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2010年4月 6日 (火)




Section 2: Border Measures

Footnote: [Japan: Each Party shall implement the obligations in respect of importation and exportation set out in this Section so as to be applied to shipment of goods consighned to {a local party/a party in the territory} but destined for outside the territory of the Party].

Option 1 [Article 2.x: EU: Scope of the Border Measures

1. This section sets out the conditions for action by the competent authorities when goods are suspected of infringing intellectual property rights, within the meaning of this agreement, when they are imported, exported, or in-transit.

2. For the purpose of this section, goods infringing an intellectual property right means goods infringing any of the intellectual property rights covered by TRIPS, with the exception of the protection of undisclosed information and layout designs (topographies) of integrated circuits.]

3. Where a traveler's personal baggage contains goods of a non-commercial nature within the limits of duty-free allowance and there are no material indications to suggest the goods are part of commercial traffic, each Party may consider to leave such goods, or part of such goods, outside the scope of this section]

Option 2[[Article 2.x: Aus/Can/NZ/Sing: Scope of the Border Measures

[Aus/Can/Sing: 1. Where a traveler's personal baggage contains trademark goods or copyright materials of a non-commercial nature within the limits of the duty-free allowance {Aus: or where the copyright materials or trademark goods are sent in small consignments} and there are no material indications to suggest the goods are part of commercial traffic, Parties may consider such goods to be outside the scope of this Agreement.]

[JP: 1. Where a Party excludes from the application of the provisions in this Section small quantities of goods of a non-commercial nature contained in traveler's personal luggage, the Party shall ensure that the quantities of goods eligible for such exclusion shall be limited to the minimum allowed within its available resources.]

Option 3
[Can/NZ/US: Where a traveler's personal baggage contains goods of a non-commercial nature in quantities reasonably attributable to the personal use of the traveler and there are no material indications to suggest the goods are part of commercial traffic, each Party may consider that such goods are outside the scope of this section.]

Article 2.6: Application by Right holder

1. Each Party shall provide [US/J: procedures][Mor: measures] for import, [Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: and may provide procedures for] export [US/NZ/Mor: and in-transit] [Mor/Sing/Kor: in transit] [Aus:, Customs transit and transshipped] shipments, [EU: for import, export, and in transit shipments] by which right holders may request the competent authorities to suspend release [CH: at least in cases] of suspected counterfeit trademark goods or confusingly similar trademark goods [Can/Aus/Kor/Mor/Sing: or confusingly similar trademark goods], and suspected pirated copyright goods [EU/MX: goods suspected of infringing an intellectual property right] [Sing: ("suspected infringing goods)"] into free circulation.

2. The competent authorities shall require [US/J: a right holder ][MX: an applicant] requesting [US/J:the] [MX:the] procedures described in paragraph 1 to provide adequate [MX: and sufficient] evidence to satisfy themselves that, under the laws of[US/J: that country][Can: that country] [Aus, Can, NZ, Sing: the Party providing the procedures], there is prima facie an infringement of the right holder's intellectual property right and to supply sufficient information that may reasonably be expected to be within the right holder's knowledge to make the suspected infringing goods reasonably recognizable by the [Sing/MX: competent] [US/J: customs authorities. [US/J/AUS/CAN: The requirement to provide sufficient information shall not {Aus/Can: be used to} unreasonably deter recourse to the procedures described in paragraph 1.] [Sing/Mor: The requirement to provide sufficient information shall not [Aus/Can: be used to] unreasonably deter recourse to the procedures described in paragraph 1.]

3. Each Party shall provide [US/J:that the application to suspend the release of goods shall {JP: unless otherwise specified by the right holder} apply to all {US/J: points of entry to and exit from}{Mor: or party of customs offices in} its territory and remain applicable] [Aus/Can/NZ: for applications to suspend the release of suspected infringing goods that apply to all customs {NZ: jurisdictions of} offices in its territory and remain aplicable to multiple shipments] for a period of not less than one year from the date of application, [NZ: unless otherwise specified by the rights holder] or the period that the relevant article is protected by copyright or the relevant trademark registration is valid under the laws of the [US/J: country taking][Aus/Can/NZ/Sing: Party providing] border measures provided for under this Section, whichever is shorter. [Sing: Where the measures of a Party provide for a specific application that applies to a specific shipment of a suspected infringing good, such application shall remain applicable for a period of not less than sixty days from the date of application, or the period that the relevant article is protected by copyright or the relevant trademark registration is valid under the laws of the party providing border measures under this Section, whichever is shorter.]

[Can/NZ: Parties may provide that an application may be administratively suspended or voided for cause, particularly where it is established that an applicant has accumulated substantial unpaid storage or destruction costs owing for a significant period of time, or where the applicant has abused the process by, for example, knowingly providing false or misleading information in the application or in connection with the enforcement of border measures.]

[Sing: Each Party shall provide for either one of the following:
(i) applications to suspend the release of suspected infringing goods that apply to all customs offices in its territory and remain applicable to multiple shipments for a period of not less than one year from the date of application, or the period that the relevant article is protected by copyright or the relevant trademark registration is valid under the laws of the party providing border measures under this Section, whichever is shorter.; or
(ii) applications to suspend the release of particular specified shipments of suspected infringing goods that remain applicable for a period of not less than 60 days from the date of application, or the period that the relevant article is protected by copyright or the relevant trademark registration is valid under the laws of the party providing border measures under this Section, whichever is shorter.]

[Aus/NZ/Can/Sing/EU: 3. Each Party shall permit right holders to supply the competent authorities to assist them in taking border measures provided for under this Section. Each Party may authorize the competent authorities to request right holders to supply any such information.]

4. [US/J: The] [Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: Each Party shall provide that the competent authorities shall[US/J: inform][Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: make known to] the applicant within a reasonable period whether they have accepted the application. Where the competent authorities have accepted the application, [US/J: they shall also make known to the applicant the period of validity of the application] [Sing: they shall also make known to the applicatant the period of validity of the application]. [US/J: The competent authorities shall also make the application public, while protecting any information in the application that is confidential [Can: The competent authorities shall also make the application public, while protecting any information in the application that is confidential]. [Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: Each Party may provide that competent authorities make the above information known to an applicant through publication.]

[Aus/EU: 4 The right-holder shall not be charged a fee to cover the administration costs occasioned by the processing of the application.]

5. Each Party may also provide procedures [US/J/Sing: for import, {Sing: and} export {U.S.: , and in-transit}{Sing: ,and in-transit} shipments] [EU: for import, export, and in-transit shipment ]by which right holders may request the competent authorities to suspend release of goods suspected of infringing other intellectual property rights. [MX/Can/NZ: Delete paragraph, already covered.]

Article 2.7: Ex-Officio Action

1. Each Party [NZ: may][US/J: shall] provide that its customs authorities may act upon their own initiative, to suspend the release of [US/J: suspected {Sing: infringing} counterfeit {US/J: or confusingly similar} {Can/Aus/Kor/Mor/Sing: or confusingly similar} trademark goods or suspected pirated copyright goods ][MX:IPR infringing goods] with respect to imported, [US/J: exported] [Can: exported] [US: , or in-transit][Sing:, or in-transit] goods including [US/J: suspected [Sing: infringing] counterfeit {US/J: or confusingly similar} [Can/Aus/Kor/Mor/Sing:or confusingly similar] trademark goods or suspected pirated copyright goods] [MX: IPR infringing goods] admitted to, withdrawn from, or located in free trade zones [EU: goods suspected of infringing an intellectual property right]. [JP/Aus/Can/NZ/Sing: Each Party [US: shall][Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: may][JP: shall endeavor to] provide its customs authorities the same authority as the foregoing provision of this Article in respect of [Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: exported and] in-transit [Aus:, Customs transit and transshipped] goods that are [US/J: suspected counterfeit {JP/NZ: or confusingly similar} {Can/Aus/Kor/Mor/Sing: or confusingly similar] trademark goods or suspected pirated copyright goods.][MX IRP infringing goods]

2. Each Party may also provide that its customs authorities may act, upon their own initiative, to suspend the release of goods suspected of infringing other intellectual property rights [EU: , not covered by this section]. [MX: Delete b/c repeats 2.7.1] [Can: Delete provision]

Article 2.8: Provision of Information from Right Holder

[US/J: With respect to the procedures described in Articles 2.6 and 2.7, each][Aus/Can/Sing, NZ: Each] Party shall [Aus/Can/NZ/Sing: have in place procedures enabling][US/J: adopt or maintain a procedure to allow] right holders to supply the competent authorities [Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: with information sufficient][US/J: sufficient information] to assist them in taking border measures provided for under this Section. Each Party may authorize the competent authorities to request right holders to supply any such information.

Article 2.9: Security or Equivalent Assurance

Each Party shall provide that its competent authorities shall have the authority to require a right holder requesting procedures described under Article 2.6 to provide a reasonable security or equivalent assurance sufficient to protect the defendant and the competent authorities and to prevent abuse. Each Party shall provide that such security or equivalent assurance shall not unreasonably deter recourse to these procedures. Each Party may provide that such security may be in the form of a bond conditioned to hold the defendant harmless from any loss or damage resulting from any suspension of the release of the goods in the event the competent authorities determine that the good [US/J/Can/Aus/Kor/Mor/Sing: is not a counterfeit {US/J:or confusingly similar}{Can/Aus/Kor/Mor/Sing: or confusingly similar} trademark good or a pirated copyright good][EU: does not infringe intellectual property rights covered by this section]. [US/J:No Party may][Aus/Can/NZ:-Only in exceptional circumstances may a Party] [Sing/NZ: Only pursuant to a judicial order may a Party] permit a defendant to post a bond or other security to obtain possession of suspected counterfeit {US/J:or confusingly similar} [Can/Aus/KR/Mor/Sing: or confusingly similar] trademark goods or suspected pirated copyright goods.

[EU/Aus/Can/NZ: Article XX: Disclosure of Information:

With a view to establishing whether an intellectual property right has been infringed under national law and in accordance with national provisions on the protection of personal data, commercial and industrial secrecy and professional and administrative confidentiality, the competent authorities have detained infringing goods, shall inform the right holder of the names and addresses of the consignor, importer, exporter, or consignee, and provide to the right holder a description of the goods, the quantity of the goods, and, if known, the country of origin and name and addresses of producers of the goods.]

Article 2.10: Determination as to Infringment

Each Party shall provide a procedure by which competent authorities [Aus/Sing/NZ: may] [US/J:will] determine, whether upon request or on their own initiative within a reasonable period of time after the initiation of the procedures described under Article 2.6 or 2.7, whether the suspected infringing goods infringe an intellectual property right.

Article 2.11: Remedies

1. Each Party shall [Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: have in place procedures whereby the competent authorities may] provide that goods [Aus/Sing/Can: in the custody of the state] that have been [US/J: forfeited {NZ: to the state} as infringing] [Can: forfeited as infringing][Aus/Sing/Can: found to infringe copyright or trademark] following a determination under Article 2.10 shall be destroyed, except in exceptional circumstances.

2. Each Party shall authorize its competent authorities to impose penalties [Aus/Can/Sing, NZ: or provide remedies] in connection with the importation [US/J: and exportation][Can/Sing/NZ: and exportation] of goods following a determination under Article 2.10 that the goods are infringing. [Sing: Each Party may provide its competent authorities the same authority as the foregoing provision of this Article in respect of the exportation of goods.]

3. [US/J: No][Aus/Sing/Can: Subject to other customs procedures, no] Party may authorize the competent authorities to permit forfeited [US/J: infringing][Can: infringing] goods [Aus/Sing/Can: in the custody of the state that have been found to infringe copyright or trademark following a determination under Article 2.10] to be release into [Aus: channels of commerce][US/J: free circulation], [Aus/Sing/Can: or] exported, [US/J: or subject to other customs procedures][Can: or subject to other customs procedures] except in exceptional circumstances. In regard to counterfeit trademark goods, the simple removal of the trademark unlawfully affixed shall not be sufficient, [Aus/Can/EU/Kor/NZ/Sing/JP: other than in exceptional {Aus/Sing/Can/MX/Mor: circumstances} {EU/NZ/JP/Kor: cases}] to permit the release of the goods into the channels of commerce.

Article 2.12: Fees [Can/Aus: Delete this Article.]

1. Each Party shall provide that any [US/J: application fee] [EU: application fee], [US/J:merchandise][Can:merchandise] storage fee, or destruction fee to be assessed [Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: by competent authorities] in connection with procedures described in this Section shall not be [Aus/Can/Sing/NZ: used to][US/J: allocated in a manner or set at an amount that unreasonably burdens right holders, or][Can: allocated in a manner or set at an amount that unreasonably burdens right holders, or] unreasonably deter recourse to these procedures.

2. Each Party shall provide that if the competent authorities have made a determination under Article 2.10 that the suspected infringing goods infringe [US/J: an intellectual property right][Aus, Can/Sing/NZ:copyright trademark], [Aus/Can/NZ/Sing: procedures are made available to enable] the right holder [US/J: shall not be liable for payment of any storage or destruction fees described in paragraph 1][Aus/Can/NZ/Sing to seek recovery of, and indemnify against, costs and expenses that the right holder may have incurred in connection with the exercise of rights and remedies provided under this Section]. [EU: Delete paragraph 2.]

Article 2.13: Disclosure of Information

Where the competent authorities have [Sing: made a determination under Article 2.10 that the suspected infringing goods infringe an intellectual property right, the Party shall grant its competent authorities the authority to inform the right holder of the names and addresses of the consignor, the importer and the consignee and of the quantity of the goods in question.] [US/J: confiscated][MX: seized] [Aus/NZ/Can: detained or seized] infringing goods, [Aus/NZ/Can/Mor: and in accordance with their domestic laws pertaining to] [Can/NZ/Mor: the privacy of information,] [Aus: the protection of personal information,] the competent authority shall have the authority to inform the right holder [MX: and his licensee] within 30 [Mex: 45] days of [US/J: confiscation][Aus/NZ/Can: such detention or seizure], or at an earlier time, the names and addresses of the consignor, importer, exporter, or consignee, and provide to the right holder a description of the goods, [Sing: and] the quantity of the goods [Sing: in accordance with its domestic laws pertaining to the privacy or confidentiality or information. The competent authority may, in addition, provide the name and addresses of exporter] and if known, the country of origin and name and addresses of producers of the goods.

[Can/NZ/Sing/EU: Article XX: EU: Liability of the Competent Authorities

1. The acceptance of an application shall not entitle the right-holder to compensation in the event that goods infringing an intellectual property right are not detected by {Sing: competent authorities} a customs office and are released or no action is taken to detain them.

2. The competent authorities shall not be liable towards the persons involved in the situations referred to in Article 2.6 for damages suffered by them as a result of the authority's intervention, except where provided for by the law of the Party in which the application is made or in which the loss or damage is incurred.]

[Article XX: Kor: Information Exchange between Customs Authorities

If the customs authority of an importing party seizes counterfeit trademark goods or pirated goods to be imported, the party may request the customs authority of the exporting party to take proper measures to the exporters of the goods concerned. The requesting party shall provide information necessary for the identification of the goods concerned by the customs authority of the requested party.]

[JP: Including "in accordance with national legislations and relevant international agreements/arrangements"]

第2章 税関取り締まり


オプション1 第2.X条:欧:税関取り締まりの対象範囲

第1項 本章では、本条約の意味における知的財産権侵害の疑義がある物品が、輸入、輸出あるいは通過した時に、権限を有する当局が取り締まりを行う条件を規定する。

第2項 本章の目的において、「知的財産権侵害物品」は、営業秘密の保護と集積回路のレイアウトデザイン(回路配置)を例外として、TRIPS協定によってカバーされる知的財産権を侵害する物品を意味する。

第3項 旅行者の私的な荷物が、免税として許される範囲内の非商業的な性質の物品を含んでいる場合であって、その物品が商業的な取引の一部を構成することを示唆する証拠がない場合、各加盟国は、このような物品あるいはこのような物品の一部を本章の対象範囲外と考えることができる。]

オプション2 [[第2.X条:豪/加/NZ/シンガ:税関取り締まりの対象範囲

[豪/加/シンガ:第1項 旅行者の私的な荷物が、免税として許される範囲内の非商業的な商標物品あるいは著作物を含んでいる場合であって、{豪:あるいは、少量の荷物として送られる場合であって、}その物品が商業的な取引の一部を構成することを示唆する証拠がない場合、加盟国は、このような物品を本章の対象範囲外と考えることができる。]

[日:第1項 旅行者の私的な荷物に含まれる少量の非商業的性質の物品を本条の適用から除外する時、加盟国はこのような除外の対象として適切な量は、その使用可能なリソースにおいて許される最小限度のものに限定する。]

オプション3 [米/加/NZ:旅行者の私的な荷物が、旅行者の私的な利用に当てられると合理的に考えられる量の非商業的性質の物品を含んでいる場合、各加盟国は、このような物品を本章の対象範囲外と考えることができる。]


第1項 各加盟国は、[豪:税関を通り積み替えられる]積荷の輸入[豪/加/シンガ/NZ:に対する手続きを規定し、そして]、輸出[米/NZ/モロッコ:と通過][モロッコ/シンガ/韓国:と通過][欧:の積荷の輸入、輸出と通過]に対する[米/日:手続き][モロッコ:措置]を規定し[豪/加/シンガ/NZ:規定することができ]、これにより、権利者が、権限を有する当局に[スイス:少なくとも場合により]商標権侵害の疑義がある物品あるいは誤認混同を生じる類似の商標物品[加/豪/韓/モロッコ/シンガ:あるいは誤認混同を生じる類似の商標物品]と著作権侵害の疑義がある物品の自由流通への通関を差し止めることを可能とする。

第2項 権限を有する当局は、第1項に記載された手続きを申請した[日/米:権利者][メキシコ:申請者]に、[日/米:その国の][加:その国の][豪/加/NZ/シンガ:手続きを規定する加盟国の]法律の下で、権利者の知的財産権の侵害があると疎明できる、適切な[メキシコ:かつ十分な]証拠の提出と、権利者の知っている範囲で、[シンガ/メキシコ:権限を有する][日/米:税関当局]により侵害疑義物品を認められるようにすると合理的に期待される十分な情報の提供を求める。[日/米/豪/加:十分な情報提供の要請は、第1項に記載されている手続きの申請を不当に抑止しては{豪/加:抑止するように使われては}ならない。][シンガ/モロッコ:十分な情報提供の要請は、第1項に記載されている手続きの申請を不当に抑止しては{豪/加:抑止するように使われては}ならない。

第3項 各加盟国は、申請日から1年以上の期間、[NZ:権利者によって他のことが特定されていない限り、]あるいは、[日米:国が取る][豪/加/シンガ/NZ:加盟国が規定する]本条における税関取り締まり法の下で、関係する事項の著作権の保護期間あるいは関係する商標登録の有効期間がより短い場合はその期間、[日/米:物品の通関を差し止める申請は、{日:権利者によって他のことが特定されていない限り}その領土と他の法適用領域への全ての{日/米:入出点に}{モロッコ:あるいはその中の税関事務所に}適用されることを][豪/加/NZ:侵害疑義物品の通関を差し止める申請は、その領土と他の法的用領域の全ての税関事務所{NZ:の司法判断}に適用され、複数の積荷に適用可能であることを]規定する。[シンガ:加盟国の措置により侵害疑義物品の特別な積荷に適用される特別な申請が規定されている場合、そのような申請は、申請日から6月以上の期間か、本章の税関取り締まりを規定する加盟国の法の下で、関係する事項の著作権保護期間あるいは関係する登録商標の有効期間がより短い場合は、その期間適用可能なものとされる。]



[欧/豪/NZ/加/シンガ:第3項 各加盟国は、本条に規定される税関取り締まりの役に立つことを権限に有する当局に提供することを許すことができる。各加盟国は、権限を有する当局に、権利者にこのような情報を提供することを求める権限を与えることができる。]

第4項 [豪/加/シンガ/NZ:各加盟国は、権限を有する当局が、申請を受理してから合理的な期間内に申請者に[日/米:通知する][豪/加/シンガ/NZ:知らせる]ことを規定する][日/米:、権限を有する当局は、申請の有効期間も申請者に知らせる][シンガ:権限を有する当局は、申請の有効期間も申請者に知らせる]。[日/米:権限を有する当局は、申請に含まれている秘密情報を保護しつつ、申請を公表する][加:権限を有する当局は、申請に含まれている秘密情報を保護しつつ、申請を公表する]。[豪/加/シンガ/NZ:各加盟国は、権限を有する当局が上記の情報を刊行物を通じて申請者に知らせることと規定できる。]

[欧/豪:第4項 各加盟国は、権限を有する当局が、申請の処理によって生じる行政コストをカバーする料金を支払う。]

第5項 各加盟国は、[日/米/シンガ:積荷の輸入、{シンガ:と}輸出{米:、と通過}{シンガ:、と通過}][欧:の輸入、輸出、と通過]についての手続きも規定し、権利者が、権限を有する当局に、他の知的財産権侵害の疑義がある物品の通関を差し止めることを申請することを可能とする。[メキシコ/加/NZ:既にカバーされている内容であり、本項削除。]

第2.7条 職権取り締まり

第1項 各加盟国は、その税関当局が、自主的に、自由貿易圏内に受け入れられるか、引き出されるか、そこに置かれた[日/米:{シンガ:侵害}疑義模倣{日/米:あるいは誤認混同を生じる}{加/豪/韓/モロッコ/シンガ:あるいは誤認混同を生じる}商標物品あるいは著作権侵害疑義物品][メキシコ:知的財産権侵害物品][欧:知的財産権侵害疑義物品]を含め、物品の輸入、[日/米:輸出][加:輸出][米:、あるいは通過][シンガ:、あるいは通過]に関し、[日/米:{シンガ:侵害}疑義模倣{日/米:あるいは誤認混同を生じる}{加/豪/韓/モロッコ/シンガ:あるいは誤認混同を生じる}商標物品あるいは著作権侵害疑義物品][メキシコ:知的財産権侵害物品]の通関を差し止めることができることを規定[NZ:できる][日/米:する]。[日/豪/加/NZ/シンガ:各加盟国は、[{シンガ:侵害}疑義模倣{日/米:あるいは誤認混同を生じる}{加/豪/韓/モロッコ/シンガ:あるいは誤認混同を生じる}商標物品あるいは著作権侵害疑義物品][メキシコ:知的財産権侵害物品]の[豪/加/シンガ/NZ:輸出と]通過[豪;、税関通過と積み替え]について、本条の前に規定されているのと同じ権限を、税関当局に与える[米:と規定する。][豪/加/シンガ/NZ:ことができる。][日:よう努めなければならない。]

第2項 各加盟国はまた、権限を有する税関が、職権で、[欧:本章によってカバーされていない、]他の知的財産権の侵害疑義物品を通関を止められるようにすることができる。[メキシコ:第2.7条第1項の繰り返しであり、削除][加:本項削除]

第2.8条 権利者からの情報提供


第2.9条 担保あるいは同等の保証


[欧/豪/加/NZ:第XX条 情報開示





第1項 各加盟国は、第2.10条の決定に従い、[日米:侵害しているとして{NZ:国に}没収された][加:侵害しているとして没収された][豪/シンガ/加:著作権あるいは商標権を侵害すると分かった][豪/シンガ/加:国の管理下にある]物品は、例外的な状況を除き、廃棄することを規定する[豪/加/シンガ/NZ:廃棄できることとする、権限を有する当局における手続きを定める]。

第2項 各加盟国は、物品が権利を侵害しているとする第2.10条の決定に従い、物品の輸入[日/米:と輸出][加/シンガ/NZ:と輸出]について、その権限を有する当局に罰を課す権限を与える。[シンガ:各加盟国は、その権限を有する当局が、物品の輸出に関しても本条の規定と同じ権限を有すると規定することができる。]

第3項 [日/米:いかなる][豪/シンガ/加:他の税関手続きに従うが、いかなる]加盟国も、例外的な状況を除き、[豪/シンガ/加:第2.10条の決定により著作権あるいは商標権を侵害していると分かった、国の管理下にある、]没収した[日/米:侵害][加:侵害]物品を、[豪:商業チャネル][日/米:自由流通]に流すか、[豪/シンガ/加:あるいは]輸出させるか、[日/米:あるいは他の税関手続きに載せるか][加:あるいは他の税関手続きに載せるか]することを認める権限を、権限を有する当局に与えてはならない。


第1項 各加盟国は、本章に記載されている手続きについて[豪/加/シンガ/NZ:権限を有する当局により]算定される、[日/米:申請料][欧:申請料]、[日/米:商品][加:商品]保管料、あるいは廃棄料が、手続きへの申請を不当に抑止する[豪/加/シンガ/NZ:ように使われないようにすることを][日/米:ことがないような、あるいは、権利者に不当な負担となるような料金設定がなされないことを][加:ことがないような、あるいは、権利者に不当な負担となるような料金設定がなされないことを]規定する。

第2項 各加盟国は、権限を有する当局が、侵害疑義物品が[日/米:知的財産権][豪/加/シンガ/NZ:著作権と商標権]を侵害するという第2.10条の決定をした場合、[日/米:権利者が、第1項に記載されている保管あるいは廃棄料の支払いの責任を負わないということを][豪/加/NZ/シンガ:本章で規定されている権利行使と救済措置について権利者に生じるコストと出費の回復と補償を求めることを可能とする手続きを入手可能とすることを]規定する。[欧:第2項削除]





第2項 権限を有する当局は、その申請がなされたか、そこでその損失あるいは損害が生じた国の法律によって規定されている場合を除き、当局の介入の結果として第2.6条に規定されている状況の関係者が被った損害について、責任を負わない。]







 3月31日には、やはりインターネット協会から、半官検閲センターである、インターネット・ホットラインセンターの改訂版ガイドラインが公表されている(インターネット協会のリリースinternet watchの記事参照)。





« 番外その24:日弁連の児童ポルノ規制法改正に関する意見書について | トップページ | 第221回:知財本部で了承された知的財産推進計画2010骨子案 »






この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 第220回:新たにリークされた文書から見る模倣品・海賊版拡散防止条約(ACTA)に対する日本政府のスタンス(税関取り締まり関連部分):

« 番外その24:日弁連の児童ポルノ規制法改正に関する意見書について | トップページ | 第221回:知財本部で了承された知的財産推進計画2010骨子案 »