Such developments may include, but are not limited to, the implementation of appropriate limitations and exceptions under copyright law and the implementation of measures concerning the appropriate protection of digital rights management information;
(c) exchange of information on the implementation of intellectual property systems, aimed at promoting the efficient registration of intellectual property rights;
(d) promotion of the development of contacts and cooperation among their respective agencies, including enforcement agencies, educational institutions and other organisations with an interest in the field of intellectual property rights;
(e) policy dialogue on initiatives on intellectual property in multilateral and regional forums;
(f) exchange of information and cooperation on appropriate initiatives to promote awareness of intellectual property rights and systems; and
(g) such other activities and initiatives as may be mutually determined among the Parties.第10章 知的財産権
第10.1項 定義
知的財産権については、TRIPS協定の第2部第1節から第7節の知的財産権の全カテゴリーを参照し、特に以下のものである:著作権及び著作隣接権;商標;地理的表示;意匠;特許;半導体集積回路の回路配置;開示されていない情報の保護。(原注1:本章において、「知的財産権」は植物種の保護も含む。)第10.2条 知的財産権の原則
第1項 締約国は、経済的・社会的発展の推進における、特に新デジタル経済、技術革新及び貿易における、知的財産権の重要性を認める。第2項 締約国は、保護される事項に関して、権利者の権利並びに利用者及び社会の公正な利益の間でバランスを取る必要性を認める。
第3項 締約国は、次のことを追求し、知的財産権の体制と制度を維持することを約束する:
(c)この観点で、特に、知的財産権を侵害する物品の貿易を撲滅するべく、知的財産権の執行を促進すること。第10.3条 一般規定
第1項 締約国は、TRIPS協定及び締約している他の知的財産権に関する多国間協定下で互いに既存の権利と義務を確認する。この目的のため、本章のいずれの条項も、TRIPS協定又は他の多国間知的財産権協定の下で締約国が互いに有している権利及び義務を免れさせることはない。第2項 本章のいずれの条項も、そのような手段がこの協定に合致する限り、締約国が、権利者による知的財産権の濫用や、貿易の不合理な制限となっているか、あるいは技術の国際移転を妨げている慣行措置を防止する手段を採用することの妨げとなってはならない。
第3項 締約国の国際的な義務に従い、締約国は、以下のことが可能であることを確約する:
(d)伝統的知識を保護する適切な措置を確保すること。第4項 締約国は、WIPO著作権条約(WCT)及びWIPO実演・レコード条約(WPPT)と合致するように、著作権者とレコード製作者の複製権及び公衆送信権を規定しなければならない。締約国は、1971年の文学的及び美術的著作物の保護に関するベルヌ条約、TRIPS協定、WCT及びWPPTによって許されている場合に、その国内法で制限と例外を作ることができる。これらの規定は、デジタル環境において適切な新たな例外と制限を考案することを締約国に許すものと理解されなくてはならない。
第5項 TRIPS協定の義務に従い、各締約国は、その締約国の実演家、レコード製作者及び放送局の権利を、他の締約国の管轄内でその権利を与えられる者の権利に制限することができる。
第10.4条 商標
第1項 各締約国は、商標の出願に対する異議申立と登録商標の無効請求の機会を関係国に与えなければならない。第2項 商標に関して、加盟国は、1979年の標章の登録のための商品及びサービスの国際分類に関するニース協定の分類に従って物品とサービスを分類することを促される。
第10.5条 地理的表示
第1項 付録10.Aに列挙されている語は、各々の締約国において、TRIPS協定の第22条第1項の意味での、ワインと蒸留酒についての地理的表示と認められる。それぞれの国内法に従い(原注2:明確性のため、ブルネイ、チリ、ニュージーランド及びシンガポールの各国内法に規定された条件に合致し、それによって許される範囲のみにおいて、これらの国において認められ、保護されると、締約国は認識する。)、TRIPS協定に合致する形で、これらの語は他の締約国の領土内で地理的表示として保護される。第2項 締約国の求めに応じ、委員会は、付録10.Aの地理的表示への追加又は削除を決定することができる。
第10.6条 国名
締約国は、そのの原産地について消費者を誤認させるような形での物品への締約国の国名の利用を防止する法的手段を、関係国に提供しなければならない。第10.7条 協力
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