2025年1月26日 (日)




C.1 Exception with rights reservation

Key features and scope

75. The data mining exception and rights reservation package that is under consideration would have the following features:

(a) It would apply to data mining for any purpose, including commercial purposes.

(b) It would apply only where the user has lawful access to the relevant works. This would include works that have been made available on the internet, and those made available under contractual terms, such as via a subscription. This would allow right holders to seek remuneration at the point of access - for example, in the price of a subscription to a library of research material.

(c) It would apply only where the right holder has not reserved their rights in relation to the work. If a right holder has reserved their rights through an agreed mechanism, a licence would be required for data mining. Possible types of rights reservation, and the extent to which they can be supported using technology, are explored in more detail below.

(d) It would be underpinned by greater transparency about the sources of training material, to ensure compliance with the law and build trust between right holders and developers. Possible approaches to transparency are set out in more detail below.

76. This approach is similar to the EU's exception for text and data mining, provided by Article 4 of the Digital Single Market Copyright Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/790). The features of this approach are considered in more detail below.


D.1 Computer-generated works: protection for the outputs of generative AI


131. Thirdly, section 9(3) of the CDPA provides specific protection for "computer-generated works" (CGWs). This protection, which lasts for 50 years, applies to a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work which is "generated by computer in circumstances such that there is no human author" of the work. The author of such a work is the person "by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work are undertaken". In the case of a general-purpose AI which generates output in response to a user prompt, the "author" will usually be person who inputted the prompt.

132. In 2021 the government consulted on the extent to which the CGWs provision is used and whether it should be kept, removed, or amended in scope and duration. Although some respondents indicated that they do use the provision, none provided specific evidence of this. Given the minimal evidence received and the likelihood of further technological developments, the government decided to maintain the legislation but to keep it under review.

133. At the time of that consultation, generative AI tools were not as developed or as widely available. Recent significant updates in generative AI have brought renewed attention to how - and whether - AI outputs should be protected by copyright. We therefore believe it is appropriate to revisit this question.

Criticism of the computer-generated work provision

134. The section 9(3) computer-generated work provision has been criticised on two main grounds:

135. First, there appears to be a legal contradiction within section 9(3) which leads to uncertainty about its interpretation. This is because the provision applies only to literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works which are original. The modern legal test for originality is that a work must be an "author's own intellectual creation" which is the expression of their creative choices and reflects their "personal touch".[footnote 1: Introduced in the 2009 CJEU ruling in Infopaq C-5/08, and most recently confirmed by the Court of Appeal in THJ Systems Ltd v Sheridan [2023] EWCA Civ 1354.] This test is very much associated with human qualities, suggesting that a work created by a non-human could not be "original". However, section 9(3) only applies to works "without a human author".

136. This contradiction has led some to question whether the provision could ever apply in practice. In our view, it is unlikely that a court would conclude that it can never apply, as Parliament clearly intended the provision to have an effect. But it is unclear in the absence of case law how an "original" yet wholly machine-authored work would be defined.

137. The second criticism is that CGW protection (as a distinct category of protection) is not needed - that it either has no effect, or that it has a detrimental effect. The arguments here are both economic and moral. The economic argument is that CGW protection has little or no positive incentive effect, so is unnecessary regulation with unjustified costs to third parties. The moral argument is that only human-created works deserve protection, and that protection of CGWs is to the detriment of human creation.

138. Below we assess three policy options against the following objectives:

- clarity: The copyright framework should provide legal clarity on what is and is not protected by copyright, for the benefit of right holders and users
- incentives: Copyright should encourage and reward creative output but should not over-regulate where it is not needed
- balance: Copyright should encourage human endeavour while not hindering technological development

C.1 留保つきの例外








D.1 コンピュータ生成著作物:生成AIの出力に対する保護

















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