1. Each Party shall ensure that enforcement procedures, to the extent set forth in the civil and criminal enforcement sections of this Agreement, are available under its law so as to permit effective action against an act of [US: trademark {AUS: infringement}, copyright or related rights][J/EU:intellectual property rights] infringement which takes place [US: by means of the Internet][EU: in the digital environment], including [US: expeditious remedies][MX: measures] to prevent [US/EU: infringement and remedies which constitute a deterrent to further infringement.][MX: or deter such infringements.][EU: Those measures, procedures and remedies shall also be fair and proportionate.]
[J: Japan suppose overall concept of Paragraph 1. However, it should be noted that infringement of intellectual property rights other than trademark, copyright or related rights on the Internet is also a serious problem. This infringement which takes place by means of the Internet should not be limited that of trademark and copyright or related rights.]
2. Without prejudice to the rights, limitations, exceptions or defenses to [{J: patent, industrial design, trademark and}{US: copyright or related rights}] [EU: intellectual property rights] infringement available under its law, including with respect to the issue of exhaustion of rights, each Party [US: confirms that][CH: shall provide for][US/J: civil remedies][MX: administrative, civil or penal actions], as well as limitations, exceptions, or defenses with respect to the application of such [US: remedies][MX: actions], are available in its legal system in cases of third party liability for [{J: patent, industrial design, trademark and}{US: copyright or related rights}][EU: intellectual property rights] infringement.
[J: Japan basically supports Paragraph 2 but would like to confirm or propose the matters below:
- "civil remedies...are available" will be implemented if a Party at least makes available either damages or injuctions. In other words, a Party is not obliged to make both damages and injuctions available.
- Infringement of rights to patent, industrial design and trademark by third parties is also a serious problem, so Japan proposes a reference to these rights.
- If this paragraph is to be moved to the Civil Enforcement Section, the question on where this provision should be located in the Civil Enforcement Section should be carefully considered since the original US proposal refers to copyright or related rights while the Civil Enforcement Section bascially does not limit its scope.]
Footnote: [J: For the purpose of "civil remedies" shall mean both damages and injonctions or either one of these]
Footnote: For greater certainty, the Parties understand that third party liability [{US: means}{AUS/NZ: may include} liability for any person who authorizes for a direct financial benefit, {US: induces through or by conduct directed to promoting} {CH: induces an} infringement, or knowingly and materially aids any act of {US: copyright or related rights} {J: copyright or related rights} infringement by another.][EU: refer to the concept of holding other persons other than the actual infringer liable for their involvement in the infringement.][US: Further, the Parties also understand that the application of third party liability may include consideration of exceptions or limitations to exclusive rights that are confined to certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the {EU: service or of the product or in the case if copyright of the} work, performance or phonogram, and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the right holder, {US: including fair use, fair dealing, or their equivalents.}{EU: including fair use, fair dealing, or their equivalents}{J: Further the Parties also understand liability may include consideration of exceptions or limitations to exclusive rights that are confined to certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work, performance or phonogram, and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the right holder, including including fair use, fair dealing, or their equivalents}
Footnote:[J: The first sentence of Footnote (1) is basically acceptable. The second sentence refers to "three-step test" and Japan understands this rule is important, however, the reference is not appropriate because "three-step test" applies to copyright, while the scope of Paragraph 2 should not be limited to copyright or related rights. In addition, making reference to a specific country such as "fair use" is inappropriate in this context.]
3. OPTION1 [US Each Party recognize that some persons use the services of third parties, including online service providers, for engaging in copyright or related rights infringement. Each Party also recognises that legal uncertainty with respect to application of {US: intellectual property rights}{AUS: copyright and related rights}, limitations, exceptions, and defenses in the digial environment may present barriers to the economic growth of, and opportunities in, electronic commerce. Accordingly, in order to facilitate the continued development of an industry engaged in providing information services online while also ensuring that measures to take adequate and effective action against copyright or related rights infringement are available and reasonable,{MX: in its legal remedies}][EU: (a) In this respect] each Party [US: shall][CH: may]:
[J: It is worth considering moving 1st and 2nd sentences of paragraph 3 to the preamble of the Agreement or a political declaration to be made on announcing ACTA.]
(a) provide limitations on the [US: scope of civil remedies available against an][EU: on the liability of] online service provider[EU:s} for infringing activities that occur by
(i) automatic technical processes, [US: and][EU: or][MX: Define automatica technical processes]
(ii) the actions of the provider's users that are [US: not directed or] [EU: not directed] initiated [EU: nor modified] by that provider and when the provider does not select the material, [US: and][EU: or]
(iii)[US: the provider referring or linking users to an online location,]
[EU: the storage of information provided by the recipient of the service or at the request of the recipient of the service,] when, in cases of subparagraphs (ii) and (iii), the provider does not have actual knowledge of the infringemetn and is not aware of facts or circumstances from which infringing activity is apparent; and
[EU: when exercising the activities as stipulated in the paragraph 3(a)(ii) and/or (iii) the online service providers act expeditiously, in accordance with applicable law, to remove or disable access to infringing material or infringing activity upon obtaining actual knowledge of the infringement or the fact that the information at the initial source has been removed or disable.]
(b) conditions the application of the provisions of subparagraph (a) on meeting the following requirements:
(i) an online service provider adopting and reasonably implementing a policy to address the unauthorized storage or transmission of materials protected by copyright or related rights [US: except that no Party may condition the limitations in subparagraph (a) on the online service provider's monitoring its services or affirmatively seeking facts indicating that infringing activity is occuring][J: except that no Party may condition the limitations in subparagraph (a) on the online service provider's monitoring its services or affirmatively seeking facts indicating that infringing activity is occuring]; and
(ii) an online service provider expeditiously removing or disabling access to material or [US: activity][MX: alleged infringement], upon receipt [US: of legally sufficient notice of alleged infringement,][MX: of an order from a competent authority] and in the absence of a legally sufficient response from the relevant subscriber of the online service provider indicatig that the notice was the result of mistake or misidentificatin. except that the provisions of (ii) shall not be applied to the extent that the online service provider is acting solely as a conduit for transmissions through its system or network.]
[J: c) if a Party does not adopt the mesures under subparagraphs (a) and (b), such Party shall ensure that civil remedies to compensate for damages are available against an online service provider who does not take appropriate measures such as removing or disabling access to material or activity to prevent copyright or related rights infringement initiated by its users only when:
(i) it is technically possible to take measures for preventing the infringement, and
(ii) the provider knows or there is a reasonable ground to know that the infringement is occuring.
3 bis. Each Party shall not impose general obligation on online service providers to regularly monitor its service or affirmatively seek facts indicating infringing activity on a daily bassis in order to claim the application of the provision on limitations described in paragraph 3(a) or (b).
3 ter. Each Party shall enable right holders, who have given effective notification to an online service provider of materials that they claim with valid reasons to be infringing their copyright or related rights, to expeditiously obtain from that provider information on the identity of the relevant subscriber.
3 quater. Each Party shall promote the development of mutually supportive relationships between online service providers and right holders to deal effectively with patent, industrial design, trademark and copyright or related rights infringement which takes plce by means of the Internet, including the encouragement of establishing guidelines for the actions which should be taken.]]
[J: The current paragraph 3 proposed by the US is not consistent with Japanese legislation. Provisional texts shown here are still under examination.
Further, the IS Act of Japan provides the limitation on the scope of the ISPs' liability under certain circumstances but the Act limits the scope of civil damages only. That is, the ISP Act mentions nothing about availability of the injuction against an ISP and the courts decide whether the injuction order should be issued on case by case basis.
The ISP Act of Japan does not categorize ISPs into "conduit," "hosting," "caching" or others. In addition, the Act denies civil liabilities for ISPs under the following conditions:
(a) it is technically impossible for an ISP to take measures for preventing the transmission of information; or
(b) an ISP does not know and does not have a reasonable ground to know that infringing activity is occurring.
Meeting the conditions described in subparagraphs (b)(i)and (b)(ii) of US proposal are not required under the ISP Act of Japan. However, adopting and reasonably implementing a policy or removing material upon receipt of notice may be taken into consideration when courts decide whether condition (a) or (b) above is met. Therefore, there is a difference between the structure of the present ACTA draft and the ISP Act of Japan.
Thus, Japan indicates a revision to paragraph 3. The blue sentences are added or modified by Japan to show clearly the difference between present ACTA draft and the ISP ACT of Japan.
Japan would like to clarify whether providing stricter conditions for the limitations of ISP in the Party's national law, compared to the conditions provided in the present ACTA text, will be regarded as a proper implementation of this paragraph or not.]
Footnote: An example of such a policy is providing for the termination in appropriate circumstances of subscriptions [US: and][AUS:or] accounts on the service provider's system or network of repeat infringers.
Footnote: [J: The present legislation of Japan does not require an ISP to adopt and implement a "policy," so Japan is now examining how to adjust Footnote (6) to Japanese legislation or vice versa. ]
Footnote: For purposes of this Article, online service provider and provider mean a provider of online services or network access, or the operators of facilities therefore, and includes any entity offering the transmission, routing, or providing of connections for digital online communications, between or among points specified by a user, of material of the user's choosing, without modification to the content of the material as sent or received. [CAN: Examining scope of "modification".][NZ: It is unclear whether the definition of "online service provider" includes a person who hosts material on websites or other electronic retrieval systems that can be accessed by a user.][J: Japan needs to consider further wehter this footnote is acceptable.]
[US: In implementing Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty and Article 18 of the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty regarding] [CAN/J/EU: In implementing Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty and Article 18 of the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty regarding] [AUS: In order to provide][EU: Each Party shall provide] adquate legal protection [US: and effective legal remedies][EU: and effective legal remedies] against the circumvention of effective technological measures that are used by authors, performers or producers of phonograms [CH: or any other copyright owner or owner of an exclusive license] in connection with the exercise of their rights and that restrict unauthorized acts in respect of their works, performances, and phonograms, [US: each Party shall provide for civil remedies, as well as criminal penalties] [EU: each Party shall provide for civil remedies, as well as criminal penalties] in appropriate cases of willful conduct, that apply to:
(a) the unauthorized circumvention of an effective technological measure [US: that controls access to a protected work, performance, or phonogram] [EU: that controls access to a protected work, performance, or phonogram]; and
(b) the manufacture, importation, or circulation of a technology, service, device, product, component, or part thereof, that is: marketed or primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing an effective technological measure; or that has only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other than circumventing an effective technological measure.
[EU: 4.2 Each Party may provide for measures which would safeguard the benefit of certain exceptoins and limitations to copyright and related rights, in accordane with its legislation.]
4. OPTION 2 [J: Each Party shall provide for civil remedies that apply to:
(a) the importation, assignment, delivery of (i) a device (including a machine incorporating such device) or, (ii) data storage media or a machine on which a program having sole function of circumventing an effective technological measure is stored; or
product, component, or part thereof, that is: marketed or primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing an effective technological measure; or that has only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other than circumventing an effective technological measure.
(b) the provision through an electric telecommunication line, of a program having sole function of circumventing an effective technological measure.
[J: Japan understands that the WIPO treaties do not require the Parties to implement the restriction on circumvention of access control. Thus, making reference to the WIPO treaties is inappropriate. The Copyright Act and the Unfair Competition Prevention Act of Japan restrict circumvention of effective technological measures under certain conditions (The Copyright Act does not restrict circumvention of access control.). However, these Laws do NOT provide:
- a restriction on circumvention of access control itself,
- a restriction on manufacture, importation and circulation of a technology for circumvention of access control,
- a restriction on importation or circulation of services for circumvention of access control,
- a restriction on manufacture of devices for circumvention of access control, and
- criminal penalties for circumvention of access control or any related acts, such as manufacturing of or trafficking in devices for circumvention of access control.
Therefore, Japan is now examining how to fix the difference between its legislation and present ACTA draft, with due regard to maintaining a balance between the rights of authors and the larger public interest, e.g. education, research, and cannot provide definitive comments on Paragraph 4 at this time. Japan reserves the right to make further comments on Paragraph 4.
Japan would like to know from the US or other countries which adopt a restriction on circumvention of access control, the concrete example and data and background of the legislation. That is, amount of harm by circumvention of access control, how effective the legal remedy against the circumvention of access control was (e.g. shrinkage of harm, number of litigation cases, what kind of major actions were ceased in terms of copyright protection perspective.).]
Footnote: [US: The][EU: In accordance with the applicable national legislation, the] obligations in paragraphs (4) and (5) [US: are][EU: may be] without prejudice to the rights, limitations, or defenses to copyright or related rights infringement. Further, [US: in implementing paragraph (4), no Party may][EU: paragraph (4) does not imply any obligation to] require that the design of, or the design and selection of parts and components for, a consumer electonrics, telecommunications, or computing product provide for a response to any particular technological measure, so long as the product does not otherwise violate any measures implementing paragraph (4).[CAN: clarification of relationship of exceptions to access control measures.][J: Japan reserves its position on Footnote (8) because the acceptability of this Footnote depends on the scope of Paragraph 4. The current legislation of Japan does not mandate devices to respond to any particular technological measure.]
[5. Each Party shall provide [US: that a][EU: adequate legal protection against a] violation of a measure implementing paragraph (4) [US: is a separate civil or criminal offense,][EU: is a separate civil or criminal offence] independent of any infringement of copyright or related rights. Further, [US: each Party may adopt exceptions and limitations to measures implementing {US: subparagraph (4)}{J: paragraph 4} so long as they do not significantly impair the adequacy of legal protection of those measures or the effectiveness of legal remedies for violations of those measures.][EU: each Party may provide for measures which would safeguard the benefit of certain exceptions and limitations to copyright and related rights, in accordance with its legislation.]
[J: Japan accepts the concept of the first sentence of Paragraph 5, which provides that the liability for the infringement of copyright or related rights and the circumvention of effective technological measures are separate from and independent of each other. Japan reserves its position on the second sentence, especially the phrases following "so long as" since we would like to examine those phrases in connection with Paragraph 4.]
6. [US: In implementing Article 12 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty and Article 19 of the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty on providing][CAN: In implementing Article 12 the WIPO Copyright Treaty and Article 19 of the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty regarding][AUS: In order to provide] adequete and effective legal remedies to protect [J: electronic] rights management information, [EU: In implementing Article 12 the WIPO Copyright Treaty and Article 19 of the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty on providing adequete and effective legal remedies to protect rights management information] each Party shall provide [US: for civil remedies, as well as criminal penalties][EU: adequate legal protection to protect electronic rights management information] in appropriate cases of willful conduct, that apply to any person performing any of the following acts knowing [J: or with respect to civil remedies having reasonable grounds to know] that it will induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal an infringement of any copyright or related right [J: covered by the treaties above]:
(a) to remove or alter any [AUS/J/EU: electronic] right management information
(b) to distribute, import for distribution, broadcast, communicate, or make available to the public [J: without authority], copies of works, performances, or phonograrns, knowing that [AUS/REU: eleetronicirights management information has been removed or altered without authority.
[EU: 6.2 Each Party may adopt appropriate exceptions to the requirements of subparagraphs (a) and (b)]
[J: The word "electronic" should be inserted before "rights management information" in paragraph 6 because WIPO treaties explicitly confine the Contracting party's obligations concerning RMI to providing the remedies against removing or altering electronic RMI, and other acts with the knowledge of such removing and altering. It should be noted that Article 12 of the WCT and Article 19 of the WPPT stipulate "Contracting Parties shall provide adequate and effective legal remedies against any person knowingly performing any of the following acts knowing, or with respect to civil remedies having reasonable grounds to know, that will induce, enable...Infringement..." Thus, the expression of this provision should be examined again in civil remedies context.
The word "without authority" should be inserted as it is in the WCT and the WPPT.]
[7. Each Party may adopt appropriate limitations or exceptions to the requirements of subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph (6) [J: so long as they do not significantly impair the adequacy of legal protection or effectiveness of legal remedies against the acts of provided in that paragraph.]
[J: The brackets in paragraph 7 intends to confirm that exceptions to the requirements regarding electronic RMI are permissible but they should not impair the adequacy of the restrictions stipulated in paragraph 6.]
[米/豪:[第2.17条]{メキシコ:2.18} デジタル環境におけるエンフォースメント手続き
第1項 各加盟国は、インターネットを用いることで発生する、[米:商標権{豪:侵害}、著作権あるいは著作隣接権権][日/欧:知的財産権]侵害行為に対する効果的な措置を取ることを可能とするよう、侵害を抑止する[米:迅速な救済措置]、[米/欧:さらなる侵害を防止する救済措置][メキシコ:そのような侵害を防止あるいは抑止する手段]を含め、本条約の民事的・刑事的エンフォースメントの章に書かれている限りのエンフォースメント手続きを国内法で担保しなければならない。[欧:この手段、手続きと救済措置は、公平でバランスの取れたものでなくてはならない。]
第2項 権利の消尽に関する事項を含め、その国内法で担保されている[{日:特許権、意匠権、商標権及び}{米:著作権あるいは著作隣接権}][欧:知的財産権]に対する権利、権利制限、例外あるいは抗弁にかかわらず、各加盟国は、[{日:特許権、意匠権、商標権及び}{米:著作権あるいは著作隣接権}][欧:知的財産権]に関する第3者責任(訳注:間接侵害)のケースにおける[日米:民事的救済措置][メキシコ:行政、民事あるいは刑事上の措置]、並びにその[米:救済措置][メキシコ:措置]の適用に関する制限、例外あるいは抗弁の担保をその法体系中でしなければならない。
第3項 オプション1 [米:各加盟国は、オンライン・サービス・プロバイダーを著作権あるいは著作隣接権の侵害のために用いる者がいることを認める。各加盟国はまた、デジタル環境における{米:知的財産権}{豪:著作権及び著作隣接権}、権利制限、例外と抗弁の適用に関する法的不明確性が、電子取引の経済的成長とその機会の障害となっているだろうことも認める。したがって、オンラインの情報サービス産業の持続的発展を促進し、著作権あるいは著作隣接権侵害に対する適切で効果的な措置を[{メキシコ:法的な救済措置として}][欧:(a)この点で]合理的な形で担保するため、各加盟国は、以下のこと[米:を行わなければならない][スイス:ができる]:
第3項の2 第3項(a)あるいは(b)の規定の適用を求めるに当たり、日々恒常的にそのサービスを監視し、侵害行為を示す事実を積極的に探す義務をオンライン・サービス・プロバイダーに課すことはできない。
第3項の3 各加盟国は、権利者が、著作権あるいは著作隣接権を侵害されているとする有効な理由に基づく請求として有効な通知をオンライン・サービス・プロバイダーに送った権利者に、関係する契約者の個人情報をプロバイダーから迅速に得ることを可能としなければならない。
第3項の4 各加盟国は、取られるべき措置についてのガイドライン策定の促進など、インターネットを用いることで派生する、特許権、意匠権、商標権と著作権あるいは著作隣接権侵害に適切に対処するための、オンライン・サービス・プロバイダーと権利者の間の相互協力の発展を支援しなければならない。]]
第4項 オプション1 その権利の行使に関係する形で著作権者、実演家あるいはレコード製作者[スイス:あるいは他の著作権の権利者あるいは排他的権利のライセンサー]によって用いられ、その著作物、実演あるいは録音に関する不正行為を制限する、有効な技術的保護手段の回避に対する適切な法的保護[米:と法的救済措置][欧:と法的救済措置][米:に関する、WIPO著作権条約の第11条とWIPO実演・レコード条約の第18条を取り入れ、][日/欧/加:に関する、WIPO著作権条約の第11条とWIPO実演・レコード条約の第18条を取り入れ、][欧:を、]加盟国は、適切な意図的行動のケースにおいて[米:民事的救済措置と刑事的救済措置を]規定する。この手段は、次のことに適用される。
[欧:第4.2項 各加盟国は、その国内法に従い、著作権と著作隣接権への例外と権利制限の利益を保持することができる。]
第4項 オプション2 [日:各加盟国は、次のことに適用される民事的救済措置を規定する:
第5項 第4項に書かれている手段を破ること[米:が、][欧:に対する適切な法的保護を、]著作権あるいは著作隣接権侵害とは独立に、[米:別々の民事あるいは刑事上の侵害行為となることを、][欧:別々の民事あるいは刑事上の侵害行為となることを、]各加盟国は規定しなければならない。さらに、[米:第4項に書かれている手段について、この手段の適切な法的保護あるいはこの手段を破ることに対する法的救済措置の有効性を大きく損なうものでない限りにおいて、各加盟国は、第4項に書かれていいる手段について制限あるいは例外を採用することができる。][欧:加盟国は、その国内法に従い、著作権と著作隣接権の例外の利益を保持することができる。]
第6項 [日:電子的な]権利管理情報の保護のための適切で効果的な法的救済措置の規定[米:に関する、WIPO著作権条約の第12条とWIPO実演・レコード条約の第19条を国内法に取り入れ、][加:に関する、WIPO著作権条約の第12条とWIPO実演・レコード条約の第19条を国内法に取り入れ、][欧:権利管理情報の保護のための適切で効果的な法的救済措置の規定に関する、WIPO著作権条約の第12条とWIPO実演・レコード条約の第19条を国内法に取り入れ、]加盟国は、適切な意図的行動のケースにおいて[米:民事的救済措置と刑事的救済措置を][欧:電子的な権利管理情報の保護のための適切な法的措置を]規定する。この手段は、それが[日:この条約によってカバーされる]著作権あるいは著作隣接権侵害に寄与するか、それを可能とするか、助長するか、隠すだろうことを知りながら、[あるいは、知ったとする合理的な理由がある場合の民事的救済措置に関し、]次の行為を行う者に適用される:
[欧:6.2項 小段落(a)と(b)の要件に対して、各加盟国は適切な例外を設けることができる。]
第7項 [日:第6項で規定されている行為に対する法的救済措置の適切な法的保護あるいは有効性を大きく損なうことがない限りにおいて、]各加盟国は、第6項の小段落(a)と(b)の要件について適切な制限あるいは例外を採用することができる。