This chapter will focus on clarifying issues that arise throughout the agreement, such as Objective, Scope and Definitions. The chapter may also include interpretive principles.CHAPTER TWO LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR ENFORCEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS
Section 1: Civil Enforcement
Civil enforcement refers to providing courts or other competent authorities with the authority to order/take specific actions when it is established that a party has violated intellectual property laws, and the rules on when and how to use those powers. The issues under discussion in this section include:
- scope of the section - which intellectual property rights would be covered by the provisions of this section;
- the definition of adequate damages and the question of how to determine the amount of damages, particularly when a right holder encounters difficulties in calculating the exact amount of damage it has incurred;
- the authority of the judicial authorities to order injunctions which require that a party desist from an infringement;
- remedies, including the destruction of goods that have been found to be infringing an intellectual property right and under what conditions and to what extent materials and implements that have been used in the manufacture or creation should be destroyed or disposed of outside the channels of commerce;
- provisional measures, such as the authority for judicial authorities or other competent authorities to order, in some circumstances, the seizure of goods, materials or documentary evidence without necessarily hearing both parties; and
- the reimbursement of reasonable legal fees and costs.Section 2: Border Measures
Border measures refer to actions that customs and other competent authorities would be authorized to take to prevent goods that infringe intellectual property rights from crossing borders. The term also describes the procedures that must accompany these actions. Elements under discussion in this section include:
- scope of the section - which intellectual property rights will be covered, and whether border measures should only apply to importations or should equally apply to the export and the transit of goods;
- a de minimis exception that could permit travelers to bring in goods for personal use;
- procedures for right holders to request customs authorities to suspend the entry of goods suspected to infringe intellectual property rights at the border;
- authority for customs to initiate such suspension ex officio (on their own initiative, without a request from the rights holder);
- procedures for competent authorities to determine whether the suspended goods infringe intellectual property rights;
- measures to ensure that infringing goods are not released into free circulation without the right holder's permission, and possible exceptions;
- the forfeiture and destruction of goods that have been determined to infringe intellectual property rights, and possible exceptions;
- responsibility for storage and destruction fees;
- capacity of competent authorities to require right holders to provide a reasonable security or equivalent assurance sufficient to protect the defendant and to prevent abuse, and - authority to disclose key information about infringing shipments to right holders.Section 3: Criminal Enforcement
This section relates to the cases for which Parties should provide for criminal procedures and penalties. Issues being discussed under this heading include:
- clarifying the scale of infringement necessary to qualify for criminal sanctions in cases of trademark counterfeiting and copyright and related rights piracy;
- clarifying scope of criminal penalties;
- in which cases the relevant authorities should be empowered to take action against infringers on their own initiative (ex officio, i.e. without complaint by right holders) with respect to infringing activities;
- the authority to order searches and/or seizure of goods suspected of infringing intellectual property rights, materials and implements used in the infringement, documentary evidence, and assets derived from or obtained through the infringing activity;
- the authority of judicial authorities to order the forfeiture and destruction of the infringing goods;
- the authority of judicial authorities to order the forfeiture of the assets derived from or obtained, directly or indirectly, through the infringing activity;
- the authority of judicial authorities to order forfeiture and/or destruction of materials and implements that have been used in the production of the infringing goods;
- criminal procedures and penalties in cases of camcording motion pictures or other audiovisual works; and
- criminal procedures and penalties in cases of trafficking of counterfeit labels.Section 4: Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement in the Digital Environment
This section of the agreement is intended to address some of the special challenges that new technologies pose for enforcement of intellectual property rights, such as the possible role and responsibilities of internet service providers in deterring copyright and related rights piracy over the Internet. No draft proposal has been tabled yet, as discussions are still focused on gathering information on the different national legal regimes to develop a common understanding on how to deal best with these issues.CHAPTER THREE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION
Cross-border trade in counterfeit and pirated goods is a growing global problem that often involves organized criminal networks. ACTA participants need to work together to tackle this challenge. The chapter on international cooperation is expected to address the following types of issues:
- recognition that international enforcement cooperation is vital to realize fully effective protection of intellectual property rights;
- cooperation among the competent authorities of the Parties concerned with enforcement of intellectual property rights, consistent with existing international agreements;
- sharing of relevant information such as statistical data and information on best practices among the Signatories in accordance with international rules and related domestic laws to protect privacy and confidential information; and
- capacity building and technical assistance in improving enforcement, including for developing country parties to the agreement and for third countries where appropriate.CHAPTER FOUR ENFORCEMENT PRACTICES
Where chapter two will focus on the laws that should be in place to promote better enforcement of intellectual property rights, this chapter is intended focus on the methods used by authorities to apply those laws. Areas that the enforcement practices chapter may cover include:
- fostering of expertise among competent authorities in order to ensure effective enforcement of intellectual property rights;
- collection and analysis of statistical data and other relevant information such as best practices concerning infringement of intellectual property rights;
- internal coordination among competent authorities concerned with enforcement of intellectual property rights, including formal or informal public/private advisory groups;
- measures to allow customs authorities to better identify and target shipments, which are suspected to contain counterfeit or pirated goods;
- publication of information on procedures regarding the enforcement of intellectual property rights, and
- promotion of public awareness of the detrimental effects of intellectual property rights infringement.The obligations or recommendations in this chapter for enforcement practices and sharing of information with the public shall take into account and be consistent with existing international agreements and the need to protect investigative techniques, confidential law enforcement information and privacy rights.
This chapter will include all necessary provisions for the institutional set up, including questions related to the implementation of the agreement, how and when to hold meetings of the Parties, and other administrative details of the agreement.CHAPTER SIX FINAL PROVISIONS
The final provisions of the agreement include details on how the agreement will function, such as how to become a party to the agreement, how to withdraw from the agreement and how to amend the agreement in the future.第1章 最初の規定と定義
この章は、条約を通じ、対象、範囲、定義等の事項の明確化に焦点を当てる。この章はまた解釈に関する原則を含む。第2章 知的財産権のエンフォースメントに関する法的枠組み
条約のこの節は、インターネットにおける著作権と著作隣接権の海賊行為の抑止についてのインターネットサービスプロバイダーの役割と責任のような、新技術が知的財産権のエンフォースメントに与えるいくつかの特別な挑戦に向けられている。まだドラフトはテーブルに載せられておらず、議論は様々な国の法制に関する情報を集め、この事項の最も良い取扱い方に関する共通理解を構成しようとしているところである。第3章 国際協力
-エンフォースメントの改善のための能力強化と技術援助が、条約に参加する発展途上国と、適切な第3国のために含まれる。第4章 エンフォースメントの実務
第5章 機構に関する取り決め
この章は、条約の実施に関する問題、各国の会合をどのようにいつ開くのか、また、条約その他の管理上の詳細を含め、設置される機構のために必要なあらゆる規定を含む。第6章 最後の規定
Section 3 Criminal Enforcement
1.Each Party shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied at least in case of willfull trademark counterfeiting [Option J: trademark infringement caused by confusingly similar trademark goods] or copyright or rerated rights piracy on a commercial scale. Willful copyright or related rights piracy on a commercial scale include:
(a)significant willful copyright or related right infringements that have no direct or indirect motivation of financial gain; and
(b)willful copyright or related rights infringements for purpose of commercial
Each Party shall provide that its [Option J: competent] authorities may act upon their own initiative to initiate [Option J: investigation][Option US: legal action] with respect to criminal offences described in Section 3 and 4.第3節 刑事的エンフォースメント
| 固定リンク
- 第477回:生成AI(人工知能)と日本の著作権法(2023.04.30)
- 第473回:閣議決定された著作権法改正案の条文(2023.03.12)
- 第467回:10月5日の文化庁・基本政策小委員会で出された、ブルーレイへの私的録音録画補償金拡大に関する意見募集の結果概要とそれに対する文化庁の考え方について(2022.10.09)
- 第466回:文化庁によるブルーレイに私的録音録画補償金の対象を拡大する政令改正案に関する意見募集(9月21日〆切)への提出パブコメ(2022.09.11)
- 第465回:文化庁による実質的にブルーレイを私的録音録画補償金の対象に追加しようとする政令改正案に関するパブコメの開始(9月21日〆切)(2022.08.28)