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2009年9月29日 (火)


 この22日にフランスの上下院ともに3ストライク法案の第2案を通したが、この28日に野党のフランス社会党によって再び憲法裁判所に訴えが提起された(ecransの記事Le Echosの記事Le Echosの訴状の転載記事01netの記事PC INpactの記事参照)。この第2案の初期の条文については第181回で既に取り上げており、本質的な部分に変更が入っている訳ではないのだが、この現時点での条文が憲法裁判の前提となるので、ここで、上下院通過版の条文を念のため紹介しておきたいと思う。


Article 1er

Apres l'article L. 331-21 du code de la propriete intellectuelle, dans sa redaction issue de la loi n° 2009-669 du 12 juin 2009 favorisant la diffusion et la protection de la creation sur internet, il est insere un article L. 331-21-1 ainsi redige :

<< Art. L. 331-21-1. - Les membres de la commission de protection des droits, ainsi que ses agents habilites et assermentes devant l'autorite judiciaire mentionnes a l'article L. 331-21, peuvent constater les faits susceptibles de constituer des infractions prevues au present titre lorsqu'elles sont punies de la peine complementaire de suspension de l'acces a un service de communication au public en ligne mentionnee aux articles L. 335-7 et L. 335-7-1.

<< Ils peuvent en outre recueillir les observations des personnes concernees. Il est fait mention de ce droit dans la lettre de convocation.

<< Lorsque les personnes concernees demandent a etre entendues, ils les convoquent et les entendent. Toute personne entendue a le droit de se faire assister d'un conseil de son choix.

<< Une copie du proces-verbal d'audition est remise a la personne concernee. >>

Article 2

Le code de la propriete intellectuelle, dans sa redaction issue de la loi n° 2009-669 du 12 juin 2009 precitee, est ainsi modifie :

Le dernier alinea de l'article L. 331-22 est supprime ;

L'article L. 331-25 est abroge.

Article 3

Le code de la propriete intellectuelle, dans sa redaction issue de la loi n° 2009-669 du 12 juin 2009 precitee, est ainsi modifie :

L'article L. 331-26 est ainsi modifie :

a) La premiere phrase du premier alinea est completee par les mots : << et l'avertissant des sanctions encourues en application des articles L. 335-7 et L. 335-7-1 >> ;

b) A la derniere phrase du deuxieme alinea, le mot : <<  peut >> est remplace par le mot : << doit >> et les mots : << d'envoi >> sont remplaces par les mots : << de presentation >> ;

La seconde phrase du premier alinea de l'article L. 331-35 est completee par les mots : << et en application de l'article L. 335-7-1 >>.

Article 4

L'article L. 331-36 du meme code, dans sa redaction issue de la loi n° 2009-669 du 12 juin 2009 precitee, est complete par un alinea ainsi redige :

<< La personne dont l'activite est d'offrir un acces a des services de communication au public en ligne est tenue d'informer la commission de protection des droits de la date a laquelle elle a debute la suspension ; la commission procede a l'effacement des donnees a caractere personnel relatives a l'abonne des le terme de la periode de suspension. >>

Article 5

Au deuxieme alinea de l'article L. 331-37 du meme code, dans sa redaction issue de la loi n° 2009-669 du 12 juin 2009 precitee, les mots : << et de tous les actes de procedure afferents >> sont remplaces par les mots : << , de tous les actes de procedure afferents et des modalites de l'information des organismes de defense professionnelle et des societes de perception et de repartition des droits des eventuelles saisines de l'autorite judiciaire ainsi que des notifications prevues au cinquieme alinea de l'article L. 335-7 >>.

Article 6

I. - Apres le onzieme alinea (9°) de l'article 398-1 du code de procedure penale, il est insere un 10° ainsi redige :

<< 10° Les delits prevus aux articles L. 335-2, L. 335-3 et L. 335-4 du code de la propriete intellectuelle, lorsqu'ils sont commis au moyen d'un service de communication au public en ligne. >>

II. - Apres l'article 495-6 du meme code, il est insere un article  495-6-1 ainsi redige :

<< Art. 495-6-1. - Les delits prevus aux articles L. 335-2, L. 335-3 et L. 335-4 du code de la propriete intellectuelle, lorsqu'ils sont commis au moyen d'un service de communication au public en ligne, peuvent egalement faire l'objet de la procedure simplifiee de l'ordonnance penale prevue par la presente section.

<< Dans ce cas, la victime peut demander au president de statuer, par la meme ordonnance se prononcant sur l'action publique, sur sa constitution de partie civile. L'ordonnance est alors notifiee a la partie civile et peut faire l'objet d'une opposition selon les modalites prevues par l'article 495-3. >>

Article 7

Apres l'article L. 335-6 du code de la propriete intellectuelle, il est retabli un article L. 335-7 ainsi redige :

<< Art. L. 335-7. - Lorsque l'infraction est commise au moyen d'un service de communication au public en ligne, les personnes coupables des infractions prevues aux articles L. 335-2, L. 335-3 et L. 335-4 peuvent en outre etre condamnees a la peine complementaire de suspension de l'acces a un service de communication au public en ligne pour une duree maximale d'un an, assortie de l'interdiction de souscrire pendant la meme periode un autre contrat portant sur un service de meme nature aupres de tout operateur.

<< Lorsque ce service est achete selon des offres commerciales composites incluant d'autres types de services, tels que services de telephonie ou de television, les decisions de suspension ne s'appliquent pas a ces services.

<< La suspension de l'acces n'affecte pas, par elle-meme, le versement du prix de l'abonnement au fournisseur du service. L'article L. 121-84 du code de la consommation n'est pas applicable au cours de la periode de suspension.

<< Les frais d'une eventuelle resiliation de l'abonnement au cours de la periode de suspension sont supportes par l'abonne.

<< Lorsque la decision est executoire, la peine complementaire prevue au present article est portee a la connaissance de la Haute Autorite pour la diffusion des oeuvres et la protection des droits sur internet, qui la notifie a la personne dont l'activite est d'offrir un acces a des services de communication au public en ligne afin qu'elle mette en oeuvre, dans un delai de quinze jours au plus a compter de la notification, la suspension a l'egard de l'abonne concerne.

<< Le fait, pour la personne dont l'activite est d'offrir un acces a des services de communication au public en ligne, de ne pas mettre en oeuvre la peine de suspension qui lui a ete notifiee est puni d'une amende maximale de 5 000 Euro.

<< Le 3° de l'article 777 du code de procedure penale n'est pas applicable a la peine complementaire prevue par le present article. >>

Article 8

Apres l'article L. 335-6 du meme code, il est insere un article L. 335-7-1 ainsi redige :

<< Art. L. 335-7-1. - Pour les contraventions de la cinquieme classe prevues par le present code, lorsque le reglement le prevoit, la peine complementaire definie a l'article L. 335-7 peut etre prononcee selon les memes modalites, en cas de negligence caracterisee, a l'encontre du titulaire de l'acces a un service de communication au public en ligne auquel la commission de protection des droits, en application de l'article L. 331-25, a prealablement adresse, par voie d'une lettre remise contre signature ou de tout autre moyen propre a etablir la preuve de la date de presentation, une recommandation l'invitant a mettre en oeuvre un moyen de securisation de son acces a internet.

<< La negligence caracterisee s'apprecie sur la base des faits commis au plus tard un an apres la presentation de la recommandation mentionnee a l'alinea precedent.

<< Dans ce cas, la duree maximale de la suspension est d'un mois.

<< Le fait pour la personne condamnee a la peine complementaire prevue par le present article de ne pas respecter l'interdiction de souscrire un autre contrat d'abonnement a un service de communication au public en ligne pendant la duree de la suspension est puni d'une amende d'un montant maximal de 3 750 Euro. >>

Article 9

Apres l'article L. 335-6 du meme code, il est insere un article L. 335-7-2 ainsi redige :

<< Art. L. 335-7-2. - Pour prononcer la peine de suspension prevue aux articles L. 335-7 et L. 335-7-1 et en determiner la duree, la juridiction prend en compte les circonstances et la gravite de l'infraction ainsi que la personnalite de son auteur, et notamment l'activite professionnelle ou sociale de celui-ci, ainsi que sa situation socio-economique. La duree de la peine prononcee doit concilier la protection des droits de la propriete intellectuelle et le respect du droit de s'exprimer et de communiquer librement, notamment depuis son domicile. >>

Article 10

Le dernier alinea de l'article L. 336-3 du code de la propriete intellectuelle, dans sa redaction issue de la loi n° 2009-669 du 12 juin 2009 precitee, est complete par les mots : << , sous reserve des articles L. 335-7 et L. 335-7-1 >>.

Article 11

Le premier alinea de l'article 434-41 du code penal est complete par les mots : << , d'interdiction de souscrire un nouveau contrat d'abonnement a un service de communication au public en ligne resultant de la peine complementaire prevue en matiere delictuelle par l'article L. 335-7 du code de la propriete intellectuelle >>.



「第331-21-1条 権利保護委員会のメンバー並びに、第331-21条に記載されている司法当局の前で宣誓を行い権限を有する代理人が、本部に規定されている違反を構成すると考えられる事実を立証した時、それには、第335-7条と第335-7-1条に記載されているオンライン公衆通信と電子通信サービスへのアクセスを遮断するという補助的な罰が科され得る。





















「第10号 オンライン公衆通信サービスを使って犯される、第335-2条、第335-3条と第335-4条(訳注:著作権侵害の罰則規定。なお、権利制限との関係があるので、第173回にも書いたように、純粋なダウンロードがどうなるのかは分からない)に規定された罪。」


「第495-6-1条 オンライン公衆通信サービスを使って犯される、知的財産法の第335-2条、第335-3条と第335-4条に規定された罪も、同じく、本節に規定された刑事規則の略式手続きの対象とすることができる。




「第335-7条 その違反が、オンライン公衆通信あるいは電気通信サービスを通じて犯された場合、第335-2条、第335-3条、第335-4条に規定されている違反をした者は、さらに、あらゆる事業者と同じ性質のサービスの他の契約を同期間中できないという中断を伴う、最長1年のオンライン公衆通信あるいは電気通信サービスへのアクセス遮断という補助的な罰を科され得る。









「第335-7-1条 法規則にそう規定されている時、第335-7条で規定されている補助的な罰は、特別な懈怠として、権利保護委員会が、第331-25条の適用に関して、発送日を証明するのに適切な、署名その他の手段を取った手紙により、そのインターネットアクセスに対するセキュリティ手段の適用を事前に勧告したオンライン公衆通信サービスの所有者に本法の第5級の軽犯罪が認められた場合にも、科され得る。






「第335-7-2条 第335-7条と第335-7-1条に規定されている遮断の罰を宣告し、その期間を決定するために、裁判所は、違反の状況と重大性並びに違反者の人格と、特に、この者の職業的あるいは社会的活動並びに社会経済的立場を考慮に入れる。宣告される罰の期間につき、知的財産権と表現と通信の自由の権利、特にその家庭からの権利との間で調和を取らなくてはならない。」











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2009年9月18日 (金)




11. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of section 9, the fair use of a work, including such use by reproduction in copies or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship or research, shall not be an infringement of copyright.

(2) The following factors shall be considered in determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is fair use:—
(a) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit educational purposes ;

(b) the nature of the copyrighted work ;

(c) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole ; and

(d) the effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work.

(3) The acts of fair use shall include the circumstances specified in section 12.

12. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 9 and subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, the private reproduction of a published work in a single copy shall be permitted without the authorization of the owner of the copyright, where the reproduction is made by a physical person from a lawful copy of such work exclusively for his own personal purposes.

(2) The permission under subsection (1) of this section shall not be extended to the reproduction—
(a) of a work of architecture in the form of a building or other constructions ;

(b) in the form of reprography of the whole or a substantial part of a book or of a musical work in the form of notations ;

(c) of the whole or a substantial part of a data base ;

(d) of a computer program, except as provided in subsection (7) ; and

(e) of any work, in case the reproduction would conflict with a normal exploitation of the work or would otherwise unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the owner of the copyright.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 9, the reproduction, in the form of a quotation, of a short part of a published work shall be permitted without authorization of the owner of copyright : Provided that the reproduction is compatible with fair practice and does not exceed the extent justified by the purpose of such reproduction. The quotation shall be accompanied by an indication of the source and the name of the author, if his name appears in the work from which the quotation is taken.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of parargraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 9, the following acts shall be permitted without the authorization of the owner of the copyright :—
(a) the reproduction of a short part of a published work for teaching purposes by way of illustration, in writing or sound or visual recordings, provided that the reproduction is compatible with fair practice and does not exceed the extent justified by the purpose of such reproduction;

(b) the reprographic reproduction for face to face teaching in any educational institution the activities of which do not serve direct or indirect commercial gain, of published articles, other short works or short extracts of works, to the extent justified by the purpose, provided that the act of reproduction is an isolated one occurring, if repeated, on separate and unrelated occassions : Provided however the source of the work reproduced and the name of the author shall be indicated as far as practicable on all copies made under this subsection.

(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 9, any library or archives, whose activities do not serve any direct or indirect commercial gain may, without the authorization of the owner of copyright, make a single copy of the work by reprographic reproduction—
(a) where the work reproduced is a published article, other short work or short extract of a work, and where the purpose of the reproduction is to satisfy the request of a physical person : Provided that—
(i) the library or archives is satisfied that the copy will be used solely for the purposes of study, scholarship or private research,
(ii) the act of reproduction is an isolated occurance,  occurring if repeated, on separate and unrelated occasions ;

(b) where the copy is made in order to preserve and, if necessary replace a copy, or to replace a copy which has been lost, destroyed or rendered unusable in the permanent collection of another similar library or archives : Provided that it is not possible to obtain such a copy under reasonable conditions ; and Provided further, that the act of reprographic reproduction is an isolated occurance occurring if repeated, on separate and unrelated occasions.

(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a), (h) and (j) of subsection (1) of section 9, and subject to the condition that the source and the name of the author is indicated as far as practicable, the following acts shall be permitted in respect of a work without the authorization of the owner of copyright—
(a) the reproduction in a newspaper or periodical, manner of  broadcasting or other manner of communication to the public, of an article published in a newspaper or periodical on current economic, political or religious topics or a broadcast or communication relating to the same, and such permission shall not apply where the right to authorize reproduction, broadcasting or other communication to the public is expressly reserved on the copies, by the owner of copyright, or in connection with broadcasting or other communication to the public of the work ;

(b) for the purpose of reporting current events, the reproduction and the broadcasting or other communication to the public of short excerpts of a work seen or heard in the course of such events, to the extent that it is justified by the purpose of such reproduction;

(c) the reproduction in a newspaper or periodical, broadcasting or other manner of communication to the public, of a political speech, a lecture, address, sermon or other work of a similar nature delivered in public, or a speech delivered during legal proceedings, to the extent that it is justified by reason of the fact of providing current information.

(7) (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraphs(a) and (c) of subsection (1) of section 9, reproduction in a single copy or the adaptation of a computer program by the lawful owner of a copy of that computer programe, shall be permitted without the authorization of the owner of copyright provided that the copy or adaptation is necessary—
(i) for use of the computer program with a computer for the purpose and extent for which the computer program has been obtained ;
(ii) for archival purposes and for replacement of the lawfully owned copy of the computer program in the event that the said copy of the computer program is lost, destroyed or rendered unusable.

(b) No copy or adaptation of a computer program shall be used for any purpose other than those specified in paragraph (a), and any such copy or adaptation shall be destroyed in the event that continued possession of the copy of the computer program ceases to be lawful.

(8) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section 9, the importation of a copy of a work by a physical person for his own personal purposes shall be permitted without the authorization of the owner of copyright.

(9) Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (g) of subsection (1) of section 9, the public display of originals or copies of works shall be permitted without the authorization of the owner of copyright : Provided that the display is made other than by means of a film, slide, television image or otherwise on screen or by means of any other device or process : Provided further,  the work has been published or the original or the copy displayed has been sold, given away or otherwise transferred to another person by the author or his successor in title.

(10) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Part, the following shall not be an infringement of copyright :–
(a) the performance or display of a work for educational or teaching purposes by government or non profit educational institutions, in classrooms or similar places set aside for education : Provided that, in the case of an audiovisual work, the performance or the display of individual images, is given by means of a lawfully made copy, or the person responsible for the performance did not know or had no reason to believe that the copy was not lawfully made.

(b) the communication of a transmission embodying a performance or display of a work by the public reception of the transmission on a single receiving apparatus, of a kind commonly used in private homes, unless –
(i) a direct charge is made to see or hear the transmission ; or
(ii) the transmission thus received is further transmitted to the public.


第2項 特定のケースで著作物の利用がフェアユースに当たるか否かを決定する場合には、以下の要素を考慮しなくてはならない;−






第2項 本条第1項の許可は、次の複製には拡張されない−





第3項 第9条第1項(a)の規定にかかわらず、引用の形式として、公表された著作物の短い部分を複製することは、権利者の許諾無く、行うことができる。ただし、その複製は、公正な慣行と合致し、そのような複製の目的によって正当化される範囲を超えることが無い場合に限る。引用は、引用元と、引用される著作物に作者の名前が出ている場合には、名前をともなわなくてはならない。

第4項 第9条第1項(a)の規定にかかわらず、次の行為は、権利者の許諾無く行うことができる:−


第5項 第9条第1項(a)の規定にかかわらず、直接的にも間接的にも商業的利益を得ない図書館あるいは文書館は、権利者の許諾無く、次の場合に、複写により著作物のコピーを1部作成することができる−


第6項 第9条第1項(a)、(h)と(j)の規定にかかわらず、可能な限り元と著作者の名前が示されるという条件に従い、次の行為は、権利者の許諾無く、行うことができる−





第8項 第9条第1項(f)の規定にかかわらず、自身の私的な目的のための自然人による著作物の1個のコピーの輸入は、権利者の許諾無く、行うことができる。

第9項 第9条第1項(g)の規定にかかわらず、著作物の原本あるはコピーの公衆への展示は、権利者の許諾無く、行うことができる:ただし、展示は、映画、スライド、テレビ画像あるいは他のスクリーン表示手段か、他の機器あるいは手続きでなされるので無い場合に限る:また、さらに、その著作物が公表されているか、あるいは、その展示される原本あるいは複製物が、著作者あるいはその相続人によって他の者に販売あるいは譲渡されていること。

第10項 この部に含まれていることにかかわらず、次のことは、著作権侵害とはならない:−





 「P2Pとかその辺のお話」で既に取り上げられているので、興味のある方は、リンク先をご覧頂ければと思うが、第181回で紹介した3ストライク法案の第2案が、フランス下院も通過した(Le Mondeの記事La Tribuneの記事も参照)。上下院で通過した法案に相違があるために開かれた両院協議会でも下院通過版を全体として通すとしたようであり、今月21日に上院で再議決、22日に下院で再議決される予定となっているようである。しかし、野党のフランス社会党は既に憲法裁判に訴えると宣言しており、この第2案も上下院を最終的に通過し次第まず間違いなく憲法裁判にかかることになるだろう(3ストライクポリシーの本質を否定した以前の憲法裁判の判決については第178回参照)。そのため最終的にどうなるかはまだ何とも言えない状況にあるが、次回は、この上下院通過版の3ストライク法案の第2案の紹介をしたいと思っている。

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2009年9月14日 (月)



SEC. 184. Limitations on Copyright

184.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter V, the following acts shall not constitute infringement of copyright:
(a) the recitation or performance of a work, once it has been lawfully made accessible to the public, if done privately and free of charge or if made strictly for a charitable or religious institution or society;

(b) The making of quotations from a published work if they are compatible with fair use and only to the extent justified for the purpose, including quotations from newspaper articles and periodicals in the form of press summaries: Provided, That the source and the name of the author, if appearing on the work, are mentioned;

(c) The reproduction or communication to the public by mass media of articles on current political, social, economic, scientific or religious topic, lectures, addresses and other works of the same nature, which are delivered in public if such use is for information purposes and has not been expressly reserved: Provided, That the source is clearly indicated;

(d) The reproduction and communication to the public of literary, scientific or artistic works as part of reports of current events by means of photography, cinematography or broadcasting to the extent necessary for the purpose;

(e) The inclusion of a work in a publication, broadcast, or other communication to the public, sound recording or film, if such inclusion is made by way of illustration for teaching purposes and is compatible with fair use: Provided, That the source and of the name of the author, if appearing in the work, are mentioned;

(f) The recording made in schools, universities, or educational institutions of a work included in a broadcast for the use of such schools, universities or educational institutions: Provided, That such recording must be deleted within a reasonable period after they were first broadcast: Provided, further, That such recording may not be made from audiovisual works which are part of the general cinema repertoire of feature films except for brief excerpts of the work;

(g) The making of ephemeral recordings by a broadcasting organization by means of its own facilities and for use in its own broadcast;

(h) The use made of a work by or under the direction or control of the Government, by the National Library or by educational, scientific or professional institutions where such use is in the public interest and is compatible with fair use;

(i) The public performance or the communication to the public of a work, in a place where no admission fee is charged in respect of such public performance or communication, by a club or institution for charitable or educational purpose only, whose aim is not profit making, subject to such other limitations as may be provided in the Regulations;

(j) Public display of the original or a copy of the work not made by means of a film, slide, television image or otherwise on screen or by means of any other device or process: Provided, That either the work has been published, or, that original or the copy displayed has been sold, given away or otherwise transferred to another person by the author or his successor in title; and

(k) Any use made of a work for the purpose of any judicial proceedings or for the giving of professional advice by a legal practitioner.

184.2. The provisions of this section shall be interpreted in such a way as to allow the work to be used in a manner which does not conflict with the normal exploitation of the work and does not unreasonably prejudice the right holder's legitimate interest.

SEC. 185. Fair Use of a Copyrighted Work

185.1. The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching including multiple copies for classroom use, scholarship, research, and similar purposes is not an infringement of copyright. Decompilation, which is understood here to be the reproduction of the code and translation of the forms of the computer program to achieve the inter-operability of an independently created computer program with other programs may also constitute fair use. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is fair use, the factors to be considered shall include:

(a) The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit education purposes;

(b) The nature of the copyrighted work;

(c) The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and

(d) The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

185.2. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not by itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

SEC. 186. Work of Architecture

Copyright in a work of architecture shall include the right to control the erection of any building which reproduces the whole or a substantial part of the work either in its original form or in any form recognizably derived from the original; Provided, That the copyright in any such work shall not include the right to control the reconstruction or rehabilitation in the same style as the original of a building to which the copyright relates.

SEC. 187. Reproduction of Published Work

187.1. Notwithstanding the provision of Section 177, and subject to the provisions of Subsection 187.2, the private reproduction of a published work in a single copy, where the reproduction is made by a natural person exclusively for research and private study, shall be permitted, without the authorization of the owner of copyright in the work.

187.2. The permission granted under Subsection 187.1 shall not extend to the reproduction of:

(a) A work of architecture in form of building or other construction;

(b) An entire book, or a substantial part thereof, or of a musical work in which graphics form by reprographic means;

(c) A compilation of data and other materials;

(d) A computer program except as provided in Section 189; and

(e) Any work in cases where reproduction would unreasonably conflict with a normal exploitation of the work or would otherwise unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.(n)

SEC. 188. Reprographic Reproduction by Libraries

188.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 177.6, any library or archive whose activities are not for profit may, without the authorization of the author of copyright owner, make a single copy of the work by reprographic reproduction:

(a) Where the work by reason of its fragile character or rarity cannot be lent to user in its original form;

(b) Where the works are isolated articles contained in composite works or brief portions of other published works and the reproduction is necessary to supply them; when this is considered expedient, to person requesting their loan for purposes of research or study instead of lending the volumes or booklets which contain them; and

(c) Where the making of such a copy is in order to preserve and, if necessary in the event that it is lost, destroyed or rendered unusable, replace a copy, or to replace, in the permanent collection of another similar library or archive, a copy which has been lost, destroyed or rendered unusable and copies are not available with the publisher.

188.2. Notwithstanding the above provisions, it shall not be permissible to produce a volume of a work published in several volumes or to produce missing tomes or pages of magazines or similar works, unless the volume, tome or part is out of stock; Provided, That every library which, by law, is entitled to receive copies of a printed work, shall be entitled, when special reasons so require, to reproduce a copy of a published work which is considered necessary for the collection of the library but which is out of stock.

SEC. 189. Reproduction of Computer Program

189.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 177, the reproduction in one (1) back-up copy or adaptation of a computer program shall be permitted, without the authorization of the author of, or other owner of copyright in, a computer program, by the lawful owner of that computer program: Provided, That the copy or adaptation is necessary for:

(a) The use of the computer program in conjunction with a computer for the purpose, and to the extent, for which the computer program has been obtained; and

(b) Archival purposes, and, for the replacement of the lawfully owned copy of the computer program in the event that the lawfully obtained copy of the computer program is lost, destroyed or rendered unusable.

189.2. No copy or adaptation mentioned in this Section shall be used for any purpose other than the ones determined in this Section, and any such copy or adaptation shall be destroyed in the event that continued possession of the copy of the computer program ceases to be lawful.

189.3. This provision shall be without prejudice to the application of Section 185 whenever appropriate.

SEC. 190. Importation for Personal Purposes

190.1. Notwithstanding the provision of Subsection 177.6, but subject to the limitation under the Subsection 185.2, the importation of a copy of a work by an individual for his personal purposes shall be permitted without the authorization of the author of, or other owner of copyright in, the work under the following circumstances:

(a) When copies of the work are not available in the Philippines and:
(i) Not more than one (1) copy at one time is imported for strictly individual use only; or
(ii) The importation is by authority of and for the use of the Philippine Government; or
(iii) The importation, consisting of not more than three (3) such copies or likenesses in any one invoice, is not for sale but for the use only of any religious, charitable, or educational society or institution duly incorporated or registered, or is for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for any state school, college, university, or free public library in the Philippines.

(b) When such copies form parts of libraries and personal baggage belonging to persons or families arriving from foreign countries and are not intended for sale: Provided, That such copies do not exceed three (3).

190.2. Copies imported as allowed by this Section may not lawfully be used in any way to violate the rights of owner the copyright or annul or limit the protection secured by this Act, and such unlawful use shall be deemed an infringement and shall be punishable as such without prejudice to the proprietor’s right of action.

190.3. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Finance, the Commissioner of Customs is hereby empowered to make rules and regulations for preventing the importation of articles the importation of which is prohibited under this Section and under treaties and conventions to which the Philippines may be a party and for seizing and condemning and disposing of the same in case they are discovered after they have been imported.

第8章 著作権の制限
第184条 著作権の制限

184.1 第5章(訳注:権利に関する章)の規定にかかわらず、次の行為は著作権侵害を構成しない:











184.2 本条の規定は、著作物の通常の利用を害さず、著作権者の正当な利益を不当に害しないような形で著作物の利用がなされるように解釈されなくてはならない。

第185条 著作物のフェアユース

185.1 批評、注釈、報道、教育(教室利用の複数コピーの作成を含む)、研究または調査のような目的のための、著作物のフェアユースは、著作権侵害とならない。ここで、コードの複製、コンピュータプログラムの翻案と考えられる、独立に作られたコンピュータプログラムと他のプログラムとの間の相互運用性を確保するための逆コンパイルも、フェアユースと考えられる。特定のケースで著作物の利用がフェアユースに当たるか否かを決定する場合には、以下の要素を考慮しなくてはならない;





185.2 上記の全ての要素を考慮してフェアユースが認められた場合、著作物が未公表であるという事実自体は、そのような認定を妨げるものではない。

第186条 建築の著作物


第187条 公表された著作物の複製

187.1 第177条(訳注:複製権あるいは著作財産権に関する条項)の規定にかかわらず、187.2項の規定に従って、公表された著作物を1つ私的に複製することは、その複製が研究あるいは私的勉強のみのために自然人によってなされる場合は、その著作物の著作権者の許可無く、許される。

187.2 187.1の下での許容は、以下のものの複製までは拡張されない。






第188条 図書館による複製

188.1 177.6の規定にかかわらず、図書館あるいは文書館は、非営利で、以下の場合に、著作権者の許可無く、著作物を1つコピーすることができる:




188.2 上記の規定にかかわらず、その巻あるいは部分が絶版となっていない限り、公表されている複数巻の著作物の失われた巻の複製、あるいは、同様の著作物の雑誌の巻又はページの複製は許されない;ただし、法律によって、出版物の複製物を受ける権限を与えられた全ての図書館は、特別な理由によって必要とされる場合、図書館のコレクションとして必要と考えられるが、絶版となっている公表された著作物のコピーを一部複製する権限を有する。

第189条 コンピュータプログラムの複製

189.1 第177条の規定にかかわらず、コンピュータプログラムの合法所有者による、そのコンピュータプログラムの1つのバックアップあるいは翻案における複製は、コンピュータプログラムの著作者あるいは他の著作権者の許可を必要とせず、許される:ただし、そのコピーあるいは翻案は次のために必要でなくてはならない:



189.2 本条に記載されているコピーあるいは翻案は、本条で規定されている目的以外の目的のために使うことはできず、そのようなコピーあるいは翻案は、そのコンピュータプログラムのコピーの所有が法的に終了した場合は、破棄されなくてはならない。

189.3 この規定が、適切な場合は常に適用される第185条の規定を制約することは無い。

第190条 私的目的での輸入

190.1 177.6の規定にかかわらず、ただし185.2の制限に従い、私的な目的での個人によるコピーあるいは著作物の輸入は、次の状況で、著作者あるいは著作権者の許可無しで許される:



190.2 本条によって許され、輸入されたコピーは、権利者の権利を害する、あるいは、本法によって保障される保護を無効あるいは制限するように合法的に使われ得ることは無く、そのような違法な利用は侵害とみなされ、所有者の行動の権利を制限することは無いものとして、罰され得る。

190.3 財務大臣の許可を受け、関税長官は、本条、フィリピンが加入している条約と協定の下で禁止される物の輸入の防止、輸入した後発見された場合の押収、罰、廃棄のための規則を作る権限を与えられる。







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2009年9月 7日 (月)



 報道など(ITmediaの記事Morningstarの記事Telegraphの記事Timesの記事BBCの記事TorrentFreakのブログ記事P2P Blogのブログ記事参照)でも取り上げられているので、リンク先をご覧頂くだけでも十分だと思うが、要するに、イギリス政府も、著作権団体のロビー圧力に負け、「デジタル・ブリテン」最終報告書に書いていた提案に、ネット切断型の対策を追加する羽目になったということである。


In the consultation we set out proposed legislation that would introduce two obligations to be imposed on ISPs by Ofcom – to send notifications to subscribers alleged by rights holders to be infringing copyright, and to monitor the number of notifications each subscriber is associated with; the ISP would then make this data available to rights holders on receipt of a court order. We also proposed a mechanism whereby Ofcom would be granted reserve powers to oblige ISPs to utilise specified technical measures against repeat infringers should these two obligations prove to be deficient in reducing infringement. It is the mechanism around this introduction of potential further technical measures where our thinking has evolved. In addition we are considering the case for adding into the list of technical measures the power, as a last resort, to suspend a subscriber’s account. Finally, we feel it would be better if we were able to be more specific in the legislation about the way costs are shared by industry parties.

Suspension of accounts
The original proposal lists six technical measures that Ofcom might require ISPs to impose on repeat infringers. Since the issue of the consultation some stakeholders have argued strongly that none of those technical measures is powerful enough to have a significant deterrent effect on infringing behaviour. Also we cannot know how P2P technology might develop in the short to medium term, and we want to ensure that Ofcom has a full tool-kit from which to select the most appropriate measure should technical measures be deemed necessary. Taking those points into account, although we continue to regard the uptake and use of Internet services as essential to a digital Britain, we are considering the case for adding suspension of accounts into the list of measures that could be imposed. This does not necessarily mean that suspension would be used - this step would obviously be a very serious sanction as it would affect all members of a household equally, and might disrupt access to other communications, so it should be regarded as very much a last resort. Accordingly a thorough examination of the proportionality and effectiveness of the measure (as with any of the other measures) would have to be undertaken before ISPs would be required to implement it, even if the decision to move to technical measures is taken. As ever we would need to ensure any such measure fully complied with both UK and EU legislation






 日本でも、権利者団体とISP団体で作った「ファイル共有ソフトを悪用した著作権侵害対策協議会(CCIF)」が、日本版変形ストライクポリシーの第一歩として、ファイル共有ユーザーに対する注意喚起メールの送信を実施しようとしている(internet watchの記事も参照)。このレベルでも、規模次第で相当混乱することになるだろう。ここでもまたダウンロード違法化が響いている。(なお、間違ったことは書いていないと言えば書いていないが、この協議会のQ&Aは、ファイル共有とアップロードとダウンロードに関する法律と技術の現状についての十分な説明に全くなっておらず、ミスリードを誘うものとなっている。)






 また、「チラシの裏(3周目)」、「『反ヲタク国会議員リスト』メモ」、「創作表現は理論で性暴力は実践か?」、「北へ。の国から」、「Suzacu Late Show」、「Запретная Зона」等々で既に突っ込まれているので、リンク先をご覧頂ければ十分と思うが、表現規制問題に関しては、規制派団体のマッチポンプにより、国連の女子差別撤廃委員会が、「性暴力」という規制派団体の曖昧な用語をそのまま使って根拠無くゲーム・漫画・アニメの規制を日本に求めるロクでもないコメントを出している。法的拘束力こそ無いものの、これもまた、自らのマッチポンプでありながら、何かにつけダシにして規制派団体が騒ぐ可能性が高く、残念ながら、表現規制問題に終わりは見えない。




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